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Rise of Nationalism in Europe

French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation 1848: The Revolution of the Liberals

Inspired by the events of February 1848 in France, liberal revolutionaries consisting of Middle
class educated professionals and merchants set up a German National Assembly.

Administrative Changes Napoleonic Code Reaction of People In May 1848, a group of 831 Elected representatives met together and decided on a system
of constitutional monarchy.
Emergence of Constitution of France
? Introduction of civil code (1804)
? System went against the right to
liberty King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of Prussia Rejected the offer.
Estates General renamed as the National
? Equality of all before law
Assembly Privileges of high class abolished
? Increase in taxes, censorship and
? The lower Peasant class too protested at the lack of representation.
Centralised Administration
? forced conscription into the French
Feudal system ended
armies condemned Led to a weakening of the liberal movement and the disbanding of the assembly.
Uniform system of weights and measures
? Peasants freed from serfdom system
French language made a common language
? Transport and communication
improved The Making of Germany and Italy

Unification of Germany Unification of Italy

Attempt to set up a constitutional monarchy at Frankfurt in 1848
? Idea of unification was first given by Guiseppe Mazzini through
was suppressed by the monarchy, Military and Junkers. his secret society called young Italy.
Aristocracy and New Liberal Nationalism New Conservatism The Revolutionaries Prussian Chief Minister Otto Von Bismarck takes the lead in
? The lead was taken by the king of Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel II.
Middle Class German unification. Count Cavour, Chief Minister of Sardinia, led the unification
He planned the unification with the help of the Prussian Army
? process by alliance with France to defeat Austria and unify its
Aristocratic class owned
? It demands for the freedom
? Believed in preservation of
and Bureaucracy. Northern territories.
The fear of repression gave
property, united by ties of for the individual and established and traditional the idea of creation of Ensured unification after 3 wars with France, Austria and
? Guiseppe Garibaldi led movement in Western part by involving
marriage equality of all before the law institutions of state and nation-state with freedom Denmark over 7 years. local peasant support to attack Spanish rule.
Peasantry class mainly
? Demanded abolition of
? society. Giuseppe Mazzini, founded
? Process completed with the crowning of Kaiser William I as
? Process completed with the crowning of Victor Emmanuel II as
consisted of tenants and state imposed restrictions Treaty of Vienna (1815)
? secret societies i.e young King of Germany. king of Italy in 1861.
small land owners on the movement of goods signed by the European Italy in Marseilles and
New middle class i.e. the
? and services powers young Europe in Berne
working class among Zollverein (a customs
? Bourbon dynasty was
whom the ideas of national Union) formed in 1834 at restored to power and a The Strange Case of Britain Visualising the Nation
unity following the abolition the initiative of Prussia; it series of states were set up
of aristocratic privileges abolished tariff barriers and on the boundaries of France
popularised. reduced currencies from Unification of Britain was not the result of a nationalist revolt.
Allegory of the Nation
thirty to two
Four main ethnic regions–– English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish.

The decision for unification was taken by the British Parliament.

France German
Revolutions in Different Parts Romanticism Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt England took control of Scotland through an act of 1707.
Marianne-the idea of people’s nation
? Germania––wears a
Return of constitutional monarchy in France
? Emphasise on common culture, language,
? Economic hardships prevailed in Europe in
? Ireland was also captured through an act of 1801. crown of oak leaves
Characteristics drawn from liberty
in 1830 under Louis Philippe following the collective heritage and emotional appeal. 1830s. and the Republic––the red cap, the as the German oak
July revolution. The symbols of the new Britain tricolour, the cockade. stands for heroism.
Criticised the importance given to reason and
? Increased unemployment, competition from
End of conservative dominance and
? science. machine-made goods, feudal dues, rise in
resurgence of liberal nationalism. Major movements in Germany i.e. Johann
? food prices.
British Flag National Anthem English
Belgium fought on the same principles and
? Gottfried Herder gave the ideas of Das Volk Revolt in France (1848) resulted in fleeing of
(Union Jack) (God save our nobel king) Language
gained independence from Netherlands. and Volkgeist. Louis Philippe and France was declared a
There was rise of Nationalism in Greece
? Polish Movement: Kept alive polish nationalist
? Republic.
which led to revolution in 1821. feelings through Ethnic language, Music, In Selisia, weavers led a revolt against the
Poetry and Folk dances while under Russian contractor in 1845. Nationalism in the Balkans
Greece gained independence after signing
the Treaty of Constantinople in 1832. rule.
The Ethnic constituents of the Balkans demanded liberty.
They based their claims on their distinct national identities and historical reference to earlier state of Independence.
As the Ottoman Empire weakened, the various nations broke free.

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