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Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171

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Journal of Hydrology
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Research papers

Relevance of hydrological variables in water-saving efficiency of

domestic rainwater tanks: Multivariate statistical analysis
Leonardo Rosa Andrade a, Adelena Gonçalves Maia b,⇑, Paulo Sérgio Lucio c
Faculdades Integradas de Cacoal (UNESC), Rua dos Esportes, 1.038, INCRA, CEP 78.976-215 Cacoal, RO, Brazil
Civil Engineering Department, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), UFRN/CT/LARHISA, Cx. Postal 1524, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59072-970
Natal, RN, Brazil
Atmospheric and Climate Sciences Department, UFRN, UFRN/CCET/PPGCC, Cx. Postal 1524, Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59072-970 Natal, RN, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This research investigated the relevance of four hydrological variables in the performance of a domestic
Received 12 August 2016 rainwater harvesting (DRWH) system. The hydrological variables investigated are average annual rainfall
Received in revised form 29 November 2016 (P), precipitation concentration degree (PCD), antecedent dry weather period (ADWP), and ratio of dry
Accepted 15 December 2016
days to rainy days (nD/nR). Principal component analyses are used to group the water-saving efficiency
Available online 21 December 2016
This manuscript was handled by A.
into a select set of variables, and the relevance of the hydrological variables in a water-saving efficiency
Bardossy, Editor-in-Chief system was studied using canonical correlation analysis. The P associated with PCD, ADWP, or nD/nR
attained a better correlation with water-saving efficiency than single P. We conclude that empirical mod-
els that represent a large combinations of roof-surface areas, rainwater-tank sizes, water demands, and
Rainfall regime rainfall regimes should also consider a variable for precipitation temporal variability, and treat it as an
Hydrological variables independent variable.
Principal components Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Canonical correlation

1. Introduction Currently, the performance of domestic rainwater harvesting

(DRWH) systems is evaluated by reservoir water balance using
Population growth in cities has a significant impact on the long-term rainfall time series (Ghisi et al., 2006; Ghisi et al.,
quantitative and qualitative availability of fresh water resources, 2007; Imteaz et al., 2012; Rahman et al., 2012; Mehrabadi et al.,
requiring new approaches to water management in urban areas 2013). These studies provide DRWH performance indices for differ-
(Palla et al., 2011). In some regions of the world, authorities are ent rainwater tank sizes, roof-surface areas, and levels of demand.
adopting alternatives to meet the growing demand for fresh water, However, these results are applied only in specific locations that
including the use of rainwater, water reuse, and desalination. provided rainwater tank outcomes related to specific rainfall time
The use of alternative water sources is very important for series. Other research has sought an empirical relationship
managing water resources, and the use of rainwater is one measure between the DRWH performance indices and some of the following
that has been adopted for water conservation, not only for domes- variables: rainwater tank size, roof area, demand, and a hydrolog-
tic use but also for industrial use (Khastagir and Jayasuriya, 2010; ical variable (Eroksuz and Rahman, 2010; Rahman et al., 2012;
Palla et al., 2012). Rainwater has been used to supplement other Hajani and Rahman, 2014b). The empirical models can also use
water supplies in several parts of the world where the conven- dimensionless index-like independent variables (Fewkes, 1999;
tional water supply system does not satisfactorily meet the needs Khastagir and Jayasuriya, 2010; Liaw and Chiang, 2014a). However,
of the population (Liaw and Tsai, 2004). In Australia, government the equation that represents the relationship between the DRWH
officials offer incentives and subsidies to promote the installation performance indices and the independent variables only can be
of rainwater utilization systems (Imteaz et al., 2012; Rahman applied in the region that provides the long-term time series data
et al., 2012). In Brazil, public funding supported the installation used for analysis.
of more than 580,000 rainwater tanks in rural areas throughout In empirical models, the main hydrological variable used is the
the country. average annual rainfall (P), without incorporating variable repre-
senting the temporal variability of precipitation for a specific
⇑ Corresponding author.
region. This modeling method cannot therefore be extrapolated
E-mail addresses: leo.r.andrade@gmail.com (L.R. Andrade), adelenam@gmail.
across regions with variations in rainfall depending on the time
com (A.G. Maia), pslucio@ccet.ufrn.br (P.S. Lucio). of year; for example, localities may have the same annual rainfall

