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Continuing Education

Current Approaches to
Nursing Management
A clinical review of risk factors, diagnostic criteria, and patient care.

ABSTRACT: Preeclampsia, one of four hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, has traditionally been charac-
terized as new-onset hypertension and proteinuria developing after 20 weeks’ gestation. It is, however, now
understood to be a complex, progressive, multisystem disorder with a highly variable presentation and a
number of potentially life-threatening complications. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolo-
gists Task Force on Hypertension in Pregnancy has refined preeclampsia diagnostic criteria accordingly, and
as the disorder’s pathogenesis has been more clearly defined, new targets for screening, diagnosis, preven-
tion, and treatment have emerged. This clinical update provides a review of current practice related to pre-
eclampsia risk assessment, prediction, and management. It discusses preeclampsia pathophysiology and
points readers to valuable health care resources on the topic.

Keywords: clinical management, nursing care, preeclampsia, pregnancy complication, pregnancy-induced

hypertension, risk factors

W was a healthy 35-year-old woman whose did everything she could to ensure a healthy preg-
life was forever changed when she developed nancy. But at 31 weeks, KW began to show signs
severe and life-threatening complications dur- and symptoms of preeclampsia.
ing the latter half of her second pregnancy. (This First, she developed excruciating pain in her up-
case is real, based largely on the patient’s descrip- per right side. A trip to the perinatal triage unit re-
tion of her experience of the events. Identifying vealed that her blood pressure was on the high end
details have been omitted to protect the patient’s of normal, she had protein in her urine, and her
privacy.) KW’s one previous pregnancy had ended platelet count was at the low end of normal. With
with a first-trimester miscarriage. Her second preg- analgesia, the pain in her right side resolved, and af-
nancy had been unremarkable until 31 weeks’ ges- ter eight hours of close observation, she was sent
tation. Throughout this pregnancy, she had received home. The focus of KW’s care plan became “expect-
routine prenatal care from her obstetrician as well ant management,” with preparation for delivery at
as intermittent follow-up from a maternal–fetal med- no more than 37 weeks’ gestation and intensive ma-
icine specialist because of her advanced maternal age. ternal and fetal monitoring, the frequency of which
For the first 30 weeks, KW’s pregnancy progressed was based on findings of maternal and neonatal sur-
smoothly. She attended all of her prenatal checkups, veillance. Over the next several weeks, KW’s moni-
maintained a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, and toring included

30 AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 ajnonline.com

By Cindy M. Anderson, PhD, CRNP, ANEF, FAHA, FAAN, and
Mandy J. Schmella, PhD, RN

Figure 1. Possible Physiological Changes in Preeclampsia

Vasoconstriction and decreased perfusion to the

maternal brain and liver can lead to headache,
seizures, vision changes, impaired liver Brain
function, and epigastric pain.

Decreased kidney perfusion can cause activation

of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system,
worsening vasoconstriction.

Impaired maternal spiral artery remodeling during Kidneys
development of the placenta results in narrow
vessels with high resistance and decreased
placental perfusion. Placenta

The placenta, damaged by impaired perfusion,

releases excessive proinflammatory and
antiangiogenic factors into the maternal circulation,
which in turn cause endothelial damage, Bladder
vasculopathy, vasospasm, altered hemostasis,
and activation of the coagulation system.

Endothelial dysfunction can increase blood vessel

permeability, leading to edema and proteinuria.
Endothelial damage results in vasoconstriction,

Illustration by Sara Jarret.

coagulopathies, and increased risk of bleeding.

• home blood pressure monitoring. was 160/110 mmHg. Her physician told her that her
• weekly fetal nonstress tests. pregnancy was over, and she agreed to be admitted
• weekly visits with the maternal–fetal medicine for induction.
specialist and the obstetrician. Because KW’s platelet count was extremely low
• 24-hour protein measurements. (33,000 per microliter, as she recalls), the physicians
• weekly blood samples to measure complete were concerned about her bleeding risk. For this rea-
blood count, as well as levels of liver enzymes son, they opted to induce labor rather than to pro-
and serum creatinine. ceed immediately to epidural placement and cesarean
• ultrasound, performed weekly for measurement section. Over a 26-hour labor, however, KW’s condi-
of amniotic fluid index and every three weeks tion further deteriorated. Although she was receiv-
for fetal growth assessment. ing a continuous iv infusion of magnesium sulfate for
At 35 weeks and three days’ gestation, KW devel- seizure prophylaxis, after 24 hours of labor her vi-
oped a persistent headache. Although she knew this sion became gradually blurry, she started seeing spots,
was a warning sign of preeclampsia, she believes she and eventually, she saw nothing but “a white blur.”
was in denial. She wanted to hold onto her preg- Soon after her loss of vision, she had a seizure, indi-
nancy as long as possible and thought she could put cating that her condition had advanced to eclampsia
off telling the maternal–fetal medicine specialist until (pregnancy-related seizures). This life-threatening
her appointment two days later. Her headache con- deterioration led to an emergency cesarean delivery,
tinued, and at her appointment, her blood pressure multiple platelet transfusions, an ICU stay, and—

