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DATE: June 19, 2018

Drug Indications Actions Side Effects Contraindications

Adverse Effects

Used as quick relief Binds tobeta2 -adrenergic

agent for acute receptors in airway smooth
Generic Name: bronchospasm. muscle, leading to activation of SIDE EFFECTS: Hypersensitivity to adrenergic
adenyl cyclase and increased amines transfusions.
Albuterol Mid nausea
levels of cyclic-3’ , 5’,
-adenosine monophosphate Heartburn, anorexia, constipation,
(cAMP). Increases in cAMP diarrhea.
Classification: activate kinases, which inhibit
the phosphorylation of myosin
and decrease intracellular
calcium. Decreased intracellular
calcium relaxes smooth muscle Paradoxical Bronchospasm; Chest
airways. Relaxation of airway pain; Angina; Hyperglycemia;
Dosage: smooth muscle with subsequent Hypokalemia.
bronchodilatation. Relatively
300 mg
selective for beta2 (pulmonary)


Nursing Responsibilities:

 Assess lung sounds, pulse, and blood pressure before administration and during peak of medication. Note amount, color, and character of
sputum produced.
 Monitor pulmonary function tests before initiating therapy and periodically during therapy.
 Observe paraxodical bronchospasm. If condition occurs, withhold medication and notify health care professional immediately.
 Instruct patient to take albuterol as directed. If on scheduled dosing regimen, take missed dose as soon as remembered, spacing remaining
doses at regular intervals. Do not double doses or increase the dose or frequency of doses. Caution patient not to exceed recommended
dose; may cause adverse effects, paradoxical bronchospasm or loss of effectiveness of medication.
 Instruct patient to contact health care professional immediately if shortness of breath is not relieved of medication or is accompanied by
diaphoresis, dizziness, palpitations, or chest pain.
 Inform patient that these products contain hydrofluoralkane and the propellant and are described as non-CFC or CFC-free.
 Advise patient to consult health care professional before taking any OTC medications, natural/herbal products or alcohol concurrently with this
therapy. Caution patient also to avoid smoking and other respiratory irritants.

DATE: June 19, 2018

Drug Indications Actions Side Effects Contraindications
Adverse Effects

Management of type 2 Decreases hepatic production of

diabetes mellitus as glucose. Decreases intestinal
Generic Name: monotherapy or absorption of glu- cose, SIDE EFFECTS: Renal disease/dys- function;
concomitantly with oral improves insulin sensitivity. abnormal creatinine clearance
Metformin Occasional (greater than 3%): GI
sulfonylurea or insulin. Thera- peutic Effect: Improves from any cause including MI,
distur- bances (diarrhea, nausea,
OFF-LABEL: Poly- glycemic control, acute HF, septicemia, or shock;
vomiting, ab- dominal bloating,
cystic ovarian stabilizes/decreases body acute or chronic metabolic
Classification: atulence, anorexia) that are
syndrome, gestational weight, improves lipid pro le. acidosis, use within 48 hrs of IV
diabe- tes mellitus. transient and resolve spontane-
contrast dye. Cautions: HF,
Bronchodilators; ously during therapy. Rare (3%–1%):
Prevention of type 2 impaired hepatic function,
Adrenergics Unpleasant/metallic taste that
diabetes excessive acute/chronic alcohol
resolves spontaneously during
intake, elderly.
300 mg
Lactic acidosis occurs rarely (0.03
cases/1,000 pts) but is a serious and
of- ten fatal (50%) complication.
Lactic aci- dosis is characterized by
increase in blood lactate levels
(greater than 5 mmol/L), decrease
in blood pH, electro- lyte
disturbances. Symptoms include un-
explained hyperventilation, myalgia,
mal- aise, drowsiness. May advance
to cardiovascular collapse (shock),
acute HF, acute MI, prerenal

Nursing Responsibilities:

 Assess baseline glucose, Hgb A1c, CBC, renal function tests.

 Monitor fasting serum glucose, Hgb A1c, renal function, CBC. Monitor folic acid, renal function tests for evidence of early lactic acidosis. If pt is
on concurrent oral sulfonylureas, assess for hypoglyce- mia (cool/wet skin, tremors, dizziness, anxiety, headache, tachycardia, numb- ness in
mouth, hunger, diplopia). Be alert to conditions that alter glucose re- quirements: fever, increased activity, stress, surgical procedure.

DATE: June 19, 2018

Drug Indications Actions Side Effects Contraindications
Adverse Effects

Prophylaxis, chronic Binds to cysteinyl leukotriene Contraindications: None

treatment of asthma. receptors, inhibiting effects of known. Cautions: Systemic
Generic Name: Prevention of exercise- leukotrienes on bronchial SIDE EFFECTS: corticosteroid treatment
induced broncho- smooth muscle. Therapeutic reduction during montelukast
constriction. Treatment Effect: Decreases therapy. Concomitant use of
of seasonal aller- gic bronchoconstriction, vascular CYP3A4 inducers.
rhinitis (hay fever). permeability, mucosal edema, Frequent (18%): Headache.
Classification: Relief of perennial mucus production. Occasional (4%): In uenza. Rare
allergicrhinitis.OFF- (3%–2%): Abdom- inal pain, cough,
LABEL: Urticaria. dyspepsia, dizziness, fatigue, dental
pain. CHILDREN 6–14 YRS: Rare (less
than 2%): Diarrhea, lar- yngitis,
pharyngitis, nausea, otitis media,
300 mg sinusitis, viral infection.


Suicidal ideation and behavior,

depres- sion has been noted.

Nursing Responsibilities:
 Chewable tablet contains phenylalanine (component of aspartame); parents of phenylketonuric pts should be informed. Assess lung sounds
for wheezing. Assess for allergy symptoms.
 Monitor rate, depth, rhythm, type of res- pirations; quality/rate of pulse. Assess lung sounds for wheezing. Monitor for change in mood,
 Increase uid intake (decreases lung secretion viscosity). • Take as pre- scribed, even during symptom-free peri- ods as well as during
exacerbations of asthma. • Do not alter/stop other asthma medications. • Drug is not for treatmentofacuteasthmaattacks. • Re- port increased
use or frequency of short- acting bronchodilators, changes in be- havior, suicidal ideation.

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