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Debunking the 10 Commandments and “Christian” Law

The bible undermines Christian teachings and we can see that the 10 Commandments are not upheld by
God or his prophets and it is, in reality, a testament of the one of the most immoral guide books ever
written next to the Koran.

The bible gives several contradictory accounts of the Ten Commandments, what they were and how the
Israelites got them. Even before giving these laws, God commits murder and bears false witness on
humanity. He killed most of humanity for not obeying laws or conduct for which there were none and
God himself, as we will see, created Adam and Eve without the functions to govern their behavior and
cursed them for gaining it. Keep reading.

Almost immediately after the events on Sinai and the laws of Moses were given, Moses commands his
Israelite quarters to draw their swords and kill their brothers and friends for their profanity. If God
foresees and plans everything, then he premeditated the murder and torment of most of humanity.

Moses, Joshua, Kind David and other prophets killed people in the name of God. They annihilate over
60 cities of people, not because they were wicked, but because they were uncircumsized Jews and were
in the way of the Israelites getting to the promised land. This ethnic cleansing is more absurd than
Hitler's Holocaust, since the Jews were a small minority for whom which God favored, and thus
created the rest of humanity for the purpose of mass murder and blood lust for his own pleasure. This
holocaust was the reverse of Hitler's.

King David had his own Holocaust. The Bible tells us that it was a ritual for sons to be offered as
sacrifice, burning them alive with fire, by "passing them through fire." Firstborn sacrifice was
prominent in the Bible, which is an absurd and cruel idea. Kind David's Holocaust "...put them under
saws, and under harrows of iron, and under the axes of iron, and made them pass through the
brickkiln..." Let's burn people alive and cut of their heads. God caused Saul to commit suicide because
Saul would not carry out his orders of killing innocent animals and women.

Jesus never claimed to be here for the Gentiles, that was the apostles who made this claim and Jesus
had instructed them to not do so. Paul did it because of opposition from the Jews who did not accept
Christ, and God's word is not good since he is a two-timer and the Jews never conquered the "Holy
Land," as he promised. The bible is an ego trip for Jews and Christians.

God killed an estimated 30 million people during the flood and an additional accounted 1.7 million in
the OT. The bible says only 144,000 will go to heaven. If God plans and foresees all, then he
premeditated the murder and torment of most of humanity, and created Satan and his angel followers,
knowing he would have to send them to torment.

The annihilation of thirty-one different Middle Eastern civilizations at God's demand in the Book of
Joshua alone demonstrated his tribal blood lust.

The Passover is a celebration of mass infanticide, when Yahweh killed the firstborn Egyptians and their
firstborn livestock to free the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, because all of God's plagues on Egypt
never caused the Pharaoh to "Let My people go." God did this after setting up this atrocity by
hardening the Pharaoh's heart which caused him to not release the Hebrews from slavery, and God sent
Moses to free them which apparently, God's lack of foresight shows his plan failed. So God murders all
of the firstborn of Egypt, even Pharaoh's son, proving his capacity and willingness to murder as a
means to an end. The Hebrews were ordered to paint their doors with the blood of a calf so that God
would know not to kill them, which is one of many instances of his lack on omniscience. This and most
of the bible shows how superstitious those who wrote the Bible were.

If Pharaoh was grieved over his son's death, which moved him to release the Jews, then it makes God's
acts of plagues and killing all firstborn seem very evil, since it would have been unnecessary if he
could foretell the future. Why go through all the trouble, which failed, when he could have just killed
the Pharaoh's son to begin with?

Idol worship - God ordered Moses to construct a staff with a serpent head that healed snake bites. It
became an idol of worship for the Israelites, as did one of the versions of the Ark of the Covenant
which graven images of cheribum, Eastern Indian deities, were placed on top. This symbol of God
became an idol of the Israelties and was lost without explanation. This act shows that Moses had
double-standards thinking he was a prophet, since prior to this he became angry at Aaron for building a
golden calf for the Hebrews to worship, and it validates having no integrity in your own values and
moral codes because you can do anything in God's name and be exempt of responsibility for your
inconsistencies. This also shows more of God's lack of knowledge, foresight and good planning.

Adultery – Turkey tried to make this a law and failed. This fails as a law because the punishment is
usually self inflicted and it seems odd that someone would place this in the same league as murder,
rape, etc. Notice that the 10 Commandments don't mention rape or incest. If you are so morally
bankrupt that you cannot stick to your commitments, laws won't help. The Bible defines marriage as a
woman being a man's property, it is about ownership and control. It says a man can have many wives
and concubines, but it forbids a woman of adultery with a married man. King David stole the wives of
many men, and other prophets of God had many wives and concubines. God does not sanctify marriage
out of honor or love, but as slavery. He is equally for polygamy as he is monogamy, but Jesus tells us it
is better to not marry at all.

