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Petr Hájek* DOI: 10.1002/suco.201000026

Ctislav Fiala
Magdaléna Kynčlová

Life cycle assessments of concrete structures –

a step towards environmental savings
Considering the volume of concrete produced and the number of 1200%
produkce oceli
steel production
concrete structures built, the problem of the associated environ-
mental impact forms a significant part of the entire global prob- produkce betonu
1000% concrete production
lem of sustainable development. Utilization of environmentally populace
optimized concrete structures thus creates a potential for in- population
creasing the quality of construction and consequently a reduc- 800%
tion of the environmental impact. A life cycle assessment (LCA) is
a complex, multi-parametric assessment of the environmental im- 600%
pact of the structure over its whole life cycle. It covers, in one as-
sessment process, all the essential environmental issues, includ-
ing CO2 emissions, energy consumption, water consumption, 400%
waste generation, etc. In the case of concrete, selected criteria
should support the design and construction of high-quality and at 200% 1950 = 100%
the same time environmentally friendly concrete structures. The rok 1950 = 100%
principal problem is to collect relevant environmental input data
for specific concrete types plus transport and production 0%















processes which can be used in the LCA procedure.
Keywords: concrete, life cycle assessment, environmental savings, data Fig. 1. Tendencies in steel and concrete production compared with popula-
tion growth and its expected development up to the year 2050 [1]

1 Introduction
The evaluation of the environmental impact of any
Concrete is the second most commonly used product on concrete product over its entire life can be carried out us-
the planet, after water. During the last century, concrete ing an LCA (life cycle assessment) methodology specified
evolved into the most important building material in the in ISO standards.
world. Annual production of concrete in the industrialized
world amounts to 1.5–3.0 tonnes per capita. World ce- 2 Life cycle assessment of concrete structures
ment production increased 12-fold in the second half of
the last century [1] (Fig. 1). The complex life cycle assessment (LCA) of a concrete
Compared with other building materials, the specific structure, covering the evaluation of materials, energy,
magnitude of harmful impact embodied in a concrete unit pollution, waste and other harmful impacts, flows
is relatively small. However, due to the high production of throughout the whole life cycle of the concrete product or
cement (the cement industry accounts for approx. 7.7 % of the whole concrete structure and should become an in-
global man-made CO2 emissions), the final negative envi- trinsic part of a high-quality design approach.
ronmental impact of concrete structures is very high.
Thus, any improvements to concrete design principles, as- 2.1 LCA methodology
sessment methodologies, construction and demolition
technologies, and the management of the operation and The general methodology of LCA is defined in Interna-
use of concrete structures provide an important contribu- tional Standard ISO 14040:1997 “Environmental Manage-
tion to the general goal: the sustainable development of ment – Life Cycle Assessment – Principles and Frame-
society and technology. The evaluation of the environ- work” and in the complementary International Standards
mental quality of concrete structures therefore represents ISO 14041, ISO 14042 and ISO 14043 concerning the var-
a significant driving force aimed at a reducing environ- ious LCA phases [2]. There is no single method for con-
mental impact in general. ducting LCA studies, but all LCA methods should follow
the basic methodological principles defined in the stan-
* Corresponding author: petr.hajek@fsv.cvut.cz dards. Results from LCA studies may provide useful input

© 2011 Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische Wissenschaften GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin · Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1 13
P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

ment data sets are compatible and sufficient to address the

stated goal. The inventory analysis (LCI – life cycle inven-
tory) involves data collection and calculation procedures
to quantify the relevant inputs and outputs of a product
system, e.g. a concrete element, a concrete structure, a
whole building or another civil engineering structure, etc.
throughout the whole life cycle. The target of the impact
assessment phase (LCIA – life cycle impact assessment) is
to examine the product system from an environmental
perspective using impact categories and category indica-
tors connected with the inventory analysis results. The fi-
nal phase of the LCA is interpretation, in which the find-
ings are combined, consistent with the defined goal and
Fig. 2. LCA phases and the corresponding ISO Standards scope, in order to reach conclusions and recommenda-

