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Typhoid fever: Pathogenesis and disease

Article  in  Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases · November 2001

DOI: 10.1097/00001432-200110000-00011 · Source: PubMed

131 2,227

5 authors, including:

Anne Bishop Christopher M Parry

University of Nottingham Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine


John Richard Wain

University of East Anglia


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Typhoid fever: pathogenesis and disease
Deborah Housea, Anne Bishopa, Christopher Parryb, Gordon Dougana and
John Waina

Typhoid fever is an infectious disease of global distribution. Introduction

Although there is a wealth of data on Salmonella typhimurium Typhoid fever remains a major public health problem in
infection in the mouse and the interaction of this serovar with many regions of the world with over 16 million cases
human cell lines in vitro, there is a relatively small amount of data being reported each year worldwide. Patients with
on S. typhi and the pathogenesis of typhoid fever. In this review typhoid fever are infected with Salmonella enterica
we focus on three areas: adherence to and invasion of gut subspecies I serovar Typhi (S. typhi) and usually present
epithelial cells, dissemination to systemic sites, and survival and to the health care worker with a history of prolonged
replication within host cells. In addition, we attempt to put fever, headache, abdominal discomfort and general
current salmonella research into the context of typhoid fever. lethargy. Around 10% of these develop severe or
Curr Opin Infect Dis 14:573±578. # 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. complicated disease and without speci®c treatment 5±
30% of all patients with typhoid fever may die. Serovars
of S. enterica subspecies I (41300) cause infections in
many warm blooded animals and, despite a very close
Centre for Molecular Microbiology and Infection, Imperial College of Science genetic relationship to each other, display differing
Technology and Medicine, London, UK and bOxford University-Wellcome Trust ranges of host speci®city. Some serovars are host
Clinical Research Unit, Centre for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
restricted while others can infect a variety of mammals.
Correspondence to John Wain, Centre for Molecular Microbiology and Infection, S. typhi, for example, is adapted, and restricted, to the
Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, Exhibition Road, South
Kensington, London W7 2AZ, UK human host, whereas many isolates of S. typhimurium
Tel: +44 20 7594 3715; fax: +44 20 7262 6299; e-mail: j.wain@ic.ac.uk cause gastroenteritis or occasionally septicaemia in
Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2001, 14:573±578 humans, lethal diarrhoea in calves or a systemic disease
in genetically susceptible mice. Since S. typhi fails to
establish infection in laboratory rodents most of the
Sif salmonella-induced filament
SPI salmonella pathogenicity island research reported on the pathogenesis of typhoid fever is
tcf Typhi colonization factor based on in-vitro studies with human and murine cell
TTSS type III secretion system
lines and the infection of mice with S. typhimurium. The
# 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
pathogenicity of the non-typhi Salmonella [1] and
0951-7375 secretion systems associated with bacterial±host cell
interactions [2] have been reviewed recently. Here we
attempt to put recent research developments into the
context of typhoid fever. We will focus on three areas:
(1) adherence to and invasion of gut epithelial cells, (2)
dissemination to systemic sites, and (3) survival and
replication within host cells.

Adherence to and invasion of epithelial cells

S. typhi is ingested in contaminated food or water. It
passes through the stomach and invades the gut
epithelium, possibly in the distal ileum. Active attach-
ment promoted by the bacterium may be necessary
before invasion can occur and this most likely involves
unidenti®ed adhesion molecules on the bacterium
interacting with receptors on the host cell. The nature
of this interaction for S. typhi is not clear but may involve
®mbriae. S. typhi has 12 ®mbrial operons of the
chaperone usher assembly class, but none, including tcf
(Typhi colonization factor) are unique to S. typhi [3 .]. S.
typhi, however, does possess a unique combination of
®mbrial operons. The diverse family of ®mbriae may be
the result of selection by the host immune response [4].
A type IVB pilus operon (pil) is also present in S. typhi
574 Gastrointestinal infections

