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Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

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Forest Ecology and Management

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Above-ground woody biomass distribution in Amazonian floodplain forests: T

Effects of hydroperiod and substrate properties
Rafael Leandro de Assisa,b, , Florian Wittmannc, Yennie Katarina Bredinb, Jochen Schöngarta,

Carlos Alberto Nobre Quesadaa, Maria Teresa Fernandes Piedadea, Torbjørn Haugaasenb
National Institute of Amazonian Research, Av. André Araújo, 2936 Petrópolis, Manaus, AM 69067-375, Brazil
Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, P.O. Box 5003, 1432 Ås, Norway
Department of Wetland Ecology, Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany


Keywords: The importance of tropical forests in regulating global carbon stocks is well known. However, the role of abiotic
Above-ground woody biomass variables related to climate conditions and edaphic parameters for patterns of above-ground woody biomass
Amazonian floodplains (AGWB) are still under debate. For Amazonian forests subjected to periodic floods, these patterns are even more
Hydroperiod uncertain. This study aimed to evaluate AGWB stocks in Amazonian floodplain forest, and investigate the im-
Soil nutrients
portance of forest structure, hydroperiod and edaphic parameters for AGWB. Results are based on floristic in-
Forest structure
ventories conducted in twelve hectares of forest distributed across four floodplains. All trees ≥10 cm DBH were
tagged, identified, and had their DBH and height measured. Allometric equations were applied for calculating
AGWB. Hydroperiod was estimated for each sample plot, and soil samples were collected and chemical and
physical components analyzed. Hierarchical partitioning was applied to determine importance of forest structure
variables for AGWB, and GLMMs to evaluate the individual role of several edaphic parameters and hydroperiod
for AGWB stocks. AGWB estimates varied substantially both between and within sites, as did the proportional
contribution of forest structure variables to AGWB. Fabaceae contributed most to AGWB overall, and hydro-
period was more important than soil fertility in explaining variation in AGWB values. Amongst the edaphic
variables, Iron (Fe) was the component that influenced AGWB the most, followed by Aluminium (Al) and
Phosphorus (P). Overall, our results indicate that, on the investigated Amazonian floodplains, AGWB is mainly
driven by hydroperiod rather than edaphic properties. This occurs despite a constant input of nutrients caused by
flooding events. In addition, this is the first study to suggest that P appears to be of some importance in
Amazonian várzea and paleo-várzea floodplains, where soil fertility is generally higher than in non-flooded terra
firme forests.

1. Introduction carbon via photosynthesis and respiration than that in all fossil fuel
emissions (Malhi and Grace, 2000; Lewis et al., 2009). Deforestation
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) is rates are also higher in tropical forests than elsewhere (Achard et al.,
a United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 2002; Santilli et al., 2005). This forest clearing and degradation account
program to offer financial incentives to developing countries to curb for roughly 15% of current global greenhouse gas emissions, making it
forest carbon emissions. This scheme, which has been amplified in the second most important contributor to climate change after fossil
scope and ambition as REDD+, can also indirectly support biodiversity fuel combustion (Houghton, 2005).
conservation through reduced habitat loss and degradation. These ef- Tropical forests also play a pivotal role in mitigating climate change
forts currently focus on tropical forest countries for several reasons. by absorbing nearly one-fifth of the annual CO2 released by fossil fuels
Tropical forests cover only ∼7% of the global land area, but store as around the globe (Lewis et al., 2009) and recycling nearly half of all
much as 55% of all terrestrial carbon in its vegetation (Pan et al., 2011). precipitation as evapotranspiration (Avissar and Werth, 2005). In fact,
Additionally, tropical forests annually process around six times more there is mounting evidence that undisturbed old-growth tropical forests

Abbreviations: AGWB, above-ground woody biomass; GLMM, generalized linear mixed models

Corresponding author at: National Institute of Amazonian Research, Av. André Araújo, 2936 Petrópolis, Manaus, AM 69067-375, Brazil.
E-mail addresses: rafale.assis@gmail.com (R.L. de Assis), f-wittmann@web.de (F. Wittmann), yennie.bredin@nmbu.no (Y.K. Bredin),
torbjorn.haugaasen@nmbu.no (T. Haugaasen).

Received 4 July 2018; Received in revised form 23 August 2018; Accepted 17 September 2018
Available online 28 September 2018
0378-1127/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