ajn@wolterskluwer.com AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 31

owing to his prematurity—a neonatal ICU stay for proteinuria after 20 weeks’ gestation, the American
her newborn son for monitoring of lung function and College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
bilirubin levels. Task Force on Hypertension in Pregnancy empha-
While KW was recovering from her cesarean sec- sizes that it is a complex, progressive, multisystem
tion, her vision returned. Remarkably, just 36 hours disorder of pregnancy that can present in different
after giving birth to a healthy baby boy, KW was able forms, with some women experiencing unremitting
to walk to the neonatal ICU to see and breastfeed her headaches or severe right upper quadrant pain and
son for the first time. A little less than a week after others experiencing no symptoms before prenatal
delivery, KW and her son were discharged from the visits reveal they have elevated blood pressure and
hospital. KW recovered from the acute symptoms of protein in their urine. The ACOG Task Force has re-
preeclampsia. Following delivery, however, she devel- fined the diagnostic criteria accordingly (see Table 11).
oped chronic hypertension requiring antihypertensive Based on evidence that proteinuria is neither a ro-
therapy, and one year after the birth of her son, she bust predictor nor the sole predictor of adverse out-
experienced a second seizure. Although she was diag- comes, it was removed both as an indicator of severe
nosed with a mild seizure disorder, she has been sei- preeclampsia and as a necessary criterion for pre-
zure free for two years. She understands that a history eclampsia diagnosis.1-3 Women with either proteinuric
of preeclampsia puts her at elevated risk for cardio- or nonproteinuric preeclampsia are at risk for adverse
vascular disease, necessitating annual cardiovascular outcomes and require increased maternal and fetal sur-
screening. veillance.4, 5 In 2000, the National High Blood Pressure
KW’s case is presented here to set the stage for a Education Program of the National Heart, Lung, and
clinical update on preeclampsia–eclampsia, one of Blood Institute had removed edema from the diag-
four hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (see The nostic criteria because it is common in women with
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy1). KW had de- normal pregnancies; in addition, it removed systolic
veloped a severe form of preeclampsia, which was blood pressure increases of 30 mmHg or diastolic
complicated by the syndrome known as HELLP (in blood pressure increases of 15 mmHg in women with
which the patient exhibits hemolysis, elevated liver en- blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg, because such
zymes, and a low platelet count) and eventually pro- women are not more likely to have adverse outcomes.6
gressed to eclampsia. This article provides nurses with Recommended terminology. The ACOG Task
current information related to diagnosis, pathophysiol- Force has also recommended changes in the termi-
ogy, risk factors, prediction, prevention, and manage- nology used to describe the severity of preeclampsia.
ment of preeclampsia. It further suggests preeclampsia They suggest that the term “preeclampsia without
resources for use by nurses, pregnant women, and severe features” be used instead of “mild preeclamp-
preeclampsia survivors. sia.”1 In addition to the multisystem findings listed in
Table 1, either of the following would be considered
PREECLAMPSIA REDEFINED a severe feature of preeclampsia1:
Although preeclampsia has traditionally been de- • systolic blood pressure at or above 160 mmHg or
fined by the presence of new-onset hypertension and diastolic blood pressure at or above 110 mmHg

The Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

The four hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are classified as follows1:
•• chronic hypertension—hypertension of any cause that predates pregnancy or develops before 20 weeks’
•• gestational hypertension—new-onset hypertension that develops in a previously normotensive woman
after 20 weeks’ gestation in the absence of proteinuria
•• preeclampsia–eclampsia—new-onset hypertension that develops in a previously normotensive woman
after 20 weeks’ gestation and is accompanied either by new-onset proteinuria or, in the absence of pro-
teinuria, by signs of multisystem involvement, such as thrombocytopenia
oo preeclampsia is said to progress to eclampsia if convulsions occur
oo preeclampsia–eclampsia may be accompanied by the following group of laboratory findings: hemolysis,
elevated liver enzymes, and a low platelet count, known as the HELLP syndrome, which is often consid-
ered a subtype of preeclampsia
•• chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia—preeclampsia that develops in a woman with
chronic hypertension

32 AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 ajnonline.com

Table 1. Diagnostic Criteria for Preeclampsia

Blood pressure •• Greater than or equal to 140 mm Hg systolic or greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg
diastolic on two occasions at least 4 hours apart after 20 weeks of gestation in a woman
with a previously normal blood pressure
•• Greater than or equal to 160 mm Hg systolic or greater than or equal to 110 mm Hg
diastolic, hypertension can be confirmed within a short interval (minutes) to facilitate
timely antihypertensive therapy
Proteinuria •• Greater than or equal to 300 mg per 24-hour urine collection (or this amount
extrapolated from a timed collection)
•• Protein/creatinine ratio greater than or equal to 0.3a
•• Dipstick reading of 1+ (used only if other quantitative methods not available)
Or in the absence of proteinuria, new-onset hypertension with the new onset of any of the following:
Thrombocytopenia •• Platelet count less than 100,000/microliter
Renal insufficiency •• Serum creatinine concentrations greater than 1.1 mg/dL or a doubling of the serum
creatinine concentration in the absence of other renal disease
Impaired liver function •• Elevated blood concentrations of liver transaminases to twice normal concentration
Pulmonary edema
Cerebral or visual symptoms
Each measured as mg/dL.
Reprinted with permission from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Task Force on Hypertension in Pregnancy. Hypertension in pregnancy. Washington,
DC; 2013.1

on two occasions at least four hours apart in a with prematurity, though these infants tend to have
patient on bedrest, unless antihypertensive ther- an unfavorable cardiometabolic profile (that is, ele-
apy had been initiated previously vated blood pressure, a high body mass index [BMI],
• severe and persistent right upper quadrant or epi- or signs of altered cardiac function and structure) in
gastric pain that does not resolve with medication adolescence or adulthood.15-18 Despite the significant
and is not explained by alternative diagnoses health burden that preeclampsia places on women
and their infants, no test can reliably predict pre-
FREQUENCY, MORBIDITY, AND MORTALITY eclampsia and no known practices can prevent its
In the United States, preeclampsia complicates 2.3% occurrence. Clinical management of preeclampsia is,
to 3.8% of pregnancies.7, 8 Globally, it’s estimated to therefore, symptom based, and the only known cure
affect 4.6% of pregnancies,7 though frequency varies for preeclampsia is delivery.
by region, being reportedly as low 0.2% in Vietnam
and as high as 7.67% in Nicaragua.9 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PREECLAMPSIA
Despite the relatively low percentage of pregnan- Depending on time of onset during gestation, pre-
cies affected by preeclampsia, it remains a leading eclampsia may represent more than a single condi-
cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Hyper- tion or include disease subtypes with different causes
tensive disorders are responsible for roughly 14% of and clinical presentations. Current evidence suggests
pregnancy-related maternal deaths worldwide10 and that the pathogenesis of preeclampsia proceeds in
about 7.4% of such deaths in the United States11— stages.19 The early stages occur during pregnancy
and preeclampsia is the most common hypertensive weeks 8 through 18 and involve altered placental
disorder of pregnancy.1 Preeclampsia can affect virtu- development that reduces blood flow between the
ally every organ system, putting the mother at risk maternal and fetal circulations; no clinical signs or
for a host of morbidities, including disseminated in- symptoms are associated with these early stages.
travascular coagulation and respiratory, cardiovas- Signs and symptoms of preeclampsia do not appear
cular, cerebrovascular, liver, kidney, uterine, and until the second half of pregnancy, though they are
neurologic dysfunction.9, 12-14 secondary to the impaired maternal perfusion of
For infants exposed to preeclampsia in utero, pre- the placenta that occurs in the early weeks of preg-
eclampsia-related morbidity is associated primarily nancy.19

