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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Remote Installation Services (RIS)

Client Computer EIU  Network E !К#$% Windows OS Installation )U %* U+,+КIU IХ.$% /0%)IU 
E1$%2#IUE3* 45AКIU EE718 К.3%E1%9E)1:%;<1 )1E71К%)4% % E31К4% 34%2 417<$%>
?/317<$%;.12AК% / 74%70
 %@ Remote Installation Services AE1К1$%2КIU E,E,1$%2 E7212 /4%AU
3I:/3%2B U /4%8

RIS )U %DIU AК% 91E)IUA %;)* !

RIS Requirements

• Windows 2003 or 2000 Server

• Remote Installation Services Component
• Windows XP Professional CD
• Active Directory
• PXE Client IU BD,%1К /4%8 )IUA %Х.К%E B 4%,U+2 5#IU7$%E1 RIS )U %$3%2E)2 ,$%)IU 7 /2 58

Windows Server 2003 or 2000 $%B U)U %73%8

S;U52#U+2 Remote Installation Services #IU* WindowsComponent ,%ХUКIU S4%$%2E 27 /;4%8 SIUIU
S4%$%2)IU 7DIU A К% Server 2003 CD or Server 2000 CD EХКIU1КIUS4%S12DIU )UIA % /4%8 B U)U % U+;<1 -
Start>>>Control Panel>>>Add or Remove Programs A *:5SК
* ;< Add/Remove Windows Components КIUE72 /8
Windows Components Wizard Box К.)1;4%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

* ;< Remote Installation Services КIUA;<3%BХ,%E 2 /8 Next ;<12<I % /8 Remote Installation Services КIU Install
)U %E 2E3 /;4%8 2 52)<.$% Complete Wizard Box К.)1 /;4%8 Finish ;<12<I % /8 :/#IU)<.$% Remote Installation
Services КIU Install )U %1 2 52#U+212 /2 58

Server 2003 ;<1 Remote Installation Services component КIU S4%$%22 522 5BD,%BD$% RIS )U %$3%2КIU ,$%)IU
7 /2 58 ,$%AU+2B U U+;<1 - Start>>>run box S*;<1 risetup 7IUК%2 52 Enter EХ/К% /8 RIS Setup Wizard box
К.)1 /;4%8

RIS Welcome Screen $% RIS installation A IU$%22 52EB;1К%DIU AК% )IUA %Х.К%EКIU ED1%B S12 /0%8 2 52)<.$%
Next ;<12<I % /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

:5A#$%E)2КE1 ;I;I server ` C: Drive ;AU%8* BХ12 Drive letter D:, E:, ,4%A IU$%2$% Remoteinstall
2<$% %К%E1 )U %$3%2,U%;.12 I;%2DIU AК%E371 %;<%E 2* A IU$%2BD,% /0%8 SIUIU %;<%Х.$% /К
Browse $%2<I %@%;<%2IU$% /4%8 Next ;<12<I % /8

:5A#$%КE1 AХUD3%52S12* RIS КIU Client IU Х.К%BХ$%2ES1К% +;<U E 2;4%> ;E 2;4%КIU E72Х.0%4%A IU$%2 /8

Next ;<12<I % /8

:5A#$%КE1 Client ;<1 AU+2B U;4% Windows EХ7* );%2E1К1$%2КIU E72ХIU$%21 /8 AcIК КE1 Windows CD
S*К i386 folder КIU Copy Кf20f1 21 /8 win xp CD 7<I)
* ;%2E1К1$%2КIU E 22 522 5#IU)<.$% Next ;<1 2<I % /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

:/КE1 КIU0%D3%52)IUК%* Image AК%31;4%E)2E 2)IUК%1 /8 Next ;<12<I % /8

:55A#$%%КE1 windows image ` Descripiton Name E 2** E371 /8 Next ;<12<I % /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

:55A#$%КE1E31К%#U+2 2 52#U+212*A#$% /8 Finish ;<12<I % /8

:/КE1E7< ;<1Х.Х** settings AIU$%2 Install )U %E31 /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