may be accelerating in growth (Lewis et al., 2004) and increasing in Amazonian floodplains are subjected to floods that may last for
biomass and carbon (Malhi and Grace, 2000; Baker et al., 2004a), several months during the course of the year. The effects of water-
possibly in response to a CO2 fertilization effect; i.e. elevated atmo- logging include oxygen deficiency at the root level, and a reduction in
spheric CO2 concentrations (Malhi and Grace, 2000). Yet alternative photosynthesis and tree growth during inundation (Parolin et al., 2004;
hypotheses suggest that any evidence of biomass accumulation is Parolin, 2009; Schöngart et al., 2002). To cope with the annual flood
simply a local response to forest recovery from natural and human pulse, tree species that inhabit the Amazonian floodplains have there-
disturbances. For example, severe El Niño events cause elevated tree fore developed a range of phenological, physiological, and structural
mortality (Condit et al., 1995; Laurance et al., 2001) and recent esti- adaptations. These strategies may strongly influence the AGWB in these
mates indicate that natural tropical forest regeneration currently re- ecosystems (Hawes et al., 2012). For example, tree species portray
moves 1.6 Pg C yr−1 from the atmosphere (Pan et al., 2011). rapid growth rates in várzea forests due to the fertile alluvial soils. This,
Yet, despite their obvious importance for the global carbon budget, and the highly dynamic nature of white-water rivers, favour the pre-
the total amount of carbon stored in tropical forests is still under intense sence of species with relatively low wood specific gravity (Worbes
debate. This is underlined by global values ranging from 158 to et al., 1992; Baker et al., 2004b; Wittmann et al., 2006). In addition,
324 Pg C (Gibbs et al., 2007; Baraloto et al., 2011). There is therefore an disturbance caused by inundation and related geomorphic dynamics
urgent need to improve our understanding of how different factors af- appears to restrict tree height, explaining why Amazonian floodplain
fect the spatial and temporal variation in above-ground woody biomass trees are generally lower than their terra firme counterparts (Souza and
(AGWB) in the tropics (Gullison et al., 2007; Baraloto et al., 2011). Martins, 2005). Such variation between different forest types across
Several studies have reported a role for climatic variables in de- Amazonia underline the importance of habitat-specific AGWB estimates
termining patterns of AGWB within tropical forests. For instance, re- to more adequately account for the role of Amazonian forests in the
gional variation of AGWB was positively related to annual precipitation global carbon budget.
across Amazonia, while dry season length had a negative impact on Yet, there are few studies investigating potential changes in AGWB
AGWB (Chave et al., 2004; Malhi et al., 2006). However, other studies along environmental gradients in the Amazon, particularly within
found no effect of water availability and claim that AGWB in the floodplains. One exception is that of Hawes et al. (2012), who observed
Amazon is mainly influenced by forest structure variables, such as basal that várzea forest biomass was higher in plots subjected to longer flood
area (Baker et al., 2004b; Malhi et al., 2006; Paoli et al., 2008), number duration. However, the effects of flooding on forest parameters (in-
of large trees (DeWalt and Chave, 2004; Paoli et al., 2008; Rutishauser cluding AGWB) are known to be intimately associated with edaphic
et al., 2010), mean tree height (Chave et al., 2005), mean wood specific variables (Wittmann et al., 2010; Assis et al., 2015b, Targhetta et al.,
gravity (Baker et al., 2004b; DeWalt and Chave, 2004; Stegen et al., 2015). It is therefore only possible to disentangle the influence of
2009) and, maximum individual biomass (Stegen et al., 2011). edaphic variables and flooding on AGWB by jointly considering these
Soil properties, including drainage ability, have also been re- gradients. The main objective of this study was to estimate AGWB
peatedly reported as highly important for variation in species compo- across four different floodplain forests in central-western Amazonia and
sition and other forest structure components at large (e.g. ter Steege evaluate how AGWB is related to hydroperiod and soil properties. More
et al., 1993; Ruokolainen et al., 1997; Sollins, 1998) and local scales specifically, we addressed the following questions: (i) how do forest
(Clark et al.,1995; Condit et al., 2013). For example, changes in AGWB structure and species composition on the different floodplains affect
have been attributed to soil fertility (DeWalt and Chave, 2004; Paoli AGWB patterns? and (ii) what is the role of edaphic variables and the
et al., 2008; Quesada et al., 2009). However, most studies have been hydroperiod in determining patterns of AGWB?
conducted at large spatial scales and few studies have analyzed the
effects of soil fertility on AGWB at local scales (Laurance et al., 1999; 2. Material and methods
Ferry et al., 2010). Moreover, a common denominator for existing
studies is that the vast majority have been conducted in upland terra 2.1. Study areas
firme forest (i.e. forests not subjected to periodic flooding). A more
refined understanding of how different environmental variables affect Floristic inventories were conducted in four floodplain forests along
patterns of AGWB across different forest types in Amazonia is therefore different tributaries of the Solimões (=Amazon) river: Purus (S4°19′;
lacking. W61°52′), Tefé (S4°9′; W65°6′), Juruá (S3°14′; W66°3′) and Jutaí
In Amazonia, floodplain forests subjected to predictable, long- (S3°22′; W67°28′; Fig. 1). All study areas are located at approximately
lasting, and monomodal flood pulses cover vast areas (Melack and Hess, the same latitude (2° S), but are separated longitudinally by a minimum
2010; Junk et al., 2011). These floodplains are divided into different and maximum distance of 120 and 600 km, respectively. The floodplain
types based on the hydro-chemical properties of the rivers that inundate forests at each site are affected by an annual, long-lasting (> 5 months)
them. The two major floodplain systems in Amazonia are called várzea flood pulse, so the trees are subjected to alternating terrestrial and
and igapó. Várzea forests occupy approximately 450,000 km2 and occur aquatic phases with a seasonal inundation of up to 230 days per year
along white-water rivers rich in Tertiary/Quaternary sediments origi- (flood pulse, sensu Junk et al., 1989). The forests surveyed are con-
nating from the Andes or pre-Andean regions. Due to the annual de- sidered pristine as they are located distant of urban centres. Annual
position of nutrient rich sediments, these forests are highly fertile (Junk rainfall averages approximately 2800, 2700, 2500 and 2600 mm, for
et al., 2011). Igapó forests cover an area of approximately 300,000 km2 Jutaí, Juruá, Tefé and Purus, respectively. None of these areas have
and occur on floodplains along black- and clear-water rivers that carry more than one month per year with rainfall < 100 mm (Sombroek,
small amounts of Tertiary sediment originating from the Guyana and 2001).
Central Brazilian Shields (Sioli, 1965; Prance, 1979; Melack and Hess, The Purus and Juruá rivers are white-water rivers carrying large
2010; Junk et al., 2011). These are low fertility systems, as they lack the amounts of nutrient-rich sediments from the Andes. Floodplains along
significant seasonal input of nutrient rich sediments (Junk et al., 2011). these rivers are thus classified as várzea and their substrates are highly
A third, but less extensive, floodplain type was also recently supported fertile. The Tefé and Jutaí rivers carry paleo-sediments originating from
based on an analysis of tree species composition - paleo-várzea (Assis the Andes, and are therefore classed as floodplain paleo-várzeas (Junk
et al., 2015a). It covers approximately 125,000 km2 and occurs on et al., 2011; Assis et al., 2015a).
fluvial Andean deposits that have been abandoned by white-water
rivers. These floodplains are inundated by small to intermediate black- 2.2. Floristic inventories
water rivers that originate in cratonic areas and carry these already
once-deposited paleo-sediments (Junk et al., 2011). Floristic inventories were conducted during the 2009 and 2010 low-