0022-1694/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
164 L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171

but different temporal variability, thereby producing different large demand, because in these situations the water-saving effi-
rainwater tank efficiency. ciency can be zero, preventing evaluation of the system.
According to Imteaz et al. (2012), many studies have used aver- In this study, the simulations were conducted with the YAS
age annual rainfall data to model a DRWH system; however, in model. The YAS model is based on the following equations (Eqs.
areas of high inter-annual rainfall variability, analysis that consid- (1) and (2)):
ers long-term mean annual rainfall may not be useful. Imteaz et al. 
(2013) evaluated the results of DRWH reliability in different areas Y t ¼ min ; ð1Þ
of Melbourne, Australia, and concluded that it is necessary to V t1 þ It
change the traditional design practice of considering a single 
annual rainfall value for rainwater-tank sizing, and the results of V t1 þ It  Y t
V t ¼ min : ð2Þ
these studies should vary if applied in places with different rainfall C  Yt
intensities and patterns.
where Yt is the volume that supplied the demand in the final time
Palla et al. (2012) evaluated DRWH reliability in the different
interval t; Vt1 is the stored volume in the final time t  1; Vt is
climates of Europe and studied the effect of meteorological param-
the stored volume in the final time interval t (current time); It is
eters such as antecedent dry weather period (ADWP), depth, and
the water drained from the roof to the reservoir in the time interval
intensity and duration of rainfall on the performance of DRWH sys-
t; Dt is the total demand for water in the time interval t; and C is the
tems. They concluded that ADWP was the most significant param-
rainwater tank capacity.
eter correlated with DRWH performance indices.
The reservoir behavior was analyzed for water-saving effi-
The present study investigated the relevance of four hydrologi-
ciency, according to Fewkes (1999), in Eq. (3):
cal variables in the performance of DRWH systems with the intent
to evaluate each hydrological variable in terms of being able to be Yt
used in empirical models. The hydrological variables investigated E ¼ PTt¼1  100: ð3Þ
t¼1 Dt
are average annual rainfall (P), precipitation concentration degree
(PCD), antecedent dry weather period (ADWP), and ratio of dry where E is the system’s water-saving efficiency to meet the demand
days to rainy days (nD/nR). With the exception of P, all other vari- (%); Yt is the volume that supplied the demand in any time interval
ables represent the temporal variability of precipitation. The t; Dt is the total water demand in the time interval t (daily demand);
results of this research: (1) give support for the inclusion of hydro- and T is the total time (in days) of the series. The water-saving effi-
logical variables that represent the temporal variability of precipi- ciency is interpreted as a measure of the system’s quantitative per-
tation in empirical models; (2) present a methodology for formance over the long-term simulation period (Palla et al., 2012).
analyzing the relevance of different variables in water-saving effi- To simulate the performance of a DRWH system, a daily water
ciency of a DRWH system (methodology not unpublished, but not balance simulation model was built in Visual Basic language for
previously applied in DRWH system analyses); and (3) introduce Excel (Microsoft; Redmond, Washington, USA). For each locality,
the variable PCD, which has never been used before in DRWH sys- a 48-year data series of daily rainfall was used. This sort of
tem analyses. approach with long-term rainfall data produces average water-
saving efficiency. For the current research, this approach is suffi-
cient, as we are investigating the relevance of a set of hydrological
variables in water-saving efficiency; the use of average outcomes is
2. Material and methods adequate. It should be noted, however, that if the purpose of the
research is to indicate the degree of water-saving efficiency for
2.1. The behavior model the system-user, it should be clarified that the results presented
are the average efficiency, and because of inter-annual rainfall
The present study was performed in 50 locations in the state of variabilities, is not certain to save the same amount of water every
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil (Fig. 1), all of them with 48-year data year. Another alternative is to present the efficiency of rainwater
series of daily rainfall, covering the same period from 1963 to tanks under different climate conditions (i.e. dry, average, wet
2010. All rainfall series data were provided by Agricultural years), as was done in Imteaz et al. (2012), Imteaz et al. (2013)
Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte State (Empresa de and Hajani and Rahman (2014a).
Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte, EMPARN).
The system behavior analysis was performed with the water 2.2. Scenarios
balance simulation model using daily simulations. Yield before
spillage (YBS) and yield after spillage (YAS) models were developed Simulations of DRWH systems were created for combinations of
by Jenkins et al. (1978) and indicate different rules for reservoir hydrological conditions and system characteristics as follows: 50
operations to carry out simulations. In the YBS model, after- rainfall regimes (with annual rainfall ranging from 477 to
rainfall water has been added, demand is met, and spillage is com- 1699 mm), four rainwater demand amounts (50, 100, 150, and
puted in the model. In the YAS model, demand is met after rainfall 200 L day1), five rainwater-tank sizes (1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m3),
water has been added to the reservoir and spillage has occurred. and four roof-surface areas (50, 100, 150, and 200 m2). Diverse
Mitchell (2007) investigated the impact of the computational combinations of demand, rainwater-tank size, and roof-surface
time step, the computational operation rule (YAS and YBS), the ini- area generated 80 simulations for each of the 50 locations.
tial volume of the reservoir, and the length of the simulation period These scenarios were evaluated by a dimensionless index, pi
on the accuracy of the model. In the results of this study, the YAS (Eq. (4)) defined using the variables: annual rainwater demand
model was more accurate than the YBS model, regardless of the (D), rainwater-tank capacity (C) and roof-surface area (A).
computational time step adopted, and YAS model provided more
conservative efficiency values. However, the fact that the YAS p¼ ð4Þ
model provides a conservative estimate of system performance D5=3
was pointed out by another researcher (Fewkes, 1999) as a critique The p results of 80 combinations of D, C, and A were divided
of the model. Liaw and Tsai (2004) recommended the YBS model, into four groups of equal size (20 elements), classified according
especially when there is a combination of a small reservoir and to the schema presented in Table 1.
L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171 165