for various evaluation, optimization and other decision- 2.2 Application of LCA methodology to concrete structures
making processes.
The LCA methodology defined in ISO 14040 is an it- The LCA methods and models should consider the whole
erative assessment method. It includes several steps cover- life (from “cradle to grave”) of a concrete product (ele-
ing (a) definition of goal and scope, (b) inventory analysis, ment, structure, etc.). The typical life cycle of a concrete
(c) impact assessment and (d) interpretation of results, al- product should pass through the following stages: raw ma-
though these particular steps are in a state of mutual inter- terials acquisition, production of concrete and structural
action (Fig. 2). components, design and construction, operation and
The goal and scope of an LCA study must be clearly maintenance, repair, refurbishment, demolition, recycling
defined and consistent with the intended application. The and waste disposal (Fig. 3). The characteristic life cycle of
scope must consider all relevant aspects and criteria and a concrete structure with its typical materials and energy
should be sufficiently well defined to ensure that the defi- flows and consequent environmental impacts is shown in
nition of the evaluation model and specification of assess- Fig. 4 [3].
















Fig. 3. Typical life phases for a concrete product/structure with possible life stages

14 Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

conditions) and differences in cultural traditions. Some

country or regional specifics are implemented in structur-
al design codes (e.g. National Application Documents,
NADs, in Eurocodes).
Regional specifics should be considered when col-
lecting the embodied environmental data of different ma-
terials. The types of materials sources, mining technolo-
gies, means of transport, transport distances, production
technologies, etc. have a significant influence on final unit
embodied environmental values. The relevant complex
LCA of the product or entire structure should be based on
local environmental data collected within the inventory
phase of the LCA procedure.

2.4 EPD – environmental product declaration

The LCA requires quantified and verified information

Fig. 4. Life cycle of a concrete structure – materials and energy flows and about the environmental performance of products,
consequent environmental impacts
processes and services. The environmental product decla-
ration (EPD) is a set of measurable pieces of information
The life cycle of a concrete structure usually includes about a product’s impact on the environment over its en-
the following stages: tire life cycle (e.g. water and energy consumption, produc-
• Raw materials acquisition (stone, sand, iron, water …) tion of harmful waste, impact on climate change, destruc-
• Production and transport of basic structural materials tion of the ozone layer, etc.). This information is gained
(cement, steel reinforcement and other steel compo- using the LCA method in accordance with the ISO 14000
nents, admixtures, aggregates …) series of standards on environmental management sys-
• Design and optimization of concrete mix, concrete ele- tems and tools. EPD data represent a highly valuable and
ment and concrete structure essential data input for the LCA of the whole structure
• Production of concrete mix, including transportation to (building, bridge, road, etc.). Unfortunately, there still is a
the construction site shortage of environmental information about products.
• Production of structural components and technological
equipment, including transportation to the construction 2.5 Integrated life cycle assessment for concrete structures
site (precast elements, formwork systems …)
• Construction of a concrete structure on site The new conceptual approach to the complex evaluation
• Operation of a concrete structure within the operation of structures is an integrated life cycle assessment (ILCA),
of the entire structure (building, bridge, dam, road, etc.) which is a multi-parametric assessment of the structure
• Maintenance and repair over the whole life cycle. This approach integrates the
• Refurbishment and rebuilding main, crucial aspects of sustainability such as environ-
• Deconstruction and/or demolition mental aspects, economic aspects and social aspects
• Reuse of upgraded concrete elements throughout the whole life of the structure. It covers all the
• Recycling of concrete elements and concrete waste essential technical, environmental, social and economic
quality issues, including environmental burdens (classical
All aforementioned processes associated with a concrete LCA), functionality, safety, serviceability, durability, main-
structure are strongly connected with other structural tainability, reparability, initial and operational costs and
parts of the entire structure (building envelope, floors, other factors. The criteria selected should represent the
bridge, road surface, etc.). The quality level of the perfor- key issues in the design and construction of high-quality
mance of a concrete structure in a specific life cycle stage concrete structures. The integrated approach is necessary
is determined by the initial quality of the structure to ensure that a concrete structure will serve throughout
achieved during the construction process. Higher initial its expected service life with maximum functional quality
investment to achieve higher quality could result in lower and safety levels while environmental burdens and eco-
operating costs and lower total environmental or econom- nomic loads are kept to feasibly low levels.
ic costs at the end of the life cycle. The ILCA methodology for concrete structures is be-
ing prepared within the work of fib C3 Commission Task
2.3 Regional specifics Group TG 3.7 “Integrated life cycle assessment of con-
crete structures”.
In general, the process of design and construction of con-
crete structures varies in different countries and regions. 3 Inventory analysis – environmental profiles of concrete
The processes are more or less determined by regional components
specifics due to different materials bases (aggregates avail-
able regionally, types of steel, etc.), different climate con- A set of environmental information data on concrete com-
ditions, different technologies (based on local labour ponents and related processes has been collected and de-
costs, traditions in work organization and different climate termined within the research performed at the CIDEAS

Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1 15

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

centre at Czech Technical University in Prague. These da- Data for aggregates are based on source data provid-
ta are based on materials available regionally and on ed by Czech companies producing these materials. The
source data provided by companies producing and/or sell- source data includes five quarries and three sandpits. Data
ing their products mainly on the Czech market. The data for silica fume are calculated from GEMIS [8]. All aggre-
have been stored and organized in the ICF concrete LCA gated data are presented in Tab. 1.
ToolCZ developed by C. Fiala at Czech Technical Universi- Data for an admixture (superplasticizer) and water
ty in Prague. were calculated according to [5] with the energy and
In the inventory analysis of the LCA, parts of bal- emission factors according to GEMIS [8]. The aggregated
anced processes are organized into modules. All the mate- impact data are presented in Tab. 3.
rials and energy flows (inputs and outputs) are balanced Data for steel products were calculated according to
and quantified in these modules, i.e. consumption of raw [9] with the energy and emission factors according to
materials, products and by-products, auxiliary materials, GEMIS [8]. The aggregated impact data are presented in
energy, water and transport, emissions, by-products and Tab. 4.
waste from manufacturing processes. The following tables Data for production of monolithic concrete and
show aggregated impact data for various materials and pumping of fresh concrete are based on source data pro-
processes in the life cycle of reinforced concrete struc- vided by Czech companies producing concrete. Data for
tures. Energy data and emissions factors used in the as- formwork were taken from [9]. All data for concrete pro-
sessment are taken from GEMIS (Global Emission Model duction processes are presented in Tab. 5.
for Integrated Systems) version 4.6 [8]. Data for transport were calculated from GEMIS [8]
Tabs. 1, 2 and 3 present aggregated data for concrete and the aggregated impact data are presented in Tab. 6.
components. Tab. 4 presents aggregated data for steel re- Data for concrete surface repairs and demolition
inforcement including steel fibres. In Tab. 5 the data are were calculated according to [9] with the energy and
related to concrete production processes, in Tab. 6 to emission factors according to GEMIS [8]. The aggregat-
transport and in Tab. 7 to concrete surface repairs and the ed impact data for these processes are presented in
demolition process. Tab. 7.

Tab. 1. Aggregated impact data for an aggregate

Aggregated impact data unit sand | gravel technical micro crushed silica
ground sand milled sand gravel fume
per t per t per t per t per t
consumption of primary raw materials kg 1000.2 1042 1042 1042 0
water consumption m3 0.0919 0.2650 0.5624 0.1232 0.0066
primary energy consumption1) MJ 38.00 349.21 858.90 35.85 18.49
global warming potential | GWP kg 2.53 22.99 56.47 2.41 1.22
acidification potential | AP g 8.14 55.97 131.76 9.73 1.74
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 0.09 0.48 1.09 0.12 0.02
material recyclability – – – – – –

1) non-renewable primary energy

Tab. 2. Aggregated impact data for cement

Aggregated impact data unit CEM I CEM I CEM I CEM II/ CEM II/ CEM II/ CEM
52,5 R 52,5 N 42,5 R B-S B-M A-LL III/A
(Portland) (Portland) (Portland) (slag (blanded (lime (blast
Portland) Portland) Portland) furnace)
per t per t per t per t per t per t per t
consumption of primary kg 2848.9 2848.9 2848.9 2231.6 2082.8 2741.0 1505.0
raw materials
water consumption m3 2.0471 2.0471 2.0471 2.0469 2.0468 2.0471 2.0466
embodied primary energy MJ 5107.1 4830.8 4685.3 3926.1 3749.1 4646.4 3286.3
global warming kg 827.6 826.8 826.4 645.9 575.7 778.9 432.0
potential | GWP
acidification potential | AP g 2600.3 2559.7 2538.3 2010.9 1826.6 2424.8 1422.7
photochemical ozone g 87.8 87.5 87.4 69.1 61.8 82.6 47.6
creation potential | POCP
material recyclability – – – – – – – –