К*... AХU#IU7$%E1 К.3%E1%IU ` Remote Installation Services Setup Wizard КE3 )IUA %1E)2EКIU
remoteinstall folder D* 2 52 D3%52BХ$%2A#$%2 52#U+2)IU 1 2 /2 58

К.3%E1%EB 1Х** A#$%E AIU$%2EA1$%B;$%2 5 #IU)<.$%E1 КUI0%S4%$

 %2)IUК%* Partition A IU$%2S*;<1
121К4%)IUК% /8 :5)IUB;$%E37 / )I;%;4%8

IB U73%;<1 - К.3%E1%IU 4%E#1К%Х

* * Remoteinstall #IU* Folder К share E 2S121 BD,%E37 /;0%8 f
КIUD$%1К4%)IUК%;0%#IU)<.$%E1 :5)IUB;$%7 /;0%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Admin, OSChooser, Setup, tmp #IU* Folder E)2ХU /7<I /0%8 AХUEB 1121EКE1
КUI0%D3%52Х*1EКIU B 3%)4%,,%E#2* A IU$%2 /8 AХU#К%2 52 AD A IU$%2КIU 12 /;0%8 :/E1К1$% Active Directory
Users and Computers КIUD$% /8 A*:5SК
* ;< Computers КIU1 2 /8

2 52)<.$% U+ /AIU$%2 Computers E !;<1 Right Click >>> New >>> Computer #IU1КIUE72)IUК% /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

0ХU B;$%E37* U+AIU$%2 К.)1;4%8 Computer Name ,%ХUКIU %;<% E 2)IUК% /8 К.3%E1%КE1 client1 )IU
E 2)IUК% /0%8 (;<%Х.К% - j)U %$3%2,U%4% Client 10 )U+2,1КIU B U)U %)IU /К SIU Client 10 )U+2,1AК%
Computer Name 10 ХU,1D3%52E 2DIU )IU /4%8 ) 2 52)<.$% Next ;<12<I % /8

jA#$%4% AE721К52* A IU$%2КIUE71К%)1 /2 58 КIU0% windows )<;%2$% ;4% Client ,К%` GUID КIUIDIU
)IU)1 /2 58 К.3%E1%К)4%2U3%2К :5A#$%)4%2E71К%E71.. 71)4%E11 / *8 91BD,%)IU )*#IUE1 GUID
#IU1 91;<3%2КIU ;I)IU  /8 Google ;<17<11К4%;< GUID #IU1 Globally Unique IDentifier BD,%E1К1$%2 Device

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

EКIU 3%DIU2%;<%E 2* ,3,%BD,%E1К1$%2 I7 /0%8 :/#IU)<.$% КIU0%)<;%2$%;* client ,К%` GUID КIUIDIU
AК% Client ,К%` BIOS S*;<1 l$%B $%DIU  )IU /0%8

Client ,К%$%)U %73%8

Client ,К%` BIOS S*КIUl$%DIU AК% Delete, F1, F2 ,4%BD$% К%#IU$%71 Key КIU2<I %@ l$%)IUК% /8 E71К%)<.$%
Boot Tab КIU1 22 52 Boot Device Priority ` First boot Device E371;<1 PXE UNDI(Bus0 Slot) КIUS12 /8

U+ /AIU$%2EB 1$%2)*2 52 /К Save and Exit BD$%SК

 %2 52 Boot К%E 2)IUК% /8

Boot К%A
* Х.I3%;<1 EХ.17<11К4%)IUК% /8 К.3%E1%IU )IUХ.$%* GUID КIU E E37 /;4%8 :/#IU)<.$% КUI0%
Windows )<;%2$%;4% Client ` GUID КIUAIAК.;<%S12DIU )IU /4%8 A*:5A#$%ASI A#$%EB 2 5#IU)<.$%E1
EA1К%$% ED1%B S124% U+AIU$%2 КIU0% Manage )U %;4% Client ` GUID КIU EХ.1,17IUК%S4% /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

