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Scientific Investigation
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.
An experiment is carried out to study the relationship between the length of the thread and the period of 10 oscillations
of a pendulum bob.

pendulum bob

The table below shows the results of the experiment.

Length of the thread/cm 10 20 30 40

Period of 10 oscillations/s 6 10 15 18

State the variables that

(a) is manipulated :
(b) responds :
(c) is kept constant :

Body Coordination
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.
1 Complete the chart of the human nervous system below.

(c) (a)

(b) (e)

autonomic nervous


2 The somatic nervous system controls actions while the autonomic nervous system controls

3 (a) The is the basic unit of the nervous system.

(b) Neurones function to carry .

4 Name the three types of neurones shown below.

(a) (b) (c)

neurone neurone neurone

5 Label the parts of the neurone shown below.




6 Name neurones P and Q which are involved in a voluntary action such as writing.

Eye P Brain Q Muscle

P: neurone
Q: neurone

7 (a) Label the cross section of the spinal cord on the reflex arc. Mark ‘→’ to show the direction of the movement
of an impulse.

T: U:

(b) Complete the functions of the parts stated in the table below.

Parts Function

P Detects a /Produces .

Q Carries impulses from the to the .

R Enables impulses to be transmitted in one only.

T Carries impulses from the neurone to the . neurone.

U Carries impulses from the to the .

V when receives impulses.

8 (a) Complete the flow chart below to show the reflex arc (path) for a reflex action.
Stimulus (i)  (ii)  (iii) 

(vii)  (vi)  (v)  (iv) 

(b) Reflex actions are important to us from situations or .

9 (a) senses enable us to be aware of the movements and positions of our limbs.
(b) The receptors involved in kinaesthetic senses are called or .
(c) Label the human muscle below on kinaesthetic senses.


R: Q:

(d) , , and are four examples of parts of

the body where proprioceptors can be found.
(e) Proprioceptors function to
(f) without looking is an example of an activity which is helped by kinaesthetic

10 (a) Label the parts of the brain below and state their functions.

Control and
activities and

spinal cord

Control actions

(b) State the parts of the brain (P, Q or R) that controls each of the following body activities.
(i) Thinking :
(ii) Heartbeat :
(iii) Breathing :
(iv) Cycling :
(v) Smelling :
(vi) Sneezing :
(vii) Walking :
(viii) Coughing :

(c) The human cerebral cortex is folded to increase its to place more .

11 (a) Name the sensory and motor areas of the brain that are labelled A, B, C and D in the diagram below.

D B:

(b) Injury to part

(i) A will cause
(ii) B will cause
(iii) C will cause

12 (a) Name the labelled parts of the endocrine system.

P: gland

Q: gland

R: gland


T: U:

(b) Complete the table below.

Part Brief explanation

P As the gland which controls other glands.

Q – Controls the rate of and development.

– Needs to function. Lack of will cause

R Increases the rate of and .

S – Controls the level of .

– Produces . Lack of will cause .

T Controls the cycle.

U Controls the production of .

13 (a) are chemical substances which change the function and physiology of the body.
(b) reduce mental stress and calm anxiety. Examples: tranquilisers, barbiturates.
(c) increases the activity of the brain. Examples: amphetamine, nicotine, caffeine.
(d) relieves pain and anxiety. Example: morphine.
(e) causes hallucinations. Examples: marijuana, LSD, ketamine.

14 The is the ability of the brain to think and reason.

Heredity and Variation
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.

1 are small thread-like structures that are contained in the nucleus of a cell.

2 are hereditary materials that are contained in the chromosomes.

3 and are two types of cell division.

4 (a) Mitosis is a type of cell division which takes place in .

(b) The and are two examples the parts in the human body that carry out
(c) Tips of the and are two parts of plants that carry out mitosis.
(d) Mitosis plays an important role to produce new cells for and to replace

5 Complete the following flow chart to show the stages of mitosis. Then, fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(a) (b) chromatid



Chromosomes Chromosome
of chromosomes
and .
themselves at the centre
of the cell.

(e) (d)

Two Chromatids .
are formed. The cell starts to .

6 (a) Meiosis is a type of cell division involved in the production of _____________.

(b) Meiosis takes place in the and .
(c) and are two parts of plants that carry out meiosis.

(d) Fill in the blanks on a process that occurs during meiosis.

