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‫أسئلة الزمالة المصرية الجزء الثاني‬

Obstetrics :
1. Premature ovarian Failure(Causes ,Diagnosis and Management)
2. Prolapse (causes and Management)
3. Past history of P.I.D (complications and Laparoscopic finding)
4. Syphilis Management and Diagnosis.
5. Endometrial cancer (Grading and Management)
6. Management of P.C.O.S with infertility 18 months.
7. Torsion ovary ,Diagnosis and Treatment.
8. Endometriosis ,diagnosis and Treatment.
9. Premenstrual tension syndrome.
10.P.C.O.s and Hirutism.
11.Ovarian cancer staging.
12.Vaccination against cancer cervix.
13.Postpartum amenorrhea.
14.Investigations of stress urinary incontinence.
15.Contraindications of c.o.c.
16.T.T.T of Bacterial Vaginosis.
17.Postmenopausal Bleeding (Diagnosis and T.T.T).
18.Ovulation detection .History, progesterone 21.
19.Tamoxifen (Indications, side effects, contraindications).
20.Hirutism (investigations, T.T.T).
21.Gonorrhea (genital effect, diagnosis, T.T.T).
22.I.U.Ds (Types, contraindications, complications).
23.Management of 2nd degree prolapse.
24.Hyperprolactinaemia (aetiology ,investigations, T.T.T).
25.Amigous Genitalia (diagnosis ,differential diagnosis ,T.T.T).
26.Stress Incontinence(investigations, diagnosis, T.T.T).
27.Chronic Pelvic pain (diagnosis, differential diagnosis ,T.T.T).
28.T.T.T of Heavy cycles in fibroid Uterus.
29.Delayed puberty in female aged 18 years old.
30.Hystrescopy (indications ,contraindications ,complications).
31.Hysterectomy (indictions, Types , complications ).
32.Post hysterectomy Hematuria.
33.Management of Osteoporosis in elderly.
34.Primary amenorrhea (diagnosis ,management).
35.Mass protruding from vulva (differential diagnosis ,T.T.T).
36.O.H.S.S (prevention ,diagnosis management).
37.Staging ,Management of ovarian cancer.
38.P.C.O.S (definition ,diagnosis ,management).
39.Medical T.T.T of endometriosis.
40.Side Effects of C.O.Cs.
41.Steps of Pan Hysterectomy.
42.Mass Protruding from Vagina (how to diagnose, complications).
43.Causes of primary amenorrhea in female aged 18 years old with
well developed breast.
44.Women with benign cyst measuring 6.5 cm presented with
pain, tenderness and guarding after intercourse.( what do you
suspect and how to manage?
45.Endometrial carcinoma (FIGO staging ,Steps of staging).
46.female patient aged 22 years old presented with primary
infertility ,treated with clomid for 6 months ,clomid failure is
proved. How to induce monofollicular ovulation? How to prevent
O.H.S.S in I.V.F protocols?
46.Female patient presented with genital wart (mention causes
and treatment)
47.Laparscopic complications.
48.Management of ureteric injury.
49.Endometrial Hyperplasia (diagnosis and management).
50.How to prevent apical vaginal prolapse?
51.Ovarian Torsion.
52.Alternatives of Hysterectomy in fibroid uterus.
55.Primary amenorrhea.
56.D.D of vulval masses.
57.Prevention of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
58.Screening of cancer cervix.
59.diagnosis and treatment of genital chalmidya.
60.Steps to prevent vault prolapse after hysterectomy.
61.Side effects of Methotrexate.
62.Oxyticin indication ,doses and differences between it and
63.Galactorrhea D.D, causes and management.
64.Female patient aged 18 years old with 2ndry sex characters.
How to reach diagnosis?
65.Perimenopausal women with ovarian cyst. How to manage?
66.Contraception in women near the menopause.
67.Hormone Replacement Therapy.
68.Colposcopic finding.
69.Infertility Investigations.
70.Benefits of Mirena.
71.Ovarian Cancer staging.
