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Group reduction factors for analysis of laterally loaded pile
M. Sajjad Fayyazi, Mahdi Taiebat, and W.D. Liam Finn
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Abstract: The lateral response of piles embedded in soil is typically analyzed using the beam on nonlinear Winkler springs
approach, in which soil–pile interaction is modeled by nonlinear p–y curves (where p is soil resistance and y is horizontal
displacement). In this approach, one of the most common methods of accounting for interaction effects in pile groups is to
modify the single pile p–y curves using a p-multiplier for each row of piles in the group, with higher values for leading row and
lower values for trailing rows. The leading and trailing rows interchange during seismic loading; therefore, sometimes an
average p-multiplier is used for all piles in the group. This average p-multiplier is called the group reduction factor. Group
reduction factors have been established from experimental data from static loading tests on small pile groups, mostly 3 ×
3 groups with free pile head conditions and center-to-center pile spacings of about 3 pile diameters. In this paper, continuum
simulations are used to study the group reduction factors in 3 × 3 to 6 × 6 square pile groups subjected to static loading. The study
includes the effects of various parameters, including pile spacing, pile head condition, and the friction angle of soil, on the group
reduction factors. Calculated group reduction factors from this study compare well with available group test data, that is,
typically small pile groups. However, the study shows that design guidelines such as the American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) P-751 overestimate the group
reduction factors, hence the lateral resistance, in larger pile groups and larger spacings, especially for fixed pile head conditions.

Key words: pile group, p–y method, group reduction factor, soil–pile interaction, continuum model.
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Résumé : La réponse latérale de pieux enfouis dans un sol est généralement analysée à l’aide de l’approche non linéaire d’une
poutre sur des ressorts de Winkler, dans laquelle l’interaction pieu–sol est modélisée par des courbes p–y non linéaires. Dans
cette approche, une des méthodes les plus courantes pour considérer les effets d’interaction dans les groupes de pieux est de
modifier les courbes p–y pour un pieu unique avec un multiplicateur-p pour chaque rangée de pieux dans le groupe, en assignant
des valeurs plus élevées pour la rangée principale et des valeurs plus faibles pour les rangées suivantes. La rangée principale et
les autres rangées s’échangent durant des sollicitations sismiques; alors parfois un multiplicateur-p moyen est utilisé pour tous
les pieux dans un même groupe. Ce multiplicateur-p moyen est appelé le facteur de réduction du groupe. Des facteurs de
réduction du groupe ont été établi à partir de données expérimentales provenant d’essais en chargement statique sur des petits
groupes de pieux, principalement des groupes 3 × 3 dont la tête des pieux est libre et l’espacement du centre au centre des pieux
est d’environ 3 fois le diamètre des pieux. Dans cet article, des simulations continues sont utilisées pour étudier les facteurs de
réduction du groupe dans des groupes 3 × 3 à 6 × 6 soumis à des sollicitations statiques. L’étude inclut les effets de plusieurs
paramètres, incluant l’espace entre les pieux, la condition de la tête du pieu, et l’angle de friction du sol, sur les facteurs de
réduction du groupe. Les facteurs de réduction du groupe calculés dans cette étude se comparent bien avec les données
disponibles sur les essais de groupe, généralement réalisés sur des petits groupes de pieux. Cependant, l’étude démontre que les
critères de conception comme American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) et Federal Emer-
gency Management Agency (FEMA) P-751 surestiment les facteurs de réduction du groupe, et conséquemment la résistance
latérale, dans les grands groupes de pieux et dont l’espacement est grand, particulièrement dans des conditions où la tête des
pieux est fixe. [Traduit par la Rédaction]

Mots-clés : groupe de pieux, méthode p–y, facteur de réduction du groupe, interaction sol–pieu, modèle continu.

Introduction overlap as the lateral load increases. More overlapping occurs if

The lateral response of piles is typically analyzed using the the piles are closely spaced to each other. In this context, the term
beam on nonlinear Winkler springs model. The nonlinear springs “edge effect” is used to describe the effect of overlapping zones of
are based on the p–y curves (where p is soil resistance and y is influence between piles in the same row. The term “shadowing
horizontal displacement) recommended by the American Petro- effect” is used to describe the effect of overlapping zones of influ-
leum Institute (API 2007). When piles act in a group, soil–pile ence between piles in different rows (Larkela 2008).
interaction reduces the lateral resistance of the individual piles so One of the most common methods of accounting for the group
that the group will generally exhibit less lateral capacity than the effects in the Winkler approach is to modify the single pile p–y
sum of the lateral capacities of the individual piles. In the pile curves using a p-multiplier, as suggested by Brown et al. (1988). In this
group, each pile pushes against the soil in front of it, creating a approach, the soil resistance, p, is reduced by multiplying by a con-
shear zone in the soil. These shear zones begin to enlarge and stant factor, Pm, as shown in Fig. 1. Defining p-multipliers in pile

Received 31 May 2013. Accepted 5 March 2014.

