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Bug Count Release # Bug ID Assignee Product Component

63 RELEASE 2 P1 T 10070 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting

RELEASE 2 P1 T 10071 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10072 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10073 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10074 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10078 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10087 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10088 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10091 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10096 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10116 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10117 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10120 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10124 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10125 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10126 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10127 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10170 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10173 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10174 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10176 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10177 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10180 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10181 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10182 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10185 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10186 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10187 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10189 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10191 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10192 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10195 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10196 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10197 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10200 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10202 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10205 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10206 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10207 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10208 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10209 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10211 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10213 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10214 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10215 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10218 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10219 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10262 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P1 T 10264 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
13 RELEASE 2 P2 T 10499 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10500 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10503 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10504 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10507 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10510 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10511 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10513 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10515 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10516 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
18 RELEASE 2 P2 T 10528 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10532 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10533 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10537 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10538 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10539 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10542 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10543 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10545 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10546 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10548 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10549 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10550 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10553 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10558 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10564 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10565 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
4 RELEASE 2 P2 T 10569 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10572 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10575 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10576 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
4 RELEASE 2 P2 T 10580 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10584 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P2 T 10585 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
21 RELEASE 2 P3 T 10655 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10656 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10657 Ayesha Sh Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10658 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10660 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10661 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10663 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10664 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10665 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10666 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10667 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10672 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10673 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10674 Vibhawari Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10678 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10679 Parimal ShCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10683 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10684 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10686 Babaji GhuCane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10691 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
RELEASE 2 P3 T 10693 Swapnil Al Cane ManaTesting
Assignee Status ResolutionSeverity
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
vaibhav.jo CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Blocker
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
vaibhav.jo CLOSED FIXED Major
vaibhav.jo CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
vaibhav.jo CLOSED FIXED Minor
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Minor
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Minor
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Blocker
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Major
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Minor
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Minor
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Major
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Blocker
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Blocker
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Blocker
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Blocker
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Minor
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Major
vaibhav.jo CLOSED FIXED Minor
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Minor
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Minor
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Blocker
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Major
ayesha.sh CLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Minor
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Minor
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Minor
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Blocker
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Blocker
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Minor
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Major
vibha@itcuCLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Major
parimal.shCLOSED FIXED Major
Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED Minor
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
babaji.ghuCLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
swapnil.al CLOSED FIXED Major
windows application- Weight should not be editable field.
Windows Application- Regular material Token screen material drop down is showing material which are not appl
Reason Text Box is accepting more than 200 characters and record is not getting saved.
User can raise multiple burn request at a time For same plantation.
Controls are getting overlapped in burn cane request screen.
Harvester rate screen Multiple Records are created for same date.
Other Token Loan Material screen vehicle number text box maxlenght is not defined.
Other Weight Slip screen Gross weight should be always greater than tare weight.
Create token screen, user can save the record of 'Net Wt upper limit' and 'Net Wt lower limit' of same values and
Create weight slip loan material screen, text box are not properly aligned.
Duplicate data is getting appeared during Data sync between web application data base and windows database
Crystal report is not getting displayed and showing error.
Exception occurs on Windows Application.
Web application, Weightslip screen- System is not validating net weight
RDIF Number is not getting release after cancelling the token.
Status remarks text present on screen after click on New button.
Net weight appears on screen after entering gross /tare weight for first time
Web application, Weight slip screen- Record is getting sync to database but not getting displayed on screen.
Windows application - Values of Approved quantity, Balance quantity, Issued quantity is not getting displayed.
Windows application - Loan Material token screen save the record with type self transporter, company type is ge
Material Screen, Edit material screen is not getting open.
Season configuration screen Plant is not getting selected after clicking on plant.
H&T Contract record is not getting saved.
Supervisor Wise Bond Allocation screen, Allocate Supervisor is not getting Open.
Windows application- Weight Slip screen showing exception
Create Token screen, RFID is user editable field.
Loan weight slip is no getting saved with 2nd Weight.
Create Token Screen, Success message is displaying after click on rest button.
System is showing Transporter type Company.
System is not calculating Diesel qty on loan token screen
crystal Report weigh slip Loan Material, System is Showing Zero Net weight.
Vendor documents details, system is giving Network error while file download.
Incomplete data is getting displayed in report of Regular Weight-slip.
Default Plant is getting displayed after add or editing the record on pre harvesting lab check
ON WEIGHT SLIP SCREEN system is not showing any proper message for entering number of cancelled token nu
UI Is not responsive -Token Screen web Application.
H&T Contract Screen, Scroll is getting disable and unable to save record.
