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IELTS Prediction in Jan-April 2019

IELTS Prediction in Jan-April

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35427 22 Jan 2019

To be well-prepared for the IELTS test (both
IELTS Academic & IELTS General Training
Module), you can practice these topics at
home before sitting the IELTS
Speaking/Writing test. We will try to update
these topics weekly.

IELTS Writing Task 2

Topic 1: Nowadays, not enough students
choose science subjects in university in many
countries. What are the reasons for this
problem? What are the effects on the society?

Topic 2: University students always focus on

one specialist subject, but some people think
universities should encourage their students to
study a range of subjects in addition to their
own subject. To what extent do you agree or
Topic 3: Some people think young people
should go to university to further their
education while others think they should been
encouraged to work as car mechanics or
builders etc. to serve society. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

Topic 4: Universities should accept equal

numbers of male and female study in every
subject. Do you agree or disagree。

Topic 5: Nuclear energy is a better choice for

meeting increasing demand, agree or

Topic 6: Economic progress is one way to

measure the success of one country, while
some people think there are other factors.
What other factors should be considered?
Within these factors, do you think anyone is
more important than the others?

Topic 7: Most countries want to improve

standard of living through economic
development,however, others think social
value is lost as a result. Do you think the
advantages of economic development
outweigh the disadvantages?

Topic 8: Some people think that zoos are cruel

and all the zoos should be closed.
However,other people think that zoos are
useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion. 

Topic 9:  Environmental problems are too big

for individual countries and individual people
to address. We have reached the stage where
the only way to protect the environment to
address it at an international level. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this

Topic 10: Some people think they have right to

use as much freshwater as they want. Others
believe governments should tightly control the
use of fresh water as it is limited resource.
Discuss both views and give your option.
Topic 11: With the development of technology
and science, some people believe that there is
no great value of artists such as musicians and
painters. What are the things artists can do
but the scientist cannot? Why should we
encourage the art area?

Topic 12: Some people think that job

satisfaction is more important than job
security. Others think that people cannot
expect to enjoy a job and having a permanent
job is more important. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.

Topic 13: Countries with a long average

working time are more economically
successful than those countries which do not
have a long working time. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?

Topic 14: Many people believe that counties

should produce food for all population eats
and import food as little as possible. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

Topic 15: Some people think that it is

necessary to travel abroad to learn about other
countries, but other people think that it is not
necessary to travel abroad because all the
information can be seen at TV and the
internet. Discuss both opinions and give your
own opinion.

Topic 16: Throughout the history, people

dream to build a perfect society while they
haven't agreed how the ideal society would be
like. What is the most important element you
think to make a perfect society? How do
people do to achieve an ideal society?

Topic 17: Some people believe that in order to

give opportunities to new generation
companies should encourage high level
employees who are older than 55 to retire. Do
you agree or disagree?Why?

Topic 18: Today's parents spend too little time

staying with their children and use television
to make their children keep quiet. Explain the
reason and results by using your relevant

Topic 19: Charities and organizations always

give special names to particular days such as
'National Children's Day' and 'National Non-
smoking Day'. What are the causes of these
particular days? How effective are they?

Topic 20: It is suggested that all the young

adults should undertake a period of unpaid
work helping people in the community. Does it
bring more bene ts or drawbacks to the
community and the young people?

IELTS Speaking Part 2

1. Describe a a teenager you know.

2. Describe an interesting website you have


3. Describe a person who helps to protect the


4. Describe an exciting sport you know

5. Describe something you do to (help you)

stay healthy.

6. Describe a place near water (such as a river,

a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.

7. Describe a pleasant surprise you had.

8. Describe a situation that others didn’t tell

you the whole truth.

9. Describe an intelligent person that you


10. Describe something you really want to buy

in the future

11. Describe a movie you would like to watch


12. Describe a subject you didn’t like before

but have interest in now.
13. Describe a piece of good news you heard
from TV or internet

14. Describe a situation when you received

some useful advice.

15. Describe a time when you got lost.

16. Describe a situation (or a time) when you

helped someone.

17. Describe a project that you were once

involved in (for example, a project at work or a
homework assignment at school or university).

18. Describe a historical building in your

country/ hometown.

19. Describe a long journey/short trips you

would like to make again

20. Describe a healthy lifestyle that you know.

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Jan-April 2019"

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Class Place Value

Great! I did my test on 19th January. The

speaking topic was the teenagers! Good guess!!

12 days ago (/recent-actual-tests/ielts-prediction-

Reply (/recent-actual-tests/ielts-prediction-

In reply to Class Place Value
were the other questions?

10 days ago (/recent-actual-

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I did my test on 12th January. My speaking cue

card topic was an intelligent person that I know.
Good guess!

9 days ago (/recent-actual-tests/ielts-prediction-

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Anonymous In reply to s1s1ty

What about writing task?

3 days ago (/recent-actual-tests/ielts-

Reply (/recent-actual-tests/ielts-
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