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Paul A. Dyster Mayor, City of Niagara Falle, New York iy Hall, 745 Main Stet, Nigra Fall New York 14302 February 13, 2019 To the Members of the Committee: Thave been a proud Democrat since I first registered to vote in 1972. ‘Though as a young man I never aspired to elective office, I was proud to carry the party’s banner to vietory in four city elections, one each for council and mayor as an unendorsed candidate, and the last two for mayor as the party’s standard bearer in both the primary and general elections. I ‘want to personally thank every current and past member of the City and County Committees who carried my petitions, distributed my literature, made phone calls, manned the polls or otherwise gave of your time to help elect me to office. I have worked hard every day to try to be worthy of the trust and confidence you have shown in me. When first elected mayor in 2007, I pledged to return a reputation for honesty and integrity to the office of mayor. I said I would inspire confidence in partners at all levels of government and in the development and investment communities, so that they would take a second look at ‘Niagara Falls and see in us viable partners for future endeavors. I said I ‘would ensure that the legacy of Love Canal would be reversed, and the City would take as its future policy the protection, restoration and promotion of the great natural environment of the Falls, River and Gorge. I promised I would not just respect but celebrate the diversity of our community, and work to create an inclusive vision of the city’s future that would leave no one out and no one behind. Each day for over eleven years, I have poured all my energies into trying to fulfill these promises I made to the people I serve. I would like to believe that, if I decided to seek another term in office, the hard work I have done and the successes we have achieved together would gamer your support, and lead to victory once again in the fall. But that is not the decision I have made. Twelve years is a long time to serve as mayor, and I have concluded the time has come for me to give more <= attention to the other priorities in my life, including spending more time with my family. I would like to think that I've helped move the city forward during my time in office, but the vision I strove to realize is not my vision-it is the people's vision. If it is grounded on solid principles and inspired by lofty ideals--which I believe is the case here in Niagara Falls--the people's vision does not rise or fall with the fortunes of one man, It is therefore with some regret, but with even greater confidence in the future greatness of our city, that I announce I will not seek the endorsement of the City of Niagara Falls Democratic Party for a fourth term as your mayor. Asa child, my mother--who was a great admirer of Rose Kennedy--taught me that there is no higher calling in life than public service. I have always sought to follow the path of the servant leader, who seeks power not for any personal gain, but for the good that it can do for others. I do not intend to stray from that path, and though I have no immediate plans, I have not ruled out the possibility 1 might someday again seek elective office. Itis a privilege to serve even one day as mayor, and I have 321 days still to serve. We have made much progress, but know there is much more work to be done, Freed from the constraint of having to campaign for re- election, I hope to help the community focus on steps we need to take to ensure our City's long-term well-being and prosperity. Rest assured, I have no intention of slackening the pace of ground-breakings, ribbon- cuttings and positive announcements that has characterized my administration from the start, Many projects years in the making are nearing major milestones that we should celebrate together. 1 promise to work hard, using each and every day to the fullest, moving forward in pursuit of the future we have envisioned together. ‘Never in my lifetime has there been a time when it was more important for men and women of good will to stand up for the principles on which our democracy is founded. I continue to believe that our Democratic Party can and must be a force for good here in Western New York and all across America, and [ trust you will continue giving of your time and energy to ensure it remains strong and true. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you. God bless America, and God bless Niagara Falls. PL a =>

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