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

Fig. 1. Map of the Amazon basin (insert) with the four study regions indicated (black dots). Black circles within each river basin represent the sample plots.

water season. In total, 12 ha of floodplain forest were inventoried across database had more than one reference for WSG, we used the average of
27 forest plots (six in each of Juruá, Jutaí and Tefé and nine in Purus); the listed values. When a species was missing from the database, we
three hectares in each river basin. Inventory plots ranged from 0.25 to used the average for the respective genus or family. The same criterion
1.0 ha in size in order to avoid large differences in hydroperiod within was applied for individuals allocated to morpho-species. We pre-
plots. All inventory plots were located in late-successional forest and ferentially used WSG data from specimens collected in tropical South
the distance between plots within the same study area ranged from 0.5 America. Since variation among taxa within the same family and genera
to 10 km (Fig. 1). All live trees ≥10 cm in diameter at breast height is relatively low (Baker et al., 2004b), we assume that this practice is
(DBH) were tagged, identified, and had their DBH and height measured. not significantly biasing our results.
Plots were divided into sub-plots measuring 25 × 25 m to facilitate
measurements. Tree heights were measured using a clinometer for three
to five trees per sub-plot, and the height of the remaining individuals 2.4. Above-ground woody biomass (AGWB)
were estimated based on these measurements.
Vouchers were collected from all trees and transported to the her- Basal area (in cm2) was calculated for all sampled trees using the
barium at the National Institute of Amazonian Research (INPA), following formula: BA = π × (d/2)2, where d is DBH in cm. For esti-
Manaus, where they were identified to the lowest taxonomic level mating biomass, we applied three allometric models for all recorded
possible. Specimens not identified to species were assigned to morpho- trees:
species. Only fertile material was permanently deposited in the INPA
herbarium. (1) Based on Cannell (1984) equation: AGWB = 0.6 × ρ × h × π × (d/2)2
The floristic inventories contained 7722 trees, belonging to a (2) Based on Chave et al. (2005): AGWB = 0.112 × (ρ × h × d2)0.916
minimum of 518 species, 203 genera and 55 families across the 12 ha of (3) Based on Chave et al. (2005): AGWB = 0.0509 × ρ × h × d2
floodplain forests. Species richness was highest in Purus (213 species),
followed by Tefé (192), Juruá and Jutaí (146 each). Overall, approxi- where: ρ is wood specific gravity; h is tree height (in m), and d is
mately 80% of all trees were identified to species, while around 20% DBH (in cm).
were only identified to genus level. Less than 1% were determined to These models were chosen as there is no specific allometric equation
family level or remained unidentified. Further details on species com- for calculating AGWB in floodplain forests. Previous studies have found
position and diversity can be found in Assis et al. (2017). these equations to have good confidence, mainly because these models
consider WSG and tree height as predictors (Chave et al., 2005; Malhi
et al., 2006; Schöngart et al., 2010; Hawes et al., 2012). Thus, an
2.3. Wood specific gravity
average of the three allometric models was used to estimate AGWB.
Subsequently, we aggregated all individual tree BA and AGWB values
Wood specific gravity (WSG) values were obtained from the Global
within a sample plot and extrapolated to a per hectare measure
Wood Density Database (Chave et al., 2009; Zanne et al., 2009). Most of
(m2 ha−1 for total basal area and Mg ha−1 for AGWB).
the sampled species are included in this database. When a species in the

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

Table 1
Biomass-related variables averaged across each study site. Different letters between sites represent significant differences (p < 0.01) based on Mann-Whitney U tests.
BAL = basal area of large trees.
Site Tree density (stems ha−1) Total basal area (m2 ha−1) Average WSG Average tree height (m) BAL (%) AGWB (Mg ha−1)

Juruá 615.3b 36.88a 0.57 ± 0.15b 17.91 ± 5.96a 49.5a 282.07a

Jutaí 748a 37.46a 0.63 ± 0.13a 15.44 ± 7.43b 38.8b 309.4a
Purus 626.3b 35.74a 0.58 ± 0.17b 13.03 ± 4.33d 39.1b 188.2b
Tefé 583.3b 26.59b 0.65 ± 0.16a 14.09 ± 3.39c 39.3b 178.2b

