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English Assignment

Conducting Literature Search

Submitted by :

Vista Claudia Sari 011811223002

Ida Ayu Setyarini 011811223021


Group Assignment

1. To prove that you are able to find evidence to support health practice, you are asked
to develop one question. Ensure that the question will elaborate components of what
subjects/patients that you would like to improve, what is the point of intervention, is
there any comparing intervention, and what is your searched outcome?
Answer :
What is the effect of adherence on consuming the iron tablet in pregnant women
on the weight of a newborn
Explanation :
Patient/subject : Pregnant women
Intervention : Consuming the iron tablet
Comparative intervention : Adherence
Outcome : Weight of a newborn
2. What are the keywords you select to initiate search?
Answer :
The keywords that we select to initiate our search are effect, adherence on consuming
iron tablet, pregnant, women, weight and newborn.
3. Develop the table of key words alternative! Your table may be similar with one
exampled below
Answer :

Effect Adherence Consume Iron Tablet Pregnant Women Weight Newborn

Impact* Obedience Drink FE Gestation Infant

Influence* Faithfulnes Use Pill Mass Baby
Or Female
Reaction* Conformity Take Drug Heavy Birth

4. What is/are the database(s) you have selected to search the literature?
Answer :
We use database from science direct, scopus, sage and springer.
5. How many titles you found in the (each) selected database?
Answer :
The number of titles that we found in the selected database were :
a. Science diret :
b. Scopus :
c. Sage :
d. Springer : 5.783
6. Explain on how you limited the search!
Answer :
The way we limited our search were :
1. We started to open the database to start searching such as science direct, scopus,
sage and springer.
2. Chose what area we wanted to search. In this case we chose “medicine”
3. Found out what topic we wanted to search. We decided to choose effect of
adherence on consuming the iron tablet in pregnant women on the weight of a
4. Tried to make keywords to find particular articles regarding our topic. We used
effect, adherence on consuming iron tablet, pregnant, women, weight and
5. The next step was typing keywords and adding (quotation mark or “.....” ) at the
beginning and the end of keywords in a search engine to limit our search. By
giving “keyword” would make search engine only show the specific articles in
accordance with our main topic.
Example : “effect of adherence on consuming the iron tablet in pregnant women
on the weight of a newborn”
6. Limited the coverage of publication date into the last 10 years.
7. After finding the right article, we clicked download full text in the menu bar.
7. Please identify at least three titles of articles you find beneficial in answering your
questions (mentioned in question 1)!
Answer :
Here are 3 articles that we found during our search :
1. A relationship between a levels of hemoglobin after delivery and exclusive
breastfeeding initiation at a baby friendly hospital in Japan (database from
2. –
3. -

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