M.S. Fayyazi, M. Taiebat, and W.D.L. Finn. Department of Civil Engineering, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
Corresponding author: Mahdi Taiebat (e-mail: mtaiebat@civil.ubc.ca).

Can. Geotech. J. 51: 758–769 (2014) dx.doi.org/10.1139/cgj-2013-0202 Published at www.nrcresearchpress.com/cgj on 13 March 2014.
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Fig. 1. Definition of p-multiplier (Pm). ps, horizontal resistance of Fig. 2. Plan view of full-scale pile group test by Christensen (2006).
soil for single pile.

Horizontal Resistance, p

Pm × ps
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Single pile
A pile in the
pile group

Horizontal Displacement, y

group design relies on the row spacing in the loading direction. The
p-multiplier for a leading row is higher than the p-multiplier for a
trailing row because of the shadowing effect. In an alternative ap-
proach, rather than defining p-multipliers row by row, an average
p-multiplier for all piles in the group is used which gives the same
pile cap load–deflection curve (Brown et al. 2001). This average Model validation
p-multiplier is called the group reduction factor. Use of a group re- The continuum model of the pile group, built in in FLAC3D
duction factor is convenient for seismic and cyclic loading because (Itasca 2009), is validated in this section by simulating a specific
the direction of loading changes repeatedly and often unpredictably pile group problem and comparing the results of a pushover anal-
during the loading event, and each load reversal converts a leading ysis to the corresponding data available from a field test.
row, with high p-multiplier, to a trailing row, with low p-multiplier, Christensen (2006) performed full-scale tests on a single pile
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instantaneously. and a pile group to develop p-multipliers for use in p–y models of
Group reduction factors can be obtained using experimental pile groups. The test group consisted of a 3 × 3 pile group. The soil
studies such as full-scale load tests. It is, however, very difficult profile was multilayered soil and was characterized by the friction
and expensive to perform a full-scale test on a pile group. The angle and undrained shear strength of soil. The steel tube pile had
capacity of the loading equipment also limits the size of the pile an outer diameter of D = 0.324 m and a thickness (t) of 0.0095 m.
group that can be tested. Therefore, full-scale tests are usually The piles were spaced at a distance of 5.65D (1.83 m) center to
carried out on small pile groups with close spacings. Centrifuge center in the direction of loading, as shown in Fig. 2. The pile
tests are a useful alternative to full-scale tests and can be used to spacing perpendicular to the loading direction was 3.29D (1.07 m)
study the group reduction factors (e.g., McVay et al. 1995, 1998). A center to center. Embedded length of the piles was 12.8 m and the
list of previous full-scale and centrifuge experimental studies for water table located at the depth of 2.1 m. The test represented free
calculation of group reduction factors is compiled and summa- pile head conditions. The pile heads were horizontally pushed to
rized in Table 1. Most of the pile group experiments were per- prescribed pile head deflections by a jacking system placed 0.48 m
formed on 3 × 3 free-head pile groups with the center-to-center above the ground level.
spacing of three pile diameters (D) and pile head deflections of up Christensen (2006) simulated the single pile test with the API
to 5 cm. Because p-multipliers were typically derived from free- p–y model and calibrated the p–y curves by adjusting the input soil
head pile group tests, there are some uncertainties regarding parameters until the computed response matched the measured
their applicability for fixed-head conditions that are more rou- response for the single pile. Then he simulated the load test on
tinely encountered in engineering practice where a pile cap is different rows of piles in the pile group in the computer program
used (Rollins and Sparks 2002). The literature review also shows GROUP (Reese et al. 1996) using these p–y curves reduced by a
the lack of a comprehensive study on the group reduction factor p-multiplier for each row of the pile group. Christensen (2006)
for larger pile groups, various pile spacing, pile head conditions, obtained the p-multiplier for each row of the pile group from
and soil properties. The limitations in the available experimental the test data. The data showed that the leading row had the
database justify using three-dimensional numerical simulations highest p-multiplier and the trailing rows had lesser values.
to study the effects of these different parameters on the group The p-multiplier was reported as 1.0 for the leading row, 0.7
reduction factor. for the second row, and 0.65 for the third row. When the
To systematically study the group reduction factors in various p-multipliers from the load tests were employed in the p–y model of
pile group problems, a numerically driven benchmark database is the pile group, the response matched the full-scale test very well. As
established using a continuum modeling approach to simulate was explained in the “Introduction”, an alternative to using different
the response of pile groups. The capability of the numerical model row-specific p-multipliers is using an overall group reduction factor
in predicting the pile group behavior is first evaluated by three- for the entire pile group. The group reduction factor, i.e., the average
dimensional continuum modeling of a full-scale field test on an of p-multipliers, would be 0.78 for this test.
actual pile group, and comparing the numerical results with the To validate the capability of the continuum model of the pile
measured values. Then the continuum model is used to generate groups in the present study for capturing different aspects of pile
benchmark data to study the effects of various key parameters on group response, the continuum model is first used for analyzing
the group reduction factor in pile groups. Calculated group reduc- the full-scale test on the actual pile group studied by Christensen
tion factors from this numerically produced database are com- (2006). Mohr–Coulomb constitutive model in FLAC3D (Itasca 2009)
pared with the available experimental data and with the group is adopted for the continuum analyses. The model parameters are
reduction factors recommended for use in practice by AASHTO listed in Table 2. The soil layering, including the soil unit weight,
(2012), FEMA (2012) P-751, and Reese and van Impe (2010). the friction angle for sandy layers, and undrained shear strength

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Table 1. Group reduction factors from previous experimental studies.