God tells David he will bring David's wives and concubines to his neighbors and force them into an
adulterous orgy in mid-day out in the middle of the streets.

Do not covet - There are two versions of this commandment; one sees your wife as part of your
household and thus part of your property, while the other does not. Thinking we own, possess and
control the free will of another in marriage is equal to the master/slave relationship of slavery. In
Genesis, God curse women to be slaves to their husbands. In the NT, we are told that women cannot
teach in church, must obey their husbands and must remain silent. This should anger any woman who
has enough dignity to not be owned by anyone. Marriage comes from a commitment to learn
unconditional love and integrity, to enjoy your lives together in interdependence and equal servitude. It
is the notion of understanding that a relationship may last a long time or possibly runs its course by
incompatibility, and having enough love to set them free in this case.

Jesus violated this law, coveting and possibly stealing a neighbors livestock. Jesus claimed to fulfill
every tittle of the old Judaic Laws so they would not fail. But this is a renege of the speech on the
Sermon on the Mount and all his actions of subverting laws for love.

Bearing false witness - the idea of convicting someone who is innocent by bearing false testimony
against someone. This shows a careful sense of balance of intelligence that's required for justice, truth
and fairness.
The problem with this commandment is that God bears false witness on Adam and Eve for his own
responsibility of creating all the circumstances that lead to the Fall and lacking foresight of its
consequences, and curses all humanity for Adam and Eve's alleged sin. It was NOT disobedience that
caused the sin.

It was the search for knowledge and the gaining of a conscience that caused Adam and Eve to "become
like God."

Gen 3:5 "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like
God, knowing good and evil."

Gen 3:22 Then the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and
evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live

This duplication of Satan's Insurrection and threat to God's omnipotence caused God such a great scare
that he cursed them and denied them eternal life. The very thing that God failed to give them and he
cursed them for gaining - is the very thing that would have gave them free will, responsibility, the
ability to govern their behavior and make them more resistant to deception. This is quite a misjudgment
by a God who is so concerned about behavior patterns.

God also bears false witness on your children and grandchildren if you reject God. His ego and vanity
is so fragile that he convicts your innocent children and grandchildren to the 3rd and 4th generations
for your iniquity of denying him. What if you deny him and die before your child is old enough to
know you, but they learn of God? Are they still punished for your iniquity? This a cruel and cold-
hearted sense of justice.

Exodus 20:5 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I the Lord your God am a jealous
God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and the fourth generation of those who
reject me,

God's petty ways are presented in the first couple Commandments and throughout the Israelites journey
from slavery to statehood. He kills a man for touching the Ark of the Covenant...who was trying to
keep it from falling over. He kills a man on the Sabbath, Saturday, for picking up sticks for firewood to
keep his family warm. He sends two bears to slaughter 42 children for picking on a man for being bald.

Only a god of vanity would send you to hell for the mere act of non-belief, rather than how you treat
people. People waste time trying to figure how this can work, instead of understanding it is selfish and
petty arrogant narcissism.

No stealing - we don't know of any society that sees this as a virtue or has a social custom to allow it.

Honor your Mother and Father - Jesus dishonored his mother several times. This commandment
implies that keeping it will give you longer tenure of land and you should keep it if you wish to have a
legacy by them.

Keeping the Sabbath - The OT gives us 3 different reasons why this needs to be kept. Christians say its
because God rested on the seventh day, but what reason does a celestial God have to rest? Is he not
done? 4/5ths of the earth are inhabitable and too cold or hot to sustain life, and 26,000 children are
starving every day.....It also tells us to keep this commandment in remembrance of God delivering the
Hebrews from servitude in Egypt. This leaves no reason for Gentiles to honor it. A third version, tells
us to keep it so that your slaves and ox can have a day of rest, which seems to be the most logical, but
this too is useless unless you have slaves, are a farmer or give your employees a day off.

The bible tells us that God has predestined those who will be saved; their names have been in the Book
of Life since the foundations of the world, and he hardens the hearts who are not supposed to get the
message. This is malicious and unjust if we are all supposed to be saved.

It also tells us there is only God's Will and Satan's Will, but Satan can only do what god allows. If God
is unable or unwilling to stop evil, then he is not omnipotent or benevolent. The Bible puts down
intelligence and use of the intellect and reason. It puts down free will and the human achievements we
can do on our own, like going to the moon or having a direction to raise generations of children who
act from love and adapt and change to be fully functional, mobilized people, rather than wanting to end
life for the selfish notion of escaping the pains of being alive. We need a plan that doesn't involve Jesus
coming back. When you make grand promises for those who obey and use threats for those who don't,
you create hypocrites who are acting out of narcissism and ego, not love and the regard for human
dignity or decency.

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