72.Vault prolapse.
73.Gonorrhea (management and complications)
74.Contraindications of C.O.Cs.
75.Surgical staging of ovarian tumor.
76.Emergency contraception.
77.FIGO classification of vulval tumor.
78.Grading of Endometriosis.
79.Medical T.T.T of hirutism.
80.Diagnostic approach of stress incontinence.
Obstetrics Questions:
1.Risk factors and screening for gestational D.M.
2.FIGO classification of vesicular mole and its medical treatment.
3.Management of second stage of labor.
4.I.U.G.R diagnosis and treatment.
5.Induction of labor.
6.Hydrocephalus (diagnosis, follow up, prognosis).
7.Indication of surgical evacuation.
8.Postpartum Hemorrhage ,surgical management.
9.Effect of Alcohol and smoking on pregnancy.
10.Management of acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy.
11.Prelabor preterm rupture of membrane.
12.Management of delivery of second twin.
13.Management of eclamptic fits and drugs used (dose and
14.Screening of Down Syndrome.
15.Recurrent abortion investigations and treatment.
16.TORCH diagnosis and treatment.
17.Management of pregnant lady with history of previous D.V.T
18.Invasive maneuvers of diagnosis of fetal anomalies.
19.Complications of oligohydraminos.
2o.External cephalic version.
17.Management of ectopic pregnancy.
18. Management of Pregnant female with accidental hemorrhage.
20.Medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy.
21.Obstetric hematomas (sites ,management).
22.Chorionic villus sampling.
23.Post C.S distension.
24.Amniotic fluid embolism (diagnosis and management).
25.Breech assisted delivery.
26.Gestational Diabetes Mellitus ( diagnosis ,Management).
27.Management of Aortic Stenosis during labor.
28.Vetouse (Indications , contraindications , techniques).
29.Shock in obstetrics. (differential diagnosis, diagnosis ,
30.Cord prolapse (causes ,diagnosis , management).
31.Breech pregnancy (management of pregnancy and labor).
32. Management of Preterm labor.
33.Fetal well being.
34.APGAR score.
35.Modified biophysical profile.
36.Caesrian Section ( indications and complications).
37.External Cephalic Version (indications, technique and
38.Recurrent abortion (causes and management).
39.Acute pyelonephritis (diagnosis, differential diagnosis and
40.Management of septic abortion.
41.Post term pregnancy (diagnosis, complications and treatment).
42.Twin pregnancy ( diagnosis and treatment).
43.Management of iron deficiency anaemia.
44.Induction of labor.
45.Management of Hellp syndrome.
46.Differential diagnosis and management of puerperal pyrexia).
47.Diagnosis and treatment of shoulder dystocia.
48.Management and treatment of acute uterine inversion.
49.VBAC (precautions, indications ,contraindications).
50.Cephalopelvic disproportion (C.P.D) diagnosis and management
51.Management of Rh isoimmunization.
52.Bishop Score.
53.Management of PROM not in labor.
54.Discuss modern trend in fetal well bening.
55.Indications ,contraindications and complications of forceps
56.Discuss multifetal pregnancy.
57.Discuss neonatal fetal jaundice.
58.Diagnosis of CFAF (congenital fetal malformation).
59.Discuss deep transverse arrest during labor.
60.Discuss Alpha fetoprotein.
61.Discuss amniotic fluid embolism.
62.Discuss Physiology of puerpureim.
63.Discuss investigations of recurrent abortion.
64.Management of Diabetes Mellitus during pregnancy.
65.Treatment of pregnancy induced hypertension. (P.I.H).
66.Discuss abruptioplacenta.
67.Discuss Placenta accreta.
68.Discuss management of preclampsia and eclampsia.
69.Discuss primary pot partum hemorrhage.
70.First trimestric scanning.
71.Management of ectopic pregnancy.
72.Management of D.V.T and thromboembolism.
73.Diagnosis of P.E.T.
74.Screenning of Down syndrome.
75.Anaemia with pregnancy.

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