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The Washington Post; Sep 28, 1990; pg. 16
· An announcement ofunusual importancefor
golfers, investors, canoeists, fjsheftiten, retirees,
and lovers of the great outdoors.


F or a quarter of a century, we
have been offering you bargain·
priced homesites.
water and have been approved by the
Health Department for new home
fastest growing sport in the nation,
growing older.
Now, for the first time, we are able construction. Your homesile will be So, lfyoucanflndahomesitewith
to offer you these unlquehomesites · less than two miles from town, where spectacular views near town, next to
that may never again be duplicated, a new shopping center Is planned. a river and golf course-and If the
and which will be Impossible to price Is right-you may want to
create again at these prices. REASON FOR LOW PRICE
Weare able to sell these river and reservo one for your new home or
SMALL lOWN AMERICA golf course homeslles at a low price vacation retreat.
These are fannette-slzed parcels- &ecause we found new ways to give Andevenifyourdon'tbuild, what
not small lots-next to thechaileng· yougreatervaluewithoutanincrease will It be worth tomorrow?
Ing Valley View Golf Course just out• In our own costs. HOW101NSPECT
side Moorefield, W.Va., abOut two We buUd our own roads, so we Call Ned and Peggy Miller at (304)
hours from the D.C. Metro Area. were able to save mone)' there. We 8'~?-5428 for an appointment. They
Each parcells two to seven acres In also did not have to pay for the golf have lived In the area most of their
size. Somejolnthegolfcour.;e. Many course. SoyourhomesltewUI not be lives, and they will be happy to give
border the South Potomac River. tagged wltn that cost. Nor did we you more lnforrnatlonana show you
Others front on a main highway. Ail . have to install an expensive sewage around. lfyougetnoanswer. it's pro-
have spectular views of tne moun· treatmentplantordrllldeepwellsfi>r bably because they're out showing
talns. All have river and golf course your central water system. the property. Thencall(703)635.;>135,
access. A limited number of parcelR and we'll be glad to answer your
havebothriverandmountainviews. HOW YOU CAN GAIN
Obviously, if you play golf fre· questlonsandscheduieanappolnt·
Some prominent local residents ment for you.
and their friends have alread)' pur· quently, lfJou love canoelng and
fishing, an If you want a homesite The community is called Potomac
chased parcels under a special pre· Valley View. Sensible restrictions are
development program. with sweepini> views close to town,
you will gain .11'/ buUding a home Jn piiice to protect your Investment.
GATEWAY10THEBADLANDS here. Taxes are low and the rur Is clear
the Potomac Highlands Is the gate-
way to some of the most awesome
natural attractions In the U.S. And
and dean. You'Ualsoflndcoolertem·
peratures because of the higher ele-
vation and surrounding mountains.
If you're an Investor. you may
you can canoe from ycmr land know that Moorefield and Petersburg
through the treacherous "Trough"
West of town you'll find: (1) The
rugged Monongahela National
FoiiiSt, Inhabited by black bear and
wildcat. (2) Canaan Valley Ski and
are growing dramatically. RoclC·
Ingham foultry Is planning a 30
mllllon dollar expansion in 1991,
which will create BOO new fobs. Two
million dollars In flood control
money has been eannarked for the
All wllh access to central water
and gaff course. GalflnlUaUanfee
Resort Area-highest valley east of area. And Corridor H, asuperhitJh· · Is Included In price
the Rockies, and often Isolated by way, Is under construction to bnng
Sierra-sized snow drifts. (3) Dolly hundreds of thousands of new Also homesttes on golf course
Sods-a desolate wilderness re· visitors through the Moorefield· and sites with SP.eCfilcular river
sembilngnorthem Canada. (4) Man· Petersburg region to West Virginia's and mountain views.
kllllngcllffsatSenecaRocks. (S)The world<lass sld areas and natural 2 to 7 ac. $12,950 to $29,950
savage Smoke Holes-legendary attractions.
hideout of Indians and moon· WHY YOU SHOULD ACT NOW also 2 Riverfront Fanns: e-
shinen1. (6) Thundering Black Water
Therelslncreaslngpressureonthe • 15 ac. w/2 story barn $49,950 ~
Falls. (7) l'erilous whitewater riven1, • 18 ac. 113 ml. on river $49,950 :a
and (6) Spruce Knob-highest point South Potomac River tiyrecreatlonal
in West Virginia. users. Canoeoutfittersopcrateabout Oi1tuia11S:l-66wcsttoJ.fil. South to Eidt ~
lOmllesuprtver. \bucanlaunchyour 75(Stmburg).5outhl.8ml.onRl. tt. :I!
canoe at a comfortable distance Right on Rt. 55 west to Moorefield, :..l
. The price for these acreage upstreamandtakeltoutatyourpro- W.Va. Left at light on Rt. 220. 3 ml. to ,.;
homesltes ls low In accordance wllh perty.lf you'reaftsherman, you pro· l\>tomac Valley· View on rii:ht before golf !<!
our policy. \Vebelleveitlsbettertosell babfy know the legendary tales of coune. llWl:ritdsonly9-5ttl'ktbfaYSl>y is;
larger acreagequickl)' at a reasonable Smallmouth Bass fishing on the Appol11tmrnt. @
small margin of profit, than to sell South Potomac are not fish stories.
small lots at a large margin of profit. Since city people have "dis· B.K. Haynes Corporation 11
2 to 7 acre homei;ltes range from covered"thearea, lherelsascarclty "Ntarby I.and Bargains siru:t 1966" ~
512,950 to $29,950, depending on of riverfront and rlveraccess home· Rts. 55 & 340 I Front Royal, VA 22630 e
acreage, terrain, views, waterfront,
and nearness lo tho golf course. Up
to 80% llnanclng Is available.
Ail parcels have access to public
sites near the towns of Moorefield
and l'cten1burg. These are the onl,l'
avnUable homesites next to the area s
only golf course. And golf 11 the
. (703) 635·7135.
I ~ : ' I I.\ ' . ;. ... • .,·" •

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