2.5. Substrate and flooding We adopted two strategies to evaluate the influence of edaphic
variables and hydroperiod on AGWB. First, we performed a Principal
Three soil samples (from 0 to 20 cm depth) were collected at ran- Component Analysis (PCA) to describe major gradients in hydroperiod
domly chosen points within each plot with a soil auger. These samples and soil data, using a subset of 19 variables (hydroperiod plus the 18
were subsequently mixed to produce one composite sample per plot edaphic components) that were recorded in all 27 plots. The gradients
(1 ha). Three samples per plot are assumed to be sufficient for the soil were thus summarized into four main PCA axes (PCA 1–4), and their
analysis. As most nutrients and soil particles in these forests arrive from importance for AGWB were tested using GLMMs. We applied the PCA
the adjacent river during flooding, the soil characteristics are very si- axes to ensure that the models do not suffer from collinearity effects,
milar across large areas, but may differ depending on local topography because the ordination axes are statistically independent.
(i.e. flooding level; Wittmann et al., 2004). Second, we tested the individual effect of the predictor variables on
All samples were analyzed at the EMBRAPA Soil Laboratory in patterns of AGWB. As predictors for the GLMMs, we used the largest set
Manaus. In total, eighteen edaphic components were considered: three of weakly correlated variables (t ≤ |0.4|: sand, silt, N, P, Fe, Mn, Al and
textural (contents of clay, sand and silt) and thirteen chemical (C, N, P, pH (see Supplementary Information Table S2)). For model validation,
K, Na, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Ca, Mg, Al, CEC - Cation Exchange Capacity and we plotted the residuals against the fitted values for all the GLMMs.
pH). Details of laboratory methods used for soil analyses can be found All statistical analyses were performed in R 3.4.1 (R Core Team
in EMBRAPA (1997) and Fearnside and Leal-Filho (2001). 2013), with packages “hier.part” (Walsh and Mac Nally, 2013) for the
Flooding period was estimated following Wittmann and Junk hierarchical partitioning analysis, “vegan” (Oksanen et al., 2015) for
(2003) and Schöngart and Junk (2007). This method consists of mea- the ordination analysis (PCA), “MASS” (Venables and Ripley, 2002),
suring the maximum flood level of the last high-water period for each “VGAM” (Thomas, 2010) for GOF, and “nlme” (Pinheiro et al., 2018)
tree, evidenced by a pronounced water mark on the tree trunks. These for the GLMMs.
measurements were coupled with data from the nearest river gauge
stations, all regulated by the Brazilian National Water Agency (ANA,
3. Results
2010). They contain information on historical river levels that have
been recorded for one to four decades. Details of gauge stations used are
3.1. Forest structure and AGWB
presented in the supplementary material (Table S1). All references to
flooding hereafter refer to mean flood duration (days year−1).
All forest structure variables and AGWB estimates varied sub-
stantially both between and within the sites surveyed (Table 1, Fig. 2).
Total basal area and basal area of large trees (> 40 cm DBH) were
2.6. Analyses
highest in Juruá, whereas Jutaí had the highest tree densities. Average
WSG was higher in Jutaí and Tefé compared to Purus and Juruá, and
In order to improve homoscedasticity, all environmental variables
AGWB had significantly higher estimates for Juruá and Jutaí compared
were transformed to zero skewness (cf. Sokal and Rohlf, 1995), i.e. after
to Purus and Tefé. Average tree height was the only variable that was
the transformation, all variables had values ranging from 0 to 1. We
significantly different in all survey sites.
used Mann-Whitney nonparametric U-tests to evaluate the significance
Overall, sites differed substantially in relation to the contribution of
(at p < 0.01) of forest structure variables (i.e. tree density, total basal
structural parameters (total basal area, mean height, WSG average and
area, mean tree height and mean WSG) on AGWB among study areas, as
tree density) to AGWB. Basal area was the most important factor con-
several variables were not normally distributed. We used Kendall’s
tributing to AGWB values at all sites, except for Tefé (Fig. 3A–D). In
nonparametric correlation t tests (Kendall, 1938) to analyze for corre-
Tefé, WSG was most important. Tree height was important in Jutaí and
lations between predictor variables (i.e. the different edaphic properties
Purus, and all variables appear to have a similar contribution to AGWB
and hydroperiod). We applied hierarchical partitioning at site level to
in Jutaí.
determine the relative importance of each forest structure variable for
The influence of different DBH classes on total AGWB was similar
patterns of AGWB.
across sites. Tefé was the site where trees > 70 cm DBH contributed the
For the analyses, we used Generalized Linear Mixed Models
least, only 6%, to the total AGWB. At the other sites, trees of this dia-
(GLMMs; Breslow and Clayton, 1993; Lee and Nelder, 1996), assuming
meter class comprised on average 12–13% of the total AGWB
autocorrelation between the sample units. The GLMMs are re-
(Fig. 3A–D, in bars).
commended, because they fit overall fixed effects when the sample
units are spatially correlated (nested). In the current study, each study
area (river basin) was used as random effect, and the relative support 3.2. Importance of floristic composition for AGWB
for each model was determined through Akaike’s Information Criterion
(AICc), considering both the relative likelihood (L) of each model and Two families, Fabaceae and Lecythidaceae, concentrated about one
its complexity (i.e. number of explanatory variables included in the third (33%) of the total AGWB across the four study sites. Fabaceae
model; Akaike, 1981). The response variables were tested for normal supported the highest AGWB values for Juruá and Purus, whereas
distribution by applying the Shapiro–Wilk test of normality. When not Lecythidaceae was the most important contributor to AGWB in Jutaí
normally distributed, we applied the goodness-of-fit (GOF) test to verify and Tefé (Table 2). The ten most important families combined corre-
which distribution pattern (e.g. Poisson, Zero-inflated Poisson, Nega- sponded to ≥80% of the total AGWB for Jutaí, Juruá and Tefé, whereas
tive binomial) provided a better fit. the contribution was somewhat lower for Purus (67.3%). Juruá had the

