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February 21, 2018


a) Respond to ideas, issues, and concerns presented in a reading or viewing a
selection in creative forms.
b) Show appreciation and value to the nation’s pride in varied activities.


Lesson 3: Nation’s Pride
Learning Phase: Presentation (Reading Article or Text about “Michael Christian
Martinez: Philippines Hope for Gold in the Olympics)
 Materials: Written instructional material (cartolina), laptop and speaker
 Reference: wikipidea.com, cnnphilippines.com, spin.ph, 4th Grading


A. Daily Activities
Classroom management

B. Activity/Motivation
Let us be proud!
Have the class watch a video of famous Filipinos worldwide because of their talents and
- Ask the class what the video is all about and what do they feel about it.
- The class should answer like: we are proud of being a Filipino.

Present the vocabulary words

1. Perseverance
-steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., especially in
spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement
2. Determination
-the ability to continue trying to do something, even if it is difficult
3. Honed
-refine or perfect something over a period of time
4. Witty

-using words in amusing and intelligent way

5. Remarkable
-worthy of being or likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or

C. Analysis
Its reading time!
- Have the students read the article about “Michael Christian Martinez: Philippines Hope
for Gold in the Olympics and answer the Comprehension Check.

Comprehension Check

1. Who was the 17- year old teen with inspiring qualities?
2. Name some of his qualities that made him successful in his chosen career.
3. How can you extend your support to Filipino athletes?
4. State some strategies that you think will make you successful in anything you
want to do or you want to be someday.

D. Abstraction
- Let the students reflect on the following questions:
1. Is Michael Martinez an inspiration? Why?
2. What have you learned/realized from the text?

E. Application
Group the class based on their interest. They will choose from the picture of plume
(writing), musical note (singing), stage (acting) paintbrush (arts), and microphone
(talking). Their aim is to show their appreciation to the Philippines’ pride.
Rubric for Rating Performance
Content 5
Presentation 5
Creativity 5
Audience impact 5
Cooperation 5
Total score 25

5 4 3 2 1
Content Shows appreciation to Shows Shows Shows The content of the

the Philippines’ pride appreciation to appreciation to appreciation to performance

with clear the the the shows

descriptions and is Philippines’ Philippines’ Philippines’ appreciation to

easy to understand. pride with pride with pride with the Philippines’

clear description. description pride but do not

descriptions. that is not have clear

clear. description and is

hard to
Presentation The presentation is The The The The presentation
organized systematic presentation is presentation presentation is is not organize,
and well executed. organized and was organize not that and is not
systematic but but was not organized executed
was not well systematic properly
executed. and well
Creativity The presentation is The The The The presentation
original, unique, presentation is presentation is presentation is is not original,
applealing and has a original, original, original, but is not unique,
surprise element. unique, unique but is not unique, unappealing and
appealing but not appealing appealing and do not have
do not have and do not do not have surprise element.
surprise have surprise surprise
element. element. element.
Audience The audiences finds it The audiences The audiences The audiences The audiences
impact entertaining, finds it finds it finds it finds it slightly
pleasing, inspiring, entertaining, entertaining, entertaining, entertaining, but
motivating pleasing, pleasing, but but not not pleasing,
inspiring but is not inspiring pleasing, inspiring or
not motivating or motivating inspiring, or motivating
Cooperation All members are All members All members Not all of the Most members
participating, are are members are are not
attentive, participating, participating, participating, participating,
cooperative and attentive, attentive, but attentive, attentive,
responsible regarding cooperative not cooperative cooperative and
their role. but are not cooperative and responsible
responsible and responsible regarding their
regarding their irresponsible regarding their role.
role. regarding their role.

Group 1 “The Witty Writers”

- Write a short poem

Group 2 “The aspiring singers”
- Compose a jingle”
Group 3”The Exceptional Actors/Actresses”
- Present a drama
Group 4” The Creative Artists”
- Make a poster

Compose a quote that will show appreciation to Filipino’s pride.
Prepared by: Checked by:

Ara Mae P. Lizondra Mary Rose L. Calleja

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Approved by: Noted by:

Flora A. Peji Ramon L. Rivas

Master Teacher I Head Teacher III

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