Loan Material Token screen transporter code text is enable for self and disable for company.
Plantation screen Approved and rejected button are not properly aligned.
Vendor Bank details--> Search Record is not on click.
Profit center screen, Records list is not getting refresh after accordion click.
Click on token regular screen from menu loan material screen screen will get open.
Duplicated record getting created in database due to syn stop and start.
Windows application, for max length cursor is start from beginning of text box.
Regular Token screen, Vendor is not getting change after editing the material
Bunk screen accordion is not getting opened after click on it.
Bunk screen opening stock is required field for outsource.
Harvester rate screen, Search Date range is not working properly.
Burn Cane Request-->On Plantation number search, only new record getting searched instead of all records of t
In weight slip Windows, trolley no is not displayed for bonded vehicle.
IE browser, Advance search in Burn cane request changed the object alignment
In Plant village after search on village user not able to reset village for all records search
Plantation screen, Advance search by vendor name is not working as expected.
H&T CONTRACT, Search And Select Surety For H&T Contract, Search and Advance search is not working.
Edit tripsheet screen, official burn and burn cane percentage is not getting displayed after click on accidental
After Token generation trip sheet is not transferable.
Cutting order status is getting changed after editing the trip-sheet.
After cancelling token on web application system is syncing the record on plant level application.
In Post lab quality Check screen, create and edit window name swapped
Crop weight slip print preview mismatch than expectation
In H&T contract advance search for 'Gang Name' data not get reset
On Reset GPS, In advance search 'Close" button not required.
After Rejection of plantation user is able to edit the plantation and save the plantation
On clicking Approve two times Plantation number get increase. Approve button should disable once approve the
Edit Bank Screen, while aditing nationalize/ cooperative bank in Society bank system is not changing ifsc on ba
Cutting order status is getting changed from locked to in process after creating weighslip.
In Regular token, after entering new Transporter code on edit, entered existing supplier not picked up.
Edit Plantation screen, after inserting values to latitude and longitude system is showing exception on save button
In token and weight slip, date selection for search, today's date is not get selected
Cutting order screen, balance quota should not get update by extending extended quota.
If trip sheet is transferred to other plant and token generated then trip sheet should not be transferable again.
Trip sheet Screen, System is not showing Direct Distance between plants.
Weight slip not generate for transferred Trip sheet
Newly created (Approved) vendor code not refreshed after vendor creation screen close
Trip sheet screen, system is not calculation diesel qty from alt vehicle in transfer details section.
Once Dristicane send GPS coordinate, GPS reset screen not appear with 'Approve' and 'Reject' buttons.
In Plantation, result screen should accommodate large status like "GPS Reset Pending for approval" and Action co
Burn Cane request Action button not visible
Transferred token not displayed in search of Crop token
Crop token details not displayed at original plant after trip sheet/token transfer
Crop token screen list is not is not getting refreshed after create edit record.
Token generated then transferred trip sheet, "Transfer To Plant" value not sync for original plant token.
Transferred token not displayed in web crop weight slip for transferred plant
Loan application number not sync to windows application if material is not have weighment flag
Create Harvesting Material Loan Application, Default Screen H&T contract number is not getting displayed
Web token for Loan material advance search not reset the 'Token status'
In New status of loan application if interest rate not configured then Int. rate field is not editable.
Loan material Application, system is allow to add Vendor as Surety to his self loan application.
Loan application, Vendor is surety search is irrespective of Plant ans season.
Create Loan material application screen, Interest percentage is not editable if it is not defined in season configur
Loan application default screen, vendor name is not left aligned.
Loan application, user cant not create compost loan application.
Other weighment loan material Token, System is creating records on loan application which is not approved.
System is not calculating distance in loan material application.
Remark in Fuel Loan application from plant Level application is getting displayed as status Remark in web applica
In Fuel Disbursement, After Sync Vehicle type is not displayed for crop transporter.
Loan transporter records are not getting synch in web application database.
Approved Plantation Numbers not searchable while creating Seed loan application
Create New Plantation screen backdrop opacity not visible after getting second nodal open
Material name displayed two times in create seed loan application in specific scenario
Previous season approved Plantations no. not displayed for new Rotoon1 plantation creation
If previous plantation not available then message should be displayed as "No record found"
In Fuel Disbursement, Disbursement date is not getting selected for Today's date.
plant level application loan token screen system is showing wrong message on supplier text box.
Changed %CompletActual HouAlias Blocks Browser Classificat Code Files Database
8/16/2018 5:14 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:17 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:14 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:14 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 2:45 0 0 Internet Ex---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:19 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:23 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/17/2018 6:04 0 0 ---
9/17/2018 5:20 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 7:55 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:46 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:48 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
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9/11/2018 8:52 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
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10/8/2018 9:18 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:40 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:54 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:14 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:57 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:02 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 8:57 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/28/2018 8:10 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:14 0 0 ---
9/17/2018 4:33 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 9:22 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 9:01 0 0 ---
8/30/2018 7:03 0 0 ---
9/7/2018 9:23 0 0 ---
8/27/2018 5:52 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
9/17/2018 6:07 0 0 ---
9/17/2018 5:30 0 0 ---
9/12/2018 1:00 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 9:10 0 0 ---
10/17/2018 5:38 0 0 ---
8/16/2018 5:15 0 0 ---
8/22/2018 8:29 0 0 ---
9/5/2018 7:13 0 0 ---
10/11/2018 6:11 0 0 Internet Ex---
10/8/2018 1:39 0 0 ---
9/5/2018 8:52 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 9:25 0 0 ---
9/5/2018 8:42 0 0 ---
9/6/2018 7:39 0 0 ---
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9/17/2018 4:41 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 3:54 0 0 ---
9/7/2018 9:01 0 0 ---
9/5/2018 4:52 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:40 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:12 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:26 0 0 ---
9/5/2018 9:41 0 0 ---
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9/7/2018 8:46 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 4:49 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 8:48 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 4:20 0 0 ---
9/7/2018 7:14 0 0 Google Chr---
9/7/2018 9:08 0 0 ---
9/7/2018 9:36 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:24 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 1:50 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:37 0 0 ---
9/11/2018 1:50 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 4:46 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 4:43 0 0 ---
9/17/2018 5:39 0 0 ---
9/10/2018 4:50 0 0 ---
9/7/2018 9:38 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 8:55 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 7:38 0 0 ---
10/11/2018 6:20 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 8:55 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 7:55 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 7:59 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 8:03 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 8:11 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 8:13 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 8:31 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 8:15 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 8:19 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 7:51 0 0 ---
10/8/2018 8:35 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 7:45 0 0 ---
9/28/2018 8:32 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 7:46 0 0 ---
10/19/2018 9:01 0 0 ---
10/9/2018 1:40 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 7:48 0 0 ---
9/24/2018 8:31 0 0 ---
Deadline Defect AnaDepends oDevelopedFixed By FunctionalFunctionalFunctionalHardware
--- 7471 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7458 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7458 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7458 Vaibhav Jo--- --- PC
--- 7449 Swapnil Al Babaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 --- --- --- PC
--- 7460, 7471--- --- --- PC
--- 7460, 7471Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7460 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 --- --- --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7431 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7422 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7473 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7494 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7471 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7471 Ayesha Sh Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7443 Vibhawari Babaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7471 Ayesha Sh Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7453 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7471 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 --- --- --- PC
--- 7473 --- --- --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7454 --- --- --- PC
--- 7443 --- --- --- PC
--- 7418 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7471 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7460, 7471--- --- --- PC