Fig. 1. Location of the municipalities studied.

Comfort level 1 shows the best water-saving efficiency results, 2.3. Hydrological variables
once it represents the combination with higher tank capacities
and roof-surface areas with lower annual demand. There is no The hydrological variables investigated in this research are
physical meaning of this dimensionless index, but it can be used average annual rainfall (P), precipitation concentration degree
to analyze the different combinations of demand, rainwater-tank (PCD), antecedent dry weather period (ADWP), and ratio of dry
capacity, and roof-surface area and allow classification of these days to rainy days (nD/nR). Of all of these variables, P is the only
combinations in the functioning of the facility to meet demand. one that does not represent the temporal variability of precipita-
We consider that the comfort level 1 represents the situations in tion. For this reason, the variations in rainfall level in these loca-
which demand is met more easily. The comfort levels 2 and 3 are tions were characterized using the PCD, ADWP, and nD/nR.
able to represent situations with intermediate difficulty in meeting The PCD is defined as the degree to which the total annual rain-
the demand, and comfort level 4 represents the situations in which fall is distributed over 12 months. Li et al. (2011) studied the spa-
demand is hardly met. tial and temporal precipitation variability in Xinjiang, China; the
PCD indicated that the rainfall in Northern Xinjiang was more dis-
Table 1 persed within a year than that in Southern Xinjiang. Zhang et al.
Classification of comfort level by the p values (p0: 0th percentile; p25: 25th (2007) applied this index and analyzed the spatial and temporal
percentile; p50: 50th percentile; p75: 75th percentile; p100: 100th percentile). variability features across different regions of North China in the
P intervals Comfort level rainy season. The results showed that the precipitation over the
P75 < P 6 P100 Comfort level 1 eastern region of North China were more concentrated than in
P50 < P 6 P75 Comfort level 2 the western region and that low pressure from north of the
P25 < P 6 P50 Comfort level 3
Qinghai-Tibet Plateau to the Mongolian Plateau plays an important
P0 < P 6 P25 Comfort level 4
role in PCD.
166 L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171

Table 2
Corresponding relationship between a and month.