and wild type (pil+) S. typhi are more able to adhere to avrA (a gene of unknown function) in S. typhi (Fig. 1).
and invade intestinal epithelial cells than are pilS::Kmr Additional SPI-1 effector proteins are encoded on the
(pil7) mutants [5 .]. The cystic ®brosis transmembrane chromosome outside SPI-1. For example, in S. typhimur-
conductance regulator, previously reported to be used by ium the gene encoding SopE2 plays an important role in
S. typhi for entry into intestinal cells, has been suggested host cell invasion [8 .] and is conserved across many
as a possible site for attachment mediated by type IVB pathogenic Salmonella spp. [9]. In S. typhi, however,
pili [5 .]. sopE2 is a pseudogene (Fig. 1).

Salmonella spp. invade epithelial cells in vitro by a The major regulator of SPI-1 is HilA, which is encoded
process of bacterial-mediated endocytosis, involving within SPI-1 itself. A number of regulators, both within
cytoskeletal re-arrangement, disruption of the epithelial and outside SPI-1, have been identi®ed which act via
cell brush border and the subsequent formation of hilA [10±12]. In S. typhimurium, mutations within ¯iAZY
membrane ruf¯es. An adherent and invasive phenotype and ¯hCD have been reported to cause a reduction in
of S. enterica is activated under conditions similar to hilA expression [13 .], and FliZ has been independently
those found in the human small intestine (high reported to control invasion gene expression [14 .].
osmolarity, low oxygen). The invasive phenotype is Interestingly, mutations within ¯iA result in a reduction
mediated, in part, by salmonella pathogenicity island in SPI-1 gene expression in S. typhi but not in S.
(SPI)-1 [6], a 40 kb region of the chromosome which typhimurium [15 . .], suggesting that the control of
encodes regulator proteins (e.g. HilA), a type III invasion genes is different in these two serovars.
secretion system (TTSS) that delivers bacterial proteins
from the salmonella cytosol into the host cell, and The expression of invasion genes is clearly multi-
several effector proteins which induce changes within factorial and may be further complicated in S. typhi by
the host cell and promote bacterial uptake. The the presence of the polysaccharide capsule (Vi). Vi
acquisition of SPI-1 probably enabled the ancestoral S. expression is dependent upon the osmolarity of the
enterica to adhere to and invade epithelial cells more environment and involves the global regulator RCS-AB
ef®ciently [7], thus allowing the colonization of a new [16]. Under conditions of low osmolarity, Vi is down-
environmental niche. SPI-1 of S. typhimurium has been regulated, which enhances the secretion of SPI-1
extensively studied and a comparison of the open effector proteins and promotes the expression of an
reading frames of SPI-1 in S. typhimurium with those of adherent and invasive phenotype. Indeed, deletion of
S. typhi reveals a single difference: the absence of the the Vi biosynthetic genes enhances the secretion of SPI-

Figure 1. A schematic representation showing the organization of genes within the SPI-1 region of Salmonella typhimurium and the nature of
the proteins that they encode

SPI-1 genes in S.typhimurium

sit avr spr hil org prg hil iag spt sic iac sip sic spa inv

Effectors outside of SPI-1 that are

secreted by the SPI-1 TTSS

sop sop sop sop sop hsp

D E E2 B A H1


S. typhimurium genes that have been reported not to be present, or to be pseudogenes, in S. typhi are marked with a cross. Some of these genes have
alternative names: sipA-D = sspA-D; sopB = sigD; hilA = iagA; hilC = sirC = sprA. , Secreted effectors and translocon components; , Iron
uptake system; , Transcription regulators; , Type III secretory apparatus; , Chaperones involved in type III secretion; , Unknown
Typhoid fever: pathogenesis and disease House et al. 575

