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Law 3: The Miraculous Law of Healing

A Prayer of Healing
Spirit which is God, is the life of my
________________. Spirit has no temperature; it is
never sick or feverish or suffered from any illness.
The peace of God flows through my ___________
mind and body. The harmony, health and love and
perfection of God are made manifest in every atom
The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power
of my ____________ body now. She/he is relaxed
and at ease, poised, serene and calm. I am now Prayers
stirring up the gift of God within him/her, and all is
The uplifting, healing, strengthening power of the
healing presence is flowing through me, making me
every whit whole. I know and feel that the harmony,
beauty, and life of God manifest themselves in me as
strength, peace, vitality, wholeness and right action.
I now got a clear realization of this, and the damaged
_____________ or other diseased organ will be
cured in the light of God’s love.
Law 1: The Astounding Law of Contact with the Law 2: The Secret Law of Faith
Cosmic Mind

A Prayer of Faith
A Daily Prayer
I am redirecting my thought and feeling: I do not
I know that no matter what the negation of yesterday need more faith, I need to use and apply the faith I
was, my prayer or affirmation of truth will rise have in the right way. I know that my subconscious
triumphantly over it today. mind reacts according to what I believe about myself.
Today is God’s day, it is a glorious day for me. I am I have faith in the indwelling God, and I know that
God is guiding me and directing me, that I was born
full of peace, harmony and joy. My faith is in the
goodness of God, in the guidance of God and in the to succeed, and that infinite intelligence reveals to
me a new opportunity. I know that I am full of
love of God. I am absolutely convinced that my
confidence and poise, I have faith in all things good,
deeper mind receives te impress of my present
thoughts now and I am irresistibly attracting into my and I live in the joyous expectancy of the best.
experience all the good things my heart desires. I
now place all my reliance, faith and trust in the power
and wisdom of God within me: I am at peace.
I hear the invitation of the God-presence within me
saying, “come unto me all ye that labor . . . and I will
give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)
I rest in God; All is Well.
Law 7: The Wonderful Law of Security Law 4: The Dynamic Law of Protection

A Prayer of Security The Power of God

I know that my inner feeling of security is based on God is the only presence and the only power, and I
my knowledge that God takes care of me, and I have am one with it. God’s strength is my strength; His
confidence in His direction. My greatest security is intelligence floods my mind. This new awareness
that I know and feel God’s presence. I know that gives me complete dominion in every department of
deep down in my heart that God is the source of all my life. I am now joined to the one universal mind
life and all blessings. God is with me and for me, He which is God. His wisdom, power, glory flow through
watches over me, He cares for me, He provides for me. I know that the energy and power of God
me, He supports me, and He loves me. My thoughts permeate every atom, tissue, muscle and bone of my
are thoughts of fulfillment, since all Gods desires being, making me perfect now. God is life, and this
always are being fulfilled. He restoreth my soul and life is my life. My faith is renewed; my vitality is
my thought life. His goodness and mercy follow me restored. God walks and talks in me. He is my God; I
all the days of my life. For I have chosen to dwell am one with Him. His truth is my shield and buckler;
mentally and spiritually with God all the days of my I rejoice that it is so. So, under His wings shall I trust.
life. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and I
abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
Law 5: The Mysterious Law of Inner Guidance Law 6: The Mighty Law of Courage

A Prayer for Divine Guidance A Prayer for Courage

I know that there is a perfect law of supply and “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High
demand. My motives are right, and I desire to do the shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
right thing in the right way at all times. I am instantly
I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, this is my
in touch with everything I need. I am in my true place
own mind. All thoughts entertained by me conform
now; I am divinely blessed. Infinite intelligence is to harmony, peace, and good will. My mind is the
guiding me now in thought, word, and deed, and
dwelling place of happiness, joy and a deep sense of
whatever I do is controlled by God and by God alone. security. All the thoughts that enter my mind
I am a perfect channel of God.
contribute to my joy, peace, and general welfare. I
I feel, know, and believe that my God-self illumines live, move, and have my being in the atmosphere of
my pathway. Divine intelligence inspires, directs and good fellowship, love and unity.
governs me in all my undertakings and
All the people that dwell in my mind are God’s
instantaneously reveals to me the answer to all children. I am at peace in my mind with all the
things I need to know. Divine love goes before me,
members of my household and all mankind. The
making all roads a highway of peace, love, joy, and
same good I wish for myself, I wish for all men. I am
Happiness. living in the house of God now. I claim peace and
It is wonderful. happiness, for I know I dwell in the house of the Lord
Law 11: The Thrilling Law of Marital Harmony We believe that

A Prayer for a Happy Marriage

We are gathered together in the presence of God.
There is but one God, one life, one law, one mind and
one father – our Father. We are united in love,
harmony and peace. I rejoice in the peace, happiness,
and success of my mate. God is guiding each one of
us at all times. We speak to each other from the
standpoint of the divine center within us. Our words
to each other are as a honeycomb, sweet to the ear
and pleasant to the bones. We identify with the good
qualities of each other and constantly exalt them.
The love of God flows through us to all in our
household and to all people everywhere. We believe
and know that the omnipotent power and
intelligence of the infinite one moves through each
one of us and all the members of our household, and
that we are positively, definitely, physically and
mentally healed. We know that divine right action is
taking place in every cell, organ, tissue and function
Law 8:
of each one of us, manifesting as peace, harmony and
Law 9: Law 10:
Law 15: Law 12:
Law 13: Law 14:

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