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Problem #3

Kepler's Third law as modified by Newton's Laws will be useful here:

p2 = 𝑎3 /M

Where P(years), a(AU), M(Solar Masses)

By using the P and a of Callisto we can determine the mass of Jupiter In Solar Masses.

P = 16.7 days/(365.25 days/year) = 0.0457 years

GM= gigameter = Million km.
a = 1.88 Gm/150 Gm/AU = 0.0125 AU
M = 𝐴3 /𝑃2 = (0.0125)3 / (0.0457)2
M(Jupiter) = 0.000935 = 1/1070 mass of sun

= 𝟐𝒙𝟏𝟎𝟑𝟎 Kg/1079 = 1.87x𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟕 Kg

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