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Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

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Research paper

Applications of 3D seismic attribute analysis in hydrocarbon prospect

identification and evaluation: Verification and validation based on
fluvial palaeochannel cross-sectional geometry and sinuosity, Ness
County, Kansas, USA
A.E. Raef*, T.N. Meek, M.W. Totten
Geology Department, Kansas State University, 108 Thompson Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Due to their high resolution and established success rates, the analysis of geometrical and stratigraphic
Received 13 August 2015 3D seismic reflection data attributes have become one of the most important tools in many hydrocarbon
Received in revised form exploration and development programs. In areas with high drilling risk as a result of the lack of spatial
19 January 2016
continuity and lithological variation of potential prospects, analysis of relevant seismic attributes is
Accepted 15 February 2016
Available online 18 February 2016
essential to successful placement of wells. This study of the York field, Ness County, Kansas, presents a
corroborative finding, based on the analysis of a set of 3D seismic attributes, revealing a meandering
fluvial channel system incised on the Mississippian stratigraphic unconformity north east of a previously
interpreted Weirman field palaeoshoreline and submarine channels. The York field prospect identifica-
Seismic attributes tion and appraisal program targeted the Cherokee sands where reservoir properties are favorable and
Lithofacies where it was thought that thick Cherokee sands correlate with structural Mississippian highs. We pro-
Seismic interpretation duce evidence that Cherokee sand-prone fluvial facies is mappable based on synergistic analysis of
River-channel seismic arrival time, amplitude, spectral decomposition, acoustic impedance, and waveform attributes.
Hydrocarbon Seismic amplitude highs and relative acoustic impedance lows showed moderate conformance with
Sand facies Mississippian-horizon time lows. Controls exerted by channel post-confluence water and sediments
supply provide corroborating hydraulic geometry aspects for the interpreted fluvial system.
Time-structural maps, in addition to time and horizon slices of several 3D seismic attributes including
amplitude, spectral decomposition components, and relative acoustic impedance all seem to indicate
that five previously drilled dry wells within the study area were outside the boundary of a meandering,
Cherokee fluvial system of potential reservoir quality. Additionally, comparisons of the results of this
research to previous studies conducted in the south west of Ness County have provided an opportunity to
support and contribute to, interpreted paleodepositional setting established by Raef et al,, 2015 where a
palaeoshorline was interpreted. The results of this study support a broadly NEeSW trending meandering
channel system with SE flow direction.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction multiwall pads. Since their introduction in the 1970s, seismic at-
tributes have allowed geoscientists to break down and view seismic
1.1. Background relevant studies traces in terms of unique, quantifiable components such as fre-
quency, phase, and amplitude (Mourning, 2014). Several authors
Reducing drilling risk when targeting thin, very often below (e.g. Chopra and Marfurt, 2008; Suarez et al., 2008; and Verma
seismic temporal resolution, Cherokee group basal/fluvial sands et al., 2009; Bahorich and Farmer, 1994) have reported on the use
prospects of Kansas is an industry priority amid low-price com- of seismic attributes in the characterization of hydrocarbon reser-
modity environment and the need to optimize placement of voirs and their utilization in defining channel fill zones. A
comprehensive classification of seismic attributes and the different
* Corresponding author.
modes of extraction and application is covered by Chen and Sydney
E-mail address: abraef@ksu.edu (A.E. Raef). (1997). Imaging channels boundaries based on most-negative

0264-8172/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
22 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