1 products and allows expression of an adherent and Figure 2. Comparison of the events occurring within the gut lumen
and gut-associated tissues which may determine whether an
invasive phenotype of S. typhi at any osmolarity [17]. infection with Salmonella will be limited to the gut (a) or become
systemic (b)
A number of SPI-1 effector proteins have been
described. Some of these, such as SipB and SipC, (a)
associate with the plasma membrane of epithelial cells (4) Gut lumen
and may facilitate penetration of eukaryotic cell mem- PEEC
branes by the SPI-1 TTSS [18,19 . .], while others affect
the actin cytoskeleton arrangement within the host cell.
The SopB effector protein has broad speci®city inositol (2)
phosphatase activity in vitro and contributes, along with (3)
uncharacterized SopE-dependent signals, to an increase IL-8
in inositol-(1,4,5,6)-tetraphosphate levels which result in
actin reorganization within the infected host cell [20].
(b) (1) Gut lumen
SopB is also required for activation of Akt/PKB, a kinase
that induces anti-apoptotic survival signals [21,22]. All of
these genes are present in S. typhi but their role in
typhoid fever needs to be con®rmed. (4)

Although SPI-1 is important for the invasion of epithelial

cells in vitro, the role of this island for invasion in the IL-6
different steps of infection in vivo in less clear [23].
IL-1 β
Several workers report that SPI-1 knock out Salmonella
spp. are less able to colonize animal hosts [24] but S.
typhimurium in which SPI-1 is deleted (D-spi1::kan)
colonize susceptible mice as well as wild-type S. (a) (1) Exposure to the environment within the gut lumen upregulates the
typhimurium in either mixed or single oral infections expression of SPI-1 and induces the release of flagellin. (2) Flagellin is
translocated across the epithelium and is released onto the basolateral
[25 .]. Thus, it would appear that there are alternative surface, where it binds to an unidentified receptor and induces
mechanisms by which Salmonella may cross the epithe- interleukin (IL)-8 secretion. (3) IL-8 recruits neutrophils to the site of
lial border. infection. (4) SipB activates protein kinase C (PKC) and induces
secretion of pathogen-elicited epithelial chemoattractants (PEECs) at
the apical surface of the epithelial cell. PEECs direct the transmigration
Dissemination of Salmonella typhi to of the newly-recruited neutrophils into the gut lumen. (b) (1) Exposure to
systemic sites via phagocytic cells the environment within the gut lumen upregulates the expression of SPI-
1 and induces the release of flagellin. Vi expression is downregulated,
Although S. typhimurium can cause systemic disease in which further promotes the secretion of SPI-1 effector proteins and the
the human host [26], infection with this serovar usually release of flagellin. (2) The invasive Salmonella traverse the gut
results in a localized enteritis associated with a secretory epithelium. Interaction with and invasion of epithelial cells with
Salmonella induce the secretion of IL-6. The invading bacteria are taken
response in the intestinal epithelium and recruitment up by/invade macrophages within the gut-associated tissue. (3) SPI-1-
and transmigration of neutrophils into the intestinal expressing Salmonella induce caspase-1-dependent rapid death of the
lumen [27,28]. S. typhimurium induces human intestinal infected macrophages, resulting in the release of IL-1. The release of
proinflammatory cytokines recruits blood monocytes and other inflam-
epithelial cells to secrete interleukin-8 [29 .] and other matory cells to the site of infection. (4) The invading bacteria are
pathogen-elicited epithelial chemoattractants [30 .] which disseminated throughout the body. This may be within CD18+ cells that
direct the recruitment and transmigration of neutrophils have been recruited to the site of infection.
into the gut lumen (Fig. 2a). S. typhi is not typically
associated with acute diarrhoea, suggesting that the initial
interaction between this serovar and the human gut is less recent in-vitro study used high density cDNA microarrays
in¯ammatory than that seen with enteritis-causing to investigate the epithelial cell response to infection with
Salmonella spp. The lack of acute in¯ammation and the S. dublin and this approach may prove useful for the
absence of subsequent recruitment of neutrophils may investigation of differential host response to the different
allow S. typhi to invade into the deeper tissues of the gut, Salmonella serovars [33 . .].
although there is little experimental evidence for this
hypothesis. S. typhi does, however, stimulate IL-6 Shortly following invasion of the gut epithelium,
secretion from human epithelial cells [31]. The magni- invasive Salmonella spp. encounter macrophages within
tude of the response is dependent upon the isolate of S. the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. The interaction
typhi (clinical versus laboratory {Ty2}) and is higher than between Salmonella and macrophage results in an
with S. typhimurium, possibly re¯ecting differences in alteration in the expression of a number of host genes
adherence/invasion, which is greater for S. typhi [32]. A including those encoding pro-in¯ammatory mediators
576 Gastrointestinal infections