1) non-renewable primary energy

16 Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

Tab. 3. Aggregated impact data for admixture and water

Aggregated impact data unit admixture (PCE) superplasticizer water

per t per t
consumption of primary raw materials kg 91.1 1002
water consumption m3 7.4 1.0
embodied primary energy consumption1) MJ 28857 5.0
global warming potential | GWP kg 2731.9 0.331
acidification potential | AP g 19706.5 2.365
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 1040.8 0.122
material recyclability – NO PARTIAL*)

1) non-renewable primary energy

*) partial reuse of operating water in selected operation (e.g. cement plant, concrete mixing plant)

Tab. 4. Aggregated impact data for steel

Aggregated impact data unit reinforcing bars prestressing steel steel fibres
per t per t per t
consumption of primary raw materials kg 1823.2 1881.2 1808.8
water consumption m3 3.09 2.95 2.78
embodied primary energy consumption1) MJ 27311.2 31895.2 26552.0
global warming potential | GWP kg 2505.4 2776.7 2433.3
acidification potential | AP g 15519.1 16325.0 15040.2
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 620.3 648.8 597.3
material recyclability – YES YES PARTIAL

1) non-renewable primary energy

Tab. 5. Aggregated impact data for concrete production processes

Aggregated impact data unit production of formwork pumping of

monolithic concrete fresh concrete
per m3 per m2 per m3
consumption of primary raw materials kg – N/A –
water consumption *) m3 0.1126 N/A –
embodied primary energy consumption1) MJ 79.22 41 14.86
global warming potential | GWP kg 5.04 4.1 1.08
acidification potential | AP g 10.28 0.006 10.05
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 0.36 0.001 0.13
material recyclability – – – –

1) non-renewable primary energy.

*) overheads without gauge water

Tab. 6. Aggregated impact data for transport

Aggregated impact data unit freight traffic – freight traffic – railway traffic
long-distance local
per tkm per tkm per tkm
consumption of primary raw materials kg – – –
water consumption m3 – – –
primary energy consumption1) MJ 1.39 3.19 0.99
global warming potential | GWP kg 0.10 0.24 0.08
acidification potential | AP g 0.71 2.11 0.14
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 0.03 0.21 0.01
material recyclability – – – –

1) non-renewable primary energy

Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1 17

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

Tab. 7. Aggregated impact data for concrete surface repairs and demolition

Aggregated impact data unit repair of the concrete surface demolition

per m2 per t
consumption of primary raw materials kg – –
water consumption m3 – –
embodied primary energy consumption1) MJ 21.55 122.27
global warming potential | GWP kg 1.57 8.92
acidification potential | AP g 14.57 82.69
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 0.20 1.11
material recyclability – – –

1) non-renewable primary energy.

4 Case study – LCAs for alternative floor structures in V3: waffle floor structure HPC105, 160 mm deep, 30 mm
residential buildings flange, 50 mm wide ribs @ 600 mm c/c in both direc-
4.1 Description of alternative floors tions, R8 bars in bottom of ribs and R14 bars in top in
both directions, R5 shear links @ 200 mm c/c and R5
A simple four-storey residential house measuring approx. shear links @ 180 mm c/c.
14.2 × 22.3 m on plan (design: Atelier KUBUS, J. Ru° žička) V4: waffle floor structure HPC140, 160 mm deep, 30 mm
was chosen for the environmental assessment of four flange, 50 mm wide ribs @ 600 mm c/c in both direc-
structural floor alternatives. The residential building is de- tions, R8 bars in bottom of ribs and R14 bars in top in
signed with a very universal layout enabling many feasible both directions, R5 shear links @ 200 mm c/c and R5
structural and material alternatives. The layout of the shear links @ 180 mm c/c.
building is as follows: the 2nd and 4th floors are each di-
vided into three apartments (2 with 4 rooms + bath. & The four alternatives were designed with three different
kit., 95.9 m2, and 1 bedsit + bath., 27.5 m2, and on the 1st concrete mixes: ordinary concrete C30/37, high-perfor-
floor there are two apartments (each with 4 rooms + bath. mance fibre concrete HPC105 and HPC140. The HPC105
& kit.) plus plant (Figs. 5 and 6). mix was designed as high-performance concrete with 25
The complex LCA was performed for four different mm long “Fibrex A1” steel fibres. These fibres have a ten-
floor structures designed for the aforementioned residen- sile strength of only 350 MPa. The HPC140 mix was de-
tial building. This analysis focuses primarily on floor signed as a fine-grained mix with 13 mm long steel mi-
structures and does not cover concrete beams and sup- crofibres. The tensile strength of these fibres is 2400 MPa.
porting structures. The aim of the analysis is to show the The quantity of steel fibres in both mixtures was 1 % by
benefits of high-performance concrete. The analysis cov- vol. As suggested in their designations, HPC105 has a
ers transport of the raw materials to the concrete plant, compressive strength of 105 MPa and HPC140 a compres-
concrete production, transport to the building site, pump- sive strength of 140 MPa.
ing of fresh concrete, formwork, demolition and disposal
of the concrete at the end of its useful life. The floor struc- 4.2 Inventory of input data
ture variants are as follows:
V1: solid RC slab C30/37, 160 mm deep, R8 bars @ In the following analysis, the expected life span of the
200 mm c/c in bottom, R8 bars @ 150 mm c/c in top. concrete floor structure was considered to be 100 years for
V2: waffle floor structure C30/37, 160 mm deep, 60 mm each alternative. Within these 100 years, one major con-
deep flange, 80 mm wide ribs @ 600 mm c/c in both crete surface repair was considered for the ordinary con-
directions, R10 bars in bottom of ribs and 4 No. R8 crete alternatives (V1 and V2) during the utilization
bars in top in both directions, R6 shear links @ phase. But owing to their significantly better surface qual-
200 mm c/c. ity and density of the concrete matrix, the two HPC alter-

