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Liceul Teoretic ,,Avram Iancu”, Cluj-Napoca Avizat director:

Avizat şef catedră:
Aria curriculară: Limbă şi Comunicare
Disciplina: Limba Engleză
Clasele a II-a A, B, C; (L1 – 1 oră/săptămână);
Manual: Fairyland 2, Express Publishing

Planificarea a fost elaborată conform Programei şcolare pentru disciplina Comunicare în limba modernă 1 (Clasa pregătitoare, clasa I și clasa a II-a) aprobată
prin O.M nr. 3418 / 19.03.2013

Planificare calendaristică
Anul şcolar 2017-2018

Semestrul I – 17 săptămâni, 17 ore

Conţinuturi ale Unităţii de Învăţare

Nr. Competenţe specifice vizate Nr. de Săptămâna Observaţii
Crt.  Detalieri tematice (Topics & vocabulary) ore
 Elemente de construcţie a comunicării (Structures) alocate
▪ Funcţii comunicative (Functions)

1 Hello, Magic Friends!

1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication
▪ Introductions and greetings; situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and
1 S1
The English alphabet concise way. (11.09 - 15.09)
1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
▪ The verb to be (present simple, affirmative, singular) films and songs in the English language.
(Hello, I’m ... ); 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
Possessive adjectives: my (My name’s ...) personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
2.3 Participate in communication games and
▪ Introducing themselves and greeting others; reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
Understanding simple commands

2 My Family!

▪ Family members (mummy, daddy, brother, sister); 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication 4 S2-S5
situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and
Parts of a house (bedroom, bathroom, living room, concise way.
(18.09 - 13.10)
kitchen, garden) 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front
of, behind, in) of objects in the surrounding
▪ Demonstrative pronouns: this (This is my mummy.) environment.
The verb to be (present simple, 3rd person singular) (Is 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
films and songs in the English language.
daddy in the living room? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.); 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
Interrogative adverbs: where (Where’s Alvin?) 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
Prepositions of place (in); personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
Subject pronouns: he, she; 2.3 Participate in communication games and
The possessive case: 's (This is Karen’s mummy.) reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
2.4 Request and give short and simple information
related to the location of objects within the
▪ Introducing family members; surrounding environment.
Identifying parts of a house; 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
Saying where someone is; everyday situations.
▪ Drawing their family members; 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
and write short texts.
Drawing a picture of a character in a part of a house
3 My Birthday! 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication
situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and În perioada
concise way. 30.10 –
▪ Presents (robot, computer, bike, TV, lamp, clock); 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front
4 S6-S10
Shapes (square, circle, triangle, rectangle) and colours of, behind, in) of objects in the surrounding (16.10 - 17.11) (S 8)
environment. clasele din
▪ Numbers 1  10; 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of învăţământul
Subject pronouns: you, it; films and songs in the English language. primar sunt în
2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems vacanţă.
The verb to be (present simple, 2nd p.) (How old are 2.3 Participate in communication games and
you?); reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
Prepositions of place: in, on, under (Where’s the blue 2.4 Request and give short and simple information
robot? It’s on the table.) related to the location of objects within the
surrounding environment.
3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
▪ Saying how old they are; everyday situations.
Identifying and presenting presents; 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
Identifying shapes; and write short texts
▪ Making a birthday present and a card
4 My Body! 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication
situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and
concise way.
▪ Parts of the body (head, arm, tummy, leg, foot); 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
4 S11-S14
Commands (clap your hands, nod your head, stamp your films and songs in the English language. (20.11 - 15.12)
feet, wave your arms) 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
▪ The imperative (Clap your hands! Nod your head!) personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
2.3 Participate in communication games and
The verb have got (present simple, affirmative form) (I’ve reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
got two arms. It has got hooves.); 2.4 Request and give short and simple information
related to the location of objects within the
▪ Identifying parts of the body; surrounding environment.
Talking about ilinesses; 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
everyday situations.
Giving and following commands; 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
▪ Drawing and labelling their body and write short texts.
5 Happy New Year! 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
2.3 Participate in communication games and 1 S15
reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
(18.12 - 22.12)
6 I Can Sing! 1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication
situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and
concise way.
▪ Actions (sing, dance, ride a bike, play football, draw); 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front
3 S16-S18
Musical instruments (piano, guitar, tambourine, recorder) of, behind, in) of objects in the surrounding (15.01 - 2.02)
▪ The verb can in the simple present (She can dance and 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
she can ride a bike. Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I films and songs in the English language.
2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
can’t.) 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
▪ Describing people; 2.3 Participate in communication games and
Talking about actions; reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
Saying what they can / can’t do; 2.4 Request and give short and simple information
related to the location of objects within the
Identifying and talking about musical instruments and surrounding environment.
which ones they can play; 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
▪ Drawing and writing what they can do everyday situations.
4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
and write short texts.