curvature was shown, by Suarez et al. (2008), to suffer from indicated that Keith #1 and several surrounding dry holes all fell
acquisition footprints in a study to calibrate the response of various within unfavorable areas. Similarly, Philip (2011), attempted to
attributes to a well-understood fluvial system. further develop the use of post-stack 3D seismic attributes in the
The challenges of detecting and undertaking a seismic based Wierman field and apply them as part of an integrated workflow
channel systems characterization calls upon adopting corrobo- incorporating well logs, core data, production data, and modern
rating sources of independent information such as those based on depositional analogs. The attributes Philip selected for the study
hydraulic geometry in response post-confluences changes in sedi- area were: acoustic impedance, amplitude attenuation, RMS
ments and water supply. The York Lease in north east Ness county amplitude, and spectral decomposition, as well as curvature and
(Fig. 1), Kansas, poses a drilling risk that has manifested itself when coherence attributes. Many of these attributes have been similarly
five unsuccessful wells were drilled. This drilling risk is to a great utilized in this particular study, and more detailed explanations of
extent related to the targeted basal/fluvial Cherokee sands as very these attributes and their applications can be found later within the
narrow and thin, as well as highly discontinuous spatially. This body of this text.
study will utilize several different seismic attributes, including This leads into some of the most recent work in the area, with
acoustic impedance, amplitude, spectral decomposition, two way emphasis on Cherokee sands, by Raef et al. (2015); this study pre-
travel time (TWTT) and amplitude, in order to properly delineate sents a synergistic approach integrating post-stack seismic attri-
potential hydrocarbon reservoirs (e.g. meandering channel sands) butes (TWTT, amplitude, coherency, parallel-bedding indicator, and
in an area of Ness County, Kansas, USA. To this end, we find it curvature) and well-log facies analysis in order to understand the
essential to shed some light, in the following three paragraphs, on development and depositional setting of the Cherokee sands of
previous efforts of Cherokee sand, for which palaeodepositional Wierman Field in central Kansas. The ultimate conclusion of this
setting was described by Walters et al., 1979 prospect identification study is that the dimensions and spatial relationships of the
and evaluation in Ness County area. interpreted geobodies are in conformity with the modern shoreline
In 2003, Coral Coast Petroleum drilled wildcat well, Keith #1, analogs of a barrier beach or strand-plain adjacent to an estuary.
targeting a Cherokee sandstone west of northeastern Ness County, Fig. 3 illustrates interpreted paleovalleys, structural closure, and the
Kansas. This well was part of the Wierman field (see Fig. 1) and interpreted paleoshoreline.
produced 162 barrels before it was plugged as dry and abandoned Raef et al. (2015), suggests that “higher rates of drilling success
(Abbas, 2009). The well was close to a reservoir, but the operator in the basal Cherokee sands are attainable by:
concluded that not enough sand development was present for
economic reserves, and that the well was on the edge of a channel. a) focusing on the proximity of thicker sands, as evidenced by
The focal point of Abbas (2009), was essentially answering the amplitude brightening of seismic reflections close to the Cher-
question of “what went wrong” with this particular prospect. In his okee basal reflections,
thesis, Abbas stated that personal communications with the well b) [considering] the proximity of identified amplitude anoma-
operator revealed that the potential sandstone target was identified lies to the interpreted paleoshorline,
primarily through the occurrence and tracking of a doublet signal c) favoring locations of paleotopographic highs on the Missis-
reflection found on a seismic section at the base of the Cherokee sippian unconformity, when associated with brightening of
formation, just above the top of the Mississippian formation (Fig. 2). seismic amplitudes in the basal Cherokee reflections and
In order to assess the situation, Abbas used surface 3D seismic dimming amplitudes below the Cherokee bottom reflection,
reflection data, well logs, and drilling reports or documents related d) [locating] structural closures, [which] in association with the
to the Weiman field, and then created a workflow incorporating 3D above factors, are of significant weight in reducing drilling risk.”
seismic attributes in an attempt to explain the results of the Keith
#1 well. Ultimately, despite the appearance of this doublet event Thus, the focus of this new study is three-fold: [1] apply
within the seismic data, analysis of relative acoustic impedance, methodologies guided by three previously mentioned studies to a
RMS amplitudes, average energy, and amplitude attenuation seismic attribute analysis being conducted in a nearby area of Ness

Fig. 1. Location of Ness County within Kansas, and the location of the Wierman Field within Section 18 of Township 16 south, Range 22 west (modified after: Abbas, 2009).
A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35 23

Fig. 2. Seismic doublet found at the top of the Mississippian formation (from Abbas, 2009).

Fig. 3. Seismic attributes; (a) time structural map of Mississippian-top seismic time horizon with interpreted paleovalley (arrows), (b) Cherokee-top time horizon with structural
closures around the producer well Squier 1e18 and a lack of such closure around Keith 1, interpreted tidal channel branching off towards shoreline (c) isochron (time thickness)
color map of Cherokee group and contours of the time structural map of Cherokee top seismic horizon, and (d) stratal amplitude time slice at 25 ms above the Missippian horizon
(flattened), an interpreted paleoshoreline at the time of Cherokee sand deposition is marked by a dashed line (from Raef et al., 2015).
24 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

Fig. 4. Ness County and location of study area: Approximate study area (red box) relative to the previously mentioned Wierman field (green box). The well, Conrath 1e10, is
highlighted in yellow for reference (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).

