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TEST A – 40 points

1.Fill the empty spaces- 20 points

1)……… you have been asked to find a venue and organize a conference, there are certain key
points you will need to know and decisions that will have to be 2)……… before you actually make the
The first, most important, point is the number of 3)……… attending. Is it a big conference – say
for 50 or 100 people – or a 4)……… board meeting for just six, because it 5)……… a big difference to
the size of room and all the arrangements. So, number one is number of delegates.
The next thing to decide is what you actually want to 6)……… with your conference, is it a
training session or are you having a sales lunch? You may get all your sales people together and you
show 7)……… a new product. This is very 8)……… from a training session. So, you obviously want
to know 9)…….. you want to achieve 10) …… the end of the day.
Then you must decide how long your conference 11)….… to last, how many days you 12)………..
you are going to need and what time of year you want to hold it. The type of activities and functions can
be 13) ….… on the weather, for instance if you intend to 14) ..……. an evening garden party.
Another point is where the conference is going to take 15)….…. Before you can decide on this,
you must know where the people that you are expecting to attend 16)…….. be coming from. Will it
need to be reasonably central – near to an airport, near to good railroad connections, or 17)………. to
get by road? Are there adequate car parking 18) ……… ?
And, of course, you need to know who is actually 19)………for the conference. Are the delegates
paying for themselves or is it a company paying? Usually, the company pays for the main 20)……… of
the conference and the delegates pay for their drinks and telephone calls and other peripherals.

2. Complete the text with the adjectives – 6 points

Stimulated, isolated, inadequate, frustrated, hostile, intriguing
When I first arrived in England I didn’t feel…………………because we came in a big group
so I had my friends to stop me feeling lonely.Rather it was an …………..adventure because I knew
nothing about England and I felt …………….and wanted to learn the language as quickly as
possible . When I arrived my English was worse than ……………I couldn’t say anything. Although
sometimes I got…………..because I couldn’t say what I wanted the English were very helpful. They
were never …………………to me.

3. Complete the table – 8 points

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
stimulated x
isolated x
x inadequate
frustrated x

4. Fill the gaps with one word .The first letter is given to help you- 6 points

1.Although it is a ruin, the castle is protected as it is part of our national h……………………

2.He may be English but his d………………is so strange that I don’t understand anything
3.What did you do on your wedding a……………………..
4.It is just s……………………..that a red sky at night will mean a beautiful day tomorrow
5.He has joined a religious s…………that believes that we all come from another planet
6.You should also include green vegetables as part of your s……………..diet
TEST B – 40 points

1.Fill the empty spaces- 20 points

Once you have decided on the 1)……….., you will have to think about the things that you will
require while you are there: things like conference room size, how 2) …………. are going to want the
room laid out. If it is informal, you won’t need a very big room, but if everybody should have a desk,
you will need a 3)………….. room. If you have a very large meeting in the ballroom, you may need
people sitting in rows like in a lecture theater. You will also 4)……….. to decide whether you need
syndicate rooms – that is small rooms for 15 to 20 5)…………, and if you are going to use syndicate
rooms, how 6)…………. you will need. You then come onto your conference equipment. If someone is
giving a 7)………, will they need overhead projectors, flip chats, slide projectors?
You also need to know what 8) ……… your delegates will require. If you have got your delegates
sitting in a conference all morning, by the 9)………… they get to lunch, they are going to be very thirsty,
so you need to break in the middle for a cup of coffee and a chance to 10) ……… their legs. So, do you
want that served in the conference room or out of it? And at what time?
You need to find 11)…..……. the dining requirements – will they be privately dined or is it
okay with them to sit at small tables in the main 12) ……… room? Perhaps you want a gala dinner on
the last evening to make it 13) …………. of an occasion.
Then you can get down to the menu arrangements – what are they actually going to eat? This is
very much 14) ……… by how much time you have got for lunch. At lunch time delegates often only
have forty-five minutes 15) ……… an hour, and so they will want a fast buffet service where they can
16) ………… as much or as little as they want. In the evening you are more relaxed, so you can spend
a couple of hours 17) ……… the meal and can have a more formal one. Another thing to 18) ……… is
accommodation and how many of the delegates will be staying. If you have got a conference of twenty,
perhaps only ten require accommodation. Perhaps some of these guests are very 19)………..people, so
you will want to put them into better rooms than the ordinary delegates. So, you must 20)……… out a
rooming list.
Finally, when you have all the information, you can go about booking.

2. Match the prefixes to the words and complete the sentences with new words – 13 points
1 anti a national
2 counter b war
3 inter c cultural
4 mis d culture
5 multi e understanding
6 post f social
7 pre g culture
8 sub h date

1. I think there has been a ……………………I said we’d be here by six not seven
2. Within the teenage culture we can find the gothic …………….whose members tend to dress in
3. When you answer a question with a single word answer it suggests that you are an
…………..person as you do not wish to communicate
4. With so many people from different countries living in England it is true to say that it has
become ………………….
5. I’ve always been interested in how countries talk to each other so I’m going to study

3. Choose the right word to complete the sentences: - 5 points

1. The accused ………………….breaking into the house at three o’clock in the morning
a) admitted b) refused c) told
2. They have ………………….making to much noise last night
a) warned b) apologized for c) refused
3.We have been ……………..him to take the job
a)offering b) insisting c) encouraging
4.Did you ……………….him to take his shoes off when he enters their house?
a)admit b) warn c)offer
5.They ……………….to re-enter into negotiations with us
a) refused b) regretted c) encouraged

4. Fill the gaps with one word .The first letter is given to help you- 2 points

1. The t…………….around the lake is quite hilly so make sure you’ve got good walking boots.

2.Showing the bottom of your feet to people is considered very bad m…………………in Asia

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