--- 7460, 7471Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7467 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7447 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7449 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7458 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7470 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7458 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7419 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7454 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7473 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7461 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7460 --- --- --- PC
--- 7453 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7470 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7473 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7457 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7454 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7454 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7435 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7461 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7454 Swapna PatBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7461 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7470 --- --- --- PC
--- 7440 --- --- --- PC
--- 7491 --- --- --- PC
--- 7457 --- --- --- PC
--- 7454 --- --- --- PC
--- 7458 --- --- --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460, 7471Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 --- --- --- PC
--- 7470 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7462 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 --- --- --- PC
--- 7460 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Shashoo --- PC
--- 7462 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7466 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7454 --- --- --- PC
--- 7462 Vikrant Po Vikrant Potdar --- PC
--- 7454 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7454 Babaji GhuBabaji Ghule --- PC
--- 7466 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
--- 7460 Swapnil Al Swapnil Alsamrao --- PC
Hours LefIntgreationIteration/ Keywords Last Visit Number ofOpened Orig. Est. OS Personal T
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 2 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 2 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows allocation
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 2 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr1
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows .xls, cms_
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 7 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr0
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr5
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr5
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 2 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- 5 ### 0 Windows
0 --- 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- ### 6 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr1
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr5
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr5
0 --- 2 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 2 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms_tc_fr2
0 --- ### 2 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- 2 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- ### 5 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
0 --- 2 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 7 ### 0 Windows cms, cms_tc
0 --- ### 3 ### 0 Windows -
0 --- 3 ### 0 Windows
0 --- ### 4 ### 0 Windows
Phase Priority Progress Reporter Reporter Root Caus Source Summary Test Relea Testcases
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- windows app Iv11 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Windows Ap Iv11 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Reason Text Iv11 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- User can raV03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Controls arV03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Harvester rV03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Other TokeV03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Other WeigV03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Create tokeV03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Create weigV04 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Duplicate V03 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Crystal repV04 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Exception V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- Web applica V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatImportance--- RDIF Number V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Status rema V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Net weightV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Web applica V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- Windows app V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Windows app V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatImportance--- Material ScV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatCopy paste--- Season conf V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatForgotten --- H&T Contrac V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- SupervisorV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Windows ap V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- Create Token screen, -R--
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Loan weight V07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Create TokeV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- System is showing Tr ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- System is nV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- crystal Report weigh ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Vendor docu V07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- IncompleteV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatImportance--- Default PlaV07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- ON WEIGHT V07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- UI Is not r V07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- H&T Contrac V06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Loan Materi V07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Plantation V07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Vendor Bank V08 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Profit centV08 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatImportance--- Click on toV07 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- DuplicatedV08 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Windows app V08 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Regular TokV08 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Bunk screen V09 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatImportance--- Bunk screen V09 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Harvester rV09 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- Burn Cane V09 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- In weight sV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Importance--- IE browserV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- In Plant vi V15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Plantation V15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- H&T CONTRA V15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Edit tripsh V15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Importance--- After TokenV15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- Cutting ordV15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- After canceV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- In Post la V15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- Crop weighV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- In H&T conV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- On Reset GV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- After RejecV15 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- On clickin V15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatForgotten --- Edit Bank SV15 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Cutting ordV16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- In Regular token, aft ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Edit Plantav16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- In token anv16 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Cutting or V16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Derived Re--- If trip she V16 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatImportance--- Trip sheet V16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- Weight slipV16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- Newly creaV16 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Trip sheet V16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Less exper--- Once DristV16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- In Plantati V16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- Burn Cane V16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- TransferredV16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Derived Re--- Crop tokenV16 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- Crop tokenV16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- Token gener V16 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Forgotten --- TransferredV17 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- Loan appli IV04 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatLess exper--- Create HarvIv04 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- Web tokenIV04 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- In New statIV04 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Loan materi Iv04 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Loan applicIv04 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Create Loan Iv06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Loan applicIV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatLess exper--- Loan applicIv06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatDerived Re--- Other weigh Iv06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- System is niV06 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegligance--- Remark in IFv06 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S --- --- In Fuel Dis V18 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Loan transpIv06 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- Approved PV19 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- --- Create NewIv06 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Negligance--- Material naV19 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Importance--- Previous s V19 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Importance--- If previousV19 ---
Testing P1 --- abhijeet.s Abhijeet S Unawarene--- In Fuel Dis V19 ---
Testing P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatUnawarene--- plant level V20 ---
Ticket Typ Unit TestC URL Version Version Number of the Release
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Release 2 part 3 nantar change priority 10846

