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1. Contra indication for joint aspiration/injection, EXCEPT :

a. Joint prosthesis
b. Active tumor at site
c. Joint swelling/effusion
d. Unstable or inaccessible joints

2. Therapeutic uses of joint aspiration/injection, EXCEPT :

a. Improve range of motion
b. Reduce pain from an effusion
c. Acquisition of synovial fluid for analysis
d. Improve daily functioning and return to work

3. Potential Complications of Joint Aspiration, EXCEPT :

a. Infection
b. Osteoporotic
c. Intra-articular injury
d. Re-accumulation of fluid

4. Indication for joint aspiration/injection, EXCEPT :

a. Joint pain
b. Improve joint performance
c. Adjunct to rehabilitative therapy
d. To perform synovial fluid analysis

5. Target area hyaluronic acid injection for knee OA with US guided, EXCEPT :
a. Fatpad between prepatellar fat pad and suprapatellar fatpad
b. Supra patellar bursae
c. Hoffa fat pad
d. NONE above

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