Reported p-multiplier for row
Pile Pile Pile head Group reduction
Reference Soil type ␾ (°) Test type configuration type D (cm) S/D condition 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 factor
Brown et al. (1987)* Stiff clay — Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 27.3 3 Free 0.7 0.6 0.5 — — — — 0.6a
Stiff clay — Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 27.3 3 Free 0.7 0.5 0.4 — — — — 0.53b
Brown et al. (1988)* Medium dense sand 38.5 Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 27.3 3 Free 0.8 0.4 0.3 — — — — 0.5
Morrison and Reese (1988) Medium dense sand 38.5 Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 27.3 3 Free 0.8 0.4 0.3 — — — — 0.5
McVay et al. (1995)* Medium loose sand 30c Centrifuge 3×3 Steel pipe 43 5 Free 1 0.85 0.7 — — — — 0.85
Medium dense sand 33c Centrifuge 3×3 Steel pipe 43 5 Free 1 0.85 0.7 — — — — 0.85
Medium loose sand 30c Centrifuge 3×3 Steel pipe 43 3 Free 0.65 0.45 0.35 — — — — 0.48
Medium dense sand 33c Centrifuge 3×3 Steel pipe 43 3 Free 0.8 0.4 0.3 — — — — 0.5
Ruesta and Townsend (1997)* Loose sand 32 Full scale 4×4 Square concrete 76 3 Free 0.8 0.7d 0.3 0.3 — — — 0.52 (0.45)d
McVay et al. (1998) Sand 30, 33e Centrifuge 3×3 Square steel 42.9 3 Fixed 0.8 0.4 0.3 — — — — 0.5
Sand 30, 33e Centrifuge 3×4 Square steel 42.9 3 Fixed 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.3 — — — 0.45
Sand 30, 33e Centrifuge 3×5 Square steel 42.9 3 Fixed 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 — — 0.4
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Sand 30, 33e Centrifuge 3×6 Square steel 42.9 3 Fixed 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 — 0.37
Sand 30, 33e Centrifuge 3×7 Square steel 42.9 3 Fixed 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.34
Rollins et al. (1998)* Clay and silt — Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 40 3f Free 0.6 0.38 0.43 — — — — 0.47f
Huang et al. (2001) Silty clay — Full scale 2×3 RC 150 3 Fixed 0.93 0.7 0.74 — — — — 0.79g
Silty clay — Full scale 3×4 Precast RC 80 3 Fixed 0.89 0.61 0.61 0.66 — — — 0.69
Rollins and Sparks (2002) Silt and clay — Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 32.4 3 Fixed 0.6 0.38 0.43 — — — — 0.47h
Snyder (2004) Soft clay — Full scale 3×5 Steel pipe 32.4 3.92 Free 1 0.81 0.59 0.71 0.59 — — 0.74
Walsh (2005) Sand 40 Full scale 3×5 Steel pipe 32.4 3.92 Free 1 0.5 0.35 0.3 0.4 — — 0.51
Rollins et al. (2005) Sand 38 Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 32.4 3.3 Free 0.8 0.4 0.4 — — — — 0.53
Christensen (2006) Sand 38 Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 32.4 5.65i Free 1 0.7 0.65 — — — — 0.78
Rollins et al. (2006) Stiff clay — Full scale 3×5 Steel pipe 61 3i Free 0.82 0.61 0.45 — — — — 0.62
Stiff clay — Full scale 3×3 Steel pipe 32.4 5.65i Free 0.95 0.88 0.77 — — — — 0.87
Stiff clay — Full scale 3×4 Steel pipe 32.4 4.4i Free 0.9 0.8 0.69 0.73 — — — 0.78
Stiff clay — Full scale 3×5 Steel pipe 32.4 3.3i Free 0.82 0.61 0.45 0.45 0.51 — — 0.57
Note: ␾, friction angle; S, center-to-center spacing between piles; D, pile diameter; RC, reinforced concrete.
*These tests are the basis for AASHTO (2012) suggested p-multipliers.
aThese values are reported in Brown and Shie (1991) for 3 cm deflection of the test performed by Brown et al. (1987).

bThese values are reported in Brown and Shie (1991) for 5 cm deflection of the test performed by Brown et al. (1987).

cFriction angle is not reported; therefore, it is obtained using the API (2007) relationship between relative density and friction angle.

dIt was noted that the second-row response reported in this test was not very sensitive to the p-multiplier assigned and a value of 0.4 was acceptable (McVay et al. 1998).

eTests were performed on both medium dense and medium loose sand. The reported results were the same for all cases (McVay et al. 1998). Friction angle is not reported therefore it is obtained using the API (2007)
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relationship between relative density and friction angle.

