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What Makes an Excellent Management Review Process

Resources Mar 5, 2018

All management systems require a periodic review by the organization’s top management. The purpose of such a
review is to evaluate if the management system is performing as intended and if it’s producing the desired results
as ef ciently as possible. While in review, there are steps that can be taken to make sure your organization’s
management review process goes smoothly.

The management review inputs for standards may vary however, there are some key characteristics that all
management reviews should have to ensure its success.

Top Management Involvement

For this process to have the expected outputs, top management needs to attend; they are the ones that decide
where the resources – people, time and money, will be placed to improve the management system.

Clear Presentation
All the required inputs are presented in a simple and clear manner. Every standard is speci c about the review’s
inputs. This information can sometimes be extensive, therefore, it’s fundamental that it’s presented in an easy to
follow way and that it gives an overview of the systems current status, its weaknesses and possible areas for
improvement. Here are some examples of the information that needs to be highlighted:

Internal and external audit results:

number of audit ndings
current status
audit ndings increasing or decreasing compared with the year before?
Corrective and preventive actions: 
current status of corrective/preventive actions
are resources available to effectively close them?
possible trends – are there fewer corrective and preventive actions compared to previous years?
Legal compliance: 
is the organization complying with all applicable requirements?
Process performance:
are targets/objectives being reached and maintained?
Communications and complaints:
has positive or negative feedback been received from interested parties?
Upcoming changes:
are there any changes that can affect the effectiveness of the system -i.e., staff changes, new projects or
standards, ef ciency improvements, etc.?
what actions/decisions need to be taken?

Record Outputs
It is essential to record, as a minimum;

the date of the review,

participants in the review,
decisions taken,
de ciencies found in the system, and
recommendations for improvement or corrective actions.

The actions and recommendations to be taken should stipulate deadlines, resources needed and the individuals
responsible for the actions.

Monitor Outputs
The results of this review should be monitored over time, and if problems persist, more frequent reviews should be

Frequent Management System Reviews

Management System reviews are required at least once a year. It is recommended that during the rst 2 years of the
management system, this review is held more frequently (twice a year), and after the system has “matured” it can be
performed once a year. However, if it’s considered necessary, a speci c topic – i.e., audit ndings, corrective actions,
process performance, etc. – can be reviewed on a more frequent basis.

Broadly speaking, a successful management review process provides top management; and everyone responsible
for the effectiveness of the management system; a diagnosis of the system’s current situation so de ciencies can be
identi ed, changes and/or actions can be established to correct these de ciencies and recommendations for
improvement can be made.

ISO Update is an independent website that aims to provide information, resources, and updates
around the Standards and Certi cation industry. We believe that organizational standards can
help businesses of all shapes and sizes become more ef cient and successful on a local,
federal, or global scale.

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