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http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran (MJIRI)

Iran University of Medical Sciences

Auditory memory function in expert chess players

Fariba Fattahi1, Ahmad Geshani*2, Zahra Jafari3, Shohreh Jalaie4

Mona Salman Mahini5

Received: 25 January 2015 Accepted: 19 April 2015 Published: 6 October 2015

Background: Chess is a game that involves many aspects of high level cognition such as memory,
attention, focus and problem solving. Long term practice of chess can improve cognition perfor-
mances and behavioral skills. Auditory memory, as a kind of memory, can be influenced by
strengthening processes following long term chess playing like other behavioral skills because of
common processing pathways in the brain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the auditory
memory function of expert chess players using the Persian version of dichotic auditory-verbal
memory test.
Methods: The Persian version of dichotic auditory-verbal memory test was performed for 30 expert
chess players aged 20-35 years and 30 non chess players who were matched by different conditions;
the participants in both groups were randomly selected. The performance of the two groups was
compared by independent samples t-test using SPSS version 21.
Results: The mean score of dichotic auditory-verbal memory test between the two groups, expert
chess players and non-chess players, revealed a significant difference (p≤ 0.001). The difference be-
tween the ears scores for expert chess players (p= 0.023) and non-chess players (p= 0.013) was sig-
nificant. Gender had no effect on the test results.
Conclusion: Auditory memory function in expert chess players was significantly better compared
to non-chess players. It seems that increased auditory memory function is related to strengthening
cognitive performances due to playing chess for a long time.

Keywords: Dichotic; Auditory Memory; Chess Players.

Cite this article as: Fattahi F, Geshani A, Jafari Z, Jalaie Sh, Salman Mahini M. Auditory memory function in expert chess players. Med J
Islam Repub Iran 2015 (6 October). Vol. 29:275.

Introduction game, resulting in learning-induced neuro-

Chess is a complex intellectual game and plasticity (4). Essentially, invisible activi-
is considered a hard mental activity that ties of the brain such as perception,
requires sophisticated problem solving memory, thinking, reasoning, learning, at-
skills. During chess playing, many kinds of tention and logical performances are ad-
cognitive processes are involved, e.g., dressed as cognitive performances. Cogni-
memory, working memory, attention, tive performance is an important aspect of a
visuospatial perception, motivation and de- person’s life (5). Memory is a part of cog-
cision making (1-3). The involved cogni- nitive performance that addresses the learn-
tive processes in chess playing are stimu- ing endurance or its resistance in a way that
lated and reinforced by practicing this is recallable after a while. This ability for
. Master Student of Audiology, Department of Audiology, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
.(Corresponding author) Instructor, Department of Audiology, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
Iran. ageshani@tums.ac.ir
. Associate Professor, Department of Basic Sciences in Rehabilitation, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Rehabilitation Research Center, Iran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. jafari.z@iums.ac.ir
. Assistant Professor, Department of Statistic, School of Rehabilitation, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
. MSc in Sport Physiology, Iran Chess Federation Member, Center of Applied Sciences of Chess Federation, Tehran, Iran.
Auditory memory function in expert chess players