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375



Total basal area (m2/m2)
Number of stems




b a b b a a a b
Juruá Jutaí
Jutaí Purus
Purus Tefé
Tefé Juruá
Juruá Jutaí
Jutaí Purus
Purus Tefé


Basal area of large trees (%)

Tree height average (m)




a b b b a b d c

Juruá Jutaí
Jutaí Purus
Purus Tefé
Tefé Juruá
Juruá Jutaí
Jutaí Purus
Purus Tefé


AGWB (Mg/m2)
Average WSG



b a b a a a b b

Juruá Jutaí
Jutaí Purus
Purus Tefé
Tefé Juruá
Juruá Jutaí
Jutaí Purus
Purus Tefé

Fig. 2. Boxplots of (A) number of stems, (B) total basal area, (C) basal area of large trees, (D) average tree height, (E) average WSG and (F) AGWB across sample plots
(25 × 25 m) in each study site. The boxes represent the middle 50% of the data, the line in the middle is the median, and the edges are the 25th and 75th percentiles.
Different letters (lower case) within the same sub-figure represent significant differences at p < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney U tests).

highest concentration of AGWB in a single family (Fabaceae, 25%; surinamensis was the only species present among the ten most important
Table 2). contributors in all four study areas. However, E. albiflora contributed
Individual species contribution to total AGWB was more variable. the most to total AGWB values when all four sites were combined. The
Only four species, Eschweilera albiflora, Eschweilera ovalifolia, Licania ten species contributing most to AGWB values exceeded 50% for Jutaí
micrantha and Virola surinamensis, were among the top ten most im- and Juruá, whereas for Purus and Tefé the corresponding values were
portant contributors to AGWB in more than one site (Table 3). V. 40–41% (Table 3).

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

A) Jutaí B) Juruá
Basal area Basal area
Height 10-20 cm, 15% 10-20 cm, 13%

20-40 cm, 35% 20-40 cm, 36%

40-70 cm, 37% 40-70 cm, 38%
Tree Tree
density >70 cm, 12% density >70 cm, 12%

C) Purus D) Tefé Height

Basal area
Basal area
10-20 cm, 16%
10-20 cm, 21%
20-40 cm, 41% WSG
20-40 cm, 36%

WSG 40-70 cm, 29%

40-70 cm, 37%
>70 cm, 13% Tree
density >70 cm, 6%
Fig. 3. The proportional contribution of mean tree height (m; black), average WSG (dark gray), mean tree density (stems ha−1; light gray) and total basal area
(m2 ha−1; white) to AGWB estimates in the four study areas. The contribution of different DBH classes are presented separately for each site.

3.3. Influence of environmental factors on AGWB sand and silt (PCA4). Plots from Jutaí and Tefé (paleo-várzea sites) are
dominated by sandy soils and are loosely clustered to the right side of
The PCA ordination of the full set of environmental variables shows the ordination diagram, whereas plots from Juruá and Purus (várzea
that the first axis (PCA1) explained almost 61% of the total variation in sites) are dominated by clayish substrates and are clustered to the left
the dataset. This axis was correlated with most of the edaphic para- side of the ordination diagram (Fig. 4).
meters, including sand, clay, N, K, and CEC (Fig. 4). PCA2 was also The GLMMs show that the null model best describes the observed
correlated with a number of edaphic variables (clay, pH, C, and Al), but patterns of AGWB, explaining approximately 46% of the observed
was the only PCA axis significantly correlated with hydroperiod. The variation (Table 4). PCA3 alone explained 21% of the AGWB variation
subsequent PCA axes were mainly correlated with Fe and P (PCA3), and and PCA3 is listed as the best predictor in five of the ten best models.

Table 2
Total above-ground woody biomass (AGWB, in Mg ha−1) and the percentage contribution of
the ten most important families for the study areas in four southern tributaries of the Solimões
(=Amazon) river, central Amazonia, Brazil. Families are listed in descending order of their
contribution to AGWB. Values presented in light gray are the sum of AGWB from the 10 most
important families for each study area. The dark gray row represents the summed AGWB of the
remaining families combined.

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

Table 3
Total above-ground woody biomass (AGWB, in Mg ha−1) and the percentage contribution of
the ten most important species for the study areas in four southern tributaries of the Solimões
(=Amazon) river, central Amazonia, Brazil. Species are listed in descending order of their
contribution to AGWB. Values presented in light gray are the sum of AGWB from the 10 most
important species for each study area. The dark gray row represents the summed AGWB of the
remaining species combined.

thirteen most reliable models presented in Table 5, the models that

considered any of the edaphic variables alone or combined explained
only 32.6% of the variation in AGWB.