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
a 0° 30° 60° 90° 120° 150° 180° 210° 240° 270° 300° 330°

Calculation of the PCD assumes that the monthly precipitations values k1, k2, . . ., kp and the corresponding eigenvectors a1, a2,. . .,
(rj) are vector quantities, with its origin in the Cartesian axis pole ap, through solution of Eq. (9),
and end in polar coordinates (rj, a), the a value obtained by
jR  Ikj ¼ 0 ð9Þ
Table 2.
The PCD is the relationship between the resultant vector of where I is the identity matrix; (4) elimination of components that
monthly precipitation vectors and annual precipitation and calcu- contribute little to the variance of the original data set; and (5)
lated using Eqs. (5)–(8): use of matrices of eigenvectors as the factors in a linear combina-
X tion of standardized variables for the composition of the principal
P¼ rj ; ð5Þ components (Noori et al., 2010). For further details of this statistical
Rx ¼ r j  sin hj ; ð6Þ procedure, see Johnson and Wichern (2007).
Ry ¼ r j  cos hj ; ð7Þ 2.4.2. Canonical correlation analysis
CCA was used in the present study in order to determine the
Rx2 þ Ry2
PCD ¼ : ð8Þ degree of association between a group of hydrological variables
P (Pannual, PCD, ADWP and nnDR ) with a second group that represents
where j represents the month (j = 1, 2, . . ., 12) in a year; rj represents the standard water-saving efficiency system, which will be repre-
the average monthly rainfall in a month j; and hj is the azimuth of sented by the principal components adopted. For this analysis,
the month vector j. we determined which of the hydrological variables are more rele-
The annual PCD interval ranges from 0 to 1, with the maximum vant for characterizing rainfall regimes in the analysis of a DRWH
value obtained when the total annual rainfall is concentrated in a system.
specific month, and the minimum value when the rainfall is evenly The objective of CCA is to build two new sets of canonical vari-
distributed over the months during the year. ables, U = aX and V = bY, which are linear combinations of the orig-
The ADWP is an important parameter in rainwater quality and inal variables X and Y, so that the correlation between U and V is
is defined as the average time value (in days) between the end of maximized (Noori et al., 2010).
one rain event and the beginning of another; the ADWP represents The random vectors X and Y represent the two groups of vari-
the average number of dry days before a rainy day (Davis and ables to be analyzed, of dimensions px1 and qx1, where it is
McCuen, 2005). The ADWP was used by Palla et al. (2012) to assess assumed that:
the impact of hydrological characteristics on the performance of VarðXÞ ¼ A ð10Þ
rainwater utilization systems in regions with different climates.
The nD/nR index is defined as the average value of dry days for VarðYÞ ¼ B ð11Þ
each rainy day in the year, where nD is the number of dry days
and nR is the number of rainy days in the year. Campisano and CovðX; YÞ ¼ C ð12Þ
Modica (2012) used this index to compose a dimensionless
methodology for the optimal design of DRWH in Italy. CovðY; XÞ ¼ C0 ð13Þ
The construction of the matrix is shown in (14) below:
2.4. Statistical procedures

From each locality we have 80 water-saving efficiency results,

from the scenarios considered, and it was necessary to include a
dimensional reduction for the purpose of analyzing the influence
of hydrological variables on these results. A statistical procedure, ð14Þ
principal component analysis (PCA), was then designed to reduce
the sample space. In addition, canonical correlation analysis
(CCA) was used to find the influence of each hydrological variable
analyzed in the water-saving efficiency results, already reduced by
PCA. Both procedures (PCA and CA) were performed using R soft-
ware (R Development Core Team, 2012), and (specifically for From this matrix, a matrix q  q can be calculated by B1C0 A1C,
PCA) the package developed by Butts (2012). and the eigenvalue (k) can be considered as presented in Eq. (15):