2 52)<.$% Next ;<12<I % /8 E31К%#$%К.)1 /;4%8

0ХUASК% / U+4% ;I;I` Client AК% Host Server E72Х.0%E 274% A IU$%2BD,% /4%8 E72Х.0%DIU AК%

Search ;<1 2<I % /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

;I;I` Server Name КIUE72 /8 OK )IU EB 1 /8 :/#IU)<.$% К.3%E1%IU ` Host Server E72Х.0%4% A#$%2 5212 /2 58

Next;<1 2<I % /8

Finish ;<12<I % /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

AХU#IU)<.$% КIU0%)<;%2$%;4% Client ,%)U+2,1AК% B $%#$%;<U 2 52#U+2)IU 1 2 /2 58 BХ12 client E AК% /
D3%52S12Х.$% /К ASК% / E7212Х*4% A#$%E AIU$%2 #$%Х.$%2 B 3%)U %E 27 /;4%8

К.3%E1%IU #К%2 52E1 Domain Controllers A IU$%2КIU 34%234%2121К7EA1$%8 A*:5 AК% Domain Controllers
#IU4% ,1E !$% Х.К%2<I % /8 Domain Controllers S*КIUE71К%2 5#IU)<.$% ;I;I Server Name КIU7<1)IU E

f E !;<1 Right Click 2<I %2 52 properties КIU E72)IUК% /8 A*:5SК

* ;< Remote Install #IU4% Tab ;<12<I % /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

:5A#$%КE1 Client Support #IU4% Category A$%2 /4% ,12<,%E1К1$%2КIU ON E 27 /;4%8 SIUIU  B U)U %E 2;<
1)<.$% Client 9К%;< remote )U %DIU AК% request )U %4%AХ/$% server КХ$%B US124%AК%
A#$%EB E,;4% BD,% /4%8

AХU A IU$%2 ;<1E1 Remote Installation Service ` Policy КIU B UB $%BХ$%22<$% ;4%4% User or Administrator КIU
Remote Install )U %Х$%E 2;4%КIU %;<%E 2BХ$%2 BD,% /4%8

A 7$%U52#U+2 Remote Installation Service Policy КIU ,,%E#2 /;4%8 )IUA %)<.$%B UB $% /;4%8 ,,%E#2 U+;<1- ;I;I Server `
Active Directory and U ser S*;<17<I4% ;I;I` Domain E !;<1 Right Click 2<I %2 52 Porperties КIUE72 /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

К.)1E1 Properties box ;< Group Policy Tab КIUE72 /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Edit ;<1 2<I % /8 Group Policy Object Editor #IU4% Box К.)1 /;4%8

90%9К% Category S*$% User Configuration A*:5SК

* ;< Windows Settings ,112` AE /$%2EКq$%
2I< %2 52 Remote Installation Service КIUE72 /8 A*:5SК
* ;< Choice Options E !;<1 Right Click 2<I %2 52 Properties
КIUE72 /8 Choice Options Properties Box К.)1 /;4%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

A*:5;<1 B $%,71 AE3BD$% Automatic Setup, Custom Setup, Restart Setup, Tools 70%#IU2 52 A IU$%2 r ХU 7<I /4%8
A SК% / U+$% ED1%B S124%A IU$%2 E72Х.0%E 2 /8 2 52)<.$% OK 3*3 SК% /8

E31К%#$%A E3BD$% ;4%4% User or Administrator КIU Remote Install )U %Х$%E 2;4%КIU %;<%E 2BХ$%2 /8
%;<% E 2 U+К - Active Directory and User S*;<17<I4% ;I;I` Domain E !;<1 Right Click 2<I %2 52 Delegate
Control КIUE72E 2 /8

Delegation Control Wizard Box К.)1 /;4%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Next ;<1 2<I %E 2)IUК% /8 A*:5A#$%;<1 ;I;IК 90% User, 90% Admin КIU Remote Install )U %Х$%B U;4% #IU1КIU
S4%E 27 /;0%8