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Table 2. Preeclampsia Risk Factors1, 20-22 of clot formation at the sites of endothelial damage.
Products of coagulation are consumed in the for-
Pregnancy-Related Risk Factors Preexisting Risk Factors mation of clots, reducing their availability in the
maternal circulation and increasing the risk of bleed-
•• Nulliparity •• Advanced maternal age (> 40
ing. Increased vascular permeability causes fluid to
move from the maternal capillaries into the intersti-
•• Personal or family history of •• Preexisting medical conditions: tial space, producing edema, hemoconcentration, and
preeclampsia oo Chronic hypertension reduced blood flow. Edema and vasoconstriction
•• Multifetal gestation oo Chronic renal disease impair liver function, decreasing the availability of
oo Thrombophilia albumin and key coagulation products. Reduced
•• In vitro fertilization renal blood flow activates the renin–angiotensin–­
oo Type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus
oo Autoimmune disease (for ex- aldosterone system, worsening vasoconstriction. In-
ample, systemic lupus erythe- creased permeability of the renal glomerular capillaries
matosus) allows protein, primarily albumin, to pass into the glo-
merular filtrate and be excreted in urine. Through-
oo Antiphospholipid antibodies
out the maternal system, endothelial dysfunction and
oo Obesity
reduced perfusion increase blood pressure and cause
symptoms such as headache, visual disturbances, and
epigastric pain.

Role of placenta in maternal–fetal circulation. PREECLAMPSIA RISK FACTORS

The placenta provides the primary source of suste- A number of preexisting and pregnancy-related risk
nance to the growing fetus throughout pregnancy, factors have been associated with preeclampsia (see
delivering necessary nutrients and oxygen while re- Table 21, 20-22). A recent meta-analysis evaluated the
moving waste. Two factors are critical in this ex- relationship between preeclampsia and 14 clinical
change process: delivery of maternal circulation to factors that can be assessed at or before 16 weeks’
the placenta and adequate placental surface area gestation: personal history of preeclampsia, prior pla-
for an exchange of substances between the maternal cental abruption, prior fetal growth restriction, prior
and fetal circulations. The maternal circulation deliv- stillbirth, nulliparity, advanced maternal age (variously
ers essential substances for fetal sustenance through defined as over 35 and over 40), overweight (BMI
the spiral arteries to the placenta. Maternal blood above 25 kg/m2) or obesity (BMI above 30 kg/m2),
bathes the chorionic villi that house the fetal vessels, chronic hypertension, prepregnancy diabetes mellitus
transferring substances across the villi into the fetal (type 1 or type 2), chronic kidney disease, systemic
veins, where they are circulated throughout the fetal lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid antibody
system. Fetal waste is returned to the fetal arteries, syndrome, assisted reproduction, and multifetal preg-
housed in the chorionic villi, transferred to the ma- nancy.21 Other than prior fetal growth restriction, all
ternal blood bathing the villi in the placenta, and re- clinical factors were significantly associated with an
moved by the maternal circulation through the spiral increased risk of preeclampsia. Factors with the high-
veins. est pooled unadjusted relative risks for preeclampsia
To meet the needs of the fetus as it grows, the were a personal history of preeclampsia and chronic
maternal uterine spiral arteries must undergo a trans- hypertension.21
formation that allows them to perfuse the placenta Although we are currently unable to predict pre-
effectively throughout gestation. Normally, transfor- eclampsia, information related to these risk factors
mation of the maternal spiral arteries is established should be collected at a woman’s first prenatal visit.
during placental development in the early weeks of This information can assist health care providers in
pregnancy.19 In preeclampsia, however, this transfor- identifying women who may be at elevated risk for
mation is impaired, resulting in reduced placental preeclampsia and may benefit from increased surveil-
perfusion that triggers an inflammatory response, re- lance or preventive measures. For example, women
sulting in the release of proinflammatory cytokines with a history of early-onset preeclampsia that re-
and creating an imbalance of proangiogenic and anti- sulted in delivery at less than 34 weeks’ gestation or
angiogenic factors. preeclampsia in more than one prior pregnancy may
In the second half of pregnancy, this inflamma- benefit from daily low-dose aspirin therapy initi-
tory process produces the classic signs and symptoms ated late in the first trimester.1 The absence of risk
that form the basis for the preeclampsia diagnosis.19, 20 factors, however, does not guarantee that an other-
The endothelial lining of blood vessels throughout wise healthy woman will not develop preeclampsia
the maternal circulation is damaged, causing sys- during or immediately following her pregnancy. In
temic vasoconstriction and, in turn, hypertension.20 fact, most cases of preeclampsia are diagnosed in
The damaged endothelium increases the likelihood healthy nulliparous women.1 For this reason, it is