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fReported in Rollins et al. (2006): spacing 2.82D; p-multipliers: 0.6, 0.4, 0.4.

gApplied displacement was very small compared with pile diameter (0.02D).

hp-multipliers were not derived from experiment. Suggestions of Rollins et al. (1998) were used and good agreement reported.

iSpacing normal to the direction of loading was 3.3D.

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Table 2. Properties of soil profile in continuum model of Christensen (2006) pile group test.
Unit weight Shear modulus Poisson’s Friction Dilation Undrained shear
Depth (m) (kN/m3) (kN/m2) ratio angle (°) angle (°) strength (kN/m2)
0.0–2.1 16.7 29 600 0.3 40 0 0
2.1–2.4 16.8 15 800 0.3 40 0 0
2.4–2.7 19.1 7000 0.3 0 0 41
2.7–3.7 19.1 7000 0.3 0 0 50
3.7–4.6 19.1 8100 0.3 0 0 40
4.6–6.3 18.1 17 800 0.3 38 0 0
6.3–8.0 19.1 6500 0.3 0 0 57
8.0–12.8 16.7 22 600 0.3 33 0 0
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Fig. 3. Finite difference model of 3 × 3 pile group.

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for the clayey layers are the same as those used by Christensen Appropriate mesh size and model dimensions are selected on
(2006) in his p–y model. The average Young’s modulus for each the basis of sensitivity analyses. To ensure that the stress zone
layer of soil is derived from available cone penetration test (CPT) around the pile group is not affected by the boundaries, sensitiv-
results using the equation Es = 7qc (Bowles 1996), where Es and qc ity analyses were carried out for the size of the model. The related
are Young’s modulus and cone penetration resistance of soil, re- sensitivity analysis results (not presented here) suggested that the
spectively. A Poisson’s ratio of 0.3 is assumed for all soil layers. The fixed displacement boundary conditions should be placed at dis-
sand layers are modeled using the nonassociative flow rule by tances of 5D and 10D from the exterior piles in the direction of
adopting a dilation angle of 0° for the Mohr–Coulomb model. loading and perpendicular to the direction of loading, respec-
According to Brown et al. (1988), the response of piles subjected to tively (see Fig. 3). All piles are fixed at the base of the model.
lateral loadings is dominated by the soil layers down to depth of Figure 4a shows the measured and computed total group load at
about 10 pile diameters. In the field tests of Christensen (2006), the different pile head deflections. There is a good agreement be-
pile diameter was 0.324 m; therefore, the top 3 m of the soil tween measured and computed results for this range of deflec-
profile, i.e., mainly sand, is expected to govern the lateral re- tions. Profiles of bending moments for the middle pile of the
sponse of the piles, and deeper layers of the soil profile are not group at the pile head deflections of 0.006 and 0.051 m are de-
expected to have significant effect on the response. picted in Fig. 4b. This comparison shows that the simple Mohr–
There are several ways to simulate the soil–pile system in a Coulomb model is capable of capturing most of the response
continuum model, and they all have advantages and disadvan- characteristics of the pile group under static loading. Therefore,
tages. In the present study, piles are modeled using structural this model appears to be reliable to use for exploring the effects of
beam elements. The volume of each pile is accounted for in the different parameters on the pile group reduction factor within
numerical model, as it can be important especially for closely the selected range of deflections.
spaced piles in a pile group. To this end, the soil zones in the
region occupied by a pile are removed from the model, and the Group reduction factor calculation
pile nodes at each elevation are connected to the soil grids with The group reduction factor is a uniform factor applied to all
eight rigid beam elements as shown in Fig. 3. These rigid beams p–y curves in the group to yield the same pile head deflection as
are used to enforce deflection compatibility between the pile and measured in a test or calculated from a continuum model. The
the soil nodes (Rahmani et al. 2014). The connections between process for obtaining the group reduction factor at a prescribed
these rigid beams and the pile nodes are pinned. For a more pile head deflection is depicted in Fig. 5. This method follows the
realistic analysis of soil–pile interaction under severe demands, procedure described by Rollins et al. (2006), except that they used
instead of using such connections at the interface of soil and data from a field test rather than data from analysis, as in this
structure, one would need to simulate the possible slippage and study. The load–deflection curve for the pile group in Fig. 5a is
gapping mechanisms by using advanced interface elements. computed using the continuum model. The load corresponding

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762 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 51, 2014

Fig. 4. Comparison of measured and computed (a) total group group reduction factors for the pile head deflections of 3, 4, and
load – deflection curves and (b, c) bending moment profiles for 5 cm to cover the similar range in the corresponding experimen-
middle piles of rows 2 and 3 at different pile head deflections for tal studies that are the basis for the design guidelines. The calcu-
full-scale pile group test by Christensen (2006). lated group reduction factors in this range of pile head deflections
do not appear to have a significant range of variations; therefore,
(a) the average of these group reduction factors for each pile group is
reported in this study.