R2p3 start 10593


Release # UT Bug ID

Release 1 Start ID

Change Request Priority 2 Change Request Priority 2 Bug ID 7872

Count 438

Release 2 P1 9635
Count 17

10846 Release 2 P2 10266

Count 91

Release 2 P3 10593
Count 27

11026 Change Priority 1 10704


Change Priority 2 0

Release 2 P4 11026
Count 34
Release 2 – Part 1

Scheduled Drop Date: 06-Aug-2018

Sr. No.
UT Bug ID Testing Bug ID
End ID Start ID End ID
9021 8889 9170
438 49

10058 10069 10264 5

17 63 6
10577 10499 10585
91 37

10654 10655 10693
27 21 12
10835 10846 10902 14

0 10945 10999

Release 2 – Part 2
11166 11112 11147 Scheduled Drop Date:
34 8
Sr. No.


Release 2 – Part 3
Scheduled Drop Date:

Sr. No.


ase 2 – Part 1

Scheduled Drop Date: 06-Aug-2018 Actual Drop Date: 14-Aug-2018

Class |
FR # Description
FR28 Token – Regular Material Weighment Low
FR36 Weight Slip – Regular Material Weighment High
FR28 Token – Loan Material Weighment Show
FR36 Weight Slip – Loan Material Weighment Enhanc
FR23 Loan Material Rate Total
FR23 Regular Material Rate
FR22 Harvester Rate Class |
FR13 Crop Transportation Low
FR13 Material Transportation High
FR47 FRP Rate Show
FR23 Crop Rate
FR33 Fuel Purchase | Adjustment Total
FR27 Burn Cane Request.
FR26 Post Harvesting Lab Quality Check

ase 2 – Part 2
Scheduled Drop Date: 31-Aug-2018 Actual Drop Date: 07-Sep-2018

FR # Description

FR29 Cutting Order Management Class |


FR55 Trip Sheet Management Low

FR28 Crop-Token Management High

FR36 Crop-Weight Slip Management Show


Token – Regular Material Weighment (Changes

FR28 made to accept unregistered supplier name Enhanc
and transporter name) ement

FR11 Bank (Changes made to add Co-Operative bank) Total

ase 2 – Part 3
Scheduled Drop Date: 21-Sep-2018 Actual Drop Date: 24-Sep-2018

FR # Description Class |
Diesel Indent using Windows Application Low


-Loan Material Weight Slip Screen and High


-Crop Weight Slip Screen Show


FR43 Provisional Parameter Configuration Enhanc


Crop Harvesting Rate Screen (Revised as per

FR22 Total

Token Loan Material Weighment (Changes

FR28 made to accept multiple trolley number)

Drawee Banks (1. Changes made to

add/mapped Co-Operative bank
2. Same Bank and account number can be in
different plant as a Drawee Bank)
Plantation Registration (Changes made for
FR27 showing mapped to 500 meters)

Class |
change Priority 1



Class |
change Priority 2


r1 Pendin
g Sent for
Open Develo Closed
Clarific Testing


g Sent for
Open Develo Closed
Clarific Testing
ation 26



g Sent for
Open Develo Closed
Clarific Testing



g Sent for
Open Develo Closed
Clarific Testing


g Sent for
Open Develo Closed
Clarific Testing

1 22

1 2

2 36

g Sent for
Open Develo Closed
Clarific Testing

Change Log 10946 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting vaibhav.jo NEW ---
Change Log 10952 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting vaibhav.jo NEW ---
Change Log 10953 Vaibhav JoCane ManaTesting vaibhav.jo NEW ---
Change Log 10967 swapnil.al Cane ManaTesting Swapnil Al On Hold ---
Change Log 10969 ayesha.sh Cane ManaTesting Ayesha Sh CLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10972 ayesha.sh Cane ManaTesting Ayesha Sh CLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10975 ayesha.sh Cane ManaTesting Ayesha Sh CLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10981 vibha@itcuCane ManaTesting Vibhawari CLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10983 Vikrant.poCane ManaTesting Vikrant.poCLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10984 vibha@itcuCane ManaTesting Vibhawari CLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10993 ayesha.sh Cane ManaTesting Ayesha Sh CLOSED INVALID
Change Log 10994 ayesha.sh Cane ManaTesting Ayesha Sh CLOSED FIXED
Change Log 10999 ayesha.sh Cane ManaTesting Ayesha Sh CLOSED INVALID
Vendor Bank ### 0 0 ---
Brix test g ### 0 0 ---
Vendor bank ### 0 0 ---
Fuel disbur ### 0 0 ---
Trip sheet ### 0 0 ---
H&T contra ### 0 0 ---
Trip sheet ### 0 0 ---
Vendor >Ad ### 0 0 ---
Plantation ### 0 0 ---
Add to blac ### 0 0 ---
H&T contrac ### 0 0 ---
H&T Contrac ### 0 0 ---
Selected bu ### 0 0 ---
--- 7442 --- --- --- PC 0
--- 7488 --- --- --- PC 0
--- 7442 --- --- --- PC 0
--- 7466 --- --- --- PC 0
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Sh --- PC 0
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh --- --- PC 0
--- 7491 Ayesha Sh Babaji Ghu--- PC 0
--- 7440 --- --- --- PC 0
--- 7454 Vikrant Po Vikrant Po --- PC 0
--- 7440 Vibhawari Babaji Ghu--- PC 0
--- 7473 Ayesha Sh --- --- PC 0
--- 7473 Ayesha Sh Ayesha Sh --- PC 0
--- 7468 --- --- --- PC 0
--- ### 1 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 1 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 1 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 2 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 3 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 4 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 3 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 2 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 6 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- 3 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 3 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 3 ### 0 Windows Testing
--- ### 3 ### 0 Windows Testing
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- Minor --- Vendor Bank Details, ---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- Minor --- Brix test g Change Req---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- Minor --- Vendor bank Change Req---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- Major --- Fuel disburChange Req ---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegliganceMajor --- Trip sheet Change Req ---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- Major --- H&T contraChange Req ---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegliganceMajor --- Trip sheet Change Req ---
P1 --- suraj.khal suraj.khal --- Minor --- Vendor >Advance searc ---
P1 --- suraj.khal suraj.khal UnawareneMajor --- Plantation registrati ---
P1 --- suraj.khal suraj.khal Forgotten Minor --- Add to blacklist vend ---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar Kat--- Major --- H&T contrac Change Req---
P1 --- tushar.kat Tushar KatNegliganceMajor --- H&T Contrac Change Req---
P1 --- suraj.khal suraj.khal --- Major --- Selected bullock cart ---
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect to do unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Defect unspecified
Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal
ayesha.shashoo@itcube.net . 3 2 1 6
babaji.ghule@itcube.net 1 1 2 2 6
parimal.shere@itcube.net . . 2 1 3
swapna.patil@itcube.net 1 8 9. 18
swapnil.alsamrao@itcube.net 1 4 1. 6
vaibhav.joshi@itcube.net . 1. . 1
vibha@itcube.net 2 4 3. 9
Total 5 21 19 4 49