34 AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 ajnonline.com

of utmost importance that all women be monitored first- and second-trimester blood samples drawn from
routinely for preeclampsia throughout pregnancy women who later developed preeclampsia have been
and in the postpartum period. Additionally, preg- identified as potential preeclampsia biomarkers.27
nant women should be informed about preeclamp- When used alone, these proteins have little value for
sia warning signs so they can be active participants accurately predicting preeclampsia, but they may be
in their own health care. helpful in clinical practice when used in conjunction
with other tests.28 Although single biomarkers show
EMERGING APPROACHES TO PREECLAMPSIA promise, the greatest potential for early identification
The care of women with preeclampsia is significantly of preeclampsia—in the first or second trimester, be-
limited by the lack of cost-effective screening tests fore the onset of signs and symptoms—lies in com-
that can reliably identify risks early in pregnancy and bining biomarkers and clinical parameters.29
interventions that can effectively prevent or treat all Placental perfusion. The ability to measure func-
variations of preeclampsia, which differ in presenta- tional placental response and substances released in
tion, onset, and severity.20 However, as preeclampsia response to reduced placental perfusion may provide
pathogenesis is better defined, targets for screening, a means to diagnose preeclampsia before the onset of
diagnosis, prevention, and treatment are emerging. signs and symptoms in later pregnancy. Decreased
Preeclampsia screening. Ideally, care of pregnant placental perfusion is a common finding in women
women should include selective and sensitive screen- diagnosed with preeclampsia and can be measured
ing tests that identify preeclampsia risk factors before using uterine artery Doppler velocimetry.30 However,
the development of overt, later-stage maternal signs the value of measuring placental perfusion in early
and symptoms indicative of widespread pathology. pregnancy may be limited,31 even when coupled with
Emerging screening tests are focusing on pathologies maternal preeclampsia biomarkers, which are not
that occur in the early stages of pregnancy and are necessarily universal across all preeclampsia pheno-
related to biomarkers in maternal blood, as well as types.20
to placental development and perfusion.23, 24 Immune factors are also a target of investigation in
Biomarkers in maternal blood. Genetic alterations preeclampsia. It is well established that maternal im-
associated with angiogenic balance 25 and inflamma- mune tolerance is necessary to allow the genetically
tion26 provide support for continued investigation into distinct fetus to grow and develop without rejection,
placental pathology and biomarkers for risk detec- and there is evidence of increased risk of preeclampsia
tion. Certain proteins found to be overexpressed in when the interval between pregnancy and first vaginal

Figure 2. First-Line Pharmacologic Management of Acute Hypertension in Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period41

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

If acute onset of
Persists for Labetalol 20 mg IV OR Hydralazine 5 or OR Nifedipine 10 mg oral
SBP ≥ 160 mmHg OR
15 min, give over 2 min 10 mg IV over 2 min
DBP ≥ 110mmHg

If, after 20 min,a

Labetalol 40 mg IV Hydralazine 10 mg IV
SBP ≥ 160 mmHg OR OR OR Nifedipine 20 mg oral
over 2 min over 2 min
DBP ≥ 110 mmHg

If, after 20 min,a

Labetalol 80 mg IV Labetalol 20 mg IV
SBP ≥ 160 mmHg OR OR OR Nifedipine 20 mg oral
over 2 min over 2 min
DBP ≥ 110 mmHg

If, after 20 min,a

Hydralazine 10 mg Labetalol 40 mg IV Labetalol 40 mg IV
SBP ≥ 160 mmHg OR OR OR
IV over 2 min over 2 min over 2 min
DBP ≥ 110 mmHg

DBP = diastolic blood pressure; SBP = systolic blood pressure.