County and [2] validate results of interpreted palaeo-fluvial chan-

nel system based on sinuosity and aspects of post-confluence hy-
draulic geometry signatures, and [3] outline most prospective

1.2. Study area

Data for this particular study primarily originates from sections

10 and 11 in Township 16 south, Range 22 west of Ness County,
which is located in the central-western part of the state of Kansas.
The eastern side of the county is situated along the western edge of
the Central Kansas uplift. The first oil well in Ness County was
drilled in 1922, and in 1929, the Aldrich #1 well was drilled on the
Beeler anticline, and produced 100 bpd at a depth of 4422 feet on
top of the Mississippian (Abbas, 2009). The majority of current oil
production in western Kansas originates from Mississippian lime-
stone; however, as was mentioned previously, production from the

Fig. 6. Major tectonic features and location of Ness county: location of study area in
Fig. 5. Stratigraphic column of the Ordovician through Pennsylvanian systems (from the north east of Ness County is in proximity to the drainage basin boundary along the
Ramaker, 2009). early Pennsylvanian crest of Central Kansas Uplift, Modified after Clark (1987).
A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35 25

Fig. 7. Surface P-wave seismic description: (a) seismic amplitude time section and Cherokee (blue) and Mississippian (green) horizons, and synthetic seismic overlay at Wyman
1e11, (b) amplitude spectrum, and (c) amplitude tuning effects and dominant seismic wavelet (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article).
26 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

basin (Fig. 6); sediment was eroded from the Central Kansas uplift
and transported into the area. Marine transgression into the area
during Morrowan time resulted in the deposition of coarse-grained
basal sandstones and marine shales. The focus of this study is the
basal fluvial to transitional marine facies overlying the Mis-
sissippianePennsylvanian unconformity. This facies in the subsur-
face of Ness county ranges from transitional shallow marine in the
south west (Raef et al., 2015) to fluvial facies to north east of the
county; the fluvial facies is north east of a palaeoshoreline that was
interpreted by Raef et al. (2015); the fluvial setting is in agreement
with both the incised valleys findings of Archer et al. (1995) and the
palaeo incised valley imaging of this study.
The Mississippi unconformity is a karstic surface of Mississip-
pian limestones, from which dolines, as deep as 164 ft (50 m) and
measuring 0.99mi (1.6 km) across, have been described in the study
area, as well as an extensive network of palaeovalleys; most of
these valleys display a northesouth trend. In the easternmost part
of Ness County NEeSW oriented valleys join into larger north-
esouth oriented valleys towards the west, and whereas the
palaeovalleys in easternmost Ness County are relatively narrow,
ranging from 0.5 mi (0.8 km) to 1.5 mi (2.4 km) with a depth
ranging from 9.8 ft (3 m) to 39.0 ft (12 m), the approximately
northesouth oriented valleys in the west are 0.5mi (0.8 km) to
Fig. 8. Time structural map of the Mississippian unconformity and location of all 2.5mi (4 km) wide and up to 92 ft (28 m) deep (Ramaker, 2009).
drilled dry-hole wells (drilled on structural highs) and position of seismic section of
The Mississippian surface is overlain by cherty conglomeratic
Fig. 6a above.
breccia, glauconitic sandstone, and variegated silty mudstone,
filling the palaeovalleys (Ramaker, 2009). This deposition interval
relatively younger Cherokee group sandstones is of particular did not result in a very thick clastic sequence, as indicated by the
importance for this study. Fig. 4 illustrates the location of this study, depths of the palaeovalleys. Thus, the thickest cherty conglomeratic
relative to the nearby Wierman field, which is the focus of Philip breccia measures 23 ft (7 m), and the thickest and most persistent
(2011) and Raef et al. (2015). sandstone accumulation 57.0 ft (17.5 m) (Ramaker, 2009).
The cherts are reworked residual karst deposits (Nodine-Zeller,
1.3. Sequence stratigraphy and depositional history 1981). The sand may have been shed from the Paleozoic Reagan
Sandstone of the Central Kansas uplift, and the glauconite sand-
The target lithologies for this attribute analysis are from within stone probably represents marine deposition in an upper estuarine
the previously mentioned Cherokee shale, a group of Pennsyl- environment (Ramaker, 2009).
vanian-age shales and limestones, with thin layers of sands This clastic sequence is capped by a paleosoil, representing a
(Merriam, 1963). These sediments range in thickness from 5 to 200 sequence boundary, and followed by a thin 15.7e19.6in (40e50 cm)
feet and were deposited in a continental environment transitioning laterally continuous, wackestone-packstone horizon reflecting an
into a marginally marine environment as the sea transgressed over open, shallow-marine shelf environment within the photic zone as
the Mississippian unconformity, out of the Hugoton Embayment of well as marine flooding (transgressive sequence, Ramaker, 2009).
the Anadarko basin, and onto the Central Kansas uplift (Cuzella, Gray shale of 1.96 ft (0.6 m) to 3.9 ft (1.2) m thickness, deposited on
1991). top of the limestone, represents an offshore environment
Fig. 5 outlines the general stratigraphic succession of the Cher- (Ramaker, 2009). Updip to the northeastern part of Ness County, the
okee shale. Ness County itself is located on the northeastern shelf of sequence boundary is overlain by coarse-grained and cross-
the Hugoton Embayment, where sediments of the Desmoinesian laminated sandstones, which were deposited when accommoda-
Stage rest unconformably on Mississippian carbonates. As previ- tion space was created by flooding (Ramaker, 2009).
ously mentioned, these sediments consist primarily of interbedded
carbonate beds and thin shales. Closer to the uplift, fine-grained 2. Data and methods
clastics give way to coarser clastics (sandstones and conglomer-
ates) that parallel the ancient shorelines. By the end of Missourian In this section we present the 3D surface seismic reflection and
time, the Central Kansas uplift was inundated and covered with geophysical well-log datasets utilized in this study. We also
marine sediments. describe techniques and methods of analysis and interpretation
Shoestring sand lenses (known to operators in Kansas and with emphasis on seismic attributes for channels/palaeovalleys
Oklahoma as the Bartlesville sand) occur in the lower part of the facies mapping. Borehole drilling results in this study provide
Cherokee shale (Bass, 1936; Doveton, 2002). These slender Cher- ground truthing facies control on seismic facies interpretation.
okee sands are associated with fluvially dominated delta systems Furthermore, hydraulic geometry aspects of modern river conflu-
where the sediment entered the seaway (Brenner, 1989). It is worth ence analog was utilized in corroborating, a seismic-based, inter-
noting that many of the reservoir sandstones found within the preted palaeo-river channel.
Cherokee group are only 10e15 ft (4.6 m) thick; highly variable in
size, shape, orientation, and composition; and are difficult to pre- 2.1. 3D surface seismic reflection data and wireline well logs
dict (Cuzella, 1991).
According to Clark (1987), fluvial drainage systems began to Data utilized in this study includes post-stack P-wave 3D surface
develop in the Early Pennsylvanian around the flanks of the seismic reflection data and wireline well logs in addition to drilling
Hugoton embayment and on the northern shelf of the Anadarko and completion reports of five wells. We have also utilized, for
A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35 27