ðB1 C 0 A1 C  kIÞb ¼ 0: ð15Þ

2.4.1. Principal component analysis
From the eigenvalues (k), we can find the canonical correlation
PCA transforms the original variables into a new set of variables pffiffiffiffi
of each pair of canonical variables that is equal to ki . The corre-
that are (1) linear combinations of the original variables, (2) uncor-
sponding eigenvectors b1, b2, . . ., br provide the variable coeffi-
related with each other, and (3) ordered according to the amount
cients Y for the construction of the canonical variable V, being
of variation in the original variables that can be accounted for by
V = bY. The vectors a1, a2, . . ., ar (a) are calculated with Eq. (16)
the new variables (Everitt and Hothorn, 2011). In mathematical
for the construction of the canonical variable U = aX:
terms, PCA involves the following steps: (1) standardization of
variables X1, X2, . . ., Xp, for having mean zero and unit variance; ai ¼ A1 Cbi : ð16Þ
(2) calculation of correlation matrix R; (3) determination of eigen-
L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171 167

The process is performed so that the pairs of canonical variables The distribution pattern of the ADWP and nD/nR are similar,
are sorted in descending order, considering the first major canon- since these data are used daily to establish the temporal variability
ical correlation to the k-th highest canonical correlation. of rainfall, rather than to analyze the distribution of this rainfall
Canonical loadings reflect the variance that a particular variable throughout the year, thus differing from the PCD.
shares with the group. The higher the canonical loadings, the more
important the variable is to derive the canonical statistical vari-
3.2. System water-saving efficiency
able. Canonical cross-loadings represent the correlations between
an original variable of a particular group and the canonical statis-
The simulations were performed for 80 scenarios (including
tical variable of the other group.
diverse combinations of demand, rainwater-tank size, and roof-
surface area) for 50 municipalities. The water-saving efficiencies
are summarized in a boxplot (Fig. 3). In only six municipalities
3. Results and discussion
the median values were higher than 80%. Most of the municipali-
ties present median values around 50% and 70%. Equador is the
3.1. Rainfall pattern
only municipality with a median water-saving efficiency below
50%, since Equador has the lowest average annual rainfall
In the study area, high spatial variability in the average total
(478.4 mm) among all the studied locations associated with high
rainfall and the temporal variability of the rainfall throughout
precipitation temporal variability. The differences in the water-
the year were observed (Fig. 2). The eastern region of Rio Grande
saving efficiencies obtained by each municipality happened
do Norte has the highest annual rainfall, and it is better distributed
because of differences between the scenarios of demand,
throughout the year. Moving from east to west, the annual rainfall
rainwater-tank size, and roof area.
decreases and becomes concentrated; the highest degree of con-
centration is shown in the central region of the state. In the west-
ern region of the state, there is a recovery in annual rainfall values 3.3. Principal component analysis
with better temporal distribution, especially in the southwest
region due to localities at higher altitude being subject to the oro- The principal components were generated from the efficiencies
graphic effect. The wide variety of rainfall patterns is due to the dif- of 80 cases with different combinations of roof-surface area,
ferent weather systems acting in the region, with an emphasis on demand, and rainwater-tank size. The results of the first two com-
the intertropical convergence zone and easterly wave disturbances. ponents are shown in Fig. 4. The first component (PC1) captured

Fig. 2. Spatial distribution of variables P, PCD, ADWP, and nD/nR.

168 L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171

Fig. 3. Water-saving efficiency range for each municipality.