In the case of labetalol, if BP remains elevated after 10 minutes, continue to the next step.
Note: If BP threshold is reached, continue close BP monitoring. If BP remains elevated, seek consultation for additional antihypertensive treatment.

ajn@wolterskluwer.com AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 35

Preeclampsia Resources
Foundations and Organizations
•• Preeclampsia Foundation: www.preeclampsia.org
•• March of Dimes: www.marchofdimes.org
•• American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: www.acog.org
•• Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses: http://www.awhonn.org

Reports and Books

•• Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives. Hypertension in
pregnancy: the management of hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. London: 2010 Aug. www.ncbi.
•• American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Task Force on Hypertension in Pregnancy.
Hypertension in pregnancy. Washington, DC; 2013. www.acog.org/Resources-And-Publications/Task-
•• Larsen LW. Zuzu’s Petals: A True Story of Second Chances. Boulder, CO: In the Telling Press; 2011.
•• Woodwell WH, Jr. Coming to Term: A Father’s Story of Birth, Loss, and Survival. Jackson, MS: University
Press of Mississippi; 2001.

exposure to paternal semen is short, as when the fa- can, however, encourage all women planning preg-
ther is a new sexual partner, or the woman has been nancy to work toward achieving a healthy body
using a barrier contraceptive with an established sex- weight and consume a healthy diet replete with rec-
ual partner until shortly before becoming pregnant.32 ommended nutrients. Current guidance is to limit
The association between preeclampsia and inflam- foods with added sugars and those that are high in
mation point to proinflammatory cytokines, such fat and to eat a variety of fruits, grains, vegetables,
as C-reactive protein33 and interleukin-6,34 as poten- low-fat or fat-free dairy, and proteins, avoiding such
tial biomarkers of disease. sources of mercury as shark, swordfish, mackerel,
Potential preeclampsia prophylaxis. Because oxi- and tilefish, and limiting the consumption of another
dative stress as a consequence of poor placental per- source, tuna, to less than six ounces per week.
fusion has been implicated in preeclampsia, it’s been Current screening approaches include preeclamp-
suggested that antioxidants, such as lutein, may play sia risk identification through the collection of demo-
a role in preeclampsia prevention.35 Two 2015 Co- graphic information and comprehensive personal and
chrane reviews, however, found no benefit to routine family history. Risks related to a short time interval
antioxidant supplementation with vitamins C or E between exposure to paternal semen and pregnancy
for this purpose, and the ACOG Task Force does can be assessed through a review of sexual history
not recommend routine use of either to prevent pre- that includes duration of the sexual relationship and
eclampsia.1, 36, 37 use of a barrier birth control method. A personal or
For women at high risk for preeclampsia, use of family history of preeclampsia may provide an op-
low-dose aspirin started at or before 16 weeks’ ges- portunity to discuss potential screening and diagnos-
tation is believed to target placental pathology by tic strategies.
balancing the endothelial products prostacyclin, a Warning signs of preeclampsia can occur dur-
vasodilator, and thromboxane, a vasoconstrictor ing the second half of pregnancy and in the postpar-
that induces platelet aggregation.38, 39 The ACOG tum period. These include severe headache, right
Task Force recommends that the use of aspirin for upper quadrant epigastric pain, nausea, visual changes
preeclampsia prevention be limited to women with (such as loss of visual fields or seeing spots), difficulty
a history of early-onset preeclampsia that required breathing, and swelling in areas such as the face or
delivery before 34 weeks’ gestation or preeclampsia hands.40 Nurses play a key role in teaching pregnant
in more than one prior pregnancy.1 women about these subtle, subjective warning signs.
Accurate blood pressure measurement is crucial.
NURSING MANAGEMENT OF PREECLAMPSIA Ask the patient to sit comfortably—with her back
The absence of definitive strategies to prevent pre- supported, her feet flat on the floor, and her arm at
eclampsia limits nurses’ ability to provide anticipa- heart level. Select the proper cuff size based on the pa-
tory guidance and teach patients evidence-based tient’s arm circumference, and measure blood pressure
approaches for reducing preeclampsia risk. Nurses on the same arm each time.