User Account or Admin Account ХUS4%2 52 /К Next ;<12<I % /8 E31К%,%#$%К )К%7<IS4%$%2)IUК%* User or
Admin КIU 90%A IU$%2)U %Х$%B U;4% #IU4%КIU S4%$%2E 27 /;4%8

Join a computer to the domain КIU ;BD,%;E3 E72Х.0%E 2DIU2 )IU /4%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Finished ;<1 2<I % /8 :/#IU)<.$%E1 Remote Install )U %;4% User or Admin AК% Setting Х.1 2 52#U+2)IU31 2 /2 58

0ХU#К%2 52E1 DHCP setting Х. U+2<$% AU+2B U U+IU3КIU 7<$%2B 12;<1 /8 DHCP К A)U %)U %E3;< ;I;I` Client EКIU
Auto IP Х.E 22IU$%;<1 /8 :/;< Server 3*3 Client Х.I%#К%;I2 52 Network К,%#$% Boot К%2IU$%;<1 /8 К*... AХUE1
DHCP A IU$%2E)2КIU #К%12)IUК%7EA1$%8 ;I;I` Server 2003 or 2000 ;<1 DHCP component КIU
S4%E 27 /;4%8 (,К12Х. %- Windows Server 2003 or 2000 CD EХКIU 1КIU$%S4%$%2S12 /8) Windows
Component S4%$%2Х.$%)<.$%> Start>>>ControlPanel>>>Add or Remove Program>>>Add/Remove Windows
Components ;<12<I % /8 Component List S*;< Networking Services КIUE722 52 Details ;<1 2<I % /8 A*:5S;
* < Dynamics
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) #IU1КIU A;<3%BХ,%E 22 52 OK 3*3SК% /8 2 52)<.$% Next BD$%#К%1 2)IUК% /8
E31К%#U+2 DHCP Component S4%$%21 2 52#U+212 /)I;%;4%8 #К%)К%2 52 start>>>Administartive
tools>>>DHCP КIU D$% /8 A*:5;<1 ;I;I Server ` Domain 3*3 IP КIU E3B;$%E37 /;4%8

f3E !;<1 Right Click 2<I %2 52 New Scope КIUE72 /8 New Scope Wizard Box К.)1 /;4%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Next ;<1 2<I %2 52#К%1 2)IUК% /8

К.3%E1%КE1 Scope Name КIU RISgroup )IU3 A;4%E 2)IUК% /0%8 2 52)<.$% Next 3*3#К%1 2 /0%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

;I;I` Client E AК% IP Address Range %;<%E 27 /;4%8 К.3%E1%КE1 Start IP КIU -
End IP КIU )IU3S4%$%2)IUК% /0%8 Next ;<1 2<I %2 52#К%1 2)IUК% /8

:/КE1 Add Exclusions A IU$%2 /8 f3A IU$%2К ХU3К К.3%E1%IU3 %;<%E 2Х*4% IP 10.1 КE3 10.100
A $%2 90% IP EКIUE1 Client EКIU E 2;U+2 /9f2 #IU1КIU %;<%E 21 /8 ;%;<%Х)
* 4%2 7 /0%8
К.3%E1%КE1 - SI Х.3%)< %S12;0%#IU2 52 E1КB$1Х* /0%8 Next ;<1
2<I %2 52#К%1 2)IUК% /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

Lease Duration A IU$%2КE1 Client ,%ХU;<1 IP ,%ХUКIU 90%E)1К% AХ.I3%AIU$%2A1SI U+2Х$%B U;4%КIU
E1КB$1E 24% A IU$%2BD,% /4%8 К.3%E1%КE1 xyz 7К% E 2S12)IUК% /0%8 Next ;<1 2<I %2 52#К%1 2)IUК% /8

Configure DHCP Options A IU$%2КE1 DHCP Options E3*3 %К%2 52E1 IU;IU2 52B $%#$%;<U;.12 B U)U %)IU /К
Yes КIUE72Х.0%2 52 122IU$% /4%8 К.3%E1%КE1 NO КIUE722 52 Next 3*3 #К%1 2)IUК% /0%8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

