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Samantha Knies – Greeley Central High School – 1-30-2019

Elements of Art
Learning the Vocabulary
Grade Level(s):9-12
I. Colorado Academic Standards: High School, Standard 2. Envision and Critique
to Reflect, GLE 3, EO D: Recognize how different criteria create contexts that
influence the evaluation and assessment of visual works of art and design.

II. Big Idea(s): Recognize key elements and vocabulary in art to understand how to
talk about art academically.

III. Enduring Understandings:

a. Communicate with art vocabulary.

b. Create understanding of the building blocks of art.

IV. Essential Questions:

a. Why does element effect how we view art?
b. Can an art piece represent multiple elements?
c. How do we use elements to talk about art?

V. Daily lesson objectives: The artist will begin to build an artist vocabulary by
reviewing the Elements of art. The artist will create examples of the elements of art
in their notes to be able to identify the elements of art and use key vocabulary to
explain them.

VI. Activity: Students will follow along with a teacher lead lecture about the elements
of art. Students are expected to take note and then draw personal images that
correspond with each element of art.

VII. Content Integration: Due to the high use of slides and notes student will practice
writing and reading during this lesson. Students will also be exposed to Historic
art pieces used as examples for the elements of art.

VIII. Pre-Assessment: Quick assessment verbally about what the elements of art are.
How many elements of art are there? List them. Scan for how many students are
able to follow and are lost/not responding. Depending on class wide understand can
vary how in depth I would need to cover each element.

IX. Success Criteria: Student has listened through out lecture and has written down
notes from the slides. Student has also drawn either a personal example in notes or
has used some of the examples from the slide from each element.
X. Post-Assessment: possible exit ticket or next day review. As a class list the seven
elements of art. Be able to talk in a least a sentence about what each element
means to an art piece.

XI. Accommodations and Modifications: Pre-written notes will be
available/provide to students with high language needs with areas to still to
drawn in examples of elements.

XII. Visuals: PowerPoint with multiple images show casing each element of art. Note
taking handout with areas pre-set for writing note and drawing examples.

XIII. Supplies and equipment: PowerPoint, laptop, projector, note taking handout,
pencils, color pencils, and markers.

XIV. Safety concerns: students that are slow note taker might be stress about taking
notes. ELL student might have trouble following along in a heavy verbal class.

XV. Teaching procedure:

Beginning---Introduction or Anticipatory Set

Student will walk into to class and start on their “bell work” (Warm-up)
-student will then share at their tables and talk about what they have drawn based on
their daily drawing prompt.
I will handout a elements of art handout to student and explain that all of their note
can be on this paper.
I will give a lecture about what and elements of art are.
Notes will be taking in the following pattern
-take notes on slide
-teacher explains element and shows more images
-drawn 3 examples on note page
I will repeat until half-way through class period
~ expect about three elements

Middle---Student Creating Phase

Students will have final in class day to work on name creation portfolio
-work time-
Supply distribution – classroom supplies are pre-set up In front of
classroom – student are free to get supplies as needed.

Clean-up procedures
5mins before end of class
All student will work to clean up materials and put away sketch books and
portfolios. Each table must spray and wipe down their tables. Each table has a
weekly duty to check on and make sure is done (Example: clean floors)

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