36 AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 ajnonline.com

Changes in body weight may indicate fluid im- (see Figure 241). If blood pressure is reduced to below
balance associated with generalized edema. A weight established goals, perfusion to maternal organs and
gain of more than three to five pounds in one week, the fetus may be insufficient. Nursing management
reduced urine output, or the presence of edema, in- includes assessment of maternal response to antihy-
cluding pulmonary edema, suggest preeclampsia- pertensive therapy.
associated fluid imbalance, especially during the Magnesium sulfate may be used for seizure
second half of pregnancy. ­prophylaxis and control in women who have pre-
Preeclampsia diagnosis and surveillance. Blood eclampsia with severe features, or eclampsia.1 Typical
and urine tests may provide objective evidence of pre- administration includes a loading dose of 4 to 6 g iv
eclampsia during pregnancy and in the postpartum infused over a period of 15 to 20 minutes, followed
period. Upon diagnosis of preeclampsia, maternal by a maintenance dose of 1 to 3 g iv per hour. Nurs-
and fetal surveillance is initiated to determine pro- ing management includes assessment for magnesium
gression and severity. Maternal assessment includes toxicity, evidenced by loss of consciousness, absent
evaluation of subjective symptoms, serial blood pres- deep tendon reflex activity, and a respiratory rate be-
sure measurement, physical assessment, and labora- low 12 breaths per minute. As magnesium sulfate is
tory analyses to guide intervention. Fetal surveillance excreted by the kidneys, urine output below 30 mL
includes serial nonstress testing to evaluate fetal oxy- per hour increases the risk of toxicity.42 Fluid replace-
genation, ultrasound measurement of amniotic fluid ment should be judicious, even with oliguria, as pre-
volume as a proxy for fetal–placental perfusion, and eclampsia predisposes women to fluid imbalance.
estimation of fetal growth and gestational age. The Long-term risk of cardiovascular disease. Since
nonstress test may be accompanied by a biophysical preeclampsia is an established risk factor for cardio-
profile, scored based on ultrasound measurements of vascular disease, nurses should reinforce with patients
fetal breathing, body movements, muscle tone, and the importance of long-term follow-up. The ACOG
amniotic fluid level. Umbilical artery Doppler velo- Task Force recommends that women with a history
cimetry, which measures blood flow in the umbilical of either preeclampsia and preterm delivery or recur-
cord or between the uterus and the placenta, may be rent preeclampsia undergo yearly assessments that
indicated as a follow-up if there are concerns related measure blood pressure, lipid levels, fasting blood glu-
to reduced placental perfusion. cose levels, and BMI.1

The ACOG Task Force recommends delivery for women with

preeclampsia who are at or beyond 37 weeks’ gestation.

Determining optimal timing of delivery. Gesta- CONCLUSION

tional age at diagnosis and severity of preeclampsia KW’s case highlights the progressive and multisys-
are major factors in determining optimal timing of temic nature of preeclampsia. Although clinical man-
delivery, which is the only way to reverse preeclamp- agement of preeclampsia continues to be symptom
sia that occurs during pregnancy. The ACOG Task based, emerging approaches for the prediction and
Force recommends delivery for women with pre- prevention of preeclampsia are continuously being
eclampsia who are at or beyond 37 weeks’ gestation evaluated for their potential use in evidence-based
or who are between 34 and 37 weeks’ gestation and clinical care. In the interim, nurses continue to play a
have preeclampsia with severe features.1 In women major role in the care and education of women with
between 20 and 34 weeks’ gestation, preeclampsia and at risk for preeclampsia. For helpful information
with severe features is ideally managed in a facility to assist nurses, pregnant women, and preeclampsia
with adequate maternal and neonatal intensive care survivors, see Preeclampsia Resources. ▼
resources. Because of the risk of preterm birth, care
includes corticosteroid administration to enhance fe- For 150 additional continuing nursing education
tal lung maturity. activities related to maternal–child topics, go to
Pharmacologic treatment for severe sustained www.nursingcenter.com/ce.
hypertension in pregnancy and the postpartum pe-
riod is instituted when systolic blood pressure rises
to or above 160 mmHg or when diastolic blood Cindy M. Anderson is an associate professor and an associate
dean for academic affairs and educational innovation at the
pressure rises to or above 110 mmHg. The goal is to Ohio State University College of Nursing, Columbus, and a
stabilize blood pressure at 140–150/90–100 mmHg member of the medical advisory board of the Preeclampsia

ajn@wolterskluwer.com AJN ▼ November 2017 ▼ Vol. 117, No. 11 37

Foundation. Mandy J. Schmella is an assistant professor at 22. Ebbing C, et al. Risk factors for recurrence of hypertensive
the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, Pittsburgh, disorders of pregnancy, a population-based cohort study. Acta
PA. Both authors contributed equally to the development of Obstet Gynecol Scand 2017;96(2):243-50.
this article. Contact author: Cindy M. Anderson, anderson. 23. Akolekar R, et al. Competing risks model in early screening
2765@osu.edu. The authors and planners have disclosed no for preeclampsia by biophysical and biochemical markers.
potential conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise. Fetal Diagn Ther 2013;33(1):8-15.
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