R2P1 Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal

CLOSED 2 29 25 4 60
On Hold . 1 1 1 3
Total 2 30 26 5 63


Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal

CLOSED 5 19 14 1 39
Total 5 19 14 1 39

Blocker Major Minor Total
CLOSED 3 13 5 21
Total 3 13 5 21

Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal
CLOSED 6 23 6 2 37
On Hold . . . 1 1
Total 6 23 6 3 38

Major Minor EnhancemeTotal
NEW . . 1 1
CLOSED 8 4. 12
On Hold 1. . 1
Total 9 5 1 15

R2p4 Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal

CLOSED 5 3 0 0 8
Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal
NEW 0 0 0 1 1
REOPENED 0 0 1 0 1
CLOSED 21 95 54 7 177
On Hold 0 2 1 2 5
Total 21 97 56 10 184

Closed 177
On Hold 5
Total 184

Unit testing
Blocker Major Minor EnhancemeTotal
NEW . 4 3 2 9
REOPENED . 1. . 1
RESOLVED . 2. . 2
CLOSED 10 88 48 14 160
On Hold . 9 7 1 17
Total 10 104 58 17 189

Minor Total
Total 9 9
1 10069 Enh P1 CLOS
2 10070 Min P1 CLOS
3 10071 Maj P1 CLOS
4 10072 Min P1 CLOS
5 10073 Maj P1 CLOS
6 10074 Min P1 CLOS
7 10078 Maj P1 CLOS
8 10079 Blo P1 CLOS
9 10087 Maj P1 CLOS
10 10088 Min P1 CLOS
11 10091 Min P1 CLOS
12 10096 Min P1 CLOS
13 10115 Maj P1 CLOS
14 10116 Blo P1 CLOS
15 10117 Maj P1 CLOS
16 10120 Min P1 CLOS
17 10124 Maj P1 CLOS
18 10125 Min P1 CLOS
19 10126 Min P1 CLOS
20 10127 Min P1 CLOS
21 10128 Maj P1 CLOS
22 10129 Min P1 CLOS
23 10130 Min P1 CLOS
24 10170 Maj P1 CLOS
25 10173 Maj P1 CLOS
26 10174 Maj P1 CLOS
27 10176 Maj P1 CLOS
28 10177 Maj P1 CLOS
29 10178 Enh P1 CLOS
30 10179 Enh P1 CLOS
31 10180 Maj P1 CLOS
32 10181 Maj P1 CLOS
33 10182 Min P1 CLOS
34 10185 Maj P1 CLOS
35 10186 Maj P1 CLOS
36 10187 Min P1 CLOS
37 10188 Maj P1 CLOS
38 10189 Maj P1 CLOS
39 10191 Min P1 CLOS
40 10192 Maj P1 CLOS
41 10195 Min P1 CLOS
42 10196 Maj P1 CLOS
43 10197 Min P1 CLOS
44 10199 Maj P1 On H
45 10200 Min P1 CLOS
46 10201 Enh P1 CLOS
47 10202 Maj P1 CLOS
48 10205 Maj P1 CLOS
49 10206 Maj P1 CLOS
50 10207 Min P1 CLOS
51 10208 Min P1 CLOS
52 10209 Min P1 CLOS
53 10210 Enh P1 On H
54 10211 Min P1 CLOS
55 10212 Min P1 On H
56 10213 Maj P1 CLOS
57 10214 Maj P1 CLOS
58 10215 Min P1 CLOS
59 10218 Min P1 CLOS
60 10219 Maj P1 CLOS
61 10220 Min P1 CLOS
62 10262 Maj P1 CLOS
63 10264 Maj P1 CLOS
64 10499 Maj P1 CLOS
65 10500 Min P1 CLOS
66 10503 Min P1 CLOS
67 10504 Maj P1 CLOS
68 10507 Min P1 CLOS
69 10509 Enh P1 CLOS
70 10510 Maj P1 CLOS
71 10511 Blo P1 CLOS
72 10512 Min P1 CLOS
73 10513 Maj P1 CLOS
74 10514 Maj P1 CLOS
75 10515 Maj P1 CLOS
76 10516 Min P1 CLOS
77 10528 Min P1 CLOS
78 10532 Min P1 CLOS
79 10533 Maj P1 CLOS
80 10537 Blo P1 CLOS
81 10538 Blo P1 CLOS
82 10539 Maj P1 CLOS
83 10542 Maj P1 CLOS
84 10543 Maj P1 CLOS
85 10545 Maj P1 CLOS
86 10546 Min P1 CLOS
87 10548 Min P1 CLOS
88 10549 Maj P1 CLOS
89 10550 Blo P1 CLOS
90 10553 Blo P1 CLOS
91 10557 Min P1 CLOS
92 10558 Min P1 CLOS
93 10564 Maj P1 CLOS
94 10565 Maj P1 CLOS
95 10569 Min P1 CLOS
96 10572 Maj P1 CLOS
97 10575 Maj P1 CLOS
98 10576 Maj P1 CLOS
99 10578 Maj P1 CLOS
100 10580 Min P1 CLOS
101 10584 Min P1 CLOS
102 10585 Maj P1 CLOS
103 10655 Blo P1 CLOS
104 10656 Maj P1 CLOS
105 10657 Maj P1 CLOS
106 10658 Min P1 CLOS
107 10660 Min P1 CLOS
108 10661 Maj P1 CLOS
109 10663 Maj P1 CLOS
110 10664 Min P1 CLOS
111 10665 Blo P1 CLOS
112 10666 Maj P1 CLOS
113 10667 Blo P1 CLOS
114 10672 Min P1 CLOS
115 10673 Maj P1 CLOS
116 10674 Maj P1 CLOS
117 10678 Maj P1 CLOS
118 10679 Maj P1 CLOS
119 10683 Min P1 CLOS
120 10684 Maj P1 CLOS
121 10686 Maj P1 CLOS
122 10691 Maj P1 CLOS
123 10693 Maj P1 CLOS
124 10846 Maj P1 CLOS
125 10848 Min P1 CLOS
126 10850 Maj P1 CLOS
127 10855 Maj P1 CLOS
128 10857 Blo P1 CLOS
129 10858 Blo P1 CLOS
130 10859 Maj P1 CLOS
131 10860 Maj P1 CLOS
132 10863 Maj P1 CLOS
133 10866 Maj P1 CLOS
134 10867 Maj P1 CLOS
135 10868 Maj P1 CLOS
136 10870 Maj P1 CLOS
137 10871 Maj P1 CLOS
138 10872 Blo P1 CLOS
139 10873 Maj P1 CLOS
140 10874 Maj P1 CLOS
141 10875 Blo P1 CLOS
142 10876 Min P1 CLOS
143 10878 Enh P1 CLOS
144 10882 Maj P1 CLOS
145 10883 Maj P1 CLOS
146 10884 Maj P1 CLOS
147 10885 Maj P1 CLOS
148 10886 Min P1 CLOS
149 10887 Maj P1 CLOS
150 10888 Maj P1 CLOS
151 10890 Min P1 CLOS
152 10891 Enh P1 CLOS
153 10892 Min P1 CLOS
154 10893 Enh P1 On H
155 10894 Blo P1 CLOS
156 10895 Maj P1 CLOS
157 10896 Maj P1 CLOS
158 10897 Blo P1 CLOS
159 10898 Min P1 CLOS
160 10901 Maj P1 CLOS
161 10902 Maj P1 CLOS
162 10945 Maj P1 CLOS
163 10946 Min P1 CLOS
164 10952 Min P1 REOP
165 10953 Min P1 CLOS
166 10967 Maj P1 On H
167 10969 Maj P1 CLOS
168 10972 Maj P1 CLOS
169 10975 Maj P1 CLOS
170 10981 Min P1 CLOS
171 10983 Maj P1 CLOS
172 10984 Min P1 CLOS
173 10990 Enh P1 NEW
174 10993 Maj P1 CLOS
175 10994 Maj P1 CLOS
176 10999 Maj P1 CLOS
177 11112 Blo P1 CLOS
178 11117 Blo P1 CLOS
179 11118 Maj P1 CLOS
180 11119 Maj P1 CLOS
181 11121 Maj P1 CLOS
182 11124 Blo P1 CLOS
183 11141 Blo P1 CLOS
184 11147 Blo P1 CLOS
User can be able to keep date empty for searching the Rec...
windows application- Weight should not be editable field.
Windows Application- Regular material Token screen materi...
Reason Text Box is accepting more than 200 characters and...
User can raise multiple burn request at a time For same p...
Controls are getting overlapped in burn cane request screen.
Harvester rate screen Multiple Records are created for sa...