4. Discussion

4.1. Distribution of AGWB across river basins

In the current study, AGWB values in floodplain forests were highly

variable across the four river basins. For example, AGWB was about
twice as high in Juruá and Jutaí compared to Purus and Tefé. This result
is in line with previous studies at large spatial scales in the Amazon,
where a similar variability in AGWB has been observed (e.g. DeWalt
and Chave, 2004; Malhi et al., 2006; Saatchi et al., 2009; Quesada et al.,
2010; Baraloto et al., 2011). However, the common denominator for
these studies is that they focused on terra firme forest. The current
study therefore suggests that a similar tendency can be observed for the
floodplains, particularly at a regional scale. In addition, values pre-
sented here show that AGWB in Amazonian várzea and paleo-várzea
forests may be comparable to terra firme forest estimates at least in
some regions (DeWalt and Chave, 2004; Baraloto et al., 2011).
Fig. 4. Ordination diagram containing the PCA plot scores from PCA1 and
PCA2, including the edaphic variables and hydroperiod. The orientation of
Large trees contribute substantially to the AGWB in most tropical
arrows indicates the direction of the correlation and arrow length is related to forests worldwide (Slik et al., 2013). However, large trees were not an
the strength of the correlation. important contributor to AGWB estimates in the current study. The
Juruá plots had a higher number of large individuals than the other
three sites, yet differences in the contribution to AGWB between larger
Hydroperiod was the second best predictor (explaining approximately
and smaller stems was not significant across study sites. In addition,
8% of the variation in AGWB), followed by PCA2, PCA1 and PCA4,
Jutaí, Purus and Tefé supported very similar numbers of large in-
dividuals, but were highly different in AGWB. Large floodplain trees
The null model also best explained the variation in AGWB when
have a lower stature than their terra firme counterparts (Campbell
considering the set of uncorrelated substrate properties as explanatory
et al., 1986; Palminteri et al., 2012), which may explain their reduced
variables. After the null model, Fe was the best predictor. Fe was highly
importance for the AGWB values. The canopy heights observed in the
associated with PCA3 and was the only variable that appeared three
present study are similar to other studies from Amazonian floodplains
times in the list of most important predictors in the GLMMs, always
where mature forest canopy height averaged 15–19 m (e.g. Schöngart
negatively influencing AGWB. Aluminum was the third best predictor,
et al., 2010) - substantially lower than in terra firme.
and explained approximately 3.5% of the AGWB variation. Among the
The importance of the different forest structure variables used to

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

Table 4
The 10 best Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs) ranked according to their importance. GLMMs included all possible combinations of hydroperiod and PCA
axes (1–4) as explanatory variables and AGWB as the response variable. df = degrees of freedom.
Rank Intercept Hydroperiod PCA1 PCA2 PCA3 PCA4 df logLik AICc delta weight

1 0.430 3 −1.50 10.1 0 0.46

2 0.428 0.23 4 −0.91 11.6 1.59 0.21
3 0.349 0.16 4 −1.91 13.6 3.58 0.08
4 0.429 0.09 4 −2.38 14.6 4.52 0.05
5 0.436 −0.09 4 −2.44 14.7 4.65 0.04
6 0.429 0.05 4 −2.48 14.8 4.73 0.04
7 0.416 0.02 0.23 5 −1.64 16.1 6.08 0.02
8 0.428 0.23 0.04 5 −1.99 16.8 6.78 0.01
9 0.429 0.04 0.22 5 −2.03 16.9 6.87 0.01
10 0.433 −0.06 0.22 5 −2.09 17 6.98 0.01

Table 5
Main results from the Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs), which included all possible combinations of nine substrate properties as explanatory variables and
AGWB as response variable. df = degrees of freedom.
Rank Intercept Sand Silt N P Fe Mn Al pH d.f. AICc Delta Weight (%)

1 −0.89 2 10.2 0 9.9

2 −0.35 −1.1 3 11.9 1.71 4.2
3 −1.25 0.7 3 12.3 2.10 3.4
4 −1.16 0.5 3 12.5 2.30 3.1
5 −0.71 −0.4 3 12.6 2.37 3.0
6 −1.03 0.2 3 12.7 2.51 2.8
7 −0.99 0.2 3 12.7 2.51 2.8
8 −0.94 0.08 3 12.8 2.54 2.8
9 −0.93 0.1 3 12.8 2.54 2.8
10 −0.6 −1.8 1 4 14.1 3.90 1.4
11 −0.7 −1.2 0.7 4 14.2 3.93 1.4
12 0.11 −0.7 −1.4 4 14.2 3.98 1.4