(i) Process:
(ii) Results in:

7 Complete the table below to compare mitosis and meiosis.

Characteristics Mitosis Meiosis

(a) Number of times division takes (i) (ii)

(b) Number of daughter cells (i) (ii)


(c) Number of chromosomes in the

(ii) of the
daughter cell compared to the (i)
number in the parent cell
parent cell
(d) Crossing over (i) (ii)

8 (a) genes are genes which show the characteristics that they control when paired with a
dominant gene or a recessive gene.
(b) genes are genes which show the characteristics that they control when paired with another
recessive gene.

9 Choose the correct answers.

(a) (Genotype, Phenotype) refers to the genetic make-up of an organism.
(b) (Genotype, Phenotype) refers to the physical appearance of an organism..

10 A tall man (Tt) marries a tall woman (tt).

(T: Dominant gene for tall; t: Recessive gene for short).
Complete the diagram below and determine the probability of getting a short child. Then, name processes P and

Parents Man Woman

Tt tt

Gametes T t

Tt tt
of offspring

Tall Short
of offspring

Probability for a short child =
Process P:
Process Q:

11 The nucleus of a somatic cell of a human contains chromosomes.

12 State the chromosomes in the male and female.


sperm ovum


13 Complete the table below on the determination of the gender of a baby.

Chromosomes in Chromosomes of the Gender of

Sperm Ovum zygote formed the baby

(a) 22 + X 22 + X

(b) 22 + Y 22 + X

14 Complete the gender determination mechanism below.

Father Mother
44 + XY 44 + XX
Gametes 22 + X 22 + X


Progeny 44 + XX 44 + XY

Gender Female Male

15 (a) State the types of twins formed.

(i) (ii)

zygote sperm
ovum zygote

twins twins

(b) Complete the table to show the different between identical twins and non-identical twins.

Identical Non-identical

(i) Genetic make-up

(ii) Sex
Both or both Both or both
, or one
and one

(iii) Sharing the placenta

16 (a) is a spontaneous change in the structure of the genes or chromosomes of an organism.

(b) is a mutation which causes a change in the structure of a gene.
(c) is a mutation which causes a change in the structure or number of chromosomes.

17 Complete the table below about the types of hereditary diseases caused by gene mutation.

Hereditary disease Information

(a) Change in the genes that control skin colour.

(b) Unable to differentiate between red and green.

(c) The deficiency of a type of protein in the blood required for blood clotting.

(d) The mutated gene produces sufficient haemoglobin but the red blood cells are
abnormal and less efficient for transporting oxygen.
(e) The mutant genes are unable to produce sufficient red blood cells (haemoglobin)
in the blood.

18 Complete the table below about the types of hereditary diseases caused by chromosome mutation.

Hereditary disease Information Characteristics of the patient

(a) One extra 21st chromosome (autosome)

(b) One extra X sex chromosome

(c) Lacks one X sex chromosome

19 State the type of variation (continuous, ‘C’ or discontinuous, D’ variation)

(a) Body height :
(b) Fingerprint :
(c) Ear lobe :
(d) Body weight :
(e) Ability to roll the tongue :
(f) Blood group :

(g) Length of the sole :
(h) Skin colour :
(i) Left-handedness :

20 Determine the types of variation, based on the graphs given.


(a) variation (b) variation

Number Number
of students of students

Body A B AB O Blood
height group

Instruction: Answer all the following questions.
1 State the following changes of state of matter.

(f) (a)
(e) (b)










2 Label the subatomic particles in an atom.


(a)  (c) 

3 Label the symbol for the aluminium atom (Al) and fill in the blanks with suitable words. Then, state the numbers
of subatomic particles.

• The total number of the A1
13  (b)
nucleus of and
in the nucleus of an atom. • The number of
in the
nucleus of an atom

(c) (i) Number of proton =
(ii) Number of electron =
(iii) Number of neutrons =

4 Fill in the blanks about isotopes.

Atom Number of protons Nucleon number Number of neutrons

(a) X 6 6

(b) Y 7 14

(c) Z 13 7

(d) and are a pair of isotopes. This is because and

have the same but different .

5 An atom has a nucleon number of 23 and proton number of 11. The number of neutrons in that atom is

6 Fill in the blanks.

1 (f) 18
(a) 1
2 13 14 15 16 17


(c) (d)

(h) The most reactive elements and the non-reactive elements are located in Group
and Group respectively.
(i) The elements in the periodic table are arranged according to the increasing .

7 (a) State the types of substances below.

