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Table A

Functional hip exercise circuit

Exercise Description and progression

Sit-to-stand Sit-to-stand exercise from chair. Hands used to

guide only. Progress with increased repetitions

and speed for 1minute

Toe raises Stand straight, feet flat on floor. Keep abdomen

tight and hold one leg up as you rise on toes as

high as possible, 20 reps, repeat on alternate side.

Progress with dumbbells

Knee raises Back straight, slowly lift one leg as high as you

can and lower to floor. Raise opposite arm as knee

is raised, repeat for 1 minute

Side leg raises Slowly raise leg out to side and then return to

start. Repeat with opposite side for 1 minute

Repeat exercise with leg into extension for 1

Back leg raises
minute. Hold chair if needed, progress to

independent stance and further progress with 2.5-

kg weights on lower leg as able

Single knee bends Stand on one leg, grip floor with toes and slowly

lower to approximately 30o

Keep leg on the bed bent to 90o and upper leg

Abduction in side lying
straight. Lift the upper leg straight up (THR side)

with the ankle flexed and the heel leading the

movement. Repeat for 10, rest and repeat for 10

reps. Add resistance if appropriate

Lead with affected leg, step up forwards and step

Step ups
down with affected leg. Repeat for 1 minute.

Increase speed as able

Step ups laterally

Stand with the step side on your affected leg. Step

up laterally, leading with affected leg, step down

with unaffected leg. Repeat for 1 minute

One-legged standing balance Use two chairs, transfer weight to operated leg

and pick other leg up. Try to balance for 10

seconds. Progress with timed balance. Repeat

three times each side

Advanced one-legged balance As previous but also turn head from side to side

Pelvic raising/lowering Stand on operated leg, not allowing pelvis to drop.

Progress by slowly raising and lowering pelvis on

the side of the bent knee up to 1 minute as able

THR, total hip replacement.

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