Parametric analyses
One of the key issues for calculating group reduction factors is
having equivalent soil parameters in the continuum and p–y models.
These properties are determined using free-head single pile sim-
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ulation in the continuum and p–y models. Dimensions of this

single pile are depicted in Fig. 6. The continuum model is character-
ized by the same friction angle ␾ used to develop the p–y curves, a
dilation angle of 0°, a Poisson’s ratio ␯ of 0.3, and an initial uni-
form shear modulus G in depth. Load–deflection curves (up to a
deflection of ⌬ = 5 cm) and associated bending moment profiles at
different pile head deflections are computed in both p–y and con-
(b) tinuum models, and the results are compared. The shear modulus
of the soil in the continuum model is changed iteratively until the
load–deflection curves and the bending moment profiles from the
two models agree within 10% (Fig. 7). The matched load–deflection
Δ curves and bending moment profiles for both models with fric-
tion angle of 35° for soil are shown in Fig. 8. The equivalent soil
parameters for uniform soil profiles with friction angles of 30°,
35°, and 40° are calculated and listed in Table 3.
Δ Following the method presented in the previous section, and
using the equivalent soil parameters listed in Table 3, a compre-
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hensive parametric study has been done for calculation of group

reduction factors in square pile groups with different numbers of
piles (3 × 3 to 6 × 6), different S/D ratios (3–6) (where S is the
· center-to-center spacing between piles and D is the pile diameter),
different soil friction angles (30°–40°), and different pile head
(c) conditions (free and fixed), as listed in Table 4. The calculated
group reduction factors from this parametric study are shown in
Fig. 9. Results range from a minimum of 0.29, for a 6 × 6 free-head
pile group, to a maximum of about 0.9, for a 3 × 3 free-head pile
Δ group. For fixed-head pile groups, the group reduction factors
change from 0.26 for a 6 × 6 pile group to 0.67 for a 3 × 3 pile group.
There is an almost linear relationship between the group reduc-
tion factor of the free-head pile groups and the S/D ratio.
According to Fig. 9, group reduction factors decrease with in-
creasing the number of piles in the pile group and with increasing
the friction angle of the soil. The group reduction factor increases
with the spacing, which means the group effect decreases. Fixed-
head group reduction factors are close to free-head factors at
S/D = 3, but the difference between fixed-head and free-head group
reduction factors increases in larger S/D ratios. Fixed-head group
to a prescribed deflection of this model is then applied to the reduction factors are lower than free-head factors. This means
p–y model in Fig. 5b, and the deflection under this load is calcu- that group effects in fixed pile head groups are more pronounced
lated using the computer program GROUP (Reese et al. 2010). Since than in free-head pile groups.
the required group reduction factor to be used in the GROUP Although Fig. 9 covers a wide range of pile groups in terms of
program is initially unknown, a starting value of 0.5 was assumed properties of the soil profile, number of piles, pile spacings, and
in the p–y model. The analysis for the p–y model is then repeated pile head conditions, one could still consider some other possible
using different values of the group reduction factor until the scenarios. Limited additional sensitivity analysis is done and
pile head deflection from the p–y model matches the pile head briefly presented later in the text to cover other factors such as
deflection from the continuum model analysis satisfactorily distribution of the soil shear modulus in depth, larger pile spac-
(difference <10%). ings in the group, and larger number of piles in the group.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the group reduction fac- The assumption of uniform G in depth of the soil profile was
tors and, in particular, to compare the results against those rec- done for the simplicity in the analyses. However, it is important to
ommended in different design guidelines such as AASHTO (2012), also look at the effect of using a more realistic variable G on the
FEMA (2012) P-751, and Reese and van Impe (2010). These recom- group reduction factors, and to compare the results with those
mendations are based on various experimental studies, most of from the uniform G assumption. To this end, a parabolic distribu-
which are listed in Table 1. The lower range for pile head deflec- tion of shear modulus with depth is assumed based on the expres-
tion in these tests is about 3 cm, and the upper range is about sion G = G0(p/pat)0.5, which is similar to what is suggested by
5 cm. Based on these observations, it was decided to obtain the Richart et al. (1970). Here, p and pat represent the mean effective

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ˉ m, group reduction factor.

Fig. 5. Methodology for calculating group reduction factor using (a) continuum and (b) p–y models. P

(a) (b)
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Fig. 6. Dimensions of single pile used for obtaining equivalent soil Fig. 8. Comparison of (a) load–deflection curves and (b) bending
properties. moment profiles at different pile head deflections for single pile in
soil with ␾ ⫽ 35° computed by p–y model and continuum model
(with uniform G).