predict AGWB were highly variable across river basins. Only total basal 1979; Ferreira, 1997; Haugaasen and Peres, 2006; Wittmann et al.,
area was relatively important at all investigated sites. In Jutaí, the 2010; Assis et al., 2017) and in terra firme (Gentry 1988, 1992;
contribution of the different forest structure variables to AGWB was Terborgh and Andresen, 1998; ter Steege et al., 2000, 2006). Lecythi-
almost equal. Coincidentally, it was also Jutaí that supported the daceae, a family that comprises species of large trees with relatively
highest AGWB values. This may indicate that an equal importance high WSG was the most important family in paleo-várzea, and the
across the forest structure variables (i.e. similar percentage contribution second most important family for AGWB estimates overall. Other fa-
of WSG and height classes), correspond to higher AGWB. In addition, milies with similar characteristics, such as Sapotaceae and Myr-
these results highlight the importance of accounting for as many forest isticaceae, were also important across the study areas. These results
structure variables as possible (e.g. DBH, height, and WSG) during indicate that, although of minor importance, the floristic component
forest inventories to achieve reliable AGWB estimates. plays a small role for AGWB stocks on Amazonian várzea and paleo-
Across Amazonian terra firme forests, WSG is a major factor de- várzea floodplains.
termining patterns of AGWB (Baker et al., 2004b; Malhi et al., 2006). We mainly found late-successional species with high WSG (e.g. from
Since average WSG for a forest site is largely driven by species com- the genera Eschweilera, Licania, Pouteria, Tapura and Caryocar) among
position, it is expected that the floristic composition accounts for a large the ten most important species for AGWB in Jutaí and Tefé.
fraction of WSG variations at large spatial scales in Amazonia. Yet, WSG Contrastingly, Juruá and Purus plots contained several early-succes-
was of minor importance in the current study. Instead, total basal area sional species often characterized by low WSG among the most im-
contributed most to AGWB at all forest sites. Species composition portant species (e.g. Lueheopsis rosea, Leonia crassa, Pseudobombax
therefore appears to be of minor importance for AGWB in the floodplain munguba and Luehea cymulosa). All four study sites were located in late-
forests studied. This is reinforced by the fact that the floristic similarity successional forest, but the presence of species typical of earlier suc-
across forest sites with similar substrates was not reflected in AGWB cessional stages may indicate that forest turnover in Juruá and Purus
patterns. Juruá and Purus (várzea forests) are floristically similar and so are higher than in Jutaí and Tefé (Schöngart et al., 2010). This is in line
are Jutaí and Tefé (paleo-várzea forests), but the two floodplain forest with the higher geomorphological dynamics (erosion and deposition) in
types differ substantially in species composition (Assis et al., 2017). várzea floodplains compared to paleo-várzea areas (Irion et al., 2010;
AGWB was highest in Jutaí (paleo-várzea), followed by Juruá (várzea), Assis et al., 2015a).
Purus (várzea) and Tefé (paleo-várzea), respectively. A similar trend Studies in terra firme support the hypothesis that forests with high
was observed for patterns of alpha-diversity, with substantially higher turnover rates have lower biomass (Phillips et al., 1998; Baker et al.,
alpha-diversity in Tefé (α = 29.5), followed by Purus (α = 28.4), Juruá 2004a). This is due the fact that larger, long-lived trees with higher
(α = 26.2) and Jutaí (α = 18.7). This indicates that high measures of WSG are associated with late-successional forests. Moreover, the ac-
alpha- or beta-diversity may not necessarily reflect high biomass stocks cumulation of large trees drives an increase in the local biomass pools
in Amazonian várzea and paleo-várzea forests. (Quesada et al., 2010). In the current study, we observed the highest
Fabaceae was the most dominant family and accounted for at least average WSG in Tefé. However, Tefé also had the lowest number of
15% of the total AGWB values at all study sites. This reinforces the individuals, probably because disturbance processes are rarer and
importance of Fabaceae, which reportedly is the most abundant family turnover rates are lower than at the other investigated sites. Jutaí was
both in Amazonian floodplains (e.g. Ayres, 1993; Keel and Prance, intermediate with a high concentration of AGWB in species with high

