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P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2

S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)

C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-1
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the circle

x2 y2  r 2 . [20]

Q2) Write a Scilab program to estimate a root of an equation f (x) = 0 in [a, b]

using Regula - Falsi method correct up to four decimal places. [20]
OR The maximum number of iterations is 15.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

 2 e 2 3 ¯
¡ °
¡4 6 1 1°
a) Declare the matrix A = ¡¡ °.
¡0 0 1 0 °°
¡2 3 6 4 °±
Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A.

b) Define the following function using ‘deff’. [5]

f ( x)  x 2 1, if x p 0
 , if x  0
x 1
Find f (1) and f (–1)


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-2
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the ellipse

x2 y2
1 . [20]
a 2 b2

Q2) Write a Scilab program to estimate a root of an equation f (x) = 0 in [a, b]

using Newton - Raphson method correct up to four decimal places.
OR The maximum number of iterations is 15. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

 2 3¯°
¡ 3 9 6
¡ °
a) Declare the matrix A = ¡¡ 4 6 3 8° .
¡ 1 0 1 0°
¡ °
¡¢ e 1 5 1 4°±
Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A.
b) Define the following function using ‘deff’ command. [5]
f ( x, y )  sin ( x 2 y 2 ).

Find f (0,0) and f Q 2 , Q 2

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-3
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in XY-plane.
b) Accepts two points A and B on a line L.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the line L.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts the set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, ..., n,
where xi + 1 – xi = constant, for all i.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Newton’s forward
difference interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Plot a graph of the following function.
f ( x) 
1 x 2 where x‰<2,2 > .

 1 3 5¯
¡ °
b) Declare the matrix A = ¡¡ 6 7 8 °° [5]
¡5 4 3 °
¢ ±
Find the determinant of A. Also find inverse of A, if it exists.

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-4
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, and zmax for a rectangular box with its
faces parallel to the coordinate planes.
b) Accepts a set S of points in the 3-dimensional space.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the rectangular box.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2,...,n,
Where xi + 1 – xi = constant, for all i.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Newton’s
backward difference interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

  2 1 4 3¯  e 4 3 2¯
¡ ° ¡ °
¡0 i 1 2° ¡ 2 1 1 1°
a) Accept the matrices A = ¡ ° and B= ¡ °
¡3 2 1 1°° ¡ 5 2 1 4°°
¡ ¡
¡ 0 0 1 4±° ¡3 3 0 4°±
¢ ¢
Compute A + B, A2 and 2A – B.

b) Define the polynomial 2x3 – 3x2 – 3x + 2 by using ‘poly’ command. Find

its roots. [5]

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-5
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts number of vertices n of a convex polygon.
b) Accepts coordinates of n vertices of the polygon.
c) Accepts a point P in the XY – plane.
d) Check if the point P is inside the polygon.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, ..., n,
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Lagrange’s
interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Plot a graph for the following function.
f ( x, y )  x 2 y 2 , x, y ‰<10,10 > .
b) Generate each of the following matrices: [5]
i) Random matrix of order 4 x 4, with integer entries. Find its trace
ii) Zero matrix of order 2 x 5.
iii) Identity matrix of order 3 x 3.
iv) Matrix of order 3 x 4 containing all entries equal to 1.


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-6
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts xmin, xmax ymin, and ymax for the rectangle R with its sides parallel
to the coordinate axes.
b) Accepts a set S of points in the XY - plane.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the rectangle R.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2,...,n.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Newton’s
divided difference interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Declare the following matrices:
  2 e 5¯  i 0 3¯
A=¡ ° and B= ¡ °
¡¢3 4 7°± ¡¢10 2 7°±
Find A + B and 2A – B.

b) Define the following function by using ‘deff’ command [5]

f ( x)  e 2 x x 5 .
Also find f (1) and f (3).


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-7
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in the XY-plane.
b) Find a pair (or pairs) of points in S which have least mutual distance.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n + 1 points (xi, yi), where xi + 1 – xi = constant for
i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1 and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.
xn 1

b) Estimates the integral ¨ f ( x ) dx , by using Trapezoidal rule.


Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:
x + y + 2z + 3w = 13
3x + y + z – w = 1

b) Plot the graph of the following function: [5]

z ,for x ‰ [1,10]and y ‰ [1,5] .


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-8
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in the XY-plane.
b) Find a pair (or pairs) of points in S which are farthest apart.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n + 1 points (xi, yi), where xi + 1 – xi = constant for
i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1 and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.
xn 1

b) Estimates the integral , by using Simpson’s 1 3

¨ f ( x) dx

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:
x + 5y + 4z – 13w = 3
3x – y + 2z – 5w = 2
2x + 2y + 3z – 4w = 1

b) Define the function [5]

f ( x)  4 x  e x , 0 b x 5
 2 5b x b10
x 1
Evaluate f (5) and f (7.2).

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-9
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in the XY-plane.
b) Find a pair (or pairs) of points in S which have least mutual distance.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n + 1 points (xi, yi), where xi + 1 – xi = constant for
i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1 and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.
xn 1

b) Estimates the integral f ( x ) dx , by using Simpson’s 3 8


Q3) Using Scilab [5]

  1 3 3 ¯
¡ °
a) Declare the matrix A  ¡ 3 5 3°° .
¡ 6 6 4 °
¢ ±
Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A. Also check whether A is

b) Define the following polynomial by using ‘poly’ command [5]

p ( x)  x 1.5 x 15 x 5.2.
4 2

Find all roots of p(x).


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-10
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts the number n of vertices of a convex polygon.
b) Accepts coordinates of n vertices of the polygon.
c) Accepts a point P in the XY – plane.
d) Check if P is inside the polygon.

Q2) Write a Scilab program to solve a differential equation y a  f ( x, y) using

Euler’s method, given that y0 = f (x0) and constant increment h. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

  Q 0 3¯
¡ °
a) Declare the matrix A = ¡1 6 1°° .
¡ 7 2 5°
¢ ±
Evaluate A2 – 4A + 5I.
b) Plot a graph for the following function: [5]
f ( x)  e x ,  5b x b 5 .


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-11
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate uniformly spaced n points on the circle [20]
x2 + y2 = r2.

Q2) Write a Scilab program to solve a differential equation  f ( x, y ), [20]
by using Runge Kutta method of second order; given that y0 = f (x0) and
constant increment h.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Define the polynomial whose roots are o i and o1 .
Evaluate the polynomial at 2.5 and –4.
b) Solve the following system of linear equations: [5]
2x + y + z = 10
3x + 2y + 3z = 18
x + 4y + 9z = 16


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-12
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the ellipse

x2 y2
1 . [20]
a 2 b2

Q2) Write a Scilab program to solve a differential equation  f ( x, y ) , by using
Runge Kutta method of fourth order; given that y0  f ( x 0 ) and constant
increment h.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Declare the matrices
  2 1 1¯  4 3 2¯
¡ ° ¡ °
¡1 0 2° ¡1 1 4°
A=¡ ° and B  ¡ °
¡3 0 1°° ¡ 0 4 1°°
¡ ¡
¡ 0 1 2±° ¡3 8 5°±
¢ ¢
Find reduced row echelon from of [A, B] and rank of [A, B].
b) Define the following function using ‘deff’. [5]
f ( x)  4 x 2  e x sin ( x) and evaluate f (3.6), f (10).


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-13
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the ellipse

x2 y2
1 . [20]
a 2 b2

Q2) Write a Scilab program to estimate a root of an equation f (x) = 0 in [a, b]

using Regula - Falsi method correct up to four decimal places,
Or the maximum number of iterations is 15. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:
x  y z 3w 13
x y z  w8
3x y z  w  0

 1 3 5¯
¡ °
b) Declare the matrix A = ¡¡6 7 8 °° . [5]
¡5 4 3 °
¢ ±
Find characteristic polynomial of A, eigen values and eigen vectors of A.