Fig. 9. Wyman 1e11 wireline logs: Gamma ray (GR), Sonic transient time (DT), and Resistivity Latero-logs deep (RLD) and intermediate (RLM); zones (dotted boxes) of higher
porosity and low permeability esimilar response of deep induction resistivity (RILD) and intermediate induction resistivity (RILM) logse are not associated with low GR eshale and
shaley sand facies.

independent interpretation-validation criteria, a modern analog of www.kgs.ku.edu/Magellan/Qualified/index.html: date accessed

channel morphology and hydraulic geometry signatures of post- 20/07/2015). Those wells, listed from north to south are: Dinkel-
confluences based on a laboratory and field study by Best (1987). Victor 1, Dinkel 1, Conrath 1e10, Wymann 1e11, and Young 1
The seismic data has subsurface coverage of about 12.5 km2 an area (Fig. 8). All five wells were drilled on structural highs and were
with natural bin-size of 44 m, usable frequency bandwidth of evaluated as dry holes.
20e110 Hz, and amplitude-tuning effects starting from time Conrath 1e10 was completed on September 10, 2005, having
thickness below 20 ms (Fig. 7 aec) at target zone level (0.9 s). The been drilled to a total depth of 4530 feet. Drill stem tests were
processing of the data was carried out through a surface consistent carried out for two separate intervals identified as Cherokee sand.
processing sequence with amplitude preservation and pre-stack DST results were not encouraging, with no blows, fluid pressures
time migration applications. The limit of temporal seismic resolu- that died within minutes, and no oil or gas shows within the 5e10
tion of this post-stack dataset according to criteria based on average feet of mud recovered. The Wyman 1e11 was completed on March
dominant-wavelet breadth (e.g., Widess, 1973; Kallweit and Wood, 19th, 2006, having been drilled to a total depth of 4500 feet. There
1982) is 7 ms at best as evidenced by the tuning analysis shown in were also no oil or gas shows, and no drill stem tests were run. Full
Fig. 7c ethe resolution limit is elaborated on further in subsection. well completion reports are available for both wells on the Kansas
A total of five dry holes with targets in the Cherokee formation Geological Survey website. Figs. 9 and 10 below provide wireline
are located within the bounds of this study area, according to re- logs (gamma ray (GR), Caliper (DCAL), Sonic transient time (DT),
cords available on the Kansas Geological Survey database, (http:// Density porosity (DPOR) and deep (RILD) and intermediate (RILM)
28 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

