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Manar Al Kammessy SID:312069901, Shreyash Annapureddy SID:
312085079, Saivan Hamama SID:312097158

University of Sydney
May 9, 2014

1 Size of important features 1

2 consistent laminar flow 4

3 four Rim design 5

4 important features list 7

5 final mold 7

6 reference 8
1 Size of important features
1. using chvorinov’s rule to analyze important features:
from the simulation given ts = 0.5 was given. this was interpreted as
0.5(60minutes) since if it was 0.5(60seconds) it would solidify before fill-
ing up the mold. although this is not the exact value for out given material
it is a close estimate.
hence the mold constant can be calculated as (equation 1)

(ts )
( Av )2

Fig 4 gives us the dimensions of 73 casting-LSTC.avi simulation. using the

dimensions given we can calculate the volume and surface Area of material
being casted.

here are the given values in mm Wo = 980, Wi = 880, Ho =

480, Hi = 380, R = 50, ts = 30mins, T = 100
surface Area of front given as:

Af ront = Wo Ho − ((2R)2 − (πR2 ))

surface Area of sides is given as:

Asides = T (2Hi + 2Ho + 2πR)

Total surface Area given as:

SA = 2Af ront + Asides

substituting the values gives us the following results in mm2 .

Af ront = 468, 253
Asides = 203400
SA = 1, 160, 246

Hence the volume can be calculated as:

V = T (Af ront ) = 46, 825, 300mm2

From equation (1) B the mold constant can now be calculated, B = 1.105.
It is now possible to calculate the triser using the volume, Area and tcaster
we want the riser to take at least 50% the total solidification time to solidify.

triser = 1.50tcasting
Vriser 2 Vcasting 2
( ) = 1.50( )
Ariser Acasting

the ratio of volume to area is given as: ( A riser
) = 6.658. by using B and
t = 45mins
The most useful shape of the Riser is a sphere however it is difficult to
machine. Hence the most suitable shape with a good volume to Area ratio
is a cone. Since the minimum section thickness is 4.76mm the cone will have
the bottom of it cut out.

Cylinder before reduction

in order to obtain a riser without the small 5.06mm diameter we must negate

this value out.
V1 V2
− = 6.658
A1 A2
where v1 = 13 πx2 h1 , A1 = πx x + (h1 )2 + x2 , v2 = 31 π2.532 h2 , A2 =
q p
π2.53 2.53 + (h2 )2 + 2.532 . assume so value for h2 and h1 in order to
obtain x Hence A 1
= 5.8827, but solving we obtain x= 142.79mm

cylinder after cut for riser

The riser is required to fill up the cast after it begins to shrink the cooling
factor that was chosen was 1.5 times the cooling rate.

2 consistent laminar flow
in order to calculate the density of cast iron at 3500K liquid state, we take
into consideration the fact it shrinks 1% from solidification meaning that
m m
= 0.99
Vs Vl
where Vs , Vl are solid state and liquid state volume respectively.

which gives 7.47 ∗ 103 kgm−3 = 0.99Vl , Vl = 7.4 ∗ 103 kgm−3

fluidity of cast iron in terms of Reynolds number:

the density(ρ) of iron at 3500K is 7.4 ∗ 103 kgm−3 , viscosity of iron (η) is
1.5 ∗ 10−2 P a.s, assumed velocity of 9m/s and assumed diameter of 5.06mm.

Hence the Re (Reynolds number can be calculated for good

laminar flow is:
Re =
(9m/s)(5.06 ∗ 10−2 m)(7.4 ∗ 103 kgm−3 )
Re =
1.5 ∗ 10−1 P a.s
Re = 15, 000
this is a decent laminar flow as it does not exceed 20,000 which is represents
severe turbulence flow. From this we deduce we need one gating system per
rim with a diameter of 5.06 mm

pipe with required diameter.

3 four Rim design

The Rim design that was chosen, was Dependant on the diameter of pipe we
calculated and riser volume which we also calculated. below is the design
of the mold structure. the structure was primary chosen to decrease the
turbulence flow as well as to make the necessary adjustments to keep the
velocity of metal steady

design before molding riser location:

4 important features list
pouring cup: was used to keep the velocity of the molten iron when starting
the procedure.
Sprue well: was used in the centre of the four gates to keep a steady flow
into all four molds.
riser location: riser location was chosen to keep the mold as filled as possible
( for solid state shrinkage)

5 final mold
this is the design of the final mold and with all components.

6 reference
http : //www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/ ucf bdxa/pubblicazioni/nat.pdf , AU-
THORS: Gilles A. de Wijs, Georg Kresse, Lidunka Vocadlo, David Dobson,
Dario Alfe, Michael J. Gillan Geoffrey D. Price 2014

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