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Fig. 7. Methodology for obtaining equivalent soil parameters in p–y

and continuum models.



stress and the atmospheric pressure, respectively, and G0 is a pa-

rameter to be found. For the case of ␾ ⫽ 35°, the same procedure
described in Fig. 7 is followed to come up with the representative
profile of G in the continuum model, with the difference that the
iteration process described in Fig. 7 is now carried out on the value
of G0, leading to a value of G0 = 65 833 kN/m2. For easy comparison, Table 3. Equivalent soil parameters for different
the resulting uniform and parabolic distributions of G are pre- friction angles of soil.
sented in terms of the equivalent profiles of shear wave velocities
in Fig. 10. The performance of the p–y model and the continuum Friction Shear modulus Poisson’s
model with the parabolic distribution of G are compared in Fig. 11 angle (°) (kN/m2) ratio
(similar to what was done for the case of uniform G in Fig. 8). 30 16 154 0.3
Group reduction factors are then calculated for 3 × 3 pile groups, 35 21 154 0.3
with different spacings and pile head conditions, in the soil pro- 40 26 923 0.3
file with ␾ ⫽ 35° and parabolic distribution of G in depth. The

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Table 4. Simulated pile groups in this study.

Pile head fixity
Pile Friction
arrangement angle (°) S/D = 3 S/D = 4 S/D = 5 S/D = 6
3×3 30 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
35 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
40 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
4×4 30 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
35 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
40 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
5×5 30 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
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35 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed

40 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
6×6 30 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
35 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed
40 Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed Free; fixed

Fig. 9. Calculated group reduction factors for different pile group settings: (a) 3 × 3; (b) 4 × 4; (c) 5 × 5; (d) 6 × 6 pile groups.


(a) (b)
For personal use only.

(c) (d)

results are compared with the case of uniform G. Figure 12 shows The results are presented in Fig. 13 for the case of soil profile with
that using parabolic distribution of G does not considerably affect ␾ ⫽ 35° and uniform G. The trend of results shows that the group
the resulting group reduction factors. This additional sensitivity reduction factor increases with increasing the center-to-center
analysis strengthens the validity of the findings of this study be- pile spacing. This figure also shows that the group reduction fac-
yond the limited case of uniform G. tor for the free-head condition almost reaches 1 for pile spacing of
To further study the effect of pile spacings on the group reduc- about 10D.
tion factors, in addition to the results already presented in Fig. 9 Comparison of group reduction factors for 3 × 3 to 6 × 6 pile
for various pile spacing scenarios of 3D–6D, limited additional groups shows that the group reduction factor decreases with in-
analyses are conducted that cover the group factors for both free- creasing the number of piles. To investigate group factor variation
head and fixed-head 3 × 3 pile groups with spacings of 8D and 10D. of larger groups, a 10 × 10 pile group with different spacings and

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Fayyazi et al. 765

Fig. 10. Corresponding profiles of Vs with uniform or parabolic Fig. 12. Calculated group reduction factors for 3 × 3 pile groups
distributions of shear modulus G in depth (for ␾ ⫽ 35°). using soil profiles with ␾ ⫽ 35°, and with uniform or parabolic
distributions of G in depth.
Uniform G 1
Parabolic G
2 3 × 3 pile groups


4 0.5
Depth (m)

Vs = (G/ρ)

Group factor
ρ = 1670 kg/ m3 0.6

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Free head − Uniform G
0.2 Free head − Parabolic G
10 Fixed head − Uniform G
0 100 200 300 400 Fixed head − Parabolic G
Vs (m/s) 0
2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig. 11. Comparison of (a) load–deflection curves and (b) bending
moment profiles at different pile head deflections for single pile in Fig. 13. Calculated group reduction factors for 3 × 3 pile groups
soil with ␾ ⫽ 35° computed by p–y model and continuum model with S/D values ranging from 3 to 10 (␾ ⫽ 35° and uniform G).
with parabolic distribution of G.
(a) 3 × 3 pile groups


Group factor
For personal use only.


Free head
Fixed head
2 4 6 8 10

Fig. 14. Calculated group reduction factors for 10 × 10 pile groups

(␾ ⫽ 35° and uniform G).
10 × 10 pile groups
Δ 0.8
Group factor


Δ 0.4

Free head
Fixed head
2 3 4 5 6 7

in sand and clays; this is close to the findings of the present study
pile head conditions is also studied in a soil profile with ␾ ⫽ 35° for the spacing of 3D as shown in Fig. 14.
and uniform G, and the analysis results are presented in Fig. 14.
Comparison with previous experimental data and
Comparing Figs. 9c and 14 shows that the group reduction factors
for 10 × 10 pile groups are lower than those for 6 × 6 pile groups. To design guidelines
study large pile groups, Law and Lam (2001) represented an infi- Experimental data
nite repeating pile pattern by using a simplifying approach of The calculated group reduction factors of Fig. 9 are compared
finite element analysis coupled with a periodic boundary condi- with experimental data on pile groups listed in Table 1. Figure 15
tion. Using this modeling approach, Dodds and Martin (2007) con- shows the comparison between the calculated group reduction
ducted an analytical work and suggested group reduction factors factors in this study and the available experimental data for free-
ranging from 0.1 to 0.2 for large pile groups with the spacing of 3D head pile groups in sand. The comparison for 3 × 3 free-head pile

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766 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 51, 2014

Fig. 15. Comparison between calculated group reduction factors and previous experimental works for free-head pile groups in sand: (a) 3 × 3;
(b) 4 × 4; (c) 5 × 5; (d) 6 × 6 pile groups.