Fig. 10. Conrath wireline logs; target interval where density porosity (DPOR) has been plotted indicate low permeability zone as evidenced by small- to no-difference between the
deep induction (RILD) and intermediate induction (RILM) resistivity logs.

induction resistivity logs for both Wyman 1e11 and Conrath 1e10, established, representative wavelet, and sonic log is shown in
respectively. These logs illustrate that while there are zones 10e15 Fig. 11. The interval velocity in the basal Cherokee zone directly
feet thick with sufficient porosity to be considered potential res- above the Mississippian is 13,200 ft/s (4025 m/s) (Fig. 11). The
ervoirs, the gamma ray signatures for these zones are not partic- average normalized correlation coefficient of the synthetic-to-
ularly clean, suggesting a significant amount of shale. It is worth seismic match is 0.58 for all traces in a circle of 91 m around the
noting that trace amounts of oil spotting could be seen in DSTs well location and above 0.6 for an average trace. The mismatch is
collected for the Dinkel-Victor 1, and Dinkel 1 wells further to the partly related to the level of signal to noise ratio and also to devi-
north. It was thought by the operator that these locations, as well as ation of seismic data phase from phase of wavelet used (Henry,
the Conrath 1e10 were perhaps on the edge a channel, with only 2000; Ziolkowski et al., 1998). The tops (corresponding to surface
partial sand development. of unconformities) of both the Cherokee and Mississippian Groups
were associated with two peak-amplitude reflection events at
2.2. Modeling, seismic horizons interpretation, and attributes 0.877 and 0.899 ms, respectively, at Wyman 1e11.
extraction and analysis The limit of temporal seismic resolution of this dataset accord-
ing to criteria based on average dominant-wavelet breadth (e.g.,
2.2.1. Seismic modeling and its implications Widess, 1973; Kallweit and Wood, 1982) is 7 ms (about 28 m at
Formation top data from each well log was uploaded into an interval velocity of 4025 m/s) at best with amplitude tuning effects
industry-standard software (Kingdom HIS), using values taken starting at about 22 ms (289 ft; 88 m of thickness), (Fig. 7c). Seismic
from completion reports available on the Kansas Geological Survey amplitude changes due to tuning effects in case of thin layers, as
Website for both the Conrath and Wyman dry holes. These tops are defined by quarter of a wavelength (Widess, 1973), may play key
namely; tops of Cherokee and Mississippian Groups. The seismic role in the detectability of thin palaeochannels and fluvial
modeling objectives are to identify seismic events (peak/trough) lithofacies.
associated with the stratigraphic tops and determine parameters This study focuses on the top of the Mississippian formation, as
relevant to evaluating seismic resolution limits; mainly dominant the Cherokee targets typically appear roughly 10 ms above that
wavelet breadth and interval velocity as well as zero-phaseness of formation top in the time domain (Philip, 2011). The top of the
seismic data. An average seismic wavelet and a reflectivity series Mississippian formation was picked (i.e. manually traced) hori-
based on sonic logs were convolved to satisfy the convolutional zontally in each 3-D seismic inline and cross-line so that it could be
model and produce synthetic seismic trace that was matched with automatically tracked throughout the entire seismic block. Simi-
the real seismic data at locations of Wyman and Conrath wells; larly, the top of Cherokee formation was also picked and tracked. A
example of the synthetic to seismic match, time-depth table seismic cross section is displayed in Fig. 10, which depicts the
A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35 29

Fig. 11. Wyman-well 1-D synthetic-to-seismic match and tops of Heebner shale (dotted-dashed red) Cherokee (dotted-dashed blue) and Mississippian (dotted dashed green) and,
Mississippian horizon was tracked to a peak event through the 3D seismic data (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article).