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-14
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the circle

x2 y2  r 2 . [20]

Q2) Write a Scilab program to estimate a root of an equation f (x) = 0 in [a, b]

using Newton - Raphson method correct up to four decimal places,
Or the maximum number of iterations is 15. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:
x y z w 6
2x y  z 3
3 x y 2w  6

  1  3 3¯
¡ °
b) Declare the matrix A = ¡¡ 3 5 3°°
¡ 6  6 4°
¢ ±
Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A. Compute p–1 AP, where P is
a matrix that diagonalizes A. [5]


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-15
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax for a rectangle R with its sides parallel to
the coordinate axes.
b) Accepts a set S of points in the XY - plane.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the rectangle R.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2,...,n,
where xi + 1 – xi = constant, for all i.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Newton’s
forward difference interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

  2 1 4 3¯  1 4 3 2¯
¡ ° ¡ °
¡0 0 1 2° ¡2 1 1 1 °
a) Accept the matrices A = ¡¡ ° and B= ¡ °
¡3 2 1 1°° ¡5
¡ 5 1 4°°
¡ 0 3 1 4±° ¡3 3 0 4°±
¢ ¢
Verify that det (AB) = det (A).det (B).
b) i) Find the polynomial with roots 1, –1 and 2.
ii) Find the roots of polynomial x3 – 3x2 – 2x + 6.

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-16
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in XY-plane.
b) Accepts two points A and B on a line L.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the line L.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts the set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, ..., n,
where xi + 1 – xi = constant, for all i.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Newton’s
backward difference interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Plot a graph of the following function.
  Q Q¯
f ( x)  sin ( x 1), where x ‰ ¡ , ° .
¡¢ 2 2 °±

  3 2 1¯  1¯
¡ ° ¡ °
b) Declare the matrices A = ¡¡6 2 1 °° and B= ¡¡ 0 °° . [5]
¡5 4 3 ° ¡1°
¢ ± ¢ ±
Find the augmented matrix [A, B] and find rank of [A, B].

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-17
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in the XY-plane.
b) Find a pair (or pairs) of points in S which are farthest apart.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of points (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, ..., n.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using Lagrange’s
interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

  2 5 3 2 ¯
¡ °
¡2 3 2 5°
a) Declare the matrix A = ¡ °.
¡1 3 2 2 °°
¡ 1 6 4 3 °±
Find trace, determinant, size and inverse of A.
b) Plot the graph of the following function: [5]
f ( x, y )  x 2  2 y y 2 ,for x , y ‰<1,10 > .


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-18
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in XY-plane.
b) Accepts two points A and B on a line L.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the line L.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts the set of values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2, ..., n.
b) Estimates the value of y for given x ‰< x1 , xn > , by using divided difference
interpolation formula.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Plot a graph of the following function.
f ( x)  x 3 3x 4 , where x‰< 20, 20 > .
 4 1 e¯
¡ °
b) Declare the matrix A = ¡ 1  2 3°. [5]
¡ °
¡ 5 3 3°
¢ ±
Find length, trace, diagonal and size of A.


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-19
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts number of vertices n of a convex polygon.
b) Accepts coordinates of n vertices of the polygon.
c) Accepts a point P in the XY - plane.
d) Check if the point P is inside the polygon.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n + 1 points (xi, yi), where xi + 1 – xi = constant, for
i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1 and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.
xn 1

b) Estimates the integral ¨ f ( x ) dx , by using Trapezoidal rule.


Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Plot a graph for the following function
y  log x, x ‰<1, 25> .

b) Find eigenvalues of the following matrix: [5]

 4 6 6¯
¡ °
A=¡ 1 3 2°
¡ °
¡1 4 3°
¢ ±

Hence verify œ i
i = trace (A).

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-20
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts xmin, xmax ymin, ymax, zmin, and zmax for a rectangular box with its
faces parallel to the coordinate planes.
b) Accepts a set S of points in the 3 - dimensional space.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the rectangular box.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n values (xi, yi), i = 1, 2,..., n,
where xi + 1 – xi = constant, for all l and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.

b) Estimates the integral ¨ f ( x) dx , by using Simpson’s 1 3

rd rule.