(a) (b)

Morrison and Reese(1988)

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(c) (d)
For personal use only.

groups is shown in Fig. 15a, where there are six data points for Figure 16 shows the comparison between the calculated group
3 × 3 pile groups, with three of them at S/D = 3. Reported friction reduction factors in this study and the available experimental
angles of soil for the full-scale pile group tests by Morrison data for fixed-head pile groups. McVay et al. (1998) conducted
and Reese (1988), Brown et al. (1988), Rollins et al. (2005), and centrifuge tests on fixed-head pile groups with different numbers
Christensen (2006) are all about 38°. The friction angles of soil for of piles to obtain p-multipliers. The number of piles in their cen-
the centrifuge pile group tests by McVay et al. (1995) are reported trifuge tests changed from 3 × 3 to 3 × 7 (3–7 rows of piles in the
as 30° and 33°, and based on their tests, group reduction factors direction of loading), with S/D = 3 for all of the tests. They per-
were the same for both soils. Figure 15a shows a good agreement formed the test on the pile groups in soils with friction angles of
between experimental data and calculated group reduction fac- 30° and 33°. According to their tests, the group reduction factors
tors for 3 × 3 free-head pile groups with different friction angles in each set of pile groups were the same for both friction angles.
and pile spacings. Figure 15b shows experimental data from Experimental data and calculated group reduction factors for the
Ruesta and Townsend (1997) for full-scale 4 × 4 pile groups. The 3 × 3 fixed-head pile groups are shown in Fig. 16a. This figure
reported friction angle of soil for this experiment is 32°. Initially, shows that for the 3 × 3 pile groups the calculated group reduction
they reported a group reduction factor of 0.52, but a year later a factors at S/D = 3 are close to the corresponding data from McVay
revised group reduction factor of 0.45 was reported (McVay et al. et al. (1998), but as the number of piles increases in Figs. 16b–16d,
1998) for this experiment. Figure 15c shows the computed group the group reduction factors from the McVay et al. (1998) tests
reduction factors for 5 × 5 free-head pile group in soils with dif- become higher than the computed values. Given that McVay et al.
ferent friction angles. There is no test data available for 5 × 5 pile (1998) performed their tests on 3 × 4, 3 × 5, and 3 × 6 pile groups,
groups, but Walsh (2005) studied a full-scale 3 × 5 pile group (five these pile groups experience less edge effect than the 4 × 4, 5 × 5,
rows) with S/D of about 4 in a site with the friction angle of 40°. and 6 × 6 pile groups of this study, respectively. Therefore, it is
The group reduction factor for his test was 0.51. The computed again expected that the former pile groups will have higher group
group reduction factor for a 5 × 5 free-head pile group with spac- reduction factors.
ing of 4D and friction angle of 40° in this study is 0.43. The higher
value of the group reduction factor for the 3 × 5 pile group of Design guidelines and recommendations
Walsh (2005) compared with that of the 5 × 5 pile group in this AASHTO (2012) — Table 5 shows the p-multipliers recommended
study (both having five rows in the direction of loading) can be by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
attributed to the fewer piles in the former group, resulting in Officials (AASHTO) in 2012. These values are averaged from the
smaller overall interaction between the piles. The results for the studies listed in the US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
6 × 6 pile groups are shown in Fig. 15d; unfortunately, there are no manual (Hannigan et al. 2006), which are included in Table 1. The
test data available for comparison of group reduction factors for AASHTO recommendations for choosing p-multipliers are based
6 × 6 free-head pile groups. on data from free-head pile group tests. All of these tests were

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Fayyazi et al. 767

Fig. 16. Comparison between calculated group reduction factors and previous experimental works for fixed-head pile groups in sand:
(a) 3 × 3; (b) 4 × 4; (c) 5 × 5; (d) 6 × 6 pile groups.

(a) (b)
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× ×

(c) (d)
For personal use only.