representing and retrieving information has complicated cognitive tasks of chess, acti-
a fundamental importance for all cognitive vation typically increases in three cognitive
phenomena (6). Memory is categorized into networks, i.e., CEN, DAN, and SN, while
two types of verbal and non-verbal accord- the activation in the DMN network de-
ing to the nature of the memorized material. creases. Also, compared with novice play-
The auditory-verbal memory is a type of ers (who know the rules and simple strate-
memory that involves auditory reception of gies of playing chess), Grandmas-
orally presented information, its processing, ter/Masters (GM/Ms) have considerably
and storing and finally recalling what has better problem solving abilities. These find-
been heard. This kind of memory is ex- ings demonstrate the effect of long-term
tremely important because it plays a fun- training and experience in terms of cogni-
damental role in developing language skills tion on brain activity (3). Anatomical
and the learning process in general; there- changes in the bilateral caudate nuclei have
fore, the auditory-verbal memory helps us been observed in expert chess players in
to make sense of language and without it, response to long term training in the com-
language will be meaningless and void of plicated cognitive domain of chess. Local
any concept. The auditory-verbal memory changes in the brain structure of chess mas-
is one of the basic parts of working ters and expert chess players are the result
memory, and working memory is a transi- of experience increment in chess playing
tory and temporary way of keeping infor- (2). So far, many studies have analyzed the
mation that is limited in capacity and needs brain structure of expert and novice chess
to be repeated (7,8). players, using brain imaging techniques.
In the field of higher cognitive perfor- The common finding of these studies is dif-
mances including memory, planning and ferent activities of the brain structures be-
problem solving, there are many studies tween novice and expert chess players (12-
and experiences in both sports and educa- 15). For example, Wright et al. (2013) used
tional domains which address the topic of the event-related potential test to analyze
chess (9,10). Long term gain of skills and the underlying neural events when chess
repeating the exercise of proficiency in players made simple judgments of a chess
chess can result in considerable changes in position. They observed that the P3 and N2
the neural structures that are concerned amplitudes were larger in expert chess
with this special skill. Neuroplasticity stud- players when compared to novice players
ies in the field of learning or exercising (12).
chess or other games that are similar to Some studies have examined the influ-
chess, using brain imaging techniques, have ence of neuroplasticity changes on the cog-
reported changes in the areas associated nitive performance that could be related to
with a special skill as a result of intense and chess playing using behavioral tests. Aci-
repeated activity of these areas (2,3,11). ego et al. (2012) empirically studied the
Duan et al. (2012), using Functional Mag- beneficial effects of the continued practice
netic Resonance Imaging (FMRI), reported of chess in the improvement of cognitive
the influence of long term learning and and socioaffective aspects in adolescents.
practice of chess on 4 brain networks: i.e., Using the Wechsler intelligence scale for
Central Executive Network (CEN), Dorsal children (WICS-R), the cognitive compe-
Attention Network (DAN), Salience Net- tence variable was analyzed. The results
work (SN) and Default Mode Network revealed that after one year of regular chess
(DMN), which are associated with cogni- practice, cognitive skills like attention and
tive behavior. CEN is critical for working focus, perception organization and plan-
memory. Also, DAN and SN are parts of ning, problem solving ability and also soci-
these cognitive networks. Study results oaffective development of adolescents were
have shown that during the performance of improved. As a result, chess is recognized

http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir 2 Med J Islam Repub Iran 2015 (6 October). Vol. 29:275.

F. Fattahi, et al.

as a valuable educational tool for strength- nian chess federation and had more than 5
ening cognitive skills (4). years experience of participation in national
In studies performed so far, imaging tools and international chess tournaments. The
have been used to survey the effects of long chess rating scale is an international meas-
term chess playing on brain structures. Al- ure of the skill of chess players that scores
so, a few studies have analyzed these ef- from 1200 to more than 2700 and is as-
fects on the cognitive performance of chess signed to each player of the International
players using behavioral tests. To date, no Chess Federation (17). The individuals in
study has evaluated the cognitive perfor- two groups were matched in terms of age
mance of chess players like memory using and education level (Bachelor’s and Mas-
auditory tools. The goal of this study was to ter’s degree). The inclusion criteria for par-
use auditory tools to evaluate auditory ticipants in the two groups were based on
memory in expert chess players compared other cognitive studies performed in con-
to non-chess players. The auditory tool texts similar to this study including being
used in this study was dichotic auditory right handed, speaking Persian and being
verbal memory test (DAVMT). This test monolingual, having normal auditory (pure
was first introduced by Christianson et al. tone average better than or equal to
(1987) (16). To reach the aim of the study, 25dBHL) (18) and symmetric hearing in
the mean scores of expert chess players both ears (difference less than 10dB for
were calculated using the Persian version of each of frequencies 500, 1000, 2000 and
DAVMT; and then the mean scores of the 4000 hertz between two ears) (19), negative
test in this group were compared with the history of ear diseases, traumatic head inju-
mean scores of a matched group of non- ry or accident, brain surgery, epilepsy and
chess players. Moreover, the effect of the any type of neurological or psychological
right/left ear (right advantage) and gender diseases, and negative history of consump-
on the test results was surveyed in the two tion of nerve or psychotropic drugs and
groups. Because auditory memory is one of cognitive disorders (2,3,11,12,20,21). In
the components of cognitive performance addition, none of the members of the two
and with regards to the influence of chess groups had musical experience, formal ed-
on cognition skills, it is expected that gain- ucation in music, or professional skills in
ing experience in chess results in the devel- other art or sport fields. The Research Dep-
opment of other sensory cognitive skills uty of Tehran University of Medical Sci-
like auditory memory. Therefore, we ex- ences approved this study in terms of ethi-
pected to observe better results in the test cal considerations.
used in this study in expert chess players In this study, to ensure that the auditory
with higher levels of experience. threshold was normal and symmetrical for
the participants, pure-tone audiometry was
Methods performed in a silent environment without
The present cross- sectional study was other competitive stimuli, using a clinical
performed on 30 expert chess players (15 audiometer based on the ASHA 2004
males and 15 females) aged 20 to 35 years standard. Then, using the Persian version of
with a mean±SD age of 26.8±4.59 years, DAVMT, auditory memory was evaluated
and 30 non-chess players (15 males and 15 in the individuals who had the inclusion
females), without chess game experience, criteria. The Persian version of DAVMT
aged 20-35 years with a mean±SD age of was development by Aghamollaei et al. in
26.5±4.10 in Tehran Chess Board. The par- 2011 and its results were reported in a
ticipants were selected randomly. Expert group of normal adults. Based on the study
chess players were selected from those who results, the Persian version had a high level
had a rating over 2000 and were accepted of content validity (21). This test was per-
in the final national tournaments of the Ira- formed in the most comfortable level
Med J Islam Repub Iran 2015 (6 October). Vol. 29:275. 3 http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir
Auditory memory function in expert chess players