(i) (ii) (iii)

zinc sodium chloride oxygen

substance substance substance

(b) State the type of substance (Atomic, ‘A’, ionic, ‘I’, or molecular, ‘M’) based on the given information.
(i) Conducts electricity in the molten form :
(ii) Has high melting and boiling points : and
(iii) Cannot conduct electricity in all forms :
(iv) Conducts electricity in the solid form :
(v) Has low melting and boiling points :

8 Based on the given properties, determine whether it is a metal, M’, or non-metal, ‘N’.
(a) Shiny surface :
(b) Low melting point :
(c) High tensile strength :
(d) Poor heat conductor :
(e) Good electrical conductor :
(f) Malleable :
(g) Brittle :

9 The boiling point of water is °C and the melting point of ice or freezing point of water is

10 Impurities the boiling point but the freezing point of a liquid.

11 (a) and are two methods of purification.

(b) A pure liquid can be obtained from a solution which contains impurities by .
(c) Pure crystals can be obtained from a saturated solution of the substance by .
(d) Table salt can be obtained from sea water by .
(e) Pure water can be obtained in the laboratory by .

Energy and Chemical Changes
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.
1 Fill in the blanks in the table by stating the correct terms.

Term Explanation

(a) Type of change that does not involve the formation of a new substance.

(b) Type of change that involves the formation of a new substance.

(c) A reaction that involves release of heat to the surroundings.

(d) A reaction that involves absorption of heat from the surroundings.

2 Name the types of reactions shown below.

(a) (b)



solid sodium solid ammonium

hydroxide chloride

reaction reaction

3 Complete the chemical equations below.

(a) Sodium + water → +
(b) Magnesium + oxygen →
(c) Zinc + hydrochloric acid → +
(d) Zinc oxide + carbon → +

4 Complete the reactivity series of metals below.

Potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, , , iron, tin, lead,

Reactivity decreases

5 (a) Carbon is located between and in the reactivity series of metals.

(b) Carbon does not react with aluminium oxide because aluminium is reactive than carbon.
(c) Aluminium needs to be extracted from its ores by .
(d) and are two examples of metals that can be extracted from its ores by
using carbon as they are reactive than carbon.

6 Label the electrolysis cell shown below.

Ammeter batery

(a) electrode or
electrode or

+ –

dilute sulphuric acid (c)

(d) (e)

(f) The process that occurs is called

(g) Energy change:

energy → energy

7 State three applications of electrolysis.

(a) of metal
(b) of metal
(c) of metal

8 You are required to electroplate an iron chain with a layer of brown copper. Suggest the materials used as the
anode, cathode and electrolyte.
(a) Anode : plate
(b) Cathode :
(c) Electrolyte : solution

9 Fill in the blanks with suitable words on the simple voltaic cell (chemical cell).

copper plate

zinc plate

dilute sulphuric acid

(a) Observation:
The pointer of the voltmeter .
(b) is produced
(c) Energy change:
energy → energy

10 State the types of battery, based on the descriptions below.

Type of battery Description

(a) Used in cars

(b) Rechargeable battery used in mobile electrical equipment

(c) Shaped like a button (1.2 V)

(d) Similar to a dry cell but lasts longer (1.5 V)

11 State the positive and negative terminals of a dry cell.

Carbon rod
(a) terminal

(b) terminal

12 covers the surface of a photographic paper.

13 Complete the equation below to show the effect of light on the chemical change which occurs during photosynthesis.

(a) + water glucose + (b)

Nuclear Energy
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.

1 (a) Radioactive substances contain which will decay and emit radiation.
Example, radium , , and .
(b) Determine the types of radioactive radiation shown in the diagram below.


lead block or
radioactive substance paper aluminium plate thick concrete

X: ray   Y: ray   Z: ray

(c) Radioactive rays can be detected using a counter.

2 Determine the types and charges of the radioactive radiation. Then, give reasons for your answers

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

– radioactive substance X: ray – charged

Y Y: ray –
Z Z: ray – charged


3 (a) ray is a type of radioactive radiation that is the nucleus of a helium atom.
(b) ray is a type of radioactive radiation that consists of high speed electrons.
(c) ray is a type of radioactive radiation that consists of high-power electromagnetic waves.

4 (a) rays can be used for sterilising pests in agriculture.

(b) is an radioactive substance which emits gamma rays that can be used for killing cancer
(c) is used in carbon dating or radiocarbon dating in archaeology.

5 Fill in the blanks with suitable words regarding nuclear fission in a nuclear reactor.

(a) (c) energy

(d) ray

(b) Nucleus of a atoms

(e) Nuclear energy can be used for generating energy.
(f) Energy change that occurs in a nuclear reactors:
Nuclear energy → energy → energy → energy

6 Effects of radioactive radiation (gamma rays) on humans include.


7 Radioactive substances are usually stored in thick containers surrounded by thick


Light, Colour and Sight
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.
1 Complete the ray diagram to show the formation of an image in a plane mirror.

plane mirror

object image

(b) Characteristics of the image:


2 Draw the image for the object below.

Characteristics of the image:

3 Label the parts of the convex lens shown below.

(a) (b)

Principal axis


4 (a) Draw a ray diagram for the convex lens shown below.

