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4.5.4 Media publikasi karya ilmiah dosen (termasuk dosen di RS Pendidikan Afiliasi dan Satelit).

Nama Dosen di RS Pendidikan Jenis Media Publikasi

Utama A B C D E F
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 (6 (7 (8)
1 Dr.Anindita Soetadji, Sp.A(K) 1 1) 5) )
- Aortic elasticity profile of children living in
area of chronic organophosphate exposure: A
preliminary study

2 Dr.Yetty Movieta Nency, Sp.A(K) 1 9

- The Correlation Between History Of
Breastfeeding And The Incidence Of
Childhood Acute Leukemia In Semarang
- Infant Leukemia: A Case Series Report

3 Dr.Nahwa Arkhaesi,MSi.Med,Sp.A 1 6
- Association between stomatitis and CD4
count in HIV-AIDS children

4 Dr.Tun Paksi S, MSi.Med,Sp.A 2

5 Dr.MS Anam, MSi.Med,Sp.A 14 1
- Faktor Risiko Kejadian Infeksi Saluran
Pernapasan Akut Pada Anak Usia 6
Bulan Sampai 5 Tahun Di Puskesmas
- Hubungan Antara Tingkat Pengetahuan
Ibu Dengan Pengelolaan Awal Infeksi
Saluran Pernapasan Akut Pada Anak

6 Dr. Adhie Nur Radityo S, MSi, Med, Sp.A 4

7 Dr. Agustini Utari, MSi.Med, Sp.A(K) 2 3
- Correlation among aortic ascending wall
stiffness, distensibility and antropometric
parameter of children living in area of
chronic organophosphate exposure
- Aplication of Rotterdam criteria for
diagnosing Polycystic ovary syndrome in
adolesccent: a case report

8 Dr. Galuh Hardaningsih, MSi.Med, Sp.A 1 2 6

- Pengaruh Growth Faltering Terhadap
Kejadian Demam Dan Kejang Demam
Pada Anak Pasca Imunisasi Campak

9 Dr. Farid Agung Rahmadi, MSi, Med.Sp.A 1 1 1

- Hubungan Antara Gangguan Tidur
Dengan Perkembangan Batita
- Pengaruh Stimulasi Media Interaktif
Terhadap Perkembangan Bahasa Anak 2-
3 Tahun
- Hubungan Antara Stimulasi Keluarga
Dengan Perkembangan Batita
10 Dr.Rina Pratiwi, MSi.Med, Sp.A 7
- Dietary intake of stunted children aged 9-
11 years in brebes

11 Dr. Mulyono, Sp.A 1 1

12 Prof.Dr.dr.Ag.Soemantri, SpA(K), SSi 1 1 2
- Anemia Pada Bayi Dan Proses Tumbuh
Kembang Selanjutnya
13 Prof.Dr.dr.Harsoyo N, DTM&H, SpA(K) 1 1 1
14 Dr.dr.Kamilah Budhi Rahardjani, SpA(K) 4
15 dr. Budi Santoso, SpA(K) 1 1 1

16 Prof.dr.M.Sidhartani Zain, MSc, SpA(K) 1 1 1

- Ovarian tuberculosis or ovarian
carcinoma? A case report

17 dr.R.Rochmanadji Widajat, SpA(K), MARS 1

- Clinical manifestations of lupus nephritis
among children with systemic lupus

18 Dr.dr.Tjpta Bahtera, SpA(K) 3 1

- Association between sleep disturbance
and mental emotional problem in 4 to 6-
year-old children in Semarang

19 Dr.dr.Moedrik Tamam, SpA(K) 1 4

- Identifikasi Mutasi H63D Gen HFE pada
Kelainan HBE
- A comprehensive management service model
of trans-discipline team in down syndrome
children after brain repairment with stem cell
20 Dr.dr.HM Sholeh Kosim, SpA(K) 2 13
- Prognostic factor for the successful of
kangaroo mother care in low birth weight
21 dr.I.Hartantyo, SpA(K) 1 1
22 dr. Hendriani Selina, SpA(K), MARS 4
- Environmental risk factor for suspected
speech delayed in children

23 dr. JC Susanto, SpA(K) 3 1 11 2

- Hubungan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif
dengan Perkembangan Ketrampilan
Makan Bayi Usia 6–12 Bulan
24 dr. Agus Priyatno, SpA(K) 3
- Pengaruh Suplementasi Seng Terhadap
Kejadian Pneumonia pada Penyakit Jantung
Bawaan Pirau Kiri ke Kanan
25 dr. Dwi Wastoro Dadiyanto, SpA(K) 1 1 3
- Prevalence and risk factors of asthma
among adolescents in rural and urban
- Risk factors of severe pneumonia in
children in Kariadi Hospital
26 Dr. dr. Asri Purwanti, SpA(K), MPd 3 8 1
- Hormon tiroid pada kondisi anak dengan
- Pengaruh pelatihan stimulasi keluarga
oleh ibu dalam bentuk tulisan dengan
gambar terhadap perkembangan anak usia
kurang dari 3 tahun
- Correlation between thyroid, hearing
disorder and language development in
Down syndrome children
- Relationship between thyroid hormone
levels and development of children with
Down Syndrome
27 dr. Bambang Sudarmanto, SpA(K), MARS 2 4 1
- Profiles And Outcomes Of Children With
Neuroblastoma In Dr. Kariadi Hospital:
A Case Series Study

