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Environmentalists Meeting with County Executive Marc Elrich and Adam Ortiz, DEP Director
February 12, 2019

1st half hour

-- Meeting called to order at 2:30 -- Caren Madsen, Conservation Montgomery

-- Goals of the meeting, opening statement - Caren
-- Round the room introductions
-- Key area statements and concerns
1. Climate change – Jim Driscoll
2. Clean water – Diane Cameron
3. Zero waste/waste reduction and recycling -- Lauren Greenberger
4. Pesticides – Julie Taddeo
5. The County General Master Plan and master plans – Ginny Barnes
6. Communities and the environment, protecting existing communities -- Hank Cole

2nd half hour

-- Marc Elrich goals and priorities

-- Adam Ortiz introduction and welcome
-- Group discussion, questions and comments.
-- Close: Next steps – Caren

Adjourn at 3:30

Reminder of meeting ground rules:

1. Please, no hijacking the meeting. There are many community members with a lot to
say. Let's be respectful and stick to time frames noted in the agenda and present
cohesive and pithy messages around our issues.
2. Be respectful of the views of others in the meeting. There are differences of opinion on
various issues but let's honor one another in our commitment to the environment. Side
meetings and discussions prior to Tuesday and after the meeting are encouraged.
3. Come prepared. Please, no rambling.

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