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

WSG, but also had several species typical of early-successional forest of P for NPP and biomass in the tropics has so far only been reported for
stages. Schöngart et al. (2010) reported similar observations for unflooded tropical forests. The current study is therefore the first to suggest
floodplain forests in the Mamirauá Reserve. They found slightly higher that this element also appears to be of some importance in várzea and
AGWB in old secondary forests (50 years old) compared to late-suc- paleo-várzea forests, where soil fertility is generally higher than in non-
cessional forests (240 years old). Intermediate turnover rates may flooded terra firme forests.
therefore promote higher AGWB in the floodplain types surveyed. This Another individual soil element that influenced the observed AGWB
differs substantially from observations in terra firme forests (Phillips patterns in this study was Aluminum (Al). Several studies show a ne-
et al., 1998; Baker et al., 2004a; Quesada et al., 2010). gative impact of Al on plant physiology and attribute this to the toxicity
that Al may have for plants (Taylor, 1988; Bennet and Breen, 1991;
4.2. Influence of edaphic parameters and hydroperiod on AGWB Ryan et al., 1993). In the current study, however, there was a positive
relationship between Al and AGWB. For Amazonian terra firme forests,
Hydroperiod was more important than soil fertility and had a slight Laurance et al. (1999) observed similar associations between Al and
positive influence on AGWB at the study sites. This is in agreement with biomass. This may occur because Al is associated with clayey soils,
previous studies showing that mature várzea forests with the longest in- which in turn are positively related to soil fertility (Lenthe, 1991). This
undation period have higher AGWB (Wittmann et al., 2006; Hawes et al., explains why biomass tended to be higher in sites richer in clay,
2012). Small differences in the topography may therefore be more im- whereas the models applied showed a negative association between
portant for AGWB on the floodplains than in terra firme forest (Quesada AGWB and sand. However, soil texture only had a minor effect on the
et al., 2010). This is because even small changes in topography may cor- biomass patterns that we observed. The same was the case for pH.
respond to substantial changes in the hydroperiod. Several studies show The importance of Nitrogen for forest biomass in rainforests is still un-
that slight variations in topography and the associated differences in hy- certain. Some studies present N as a key limiting factor for tree growth in
droperiod are important for species richness and composition (Campbell lowland forests (Biot et al., 1997; Laurance et al., 1999), whereas others
et al., 1986; Balslev et al., 1987; Worbes et al., 1992; Duivenvoorden, 1996; have shown that N rarely limits tree growth (Sollins, 1998). In the present
Wittmann et al., 2004, 2010; Assis et al., 2015b). These studies all report a study, N was of minor importance for AGWB. Similarly, Assis et al. (2015b)
decrease in species richness with increasing flooding, which is opposite to reported that N only played a secondary role for tree alpha-diversity and
the tendency for AGWB in the current study. This may occur because trees tree species distribution. This is probably because tropical forest substrates
tend to grow slower when subjected to prolonged floods and thus in- generally have high N concentrations (Bourgeois et al., 1972; Sanchez,
corporate more biomass in more constrained tree rings. Consequently, this 1976; Hedin et al., 2009), and its impact on species distribution is thus
results in higher WSG across individual tree species, since tree rings are usually low (Huston, 1980). This is especially true for the Amazonian várzea
more compact (Wittmann et al., 2006; Hawes et al., 2012). floodplains, which are generally rich in N and this element therefore is
Patterns of AGWB observed across the different floodplain forests ap- unlikely to limit tree growth.
peared to be unrelated to differences in soil fertility. This is evidenced by In sum, our results revealed that hydroperiod is more important
lower AGWB in Purus where substrates are more nutrient rich than in Jutaí, than edaphic characteristics for AGWB patterns, despite a constant
where AGWB was higher. Tefé and Purus had very similar AGWB values, input of nutrients to the floodplains by the rivers during the high-water
despite very distinct soil fertility. To some extent, this corresponds to the periods. Yet, some individual edaphic elements, such as P availability
findings of Schöngart et al. (2010), which also did not find differences in and Al toxicity also appear to influence AGWB stocks on Amazonian
AGWB between mature igapó and várzea forests. floodplains along várzea or paleo-várzea rivers. In addition, AGWB
Yet, some individual soil elements had an impact on AGWB. For stocks in floodplain forests do not appear to be determined by an
example, apart from the null model, the best GLMM was the model only abundance of large trees and/or species with high WSG in the same way
containing Fe (Table 5). The negative relation between iron and AGWB as in terra firme forests. Instead, our observations suggest that a balance
could be related to the phytotoxic properties of divalent Fe, which is between several forest structure variables (e.g. tree abundance, average
caused by oxygen deficiency in waterlogged soils (Kozlowski, 1984; WSG, average tree heights, etc.) is more important for biomass stocks.
Snowdon and Wheeler, 1995; De Simone et al., 2002). This is in ac-
cordance with Assis et al. (2015b), who found that alpha-diversity is 5. Conclusions
likely to decrease with increasing substrate Fe concentrations. Iron is
therefore an important factor for patterns of species composition in The present study highlights that Amazonian forests subjected to
floodplain forests, despite reports from experimental studies showing predictable and long-lasting flooding contain a substantial amount of
that some Amazonian floodplain tree species are relatively insensitive AGWB. This is of concern since floodplain forests, particularly várzea,
to Fe toxicity (De Simone et al., 2002). are among the most threatened ecosystems in Amazonia due to direct
Moreover, Fe is known to play an important role for the nutrient anthropogenic influences, such as selective logging, agricultural activ-
availability in soils. Iron oxides absorb P, thus making this element un- ities and hydropower development. In addition, these forests are likely
available to plant roots (Alexander, 1989). This may explain why the as- to be disproportionately affected by climate change (Junk et al., 2010).
sociation of AGWB and Fe was negative in the models, while P had a po- Moreover, Brazil has among the highest carbon emissions in the world,
sitive effect on AGWB. Phosphorus has been repeatedly shown to be the mainly due to deforestation and habitat degradation (IPCC, 2013).
main limiting soil nutrient for forest productivity worldwide (Vitousek, Therefore, policies that better protect forest ecosystems are funda-
1982, 1984; Cuevas and Medina, 1986; Vitousek and Sanford, 1986; Silver, mental for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Data on tree growth,
1994; Reich et al., 1995; McGrath et al., 2001; Paoli and Curran, 2007; either obtained through dendrochronological studies or by using
Quesada et al., 2010). This pattern is even stronger in the tropics, because dendrometer bands, are needed to understand how shifts in nutrient
forest soils undergo more intense weathering processes that reduce P pools availability influence biomass accumulation and carbon stocks Ama-
available to plants – mainly through leaching and/or occlusion of P by Fe zonian floodplains over time.
and Al oxides that alter the chemical state of both organic and inorganic P
(Walker and Syers, 1976; Quesada et al., 2010). Since P is an essential Acknowledgments
element for the carboxylation in photosynthesis and thus for primary pro-
duction (Raaimakers et al., 1995; Crews et al., 1995; Herbert and Fownes, This research was supported by the INPA/Max Planck Project
1995; Raich et al., 1996; Kitayama et al., 2004), biomass accumulation as a Manaus, the Brazilian Council of Science and Technology [Universal
product of forest net primary productivity (NPP) is highly correlated to P 479599/2008-4], and PRONEX CNPq-FAPEAM, Áreas Úmidas, MAUA.
availability (Paoli and Curran, 2007; Quesada et al., 2010). The importance RLA was supported by a doctoral scholarship from the Norwegian State

R.L. de Assis et al. Forest Ecology and Management 432 (2019) 365–375

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