relationship between the Wyman 1e11 synthetic seismogram, the the Mississippian has been interpreted as a result of incision valleys
seismic reflection series, the formation top data. eother supporting evidence will be examined in subsection 2.2.3.
Those valleys/palaeochannels agree with the conclusions of a study
2.2.2. Seismic horizons interpretation and time structural maps by Archer et al. (1995) that presented results supporting develop-
Upon determining the seismic events associated with the ment of incision valleys of a river system in late Mississippian early
Cherokee and Mississippian stratigraphic unconformities based an Pennsylvanian as a post-regression consequence of Hugoton
acceptable match of the synthetic and real seismic data at Wyman embayment regression. The thickening in the Cherokee interval
and Conrath, a 3-D horizon seismic horizon tracking were under- (Fig. 12c), which is obvious correlation with the Mississippian time
taken. After manual editing of horizons to safeguard against in- lows, is a corroborating evidence especially in the light of having no
consistencies of automatic picking due low signal-to-noise ratio or time anomalies “highs” at the top of the Cherokee that may explain
structural faults, we compiled time structural maps of Cherokee the thickening.
and Mississippian unconformities (Fig. 12 a&b). An isochrone map
(time thickness map) of the Cherokee interval (Fig. 12c) was also 2.2.3. 3-D seismic attributes and interpreted palaeo-river channels
calculated based on the picked Cherokee and Mississippian time and valley
horizons. The Mississippian time horizon, though it is essential in Because the main objective of this study is to provide a syner-
its own right in attempting to map basal Cherokee palaeo channels/ gistic approach towards understanding and outlining the fluvial
valleys, represents our main guide for extraction of amplitude time elements that may serve as the main controls on the basal sand
slices and other relevant stratal slice attributes within 10 ms above lithofacis distribution of the Cherokee Group, we extracted a set of
or below it. 3-D seismic attributes, which included stratal amplitude (ampli-
Lower values, outlines by dashed lines, on the two-way time of tude time slice extracted after Mississippian-horizon flattening)
30 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

Fig. 13. Amplitude time slice within 6 ms above the Mississippian horizon, (a)
amplitude slice without horizon, (b) amplitude slice with horizon.

above the Mississippian; amplitude slices (amplitude along con-

stant time; no horizon-flattening); relative acoustic impedance (is
calculated by continuous integration of the original seismic trace
with the subsequent application of low cut filter; e.g. Latimer et al.,
2000), spectral-component amplitudes (amplitude constituents
spectral sub-bands); and maximum negative curvature (volumetric
estimates of curvature from volumetric estimates of reflector dip
and azimuth) attributes (e.g. Chopra and Marfurt, 2010; Al-Dossary
and Marfurt, 2006), with extraction time/time-window to maxi-
mize capturing the potential effects of channels incision into and
channel lithofacies variation above the Mississippian unconformity.
Because the main objective of this study is to provide a synergistic
approach towards understanding and outlining the fluvial ele-
ments that may serve as the main controls on the basal sand lith-
ofacies distribution of the Cherokee Group, we extracted a set of 3-
D seismic attributes, which included stratal amplitude above the
Mississippian; amplitude slices; relative acoustic impedance,
spectral-component amplitudes; and maximum negative curvature
Fig. 12. Two-way time structural maps of the Mississippian (a) and the Cherokee (b),
and a Cherokee isochrone map (c) with interpreted incised valley overlaid (dashed
attributes, with extraction time/time-window to maximize
lines), all well locations are either at the periphery of or away from the thickening of capturing the potential effects of channels incision into and channel
the Cherokee interval. lithofacies variation above the Mississippian unconformity. The set
A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35 31

Fig. 14. (a) Mississippian horizon amplitude and (b) TWTT of Mississippian horizon Fig. 15. Time slice at 0.896 s of Envelope of SD-components (17 and 62 Hz), (a) smooth
with Mississippian horizon amplitude greater than 4909 overlaid as contour, higher variation for the 17 Hz component and (b) anomalous (red) areas in conformity with
amplitudes greatly coincide with the interpreted incised valley, except in parts where the palaeovalley (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
tuning effects (ellipse), as evidenced by isochrones map (Fig. 12c) has interfered. reader is referred to the web version of this article).