(e.g. iNOS, chemokines, interleukin-1b), receptors or percentage increases as the disease progresses [43]. It is
adhesion molecules (e.g. TNFaR, CD40, ICAM-1), and possible, therefore, that S. typhi may traf®c around the
anti-in¯ammatory mediators (e.g. TGFb1 and 2) [34 . .]. host inside cells, although this has not been shown
Other up-regulated genes include those involved in cell de®nitively. Studies on the invasion properties of S. typhi
death or apoptosis (e.g. ICE protease, TNFR1, Fas) and in humans have been limited. Vaccine strains of S. typhi
transcription factors (e.g. Egr-1, IRF-1). Some non-typhi harbouring mutations in aro genes can be detected in the
serovars can induce rapid macrophage death (within blood of humans following an oral challenge [47]. Similar
30 min of infection) in vitro [35]. This is mediated by the strains of S. typhi (Ty2) with deletions in aroC and ssaV, a
SPI-1 effector SipB, is dependent upon the host cell component of the SPI-2 TTSS, however, do not cause
protein caspase-1 and has features common to both vaccinaemia (D. Lewis, personal communication), sug-
apoptosis and necrosis [36,37]. Caspase-1 mediated cell gesting that SPI-2 may be required for S. typhi to
death is a pro-in¯ammatory process [38 .] that would establish a systemic infection in humans. Shedding of S.
seem to be counter-productive if an organism is to typhi in the faeces of an infected individual is an essential
establish a systemic infection. However, this response step in the transmission of typhoid fever. There are very
appears to be necessary in the murine model as S. few data on the genetic basis of shedding. Although a
typhimurium cannot establish a systemic infection in role for the shdA gene in the transmission of S.
caspase-17/7 mice [39]. The pro-in¯ammatory response typhimurium has been demonstrated [48], the closest
and the subsequent recruitment of phagocytic cells to match for this gene in the S. typhi CT18 genome appears
the site of the infection may facilitate systemic spread of to be a pseudogene.
the bacteria [23]. Salmonella-induced caspase-1 mediated
cytotoxicity can occur in association with, or indepen- Conclusion
dently of, the activation of the initiator caspase, caspase- This year the sequencing of both the S. typhi (CT18) and
2 [40]. The cytotoxic potential of S. typhi has not been S. typhimurium (LT2) genomes was completed (see
fully evaluated, although it appears to be lower than with http://www.sanger.ac.uk and http://genome.wustl.edu).
S. typhimurium, both in murine and human monocytic Although 95% of genes are shared (98% identity)
cell lines [41]. Fig. 2b summarizes the sequence of between S. typhi and S. typhimurium a detailed compar-
events that might occur within the gut tissue and which ison of the remainder of the genomes will aid in the
result in the establishment of a systemic infection by identi®cation of genes contributing to host speci®city
invasive Salmonella spp. and serovar speci®c disease. These comparisons are
already under way and one of the most striking ®ndings
Survival, replication and transmission so far is the presence of single mutations or deletions
of Salmonella typhi within the genome of S. typhi, which appear to generate
It is generally accepted that an ability to survive within many pseudogenes, while the corresponding open read-
monocytes/macrophages is essential for S. typhimurium to ing frames in S. typhimurium are intact. The inactivation
establish a systemic infection in the mouse. In the of single genes, as well as the acquisition or loss of single
absence of SPI-1 expression, Salmonella-infected macro- genes or large islands of DNA, may have contributed to
phages can remain viable for several hours [38 .] and thus host adaptation and restriction of S. typhi.
serve as a cellular niche in which the bacteria can survive
protected from the host immune system. Intracellular S. Although it is dif®cult to study humans infected with S.
typhimurium are located within specialized Salmonella- typhi, either naturally or experimentally, these studies are
containing vacuoles that have diverged from the normal invaluable. A recent study demonstrated an association
endocytic pathway. Within epithelial cells, lysosomal between susceptibility to typhoid fever and genes within
glycoprotein (lgb)-containing tubular structures, termed the major histocompatability complex class II and class
Salmonella-induced ®laments (Sifs), can be seen radiating III loci (TNFA*2{-308}´DRB1*0301) [49 . .]. This is
from Salmonella-containing vacuoles. Although Sifs are similar to the situation in murine enteric fever when
not seen in S. typhimuriun-infected macrophages, sifA7 susceptibility to infection is dependent upon major
S. typhimurium are unable to survive well and replicate histocompatability complex class II antigens. No associa-
ef®ciently within these cells in vitro and are attenuated tion was found, however, between susceptibility to
in vivo when administered intraperitoneally to mice typhoid fever and natural resistance associated macro-
[44 . .,45]. Data from mixed infections suggest that SifA is phage protein 1 [50], a locus associated absolutely with
secreted via the SPI-2 TTSS [44 . .] and limited susceptibility to Salmonella infections in the mouse.
homology between SifA and other putative SPI-2 There is a wealth of data on S. typhimurium infection in
secreted proteins has been described [46]. the mouse and the interaction of this serovar with human
cell lines in vitro, but there are relatively few data on S.
A high proportion of S. typhi in the bone marrow of the typhi and the pathogenesis of typhoid fever. If we are to
human host is intracellular [42] and in the blood this gain a greater understanding of the disease process in
Typhoid fever: pathogenesis and disease House et al. 577