Fig. 1. Auditory Threshold Average in Different Frequencies (horizontal axis) based on dBHL (vertical axis) in Each

(MCL) of individuals by headphones bin- SPSS software version 21 was used for
aurally. The test consists of six lists, each statistical analysis, and data were interpret-
of which containing 10 words. The charac- ed at a significance level of P = 0.05. The
teristics of the words and lists used in the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test was used to de-
Persian version of the test were explained termine the normal distribution of the data,
thoroughly in a paper by Aghamollaei et al. and the data showed a normal distribution.
In this test, when a word presents to one Then, independent samples t-test was used
ear, the reverse of the word is also present- to compare the scores of expert chess play-
ed simultaneously to the other ear. The par- ers and non-chess players and also to com-
ticipants received the following test instruc- pare the test scores between genders.
tions before starting the test: “You will hear Moreover, paired sample t-test was utilized
a real word in one ear and a nonsense word to compare the test score between the two
in the other ear; pay close attention to the ears of the individuals.
real words coming from either the right or
left ear and try to remember them. When Results
the listening is over, say the words that you The participants’ mean±SD age was
remember; the order in which you recall 26.8±4.59 years for expert chess players
them is not important.” At the end of each and 26.5±4.10 years for non-chess players.
list presentation, words were recorded in The educational level of the individuals
order of remembering. To increase the reli- ranged from a Bachelor’s degree to a Mas-
ability of the results, the test was adminis- ter’s degree. The mean auditory threshold
tered to each ear three times, and each time of the participants in the analyzed frequen-
a different list was used. To calculate the cies is shown in Figure 1.
mean score of DAVMT for each individual, The mean±SD DAVMT score (number of
the average score of three lists that was pre- remembered words) in expert chess players
sented to each ear was considered as its was 7.6±0.75 for the right ear and it was
score, and the average score of both ears 7.4±0.75 for the left ear with a total score
was the total score of the individual. of 7.5±0.72. To compare the auditory

http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir 4 Med J Islam Repub Iran 2015 (6 October). Vol. 29:275.

F. Fattahi, et al.

Table 1. DAVMT Results for Expert Chess Players and Non-Chess Players
Chess Player Non Chess Player p
Mean (2SD) (n=30) Mean (2SD) (n=30)
Right ear 7.63 (.75) 5.59 (.81) ≤0.001
Left ear 7.45 (.75) 5.31 (.60) ≤0.001
Both 7.54 (.72) 5.45 (.65) ≤0.001
SD: standard deviation