28 dr.MMDEAH Hapsari, SpA(K) 1 12

- Influence factors of weight gain and CD4
count rise in children with hiv/aids after 6
months of arv therapy

29 dr. Alifiani Hikmah Putranti, SpA(K) 1 1 4 2

- A boy with suspected
adrenoleukodystrophy: a case report
- Management of generalized dystonia
after viral encephalitis and respiratory
30 D.dr.Mexitalia Setiawati, SpA(K) 6 1 2 20 1
- Pengaruh intervensi konseling feeding rules
dan stimulasi terhadap status gizi dan
perkembangan anak di posyandu Kabupaten
- Maroteaux - Lamy disease as a type of
mucopolysaccharidosis disease
- The role of apoliprotein E polymorphism in
improving dyslipidemia in obese adolescents
following physical exercise and national
chlolesterol Education program step II
- Impact of health education among mothers to
change energy intake, physical activity and
body mass index of their overweight children
- Correlation between physical activity level
and nutritional status on pre-school children.
- Clinical and radiologic findings of Morquio
A Disease and spondylo-epi-metaphyseal
- A six years old girl with suspect of MELAS
Syndrome : A case report.
- Clinical radiologic findings of Morquio A
disease and spondylo-epi-metaphyseal
dysplasia of two pre pubertasl girls.. J Inherit
Metab Dis. 2015 : 38 (Suppl) : S 366
- Mitochondrial deficiency in two siblings with
Cochayne syndrome. J Inherit Metab Dis.
2015 : 38 (Suppl) : S 364

31 dr. M.Heru Muryawan, SpA(K) 4

- Renal Function in children with beta-
mayor thalassemia
- Pengaruh Suplementasi Kapsul Ekstrak
Ikan Gabus terhadap Kadar Kolesterol
dan Berat Badan pada Anak dengan
Sindrom Nefrotik
- The effect of duration of illness and
cumulative prednison dosage on
geometry and left ventricular function in
nephrotic syndrome

32 dr. Gatot Irawan Sarosa, SpA(K) 1 2 13

- Linear growth patterns in small for
gestasional age and preterm infants after
zinc suplementation.
33 dr. Wistiani, SpA(K), MSi, Med 11 1 1
- Risk factor for allergic manifestation in
babies until 1 year old
- Eosinophils count in children with
helminthiasis and allergy

34 dr. Fitri Hartanto, SpA(K) 1 5 1

- Efektivitas Intervensi Terapi Motorik
pada Anak dengan Cerebral Palsy (CP)
- Iron deficiency anemia in adolescents
with behavior and mental emotional
35 dr. M. Supriatna, SpA(K) 3 2 3
- Tatalaksana Gangguan koagulasi pada
sepsis berat
- Serum cortisol level as prognostic
indicator of outcome in pediatric sepsis

36 Dr.dr. Omega Melyana, SpA 2 8

- Ankle brachial index among healthy
school-aged children
- Acute kidney injury in patient with
hemoglobinopathy: a case report
- Characteristics and outcomes of
congenital nephrotic syndrome: a case

37 dr.Ninung Rose Diana K, MSi, Med, SpA(K) 5

- Prevalence of cytomegalovirus infection in
cholestatic children.
- Hubungan Pola Makan dengan Pola Defekasi
Pada Siswa Kelas V dan Kelas VI Sekolah
Dasar di Semarang
38 dr. Yusrina Istanti, MSi,Med, SpA(K) 2
- Hyponatremia is a risk factor for shock in
- Fluid overload in dengue shock
syndrome as an increase risk factor for
mechanical ventilator use

39 dr. Arsita Eka Rini , MSi, Med, SpA 5

- Risk Factor for orofacial congenital
anomalies in neonates
- Risk factor of early onset neonatal spesis
preterm neonates
40 dr. Dewi Ratih P, MSi, Med, SpA 2
- Korelasi Antara Kadar Serum Leptin,
Zinc, dan IgE pada Obesitas
41 dr. Helmia Farida, M.Kes, Sp.A, Ph.D 4 10
- Nasopharyngeal carriage of
Streptococcus pneumoniae in
pneumonia-prone age groups in
Semarang Indonesia
- Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus
harboring the mecA or Panton-Valentine
leukocidin genes in hospitals in Java and
Bali, Indonesia.
- Prevalensi Dan Faktor Resiko Terjadinya
Pityriasis Versicolor Pada Polisi Lalu
Lintas Kota Semarang
- Faktor Determinan Peningkatan Berat
Badan Dan Jumlah Cd4 Anak Hiv/Aids
Setelah Enam Bulan Terapi
Antiretroviral: Penelitian Cohort
Retrospective Terhadap Usia, Jenis
Kelamin, Stadium Klinis, Lama Terapi
- Prevalensi Dan Faktor Resiko Terjadinya
Tinea Pedis Pada Pekerja Pabrik Tekstil
- Hubungan Abnormalitas Hasil Ct-Scan
Dengan Developmental Delayed Pada
Pasien Suspek Infeksi Cytomegalovirus
Total NA= NB= NC= ND= NE= NF=

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