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:
2 x y z 10
3 x 2 y 3z 18
x 4 y 9 z 16

  1 0 0¯
¡ °
b) Declare the matrix A  ¡0 2 3° . [5]
¡ °
¡0 3 2°
¢ ±
Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A. Compute p–1 AP, where P is
a matrix that diagonalizes A.

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-21
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in the XY-plane.
b) Find a pair (or pairs) of points in S which are farthest apart.

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n + 1 points (xi, yi), where xi + 1 – xi = constant for
i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1 and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.
x n 1

b) Estimates the integral ¨ f ( x) dx , by using Simpson’s (3/3)th rule.


Q3) Using Scilab [5]

 2 2 0 1 ¯
¡ °
¡4 5 3 1°
a) Declare the matrix A = ¡¡ °.
¡0 1 0 1 °°
¡4 5 1 9°±
Compute A3 + 3A2 – 4A + 6I.
b) Define the following function using ‘deff’ command. [5]
f ( x)  x 3, x  2
 x, 0b x b 2
 x  5, x  0

P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-22
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts a set S of n points in the XY-plane.

b) Find a pair (or pairs) of points in S which have least mutual distance.

Q2) Write a Scilab program to solve a differtial equation y a  f ( x, y) , using Euler’s

method, given that y0  f ( x0 ) and constant increment h. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

 1 4 2¯
¡ °
a) Declare the matrix A = ¡3 4 0 ° .
¡ °
¡3 1 3 °
¢ ±

Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A. Also check whether A is


b) Generate a random matrix of order 3 x 3 with all integer entries less than
or equal to 99. Hence compute A2 + 2A. [5]


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-23
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program that [20]

a) Accepts xmin, xmax ymin, ymax, zmin, and zmax for a rectangular box with its
faces parallel to the coordinate planes.
b) Accepts a set S of points in the 3-dimensional space.
c) Sorts the points of S with respect to the rectangular box.

 f ( x, y ) , by using
Q2) Write a Scilab program to solve a differential equation
Runge Kutta method of second order; given that y0 = f (x0) and constant
increment h. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:
2 x 3 y 4 z 1
2x y z  2
x y 2 z  2
b) Define the function: [5]
f ( x, y )  x y  2 xy , using ‘deff’ command.

Find f (2, –3) and f (0.5, –1).


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-24
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the circle

x2 y2  r 2 . [20]

 f ( x, y ) , by using
Q2) Write a Scilab program to solve a differential equation
Runge Kutta method of fourth order; given that y0 = f (x0) and constant
increment h. [20]

Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Declare the matrices
  1 5 3¯   0 4¯
¡ ° ¡ °
A = ¡1 2 0° and B  ¡ 2 2°
¡ ° ¡ °
¡ 0 5 1° ¡ 4 0°
¢ ± ¢ ±
Find reduced row echelon form of [A, B] and rank of [A, B].
 4 6 6¯
¡ °
b) ¡
Declare the matrix A = ¡ 1 3 2° [5]
¡ 1 4 3°
¢ ±
Find eigen values and eigen vectors of A. Compute p–1AP, where P is a
matrix that diagonalizes A.


P289 APR - 16/SLIP/[PR] - 2
S.Y. B.Sc. (Computer Science)
C - Programming and Scilab
Algorithm (Paper - III) (2013 Pattern)
SLIP No.-25
Time : 2 hours] [Max. Marks : 50

Q1) Write a C-program to generate n uniformly spaced points on the ellipse

x2 y2
1 . [20]
a 2 b2

Q2) Write a Scilab program that [20]

a) Accepts a set of n + 1 points (xi, yi), where xi + 1 – xi = constant for
i = 1, 2, ..., n + 1 and yi = f (xi), for function ‘f’.
x n 1

b) Estimates the integral ¨ f ( x) dx , by using Trapezoidal rule.


Q3) Using Scilab [5]

a) Solve the following system of linear equations:

x y 2z 7
x  2 y 3 z  6
3 x  7 y 6 z 1

b) Find all roots of the following polynomials: [5]

i) x3 – x2 – x – 1,
ii) x4 – 4x – 5



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