Table 2. Comparison of the Two Gender Mean Test Scores in the Experimental Groups
Female Male p
Mean (2SD) (n=15) Mean (2SD) (n=15)
Chess Player Right ear 7.7 (.74) 7.6 (.78) 0.814
Left ear 7.5 (.79) 7.3 (.71) 0.471
Both 7.6 (.74) 7.5 (.72) 0.618
Non Chess Right ear 5.7 (.69) 5.5 (.93) 0.385
Player Left ear 5.4 (.49) 5.2 (.70) 0.492
Both 5.6 (.51) 5.3 (.78) 0.394
SD: standard deviation

memory of expert and non-chess players, ers with a professional skill level who are
the test results for the right and left ear and experienced in this game compared to the
the total score of expert chess players were auditory memory of non-chess players was
compared with the test results of non-chess the aim of this study. DAVMT is one of the
players. The results of the comparison in dichotic auditory and behavioral tests of the
each of three tests, using independent t-test, central auditory processing. DAVMT, us-
showed a significant difference between the ing a dichotic method to present the stimuli,
two groups (p≤0.001). The mean and is a proper way to examine auditory
standard deviation of DAVMT score in memory. This test analyzes a special kind
each group and the result of the statistical of memory that is called working memory
analysis are demonstrated in Table 1. and is considered a part of implicit short-
To analyze the influence of the ears in term memory (8). Working memory plays
each group separately, test results of the an important role in facilitating the individ-
right and left ear were compared using ual’s performance in complex tasks and
paired t test. The results revealed that the auditory-verbal memory is one of the main
difference between the scores of the two parts of this memory (22). Compared with
ears was significant in both chess players other dichotic tests, the dichotic tests of au-
(p=0.023) and non-chess players (p=0.013). ditory memory are associated with higher
The results of the analysis of the test levels of cognitive performances and in-
scores in both genders are presented in Ta- volve different structures of the brain (8).
ble 2. Test results between males and fe- In this study, the auditory-verbal memory
males in both groups were separately com- function of expert chess players was exam-
pared using independent t test, but no sig- ined based on the test results, and the re-
nificant difference was observed (p>0.0.5). sults showed a significant increase in the
performance of auditory-verbal memory in
Discussion the expert chess players compared with
Short-term memory and working memory non-chess players. This difference showed
are cognitive performances that are influ- an increase in the auditory memory func-
enced by chess. Also, auditory memory, a tion as a result of long term professional
type of memory and a part of cognitive per- chess playing. As mentioned in the litera-
formance, is possibly influenced by the ture, to date, no study has used the behav-
process of strengthening following steady ioral auditory test to assess memory func-
and long-term chess playing. Therefore, tion in chess players. Studies which have
analyzing auditory memory in chess play- used other tools to examine the influence of

Med J Islam Repub Iran 2015 (6 October). Vol. 29:275. 5 http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir

Auditory memory function in expert chess players

chess on cognition and memory scopes memory and CEN in the combination of
suggest that being skilled in chess and its information and memory of different senses
long term practice can be effective in the to understand and achieve a single notion
improvement of cognitive performance and of experienced situation, gaining experi-
memory (4,9,10). Also, the functional inte- ence in chess is expected to result in the
gration of cognitive networks in the brain development of auditory memory, too.
that are involved during the chess game Considering the above mentioned notes and
increases in expert chess players (3). The the results of this study, it can be stated that
results of the present study are consistent chess is likely to cause an improvement in
with those of other studies reporting an im- the auditory memory of the chess players in
provement in the cognitive performance the long term and with more studies on
due to playing chess for a long time and the chess players with different levels of skills,
results of these studies confirm the findings it is possible to examine this improvement
of the present study. Moreover, the brain and the positive influence of neuroplasticity
structures that are involved during the chess that occurs in the brain as a result of play-
game and common pathways with auditory ing chess on the auditory memory.
memory pathways can be addressed to ex- In the present study, a significant differ-
plain the influence of chess on auditory ence was observed in the DAVMT mean
memory. Different cortical areas are acti- score between the left and right ear as the
vated during the chess game. Chess is a right ear score was higher in both expert
spatial-cognitive process and primarily en- chess players and non-chess players. There-
gages the spatial cognition compared to fore, it was observed that the right ear ad-
logical and computational skills. During vantage existed in both groups. In a study
chess, the left hemisphere is more active by Aghamollaei et al (2010), the influence
than the right (1,20). The activities of the of ear on the results of the Persian version
bilateral posterior cingulate regions, left of DAVMT in young individuals was sur-
anterior temporal cortex, left orbitofrontal veyed; the results of their study and similar
cortex and right prefrontal cortex have been studies using the same version showed the
reported during chess playing (23,24). The higher scores of the right ear (21,28,29).
observed pattern of activities in the cortex Structural differences in the right and left
during the game is in accordance with some hemispheres are introduced as a reason for
of the general cognitive processes that are the difference in the process of verbal stim-
used in the game of chess (1). Also, the ac- uli in the two hemispheres. Because the left
tivity of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex hemisphere is used for language infor-
(DLPFC) and posterior parietal cortex mation processing in 95% of people, oppo-
(PPC) increases in this game (3). With re- sition of the right ear to this hemisphere,
gards to the neural systems of auditory ver- stronger representation of the auditory in-
bal memory, it should be noted that the put of each ear in the opposite hemisphere
neural systems of auditory verbal working and suppression of the auditory information
memory include ventrolateral prefrontal in ipsilateral pathways by contralateral in-
cortex (VLPFC) and DLPFC, intraparietal formation facilitate processing of right ear
sulcus, supramarginal gyrus and basal gan- information compared with the left ear in
glia, which are active in the visual verbal dichotic auditory situations and result in the
working memory (25). Long-term auditory right ear advantage phenomenon. In dichot-
verbal memory includes some different ic presentation of the stimuli, the right ear
cognitive processes in the neuropsycholog- scores advantage is a common result in
ical level (26,27). Some auditory memory normal right handed individuals (30). In the
pathways are active during a game of chess. present study, the right ear scores ad-
Although chess is rather a visual-spatial vantage was observed in both groups,
exercise, with respect to the rule of working which supports the findings of the previous

http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir 6 Med J Islam Repub Iran 2015 (6 October). Vol. 29:275.

F. Fattahi, et al.

studies. the influence of the ear on the test results in

There was no significant difference in the expert chess players.
DAVMT score between males and females
in the two groups. However, with a careful Conclusion
consideration of the scores, it can be seen Based on the obtained results, the audito-
that the scores of the female participants ry verbal memory function showed a signif-
were higher than the males’ scores in both icant increase in expert chess players. The
groups. In other studies that used the Per- increase in auditory memory function was
sian version of this test, significant differ- probably influenced by long term chess
ences in the test results were observed be- playing and having professional skills in
tween genders and the results showed fe- this game. According to the results, ear ad-
males dominance in this test (21,28). In a vantage behavior was detected in expert
study using the English version of this test, chess players and non-chess players and
although the gender effect was not analyzed although females were better than males in
statistically, the females’ scores were better auditory memory function, this difference
than the males’ (31). As yet, extensive re- was not significant. Based on the results of
searches have been performed on the dif- the present study, chess may be considered
ference of the females and males’ perfor- a new method for rehabilitation of individ-
mance, and it has been observed that there uals that have problems as a result of
are structural and functional differences memory impairment and learning difficul-
between the males and females’ brains ties and as a tool for exercising and improv-
(32,33). In addition, it is observed that ing cognitive performance and facilitation
males have a better performance in spatial of cognitive treatments. Therefore, this
skills while females have a better perfor- study can provide opportunities to expand
mance in performing verbal memory tests research in the field of auditory cognition
(34). In memory tests, the females’ perfor- and methods to strengthen them.
mance was significantly different from that
of males. Nevertheless, in the present Acknowledgements
study, although the females’ performance This study was a part of a Master’s de-
was better than the males’, this difference gree thesis in audiology that was approved
was not significant. The limited number of and registered in Tehran University of
the expert chess players was introduced as Medical Sciences (Registration Number
a reason in this context. 93/d/360/603 on 6.28.2014). The authors
One of the major limitations of this study wish to express their gratitude to Ms.
was the difficult access to expert chess Aghamollaei for her guidance and provid-
players of the country. Therefore, in this ing the required test materials. Also, the
study, it was decided to recruit expert chess manager and the staff of Tehran Chess
players with more than 5 years of experi- Board are appreciated for their help in con-
ence by participating in national and inter- ducting this thesis.
national chess competitions. Thus, access
to chess players with different levels of ex-
perience in a legitimate and objective way References
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