of attributes targeted in our selection combine both geometrical higher impedance (lower sonic log transient time, shown by a
and lithological attributes is discussed further in section 2.2.3. For cross-plot in Fig. 19) of the sand log facies.
history, classification and applications of seismic attributes, we Amplitude variation of spectral decomposition (SD) compo-
refer the reader to Brown (1996); Chopra and Marfurt (2007 & nents can be of great value in outlining fluid and/or lithofacies;
2008(b)). thickness variation can also lead to variation in amplitudes of SD
An amplitude time slice, extracted at 0.896 s (Fig. 13a), shows (Giroldi and Alegria, 2005). Comparing the envelope of the 17 Hz
amplitude change pattern that is in notable agreement with a and 62 Hz of the SD, one can observe an agreement of the higher
concaving downward TWTT of the Mississippian time horizon anomalous regions of the 62 Hz component with the significant
(Fig. 13b). Areas outlined in Fig. 12a associated with amplitude part of the interpreted palaeovalley (dashed) (Fig. 15 a&b). In the
anomalies, sinuous in shape (Fig. 13b), and interpreted as incised light of those anomalies the area to the north of Conrath seems to
valley of a palaeo-river system, are also associated with higher be the most promising; likely effect of both hydrocarbon and
amplitudes (Fig. 14 a&b). The higher amplitudes are likely the reservoir-grade fluvial lithofacies that resulted in higher energy
response of greater thickness of a fluvial lithofacies with lower levels for the 62 Hz component.
velocities than the underlying Mississippian carbonates. One may Relative acoustic impedance (Lancaster and Whitcombe, 2000)
not rule out the effects of thickness variation of the Cherokee on the sinuous feature (Fig. 16 a&b) on stratal slices extracted at 3 and
amplitudes of the Mississippian horizon. However, upon examining 5 ms above the flattened Mississippian corroborate the rock facies
the isochrone map (Fig. 12c), it is acceptable to relate the amplitude signature change introduced by the interpreted fluvial lithofacies.
“highs” (Fig. 14a) to fluvial lithofacies effects. The spatial correlation North of Conrath is an area with the largest areal continuity with
between those amplitude highs is also in agreement with the lower impedance and in agreement with the SD results shown in
32 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

Fig. 17. (a) a seismic amplitude time-section (inline 27) revealing asymmetry of
channel bed at the crest of a loop; this is a typical aspect of the hydraulic geometry of a
sinuous channel, (b) relative impedance (warmer color for higher) stratal slice with
location of the seismic section, dashed arrowed lines show the boundary of the incised
valley (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is
referred to the web version of this article).

proximity to a channel, while the increased shale and lack of shows

from the Wyman would be expected in an area away from the sand

Fig. 16. Relative acoustic impedance stratal slices extracted at (a) 3 and (b) 5 ms above
the flattened Mississippian horizon, fluvial lithofacies is associated with high values, 2.2.4. Comparison with a modern river-channel hydraulic geometry
north of Conrath the relative impedance high correlate with SD-component anomaly
of Fig. 15b.
Geomorphic aspects of channels at loop crests and post-
confluence have been well documented from studying ancient
Fig. 15b. and modern river channel systems (e.g. Best, 1987; Gamboa et al.,
The well cuttings description of the Cherokee from the two dry 2012). In this study, we examine the interpreted channel geome-
holes, Conrath 1e10 and Wyman support the geophysical inter- try utilizing seismic sections and the seismic horizon of the
pretation. The description of the Conrath hole, which is on the edge Mississippian in order to verify our interpretation. A seismic
of the channel as seen in the previous figures is as follows: amplitude time-section (Fig. 17a) reveals asymmetry of channel
“Sandstone, white-cream-light gray w/fine-medium-trace coarse bed at the crest of a loop, which is a typical response of the hy-
clear-opaque-pink subangular-sub rounded quartz grains poorly draulic geometry aspects of sinuous channel. The location of this
sorted … faint-poor odor fair show of dark brown free oil … .” seismic section is plotted on the relative acoustic impedance stratal
(http://www.kgs.ku.edu/PRS/Scans/Elog4/W/16S22/198626.zip: slice (Fig. 17b) with dashed arrowed lines show the boundary of the
accessed; 19/01/2016) The description from the geological report of incised valley.
the Wyman well, significantly removed from the interpreted In Fig. 18, post-confluence hydraulic geometry aspects of
channel is as follows: “Chert, vari-colored fresh; yellow shale and scouring and cross-sectional asymmetry is evident and represent
influx of fine-medium and occasional coarse subangular qtz grains, compelling evidence supporting our interpretation and indicating a
No Shows” (http://www.kgs.ku.edu/PRS/Scans/Elog4/W/16S22/ flow direction to the south west toward a palaeoshoreline that was
146578.zip: accessed; 19/01/2016). The increased volume of sand, outlined by Raef et al. (2015). Broadening and deepening of chan-
complete with oil shows, from the Conrath well is consistent with nels in post-confluences provide an opportunity a more pronounce
effect on seismic data.
A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35 33

Fig. 18. Relative acoustic impedance stratal slice 5 ms above the Mississippian horizon after flattening and locations of seismic sections (in-line 37&cross-line 42), arrowed dashed
lines and thick short arrows mark boundaries of the interpreted channel on cross-line 42 and in-line 37, respectively; channel geometry reflects scouring after a confluence (cross-
line; right to left) and steepening on the eastern side (marked an arrow pointing upward on the in-line section).