F 2F

2F F

(b) Based on each position of the object, state the characteristics of the image formed and the optical instrument

Position of the object Characteristics of the image formed Optical instrument

(i) More than 2F , and

(ii) At 2F , and
size as the object

(iii) Between F and 2F , and

(iv) At F –

(v) Less than F , and

5 Draw a ray diagram for the concave lens shown below. Then, state the characteristics of the image formed.

Characteristics of the image:


6 The is the optical instrument used in submarines to look at objects on the water surface.

7 (a) Draw a ray diagram for the formation of an image in a pinhole camera and state the characteristics of the
image formed.

black paper

lighted candle

empty box

Characteristics of the image formed: , and .

(b) If three pinholes are pricked on the black paper, draw the formation of the images on the screen.


8 Label the parts of the camera below. Then, state the analogy of the eye and camera.






Parts of the camera Parts of the eye

9 Draw the path of the light ray below and answer the questions.

white screen

ray bo

(a) State the colours of light X and Y.


(b) Two processes that occur when light passes through the prism are and .
(c) Explain the occurrence in (b).
The coloured lights with different travel at different and are

10 State the observation on the screens shown below.
(a) (b)

ite ite
wh t wh t
ligh ligh
prism white white
screen screen
prism prism convex lens

A is seen on the screens in diagrams (a) and (b).

11 State the colour constituents of a spectrum.

12 Complete the diagram below to show the formation of a rainbow.


Y The three processes that occur:
, and
of light


13 of light is the process in which light rays are obstructed and reflected by the particles in the

14 Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

(a) Blueness of the sky

blue light

red light
light is
in all

(b) Redness of the setting Sun

red light

passes through the

15 (a) are colours of light that cannot be obtained from mixing of other colours
of light. Examples are , and .
(b) colours are colours that are produced by adding primary of light. Examples
are , and .

16 State the colours produced from the addition of coloured lights.

(a) (b)
red red red red

blue blue
green green cyan cyan
yellow yellow

P: Q: K: L:
R: S: M: N:

17 A boy wearing a green shirt and blue pants stands below a lamp with yellow light. The green shirts
will appear while the blue pants will appear .

18 Based on the principle of subtraction of coloured lights, state the colours formed on the screen.
filter X filter Y
Filter X Filter Y Coloured light on screen

(a) Red Yellow

white light
(b) Blue Cyan

(c) Cyan Magenta


19 (a) light is reflected by a red object.

(b) , and lights are reflected by a yellow object.
(c) A object absorbs all the colours of light in white light.
(d) A object reflects all the colours of light in white light.

20 (a) The cells function to detect light of low intensity that enters the eye, such as at night.
(b) The cells function to detect coloured lights.

21 (a) , and are the primary colours of pigments.

(b) , and are secondary colours of pigments.
(c) The principle of mixing of pigments is based on the of coloured lights.
(d) State the colours, P, Q, R and S, produced from the mixing of pigments.


P Q P: Q:
R: S:
yellow red

22 The male peacocks has colourful feathers to of the females.

Chemical in Industry
Instruction: Answer all the following questions.
1 Draw the arrangement of the atoms in an alloy. Label the pure atom and foreign atom.

2 (a) Complete the table below about alloys and state their uses.

Alloy Main atoms Foreign atoms Products

(i) Steel

(ii) Bronze

(iii) Brass

(iv) Pewter

(v) Duralumin

(b) State three aims of alloying.

(i) To increase the of metals.
(ii) To prevent .
(iii) To make metals more .

3 is an electric conductor which allows electric current to flow through it at zero resistance.

4 Fill in the blanks with the correct words about the Haber Process.
Nitrogen + Hydrogen → (a)

(b) Temperature: °C
(c) Pressure atmospheres
(d) Catalyst: filings

(e) The ratio of the volume of nitrogen to hydrogen

Nitrogen: Hydrogen =
(f) Ammonia is used for making

5 Complete the chemical equations below to show the production of ammonium salts (fertilisers).
(a) Ammonia + nitric acid →
(b) Ammonia + sulphuric acid →
(c) Ammonia + hydrochloric acid →
(d) Ammonia + phosphoric acid →

6 State three uses of ammonia.
To manufacture , and .

7 (a) and are two pollutants resulting from the burning of fossil fuels.
(b) and are two examples of industrial waste.
(c) and are two examples of agricultural waste.


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