93.86% of the data variance, the second component (PC2) captured water-saving efficiency results of each of the 80 scenarios; and
3.97%, and the third component (PC3) captured 1.10%. the axis ‘‘x” presents the Pearson correlation coefficient between
In all the 80 combinations of D, C, and A, the differences PC2 and the water-saving efficiency results.
between water-saving efficiency results for each location occurred In the combination belonging to comfort levels 2, 3, 4 and in
due to the difference of daily rainfall series. These differences part of the combination for level 1, the correlations of water-
accounts for the spatial variability of the PC’s. Analyzing the PC1 saving efficiencies are larger with PC1 than with PC2 (clear area,
results, it is found higher values at the east, lower values in the Fig. 5). Even so, for seven combination of rainwater tank size, water
central area, and increase of PC1 at the west region. The spatial dis- demand, and roof-surface area (comfort level 1), the PC2 presented
tribution pattern of the PC1 values are very similar to the pattern a larger correlation with water-saving efficiency than PC1 (fea-
distribution of the annual rainfall (Fig. 2), which reflects high inter- tured area, Fig. 5.).
ference by the annual rainfall values in the water-saving efficiency This research considered the PC’s that properly represent the
system and, consequently, in the PC1 values. results of water-saving efficiency in order to reduce the 80
The spatial variability of PC2 presents low values in the west water-saving efficiency results in some PC’s. Using only PC1 would
area and in the east coast, and high values in a specific area in not generate completely valid conclusions for comfort level 1. To
the east. This spatial distribution pattern is not similar to the other solve this challenge, the first two components were used in canon-
hydrological variables (PCD, ADWP, or nD/nR), although we con- ical correlation analysis to define which of the hydrological vari-
sider that the spatial distribution of PC2 is related with the rainfall ables shows better correlation with water-saving efficiency in
temporal variability. different situations of comfort levels. We highlight that PC1 is bet-
To choose the principal components that will be used for the ter able to represent situations with higher and intermediate diffi-
canonical correlation analysis, a preliminary analysis was carried culty in meeting the demand (comfort level 2, 3 and 4), and PC2
out with the first two principal components. Fig. 5 the axis ‘‘y” best represents situations in which demand is met more easily
presents the Pearson correlation coefficient between PC1 and the (comfort level 1).
L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171 169

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of first and second principal components.

a high significance level (0.036). The canonical cross-loadings pro-

vide a correlation between the original variables (P, ADWP, nD/nR,
and PCD) and the canonical variable V, created by linear combina-
tion of PC1 and PC2. Through cross-correlation analysis, in Analysis
1, we can analyze (for the bolded values) that for the first pair of
canonical variables, annual rainfall has the highest correlation with
V1, followed by PCD, ADWP, and nD/nR, and for the second pair of
canonical variables, PCD has the highest correlation with V2. When
only the rainfall variability indices were analyzed (Analysis 2), PCD
showed a higher correlation with the variable V1 (bolded value),
which represents the principal components. Analysis 1 confirmed
that annual rainfall is the most important hydrological variable,
followed by PCD, ADWP, and nD/nR. Analysis 2 verified that PCD
was the best indicator among the indices that represented rainfall
temporal variability.
Additional CCAs (Tables 4–6) were performed to verify whether
the use of a rainfall temporal variability index associated with
annual rainfall would increase its correlation with the system’s
Fig. 5. Relationship between the correlations of the water-saving efficiency with
PC1 and PC2. water-saving efficiency, in different comfort situations. Higher
and intermediate difficulties in meeting demand are represented
3.4. Canonical correlation analysis by PC1; the situation of the facility to meet demand is represented
by PC2.
CCA was performed with the set Y = PC1 and PC2, and two sets The canonical cross-loadings provide a simple correlation
of X, in analysis 1, X = (P, ADWP, nD/nR, PCD), and in analysis 2, between the original variable and the canonical variable Y, which
X = (ADWP, nD/nR, PCD); see Table 3. represents PC1 or PC2. Thus, in all cases the annual rainfall associ-
In Analysis 1, the two pairs of U are relevant (significance level ated with another hydrological variable (PCD, ADWP or nD/nR) gen-
<0.001), but in Analysis 2, only U1 was considered, because U2 has erated a correlation increase with the PC, which can be checked by

Table 3
Canonical correlation analysis of data (analyses 1 and 2).

Analysis 1 Analysis 2
X = (P, ADWP, nD/nR, PCD) X = (ADWP, nD/nR, PCD)
Canonical variables U1 U2 U1 U2
Canonical Correlation 0.984 0.946 0.974 0.367
Significance level <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.036
Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings Canonical loadings Canonical cross-
Canonical variables U1 U2 V1 V2 U1 U2 V1 V2
P 0.930 0.356 0.916 0.337 – – – –
ADWP 0.772 0.175 0.760 0.166 0.760 – 0.741 –
nD/nR 0.678 0.107 0.668 0.101 0.645 – 0.629 –
PCD 0.780 0.557 0.784 0.527 0.967 – 0.943 –
170 L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171

Table 4
Canonical correlation analysis of data (Analysis 3).