E31К%#U+2A#$% Finish ;<1 2<I % /8 2 52)<.$%E1 ;I;IB U)U %ХE

* 1 scope КIU Activate )U %E 27 /;4%8

B U)U % U+;<1 - 7)1E1 scope E !;<1 Right click 2<I %2 52 Activate )IU3EB 1)IUК%7U+ / *8 :/#IU)<.$%E1 DHCP Service
,$% A )U %)U %E3 /2 58 EХ.1EA 1$% Client ,К%)U+2)U+2КE32 52 IP КIU Obtain S12)IUК% /8 2 52)<.$% IP Renew
)U %1К4%)IUК% /8 SIU Client A К% IP Х.E 21КIU E37 /)I;%;4%8


A 7$%U52#U+2 КUI0% Windows )<;%2$%;4% ,К%КIU 12E71К%2 52 BIOS Boot Settings КIU B $%#$%E 27 /;4%8 :/E1К1$%
,К%D$%D$%BХ$%2 CMOS screen К.)1DIU3A К% Del, F1 or F2 ,4%BD$% К%#IU$%71 key КIU 2<I %2 52 l$% /8 2 52E1
Boot Settings ` First Boot Device E371;<1 PXE UNDI(Bus0 Slot) КIUS12 /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

U+ /AIU$%2EB 1$%2)*2 52 /К Save and Exit BD$%SК

 %2 52 Boot К%E 2)IUК% /8

(;<%Х.К% - jE371$% Network E !КE3#$% Boot К%;4%,К%AК% IP КIU DHCP Server КE3 Х.E 27;4%
BD,% /BD$% Windows Server 2003 $%S124%,К%КIU 1КIUD$%S12DIU3)IUA % /4%8) SIU;<1 Network BD$% Boot
К%E34% ,К%$% IP Address 77<I /;4%8 EA 1К% / U+$% 1К4% /8

A SК% / U+$% Client A К% Х.E 2)IUК%E1 IP Address 3*3 DHCP Server ` IP Address КIU B;$%E3E37 /;4%8
:/A B $% A E721К52#U+2 A Х.К%BD,%E1 " Press F12 for Network service boot " #IU4% ,112КIU ,1D%fA E3BD$%
IB U;I;4% S$% /4%8 F12 КIU 2<I %)IUК%;<1)<.$% Boot К%2IU$%;4% BD,% /4%8 Boot К%1 2 /К Client
Installation Wizard Box К.)1 /;4%8

Enter ,%Х.К%EХ/К%E 2)IUК% /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

:5A#$%;<1 User Name 2<$% Password КIU E1$%2E3 /)I;%;4%8 ( Server ` Active Directory Users and Computers
S*К КIU0%D3%52Х*4% User Name 2<$% Password КIU ;<3%К3%,1 7IUК%$
 %2E 2)IUК% /8) 2 52)<.$% Enter
EХ/К%E 2)IUК% /8

Setup A IU$%2;<1 Custom Setup A IU$%2 * #К%1 2 /;4%8 Enter EХ/К% /8

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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

:5A#$%;<1 Computer Name 3*3 Directory Service Patch КIU EХ.1,17IUК%S4%E 2 /8 К.3%E1%КE1 computer
name КIU client1 )IU3E 2S12 /0%8 Directory Service Patch E371;<1E1 ;I;I server ` Domain Name КIU
itman.com/computers #IU2 52 EХ.1;<3%К3%,1 7IUК%S4%E 2)IUК% /0%8 Enter EХ/К%2 52 #К%1 2)IUК% /8

jA#$%4% client ,К%S;

* <1 7<I4% HardDisk ` Data EКIU AКU3%D.К%,52 /;4%AU EB 1)1E1
A#$%BD,% /4%8 (;<%Х.К% - jA#$%4% HardDisk КIU Format Х.;4% A IU$%2BD,% /BD$% AE721К52E1 Data
;.121КIU$% Backup )U %S12DIU3 )IUA % /4%8 ,1D%f AE3BD$% Practical К.К. )U %)IUК%)IU3 ,К%S;
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Remote Installation Service by Nyi Nyi Oo

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