Unable to create Other weighment token and weigh slip rec...
Other Token Loan Material screen vehicle number text box ...
Other Weight Slip screen Gross weight should be always gr...
Create token screen, user can save the record of 'Net Wt ...
Create weight slip loan material screen, text box are not...
Create Token screen, one RFID number can be assigned to m...
Duplicate data is getting appeared during Data sync bet...
Crystal report is not getting displayed and showing error.
Exception occurs on Windows Application.
Web application, Weightslip screen- System is not validat...
RDIF Number is not getting release after cancelling the t...
Status remarks text present on screen after click on New ...
Net weight appears on screen after entering gross /tare ...
Edited Net wt is not sync from application to windows app...
SAP Integration key is not getting saved.
In database Weight mode is not getting saved.
Web application, Weight slip screen- Record is getting sy...
Windows application - Values of Approved quantity, Balanc...
Windows application - Loan Material token screen save the...
Material Screen, Edit material screen is not getting open.
Season configuration screen Plant is not getting selected...
Drawee Bank screen, After click on delete mapped bank rec...
Loan Bank Screen is not getting opened.
H&T Contract record is not getting saved.
Supervisor Wise Bond Allocation screen, Allocate Supervis...
Windows application- Weight Slip screen showing exception
Create Token screen, RFID is user editable field.
Loan weight slip is no getting saved with 2nd Weight.
Create Token Screen, Success message is displaying after ...
Unable to save Regular Material Weigh slip.
System is showing Transporter type Company.
System is not calculating Diesel qty on loan token screen
crystal Report weigh slip Loan Material, System is Showi...
Vendor documents details, system is giving Network error ...
Incomplete data is getting displayed in report of Regular...
Default Plant is getting displayed after add or editing t...
On safari browser Login not working.
ON WEIGHT SLIP SCREEN system is not showing any proper me...
Loan Material Token screen, transporter is editable for c...
UI Is not responsive -Token Screen web Application.
H&T Contract Screen, Scroll is getting disable and unable...
Loan Material Token screen transporter code text is enabl...
Plantation screen Approved and rejected button are not pr...
Vendor Bank details--> Search Record is not on click.
Profit center screen, Records list is not getting refresh...
Edit Vendor Bank details-->Remark is mandatory field with...
Click on token regular screen from menu loan material scr...
Print of Token and weight slip should be 6*4
Duplicated record getting created in database due to syn ...
Windows application, for max length cursor is start from...
Regular Token screen, Vendor is not getting change after ...
Bunk screen accordion is not getting opened after click o...
Bunk screen opening stock is required field for outsource.
Profit Center --> System is showing wrong error message f...
Harvester rate screen, Search Date range is not working p...
Burn Cane Request-->On Plantation number search, only new...
In weight slip Windows, trolley no is not displayed for b...
IE browser, Advance search in Burn cane request changed t...
In Plant village after search on village user not able to...
Plantation screen, Advance search by vendor name is not w...
H&T CONTRACT, Search And Select Surety For H&T Contract, ...
Trip-sheet screen, System is allow to enter Water Sharing...
Edit tripsheet screen, official burn and burn cane perce...
After Token generation trip sheet is not transferable.
In Regular Material Rate, on changing plant name, screen ...
Cutting order status is getting changed after editing the...
Crop Token plant level application is not showing all rec...
After cancelling token on web application system is synci...
In Post lab quality Check screen, create and edit window ...
Crop weight slip print preview mismatch than expectation
In H&T contract advance search for 'Gang Name' data not g...
On Reset GPS, In advance search 'Close" button not required.
After Rejection of plantation user is able to edit the pl...
On clicking Approve two times Plantation number get incre...
Edit Bank Screen, while aditing nationalize/ cooperative ...
Cutting order status is getting changed from locked to in...
In Regular token, after entering new Transporter code on ...
Edit Plantation screen, after inserting values to latitud...
In token and weight slip, date selection for search, toda...
Cutting order screen, balance quota should not get update...
If trip sheet is transferred to other plant and token gen...
Trip sheet Screen, System is not showing Direct Distance ...
Weight slip not generate for transferred Trip sheet
Plant to Plant Distance screen, system is showing error f...
Newly created (Approved) vendor code not refreshed after ...
Trip sheet screen, system is not calculation diesel qty f...
Once Dristicane send GPS coordinate, GPS reset screen not...
In Plantation, result screen should accommodate large sta...
Burn Cane request Action button not visible
Transferred token not displayed in search of Crop token
Crop token details not displayed at original plant after ...