Fig. 19. Well-log facies (left) in DT-DPOR with point colored with deep induction resistivity log (RILD) and well logs for Wyman with well-log lithofacies overlay (gray ¼ sand,
green ¼ shale, red ¼ carbonates) (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article).
34 A.E. Raef et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 73 (2016) 21e35

3. Discussion and implications for pre-drill hydrocarbon identified in Raef et al. (2015). The structure observed in these maps
prospect evaluation may post-date the deposition of the Cherokee group, however, as
stratal amplitude time slices above the flattened Mississippian
The locations of the five dry holes within this study evidence horizon do not indicate a shoreline nearly as clearly. This suggests
that the well-placement (prior to this study) by the operator that the channel outlined in this study may be further inland, which
focused on structural highs, which is consistent with the traditional is in agreement with the meandering, fluvial channel geometries
exploration model for this area, according to Matthew Totten's seen here. Regardless, the interpreted Cherokee channel sand body
personal communications. Drilling results of those five wells identified in this study has a general NEeSW trend, which is in
echoed a message dedicating a reconsideration of the prospect agreement with the system identified in Raef et al. (2015).
evaluation targeting Cherokee sands in the study area. Outlining
fluvial facies of the early Pennsylvanian Cherokee and examining 4. Conclusions
SD and amplitude anomalies of the interpreted fluvial facies offer
promising prospective sand targets north of the Conrath location. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate the presence of a
The suggested prospect is strongly recommended for testing ac- NEeSW trending channel sand facies, in the basal part of the
cording to the following criteria; Cherokee Group, located in the southeast/central portion of the
study area. Isochron thickening, TWTT of Mississippian, time slices
 Higher amplitude due to low acoustic impedance compared to of amplitude and stratal relative acoustic impedance and SD 62-Hz
the underlying carbonates of the Mississippian anomalies, strongly supports this conclusion. The general trend
 Thickening of Cherokee (NEeSW) of this channel system, its time-depth location, and its
 The suggested prospect is part of the interpreted fluvial facies proximity to what has been interpreted as a paleo-shoreline (Raef
 SD 62-Hz component high amplitude anomaly of likely associ- et al., 2015), for the nearby Wierman field in addition to confor-
ation of facies and/or fluid content cause mity hydraulic geometry aspects of modern analogs, corroborate
 The suggested prospect conform with regional structural high, our seismic attributes based interpretation of a fluvial facies and
though the sealing is due to spatial facies change to shale channel system.
dominated facies as in Conrath and Wyman Finally, it is recommended that future exploration operations
consider the channel feature outlined in this study when making
Analysis of an isochron map for the Cherokee formation, and well placement decisions. Some of the most significant concerns for
time structure maps for both the Mississippian horizon and the the prospects identified within this channel would be the potential
Cherokee horizons (Fig. 12aec), reveals that placement of the test for lack of structural development/closure (i.e. an adequate trap-
wells within this study area largely corresponds to Cherokee/ ping mechanism), and the possibility of reservoir compartmental-
Mississippian topographic highs and indications of structural ization. Regardless, utilization of the 3D seismic attributes outlined
closure. However, the log signatures and well-log facies, exempli- in this study is highly recommended as part of an integrated
fied by Wyman 1e11 (Fig. 19) indicated that the disappointing workflow for future petroleum exploration operations in this area
drilling results from these wells could be attributed to a lack of sand of Ness County.
development. The gamma ray and porosity curves shown in Figs. 9
and 10 indicate that the sands with adequate porosity in these lo-
cations are thin, and inter-bedded with shale. However, the
appearance of these sands, nearby oil shows from the Cherokee
We are thankful to David Doyel of Murfin Drilling, Wichita,
group, and the fact that drill stem tests were run in the first place
Kansas, for donating the 3D seismic data and other information in
are all encouraging indications that a thicker, properly developed
support this research project. We also thank IHS-kingdom support
sand may be all that is necessary for a productive well. A promising
staff and management for granting Kanas state University, Geology
exploration also stem from the high probability of a reservoir grade
Department, an academic software license for Kingdom Suite
zones in the basal parts of the Cherokee group, which is supported
seismic interpretation software.
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