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reduced with S. typhimurium. The reduced invasiveness of the S. typhi filA mutant
could not be restored by centrifugation and was associated with reduced SPI-1
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shows that a variety of genes are up-regulated in response to an infection. These 46 Miao EA, Miller SI. A conserved amino acid sequence directing intracellular
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murine macrophages, the host response to S. typhimurium was very similar to that
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cell response to this pathogen can be dominated by the somatic antigen. This type immunogenicity of delta aroC delta aroD and delta cya delta crp Salmonella
of experimental approach should prove useful in comparisons of different typhi strains in adult volunteers. Infect Immun 1992; 60:536±541.
Salmonella serovars or mutants. 48 Kingsley RA, van Amsterdam K, Kramer N, et al. The shdA gene is restricted
to serotypes of Salmonella enterica subspecies I and contributes to efficient
35 Navarre WW, Zychlinsky A. Pathogen-induced apoptosis of macrophages: a and prolonged fecal shedding. Infect Immun 2000; 68:2720±2727.
common end for different pathogenic strategies. Cell Microbiol 2000; 2:265±
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36 Brennan MA, Cookson BT. Salmonella induces macrophage death by Infect Dis 2001; 183:261±268.
caspase-1-dependent necrosis. Mol Microbiol 2000; 38:31±40. This is one of the first studies to document an association between the host's
genetic background and susceptibility to human typhoid fever. The authors
37 Watson PR, Gautier AV, Paulin SM, et al. Salmonella enterica serovars demonstrate an association between genes within the MHC class II and class III
Typhimurium and Dublin can lyse macrophages by a mechanism distinct from region (HLA-DR, HLA-DQ, and TNFA) on chromosome 6 and either resistance or
apoptosis. Infect Immun 2000; 68:3744±3747. susceptibility to typhoid fever. The study utilized two unrelated sample sets from
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38 Boise LH, Collins CM. Salmonella-induced cell death: apoptosis, necrosis or
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This concise review summarizes many of the recent studies of Salmonella induced at the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1. J Infect Dis 2001;
apoptosis and cell death. 183:1156±1160.

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