For transferred token, on crop weight slip save message a...
Crop token screen list is not is not getting refreshed af...
Token generated then transferred trip sheet, "Transfer To...
Transferred token not displayed in web crop weight slip f...
Loan application number not sync to windows application i...
Create Harvesting Material Loan Application, Default Scr...
Web token for Loan material advance search not reset the ...
In New status of loan application if interest rate not co...
Loan material Application, system is allow to add Vendor...
Loan application, Vendor is surety search is irrespective...
Create Loan material application screen, Interest percent...
Loan application default screen, vendor name is not left ...
Loan application, user cant not create compost loan appli...
Other weighment loan material Token, System is creating ...
System is not calculating distance in loan material appli...
Remark in Fuel Loan application from plant Level applicat...
In Fuel Disbursement, After Sync Vehicle type is not dis...
Loan transporter records are not getting synch in web app...
Approved Plantation Numbers not searchable while creating...
Create New Plantation screen backdrop opacity not visible...
Material name displayed two times in create seed loan app...
Previous season approved Plantations no. not displayed fo...
If previous plantation not available then message should ...
In Fuel Disbursement, Disbursement date is not getting se...
plant level application loan token screen system is showi...
Plantation screen, after selecting vendor by Vendor code ...
Drawer Bank, Message is getting displayed 'No Mapped ban...
Tripsheet, Unable to transfer the tripsheet
Cutting Order Screen, System is showing wrong(0) Brix Count.
On Crop token creating windows screen, on Trip sheet entr...
Crop token not displayed at web application after appeari...
All Screen, Search result is not get displayed after cl...
Season configuration Reset button not working
Crop weight screen, system is showing unknown error mess...
Crop Weight slip not displayed at web Crop weightslip scr...
Trip sheet, system is wrongly showing contract is in for...
RFID number should not be displayed at Crop Weightslip
In Create Harvesting Material Loan Application, contract ...
Crop Weight, system is showing wrong Disel Qty on crop ...
In Fuel Disbursement, on saving disbursement date after e...
Message wrongly displayed as "Material Loan application s...
Weight slip screen, system is not showing accidental Burn...
For Crop type Ratoon1, cutting order creation, stuck with...
Loan material application, Recovery pattern is accepting ...
On WeightSlip-Loan material, "Create Diesel Indent" name ...
Village distance screen, on edit screen user can select a...
Weighbridge code can be duplicate.
Shift details, Time picker box is not aligned properly.
Plantation Registration screen, After Changing vendor pl...
Cutting order, message is not getting displayed that that...
Both Trolleys not displayed at Crop token and weight slip...
Crop weight slip plant level apllication, Binding deducti...
Other weightment weighslip regular material transporter s...
Diesel Qty should be with Extra diesel qty in Crop weight...
Add To Forceful Leave screen Reset button to date is not ...
Trip sheet reference no. is mandatory for drishtricane i...
Run time error on clicking Diesel issue in windows screen
Pre Harvesting Quality Check/ Post Harvesting Quality Check.
Trip-sheet, Harvester Search is not working as Expected.
Crop weight slip screen, Water sharing percentage and Bur...
On Crop token Print preview for Token date, PM or AM shou...
When bonded vehicle present in trip sheet, alt vehicle no...
other weighment weight slip, system is showing exemption...
Vendor Bank Details, User can add duplicate records of ba...
Vendor Bank Details, Vendor type drop down, select all ch...
Brix test generation screen, down scroll is not getting d...
Vendor bank Details screen, Joint account Check Box is no...
Fuel disbursement screen after Diesel Indent locking peri...
Trip sheet screen, incorrect message is getting displayed...
H&T contract screen, system is not showing values of Tran...
Trip sheet screen, user can save blacklisted vendor's Co...
Vendor >Advance search filter >Reset button search vendor...
Plantation registration screen wrong validation message ...
Add to blacklist vendor screen Reason field mandatory mar...
Vendor, On add to blacklisted screen, hide the save butto...
H&T contract Edit screen, cart no drop down is getting di...
H&T Contract, user can not Cancel or expire the contract.
Selected bullock cart no is not accepted as vehicle no va...
Main Background Service – For recovery system is taking w...
Main Background Service – unable to process vendor payment.
Main Background Service – system is not taking proper seq...
Main Background Service – after having crop rates system ...
H&T loan Lot excel missing Gang type and Account number d...
Loan application bill not generated for H&T advance loan
GenerateMaterialLoanBill Background queue not generated f...
Main Background Service – Interest calculation tasks for ...
CMS_TC_FR27_BurnCaneRequestfromCMS.xlsx 7/31/2018 7/31/2018
CMS_TC_FR23_CreateProductRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018

