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1. Contingency Questions
2. Non Probability
3. Likert Scale
4. Inferential Statistics
5. Histogram
6. Kurtosis
7. Bivariate Analysis
8. Stratified
9. Pilot Testing
10. Percentage
11. Measures of Dispersion
12. Categorical Data
13. Abstract
14. Ratio Variables
15. Antecedent Variables
16. Quantitative Research
17. Variable
18. Standard Deviation
19. Chi-Square Test
20. Discussion


11. Ratio – These are based on a fixed starting point or a ‘true zero point’.
12. Statistics – Systematic collection and analysis of data.
13. Pie Graph – A graph used to emphasize proportions oa a variable per category.
14. Empricism – What cannot be observed using the five senses cannot be reasonably
15. Positivism – Data comes from empirical observation and the use of logic.
16. Focus Group - A common qualitative research technique used by companies for
marketing purposes.
17. Theory - An idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action
18. Frequency – Total number of times a particular case or value occured.
19. Sampling – process of selecting a number of individuals for a study
20. Sample – few members of the population.

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