Fig. 5. Four-storey residential building – plan of 2nd/4th floors and west elevation

18 Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

Fig. 6. Basic layout of structural system Fig. 7. Model of waffle floor structure

natives (V3 and V4) were considered without any repairs 4.4 Results and discussion
being needed within the expected 100-year life span.
The building is designed for the Prague location. The Fig. 8 shows graphs of the levels of particular environ-
concrete mix will be transported from a company 10 km mental impacts in different life cycle stages for all four
away, the demolition waste will be transported 25 km to floor alternatives assessed. It can be seen that the con-
the recycling plant. struction phase has a dominant influence on the total en-
Tabs. 8, 9 and 10 present LCA input data for con- vironmental impact, representing 80–95 % of the total.
struction, utilization and end-of-life phases respectively. This is due to the fact that this LCA only looked at load-
bearing concrete structures that do not need major main-
4.3 Aggregated LCA results tenance and/or repairs during the utilization phase. And
for the two waffle slabs made from high-performance
Aggregated impact data for specific life cycle phases are concrete (V3 and V4), no maintenance or concrete sur-
presented in Tabs. 11, 12 and 13. It can be seen that en- face repairs were considered necessary during the utiliza-
vironmental impacts in the construction phase are sig- tion stage.
nificantly higher in comparison with other life cycle The impact of the end-of-life phase is slightly more
phases. significant due to transport and energy demands associat-

Tab. 8. Balance of input data for construction phase

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
concretes concrete C30/37 m3 163.5 86.1
high performance concrete HPC105 m3 51.4
high performance concrete HPC140 m3 51.3
concrete cement CEM I 52.5 R t 36.8
components cement CEM I 42.5 R t 57.2 30.1 24.6
sand | gravel t 128.3 67.6 47.5
crushed gravel t 163.5 86.1 42.6
silica fume t 1.2 11.5
technical ground sand t 50.6
micro milled sand t 9.2
steel fibres t 4.1 4.1
admixture (PCE) superplasticizer t 0.44 0.23 0.45 1.67
water t 29.9 15.8 7.7 9.0
other –
reinforcing bars R10505 t 9.47 9.88 7.10 7.10
formwork m2 1029.4 1029.4 1029.4 1029.4
transport –
freight traffic – long-distance tkm 22965 13934 11357 16258
freight traffic – local tkm 4026 2231 1514 1461

Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1 19

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

Tab. 9. Balance of input data for utilization phase

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
concretes shotcrete m3 3.1 3.1 0 0

concrete cement CEM I 42.5 R t 1.1 1.1 0 0
components sand | gravel t 2.4 2.4 0 0
crushed gravel t 3.1 3.1 0 0
admixture (PCE) superplasticizer t 0.01 0.01 0 0
water t 0.57 0.57 0 0
other –

repair the concrete surface (10%) m2 102.9 102.9 0 0
transport –
freight traffic – long-distance tkm 0 0 0 0
freight traffic – local tkm 179 179 0 0

