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Name: Karen Grace Dumangcas Instructor: Dr. Nelson M.

Course, Year and Section: BSCE 5B Date: December 4, 2018


1. Define political science.

Political science is the academic discipline that studies the political genome—the
state, its institution, laws and processes. It is also the study of power structures, power
patterns, power distribution and political relationships between individuals and groups. It
is derived from the Greek words, polis for “city-state” and scire which means to “know”.

2. Site some related disciplines of political science.

 Political Science and Philosophy – Political philosophy presents man with
alternative visions of the state. The study of political science lacks substance
without political philosophy infusing certain values like love of wisdom, justice,
truth, freedom, ethics, morality and logic in the political governance.

 Political Science and Sociology – Political sociology emphasizes a balanced

relationship between the governors and the governed which gives the
understanding of how the citizen’s enjoyment of freedom and liberties can be
coherence with the states exercise of power and authority.

 Political Science and History – The historical beginnings of the government and its
institutions are necessary inputs to explain the current dynamics of the state’s
social environment. Timelines offer the chronicle of events and decisions that
define the evolution and development of laws, institutions and practices that serve
as guides to understand the complexity of modern societies and government.

 Political Science and Education – The “knowledge is power” best explains the
relationship of education and political science. Without empowering and liberation
education, political power will rest only on the few who are rich and powerful and
this makes democracy impossible.

3. Differentiate government from governance.

Government is the group of people who have an authoritative control of the state
responsible for the direction and supervision of public conglomerate while governance is
the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority in the management of the
country’s affairs at all levels.

4. Site some prescriptive concept of good governance.

 Transparency of government – Citizens must be kept informed of the decisions of
the state and their justification.
 Simplicity of procedures – whether in fiscal matters, investments, or other areas,
administrative procedures need to be as simple as possible, with the number of
participants reduced to minimum.
 Responsibility – Public officials must be held accountable and, if necessary,
penalized for offenses.
 Fight against corruption
 Individual freedom and collective expression – A free and responsible press, in
particular, is an important pillar of democracy.
 Independence of the legal system – The legal system must be free from pressure
and intervention from political forces or any other organization, to ensure that its
decisions are independent and impartial.

5. Define ideology.
An ideology is a comprehensive and logically ordered set of beliefs about the
nature of people and about the institutions and role of government.

6. Site some ideologies.

 Environmentalism – seeks to influence the political process by lobbying, activism
and education in order to protect natural resources and ecosystems.
 Liberalism – the development of individual freedom and self-expression.
 Socialism – a term applied to an economic system in which property is held in
common and not individually.
 Feminism – seek to improve the political aspect and particularly, the social and
economic position of women.

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