Analysis 3: X = (P, PCD)

Y = PC1 Y = PC2
Canonical variables ations U1 U1
Canonical correlation 0.974 0.925
Significance level <0.001 <0.001
Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings
Canonical Variables U1 V1 U1 V1
P 0.953 0.928 0.327 0.303
PCD 0.785 0.764 0.601 0.556

Table 5
Canonical correlation analysis of data (Analysis 4).

Analysis 4: X = (P, ADWP)

Y = PC1 Y = PC2
Canonical variables U1 U1
Canonical correlation 0.949 0.594
Significance level <0.001 <0.001
Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings
Canonical U1 V1 U1 V1
P 0.978 0.928 0.509 0.303
ADWP 0.793 0.753 0.327 0.194

Table 6
Canonical correlation analysis of data (Analysis 5).

Analysis 5: X = (P, nD/nR)

Y = PC1 Y = PC2
Canonical variables U1 U1
Canonical correlation 0.944 0.468
Significance level <0.001 <0.01
Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings Canonical loadings Canonical cross-loadings
Canonical U1 V1 U1 V1
P 0.983 0.928 0.647 0.303
nD/nR 0.703 0.663 0.270 0.126

comparing the canonical correlation with the canonical cross- analysis was performed with a range of S/Q between 0.01 and 0.1,
loadings (bolded values). Annual rainfall has the highest correla- which corresponds to a storage capacity smaller than 20 m3. Palla
tion with PC1, but PCD and ADWP also presented high correlations et al. (2012) concluded that ADWP, that represents the temporal
with this component. For PC2, the PCD has the highest correlation, rainfall variability, was the main hydrological parameter that
and was more important than the annual rainfall in comfortable affected the system behavior, corroborating with our results.
Palla et al. (2012) evaluated the reliability of DRWH systems in
different climates of Europe and studied the effect of hydrological 4. Conclusions
parameters including ADWP, depth, and intensity and duration of
rainfall on DRWH system performance. They found that the depth, Our study area covers 52,811 km2 with annual rainfall variabil-
intensity, and duration of rainfall were weakly correlated with sys- ity ranging from 490 to 1640 mm where there is also high variabil-
tem performance, as shown by the corresponding coefficient deter- ity in the rainfall temporal distribution patterns due to different
mination of the regression analysis between each of these different regional weather systems. Therefore, the conclusions reached can
hydrological parameters and the water-saving efficiency and be generalized for other areas with significant variability in
detention time (time period during which water is stored in the rainfall.
tank).The results indicate that the coefficient of determination We concluded that empirical models that attempt to represent
(R2) is generally greater than 0.80 for ADWP, about 0.50 for event a large combination range of roof-surface areas, rainwater-tank
rainfall duration, about 0.20 for rainfall intensity, and lower than sizes, levels of water demand, and rainfall variations should con-
0.20 for rainfall depth. The simulation that supports these results sider a variable that represents the precipitation temporal variabil-
was conducted by YAS model considering five main climate zones ity as an independent variable. For the study area, it is found that
(annual precipitation of less than 300 mm to approximately the most influential hydrological variables are the average annual
1900 mm), roof-surface area of 100 m2, demand fraction (annual rainfall and PCD, which should be used in empirical models. In
water demand/annual inflow) equal to one, storage capacity ranges comfortable situations in terms of meeting the demand (low
between 0.4 and 150 m3, and storage fraction (S/Q, storage capac- demand and large rainwater-tank and roof-surface areas), the use
ity/annual rainfall) varying from 0.01 to 1. However, the regression of PCD, as an independent variable, was more relevant than the
L.R. Andrade et al. / Journal of Hydrology 545 (2017) 163–171 171

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