Tab. 10. Balance of input data for end-of-life phase

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
concretes demolition of RC structures t 388.9 209.8 135.4 130.0

transport –
freight traffic – long-distance tkm 0 0 0 0
freight traffic – local tkm 9723 5245 3384 3250

Tab. 11. Aggregated impact data for construction phase

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
consumption of primary raw materials kg 509058 277122 190280 196682
water consumption m3 230.0 136.3 110.3 154.6
primary energy consumption1) MJ 652648 500339 502589 639292
global warming potential | GWP kg 81450 57379 55664 71038
acidification potential | AP g 331852 252312 256659 320479
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 13096 10022 10234 12769

1) non-renewable primary energy

ed with demolition of the structure. This is associated amount of concrete, transport, etc.) in comparison with a
mainly with the amount of concrete waste from the demo- solid RC slab and a waffle slab in ordinary concrete. Alter-
lition. Therefore, in the case of a solid concrete slab (V1) native V4 was designed using a high-performance concrete
the end-of-life phase represents 15.7 % of the total envi- with an even higher strength, HPC140. However, the shape
ronmental impact, in the case of a waffle slab made from of the waffle slab and the corresponding amount of con-
ordinary concrete (V2) it is lower – just 11.6 % of the total. crete was the same as in V3 (HPC105). Higher values of
The HPC alternatives (V3 and V4) use significantly less embodied energy, embodied CO2 emissions, embodied SO2,
concrete and so the proportion of environmental impact etc. are thus associated mainly with a higher amount of ce-
at the end of the life cycle is only 6–8 %. But this is still ment in the concrete mix, whereas the amount of concrete
very low in comparison with the construction phase. is the same. The higher performance quality of HPC140
The winning floor alternative in the most environmen- (higher compressive strength, ...) would be an advantage in
tal aspects is V3 – waffle structure made from HPC105. The the case of applications with high normal stresses e.g.
main reason is the more subtle structure (savings in the bridge girders or long-span floor structures.

20 Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1

P. Hájek/C. Fiala/M. Kynčlová · Life cycle assessments of concrete structures – a step towards environmental savings

Tab. 12. Aggregated impact data for utilization phase

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
consumption of primary raw materials kg 9289 9289 0 0
water consumption m3 3.4 3.4 0 0
primary energy consumption1) MJ 8300 8300 0 0
global warming potential | GWP kg 1134 1134 0 0
acidification potential | AP g 4837 4837 0 0
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 161 161 0 0

1) non-renewable primary energy

Tab. 13. Aggregated impact data for end-of-life phase

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
consumption of primary raw materials kg 0 0 0 0
water consumption m3 0 0 0 0
primary energy consumption1) MJ 78520 42357 27330 26250
global warming potential | GWP kg 5776 3116 2010 1931
acidification potential | AP g 52666 28410 18331 17607
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 2468 1331 859 825

1) non-renewable primary energy

Tab. 14. Aggregated impact data for entire life cycle

Balance of input data of assessment variants unit V1 V2 V3 V4

full RC slab waffle slab waffle slab waffle slab
C30/37 C30/37 HPC105 HPC140
consumption of primary raw materials kg 518347 286411 190280 196682
water consumption m3 233 140 110 155
primary energy consumption1) MJ 739468 550996 529920 665542
global warming potential | GWP kg 88360 61629 57675 72969
acidification potential | AP g 389355 285560 274991 338085
photochemical ozone creation potential | POCP g 15725 11515 11093 13594

1) non-renewable primary energy

5 Conclusion (ILCA) covering all three pillars of sustainability – envi-

ronmental, social and economic.
LCA methodology has been well known for many years.
The effective application and quality of results depend on Acknowledgements
the availability of relevant input data obtained using a de-
tailed inventory analysis based on specific regional data These results were achieved with the financial support of
sources. The study showed that when using a detailed the Czech Republic’s Ministry of Education, Youth &
LCA analysis for concrete floor structures with an approx- Sports, project No. 1M0579, within the activities of
imately identical performance quality, the resulting envi- the CIDEAS research centre and using results from re-
ronmental impacts can be very different. This is caused search Project No. P104/10/2153 of the Grant Agency of
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22 Structural Concrete 12 (2011), No. 1

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