× ×

Table 5. p-multipliers suggested in AASHTO (2012). Reese and van Impe (2010) — These authors proposed three equa-
tions for calculation of p-multipliers to account for the effects of
piles that are side-by-side, in-line, or skewed (neither in-line nor
Pile spacing side-by-side) with respect to the applied load. These equations are
in the direction Row 3 and obtained using experimental data from pile groups with just one
of loading Row 1 Row 2 higher row (edge effect) or one column (shadowing effect) of piles. If a
3D 0.8 0.4 0.3 pile group contains more than two piles, the effects of piles on
5D 1 0.85 0.7 each other must be considered. These equations are also imple-
mented in the GROUP program (Reese et al. 2010) to be used as the
default value for the p-multipliers.
Figure 17 compares the calculated group reduction factors in
performed on 3 × 3 pile groups except for the test by Ruesta and
this study with the values recommended by AASHTO (2012), FEMA
Townsend (1997), which was a full-scale test on a 4 × 4 pile group.
(2012) P-751, and Reese and van Impe (2010). The calculated values
In the previous section, the group reduction factors from the tests
at S/D = 3 are close to the ones recommended by AASHTO, espe-
performed in sand in the AASHTO database were compared with
cially for 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 pile groups. However, with increasing the
the calculated group reduction factors in this study, and they all
matched well. There is no consideration in the recommendations of spacing and the number of piles, the difference between the cal-
AASHTO regarding the effects of soil parameters or the pile head culated group reduction factors in this study and the group reduc-
conditions. AASHTO reports p-multipliers only for pile groups with tion factors recommended by AASHTO increases. This might be
S/D of 3 and 5, and suggests interpolation to establish p-multipliers attributed to the fact that AASHTO uses data from multiple exper-
for other pile spacing values when S/D is between these values. It has iments to obtain the p-multipliers for S/D = 3, whereas it uses data
no specific recommendations for S/D > 5. To obtain group reduction from only one experiment for S/D = 5. Also, most of the tests in the
factors using AASHTO recommendations, the related p-multipliers AASHTO database are on 3 × 3 pile groups. There is no test with
for different rows of each pile group in Table 5 are averaged. the fixed-head condition in the AASHTO database. Therefore, the
FEMA (2012) P-751 — Equations recommended for calculation of group reduction factors based on recommendations of AASHTO
p-multipliers by Rollins et al. (2006) are used in FEMA (2012) P-751. are close to free-head results in this study. For example, the cal-
These equations are based on experimental results from three culated group reduction factors for 3 × 3 pile groups with S/D = 5 in
full-scale tests. The tests were conducted on a 3 × 3 pile group with soil with a friction angle of 30° are 0.80 for free-head condition
S/D = 5.65, a 3 × 4 pile group with S/D = 4.4, and a 3 × 5 pile group and 0.59 for fixed-head condition, while the AASHTO recom-
with S/D = 3.3. All pile groups were installed in stiff clay, and the mended factor is 0.85, which is close to the calculated free-head
pile head condition was free in all three tests. group factor. For 6 × 6 with the same soil and spacing, a group

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768 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 51, 2014

Fig. 17. Comparison between calculated group reduction factors in this study, AASHTO (2012), FEMA (2012) P-751, and Reese and van Impe
(2010) recommendations: (a) 3 × 3; (b) 4 × 4; (c) 5 × 5; (d) 6 × 6 pile groups.


(a) (b)
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(c) (d)
For personal use only.

factor of about 0.48 is calculated for the fixed-head condition profile on the group reduction factors for square pile groups. To
whereas 0.79 is recommended by AASHTO. this end, the continuum model of a specific pile group is validated
Figure 17a shows that recommendations of FEMA (2012) P-751 by comparing the numerical results of the pushover analysis to
and Reese and van Impe (2010) for 3 × 3 pile groups with S/D = 3 are the corresponding data available from a field test. The validated
close to the results of this study. However, with increasing the pile continuum model is used to generate an extensive numerically
spacing, these equations recommended in FEMA (2012) P-751 and driven benchmark database for the group reduction factors of
Reese and van Impe (2010) result in higher group reduction fac- various pile groups. The reliability of the numerical results was
tors, especially in comparison with the calculated fixed-head further validated by comparing the calculated group reduction
group reduction factors. Figures 17b–17d show that with increas- factors with the available experimentally derived factors.
ing the number of piles or with changing the pile head condition, The calculated group factors in the generated benchmark data-
the group factors recommended by these three available design base show the following trends. For a given pile spacing, the group
guidelines are considerably higher than the results of this study. reduction factor decreases with increasing number of the piles in
Rollins et al. (2006) also showed that the recommendations of the pile group, and also with the increase of friction angle of soil.
Reese and van Impe (2010) overestimate the lateral resistance for The group reduction factor increases with the increase of the
closely spaced pile groups. S/D ratios. The calculated fixed-head group reduction factors ap-
pear to be generally smaller than the free-head group reduction
Summary and conclusions factors. The study suggests that the pile head condition should be
Group reduction factor is a concept that is typically used in taken into account in determination of the group reduction
spring models of pile groups to account for the group effects factor.
in soil–pile interaction analysis. Recommendations are available The calculated group reduction factors in this study are com-
in several design guidelines for the value of group reduction fac- pared with the recommendations of AASHTO (2012), FEMA (2012)
tors. These guidelines are derived from several available experi- P-751, and Reese and van Impe (2010). The recommendations of
ments that are mainly conducted on small pile groups, with AASHTO are based on the results of different experiments per-
limited ranges of spacings, and pile head fixity conditions. The formed on 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 pile groups with free-head conditions.
present study is focused on evaluating the effects of number of The pile spacing for most of those experiments was 3D. Therefore,
piles, pile spacings, pile head conditions, and properties of the soil the calculated factors for 3 × 3 and 4 × 4 pile groups with spacings

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of about 3D in the present study are close to the recommendations Agency. National Institute of Building Sciences, Building Seismic Safety
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Acknowledgements Rahmani, A., Taiebat, M., and Finn, W.D.L. 2014. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of
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the Office of Graduate Studies at The University of British Columbia. Reese, L.C., and van Impe, W.F. 2010. Single piles and pile groups under lateral
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