CMS_TC_FR47_CreateFRPRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018

CMS_TC_FR47_EditFRPRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR47_SearchERPRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR13_CreateTransportationRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR13_EditTransportationRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR13_SearchTransportationRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR22_CreateHarvestingRate 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR22_EditHarvestingRate 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR22_SearchHarvestingRate 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR23_CreateProductRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR23_EditProductRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR23_SearchProductRate.xls 7/17/2018 7/17/2018
CMS_TC_FR07_CreateHarvestingMaterial.xls 8/9/2018 8/9/2018
CMS_TC_FR07_EditHavestingMaterial.xls 8/9/2018 8/9/2018
CMS_TC_FR07_SearchHarvestingMaterial.xls 8/9/2018 8/9/2018
CMS_TC_FR30_CreateLoanApplication.xls 24/9/2018 24/9/2018
CMS_TC_FR30_EditLoanApplication.xls 24/9/2018 24/9/2018

CMS_TC_FR33_DieselOilPurchase.xls - -
CMS_TC_FR33_UpdateDailyDieselRate pr
CMS_TC_FR29_Generate_Cutting_Order.xls 8/27/2018 9/6/2018
CMS_TC_FR29_Edit Cutting Order.xls 8/22/2018 9/6/2018
CMS_TC_FR29_Search_Cutting_Order.xls 8/22/2018 9/6/2018
CMS_TC_FR55_Tripsheet 8/31/2018 9/4/2018
CMS_TC_FR28_Token Generation.xls 8/11/2018 8/14/2018
CMS_TC_FR28_Edit_Token Generation.xls 8/11/2018 8/14/2018
CMS_TC_FR28_Search&ViewTokenNumber.xls 8/11/2018 8/14/2018
CMS_TC_FR53_CreateYardInspection.xls 8/11/2018 8/14/2018

CMS_TC_FR53_EditYardInspection.xls 8/11/2018 8/14/2018

CMS_TC_FR53_SearchYardInspection.xls 8/11/2018 8/14/2018

CMS_TC_FR36_CreateWeight slip.xlsx 8/27/2018 9/3/2018
CMS_TC_FR36_EditWeight slip.xlsx 8/27/2018 9/3/2018
CMS_TC_FR36_SearchWeight slip.xls 8/27/2018 9/3/2018

CMS_TC_FR31_PaymentToVendor.xls -
CMS_TC_FR31_SearchPaymentTransactions.xls -
CMS_TC_FR31_ViewReversPaymentVoucher.xls -

CMS_TC_FR35_CreateCropLoanRecommendation.xls 20/6/2018 6-Dec-18

CMS_TC_FR35_EditCropLoanRecommendation.xls 20/6/2019 7-Dec-18

CMS_TC_FR35_SearchCropLoanRecommendation.xls 20/6/2020 8-Dec-18


CMS_TC_FR32_CreateDebitCredit Note.xls
CMS_TC_FR32_EditCreateDebitCredit Note.xls
CMS_TC_FR32_SearchDebitCredit Note.xls
CMS_TC_FR43_CreateProvisionalEntries.xls 9/24/2018 9/24/2018
CMS_TC_FR43_EditProvisionalEntries.xls 9/24/2018 9/24/2018
CMS_TC_FR43_SearchProvisionalEntries.xls 9/24/2018 9/24/2018

CMS_TC_FR36_CreateWeight slip.xlsx 7/27/2018

CMS_TC_FR36_EditWeight slip.xlsx 7/27/2018
CMS_TC_FR36_SearchWeight slip.xls 7/27/2018
CMS_TC_FR48_CreateTDSExemption.xls 9/28/2018 10/102018

CMS_TC_FR33_DieselOilIssueIndent.xlsx 9/20/2018 9/24/2018


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