Semestrul al II-lea – 17 săptămâni

Conţinuturi ale Unităţii de Învăţare

Nr. Competenţe specifice vizate Nr. de Săptămâna Observaţii
crt.  Detalieri tematice (Topics & vocabulary) ore
 Elemente de construcţie a comunicării (Structures) alocate
▪ Funcţii comunicative (Functions)
7 A butterfly!
1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication 4 S19-S22
▪ Animals (butterfly, elephant, spider, bird, frog, monkey); situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and (12.02 - 9.03)
concise way.
Actions (run, fly, swim, jump, draw); 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front
Numbers 11  20 of, behind, in) of objects in the surrounding
▪ The verb have got (present simple, affirmative form) (A 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
frog has got four legs.); films and songs in the English language.
2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs / poems
The verb can in the simple present (A bird can fly, but it 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
can’t swim.) personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
2.3 Participate in communication games and
▪ Identifying animals; reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
Talking about animals and what they can do; 2.4 Request and give short and simple information
related to the location of objects within the
Talking about size; surrounding environment.
Counting from 11 to 20; 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
Describing animals; everyday situations.
▪ Drawing a picture and writing about their favourite 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
animal and write short texts.

8 A sweet tooth
1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication 4 S23-S27
▪ Food / drink items (chocolate, jam, cake, lollipops, juice, situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and (12.03 - 20.04)
concise way.
sweets); 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front
Fruit / vegetables (carrots, potatoes, peas, tomatoes, of, behind, in) of objects in the surrounding
pears, oranges) environment.

▪ Present simple, 1st person singular, affirmative & negative 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of Săptămâna 26–
films and songs in the English language. 30 martie 2018
forms (I like chocolate. I don’t like jam.; Do you like ice 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems (S 25) este
cream? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.); 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving săptămână
The imperative (Eat tomatoes. They’re good for you.) personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies). dedicată
2.3 Participate in communication games and activităților
▪ Talking about food preferences; reproduce or create rhymes/short messages. și extrașcolare
2.4 Request and give short and simple information în cadrul
Expressing simple requests; related to the location of objects within the programului
Talking about food that is good for them; surrounding environment. „Şcoala altfel”.
Talking about fruit and vegetables; 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
▪ Drawing a picture of their favourite fruit and vegetable everyday situations.
4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
and write short texts.

9 The weather
1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication 4 S28-S31
▪ The weather (It’s hot. It’s cold. It’s sunny. It’s raining. situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and
concise way.
(23.04 - 18.05)
It’s snowing.); 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
The seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) films and songs in the English language.
2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
▪ Present simple, 3rd person singular, affirmative form 2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
(Erlina’s favourite season is spring because she loves personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
2.3 Participate in communication games and
flowers.); reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
Conjunctions: because (My favourite season is winter 2.4 Request and give short and simple information
because I love the snow.) related to the location of objects within the
surrounding environment.
▪ Identifying different weather conditions; 3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
everyday situations.
Talking about the seasons; 4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
Expressing preferences; and write short texts.
▪ Drawing a picture and writing about their favourite

10 Looking good!
1.1 Respond appropriately (in basic communication 3 S32-S34
situations) to short, simple questions in a clear and
▪ Clothes (boots, jacket, jumper, dress, hat, T-shirt, shorts, concise way.
(21.05 - 8.06)
vest, socks, cap, shoes); 1.2 Recognise the basic location (on, under, in front
Size of, behind, in) of objects in the surrounding
▪ Present continuous (I’m wearing my hat and jumper.); 1.3 Develop interest and general comprehension of
films and songs in the English language.
The imperative (Take off your shoes. Put on your cap.) 2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems
2.2 Present a familiar person/character giving
▪ Talking about clothes and describing what they are personal details (name, gender, age, hobbies).
wearing; 2.3 Participate in communication games and
Talking about size; reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
2.4 Request and give short and simple information
▪ Drawing a picture and writing about what they are related to the location of objects within the
wearing surrounding environment.
3.1 Understand short, simple written texts used in
everyday situations.
4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
and write short texts.

11 Final Revision
2.1 Reproduce short and simple songs/poems 1 S35
2.3 Participate in communication games and
Consolidation of language and skills reproduce or create rhymes/short messages.
(11.06 - 15.06)
2.4 Request and give short and simple information
related to the location of objects within the
surrounding environment.
4.1 Participate in group/class projects and create
and write short texts.

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