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Kaira Looro
Architecture Competition
2019 Edition

Peace Pavilion
In memory of the innocent
victims of war in Africa

Introduction 3
Theme 4
The conflicts in Africa 5
Project site 6
The project 9
Objective 10
Calendar and deadlines 10
Registration 10
Prizes 11
Materials 11
Assessment criteria 12
Faq 13
Rules 13
Reason for disqualification 14
Note and conditions 14
Jury & Scientific Commitee 16
Supported project 18
Kaira Looro 19
Sponsor & partner 21

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INTRODUCTION hope in a better life elsewhere. Commu-
nities annihilated. Villages and cities torn
to the ground. Nations in chaos.
“Peace is a dream, it can become a reali- Remembering the victims through the
ty, but to build it we must be capable of universal value of peace can help to lay
dreaming.” (Nelson Mandela) the foundation for the creation of an in-
clusive and cohesive society. Contem-
Intercultural hostility and the exploita- plation, memory, and compassion are
tion of resources on the African con- the values that commemorative archi-
tinent have triggered a succession of tecture must convey in order to build a
armed conflicts resulting in millions of better world.
innocent lives lost and refugees seeking
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THEME the pavilion into a beacon of awareness.
Furthermore, an area will be created in
which to contemplate what happened,
The area in question was scarred by the
by praying for the victims or reflecting
Casamance conflicts which, despite ha-
on the past, immersed in a metaphysical
ving ended approximately a decade ago,
space that gives proper significance to
left an indelible stain on the communi-
ty’s memory. Villages were burned to the
The pavilion will be open to the public
ground and many families were forced
and accessible to everyone. It will respect
to flee to other countries or cities in se-
all cultures, genders, and religions.
arch of safety.
As in the case of the aforementioned con-
flict, many are the humanitarian disasters
that, due to cultural or religious differen-
ces or in an effort to grab Africa’s resour- THE CONFLICTS IN AFRICA
ces, have caused millions of deaths and
created innumerable refugees. Many of Many African countries have been de-
these conflicts, despite their devastation, vastated by internal conflicts stemming
are ignored by the international com- from the exploitation of resources as well
munity and occasionally, due to the lack as from ethnic and religious disputes.
29 states and 253 guerilla-militias (terro-
of communication on the African conti-
rist-separatist-anarchic groups) are cur-
nent, remain unknown even among Afri-
rently involved in armed conflicts around
can communities themselves.
the continent. Among the African coun-
Past events, albeit tragic, must inspire us tries currently at war are Mali, Nigeria, the
to build a world based on peace, equali- Central African Republic, the Democratic
ty, and solidarity. Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Soma-
Commemorating the victims of African lia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, and South Sudan;
wars through the value of peace is a fun- these conflicts continue to kill thousands
damental step in building an inclusive of people and create countless refugees.
and cohesive society, so that such events
may never be repeated in the future. The African continent has been scarred
The focus of this competition is to cre- by past conflicts that caused the deaths
ate a pavilion for the promotion of uni- of millions of civilians. The following is a
versal peace which inspires contempla- short list.
tion, reflection, and prayer for those who - War in the Democratic Republic of the
unjustly lost their lives. Congo (formerly Zaire), (1998 – 2003). This
The architecture of the pavilion must was the largest war in recent African hi-
create a multifunctional space in which story. It involved 8 African countries and
it will be possible to mount permanent approximately 25 armed groups and for
and temporary exhibits by artists who this reason is sometimes known as the
“African World War”. The war and its con-
share the values of peace and historical
sequences caused approximately 5.4 mil-
memory, but also a place where indivi-
lion deaths.
duals can retrace and learn about Afri-
- Civil War in Sudan (1984 – 2005). This
ca’s history through photographs and war developed as a continuation of the
documents. Knowledge and sharing first Sudanese civil war which lasted from
are essential elements for transforming 1955 to 1972. With 1.9 million deaths and

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4 million refugees, it was one of the bloo- Senegal. This group demanded the use
diest wars since WWII. of their own land to increase the wealth
- Civil War in Angola (1975 - 2002). This of their economy. The parties were ne-
civil war was essentially a power strug- ver actually identified, but some of the
gle between liberal factions immediately most patriotic and non-peaceful ethnic
after decolonisation. The conflict caused groups in the area joined the movement,
approximately 500,000 civilian casualties. giving rise to violent clashes that caused
- Genocide in Rwanda (April 1994 – July approximately 5,000 deaths and left more
1994). Over the course of about 100 days than 20,000 displaced and emigrating to
approximately one million people were Guinea and Gambia. In the first decade of
slaughtered and killed. An inter-ethnic the new millennium, the war gained mo-
clash was the root cause of the conflict. mentum, with countless homicides, at-
- Civil War in Mozambique (1977 – 1992). tacks, kidnappings, and fires set in remote
This war caused approximately one mil- villages, primarily near the frontier. In 2004
lion deaths. a peace treaty was signed and in the fol-
lowing years the clashes declined as the
The Casamance Conflict movement and the outlaws were never
able to acquire the support of the popu-
One of the continent’s many conflicts took lation or its local ethnic groups.
place in the Casamance region, south of Today, thankfully, there is an atmosphere
Senegal, the area which is the focus of the of peace and harmony.
theme of this competition.
The years following Senegal’s indepen- Sources: UN, Global Conflict Tracker, Save
dence (1960) and those shortly before the the Children, Guerre nel Mondo, UNHCR,
drought (1965) were characterised by vio- Doctors Without Borders, Wikipedia.
lent clashes led by a group of separatists
and outlaws fighting for the Casamance
region’s independence from the rest of
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PROJECT SITE As in the rest of Senegal, there are two
primary seasons in Sedhiou: the dry se-
Sedhiou ason, from November to May, and the
The Casamance region, to the south of rainy season, from June to October, with
Senegal, is named for the Casamance approximately 1000-1150 mm/year of
River, which cuts across the administra- rainfall. During the dry season tempera-
tive regions of Ziguinchor, Kolda, and tures vary between 33° C and 45° C. Due
Sedhiou. The capital of this last region is to the recent drought, agricultural and
the designated project area. The city of fishing activities have decreased consi-
Sedhiou itself has approximately 22,000 derably, thus affecting families’ food sta-
inhabitants, with a total of 420,000 in the bility.
entire region, scattered about in nume- The most well-developed financial sec-
rous villages. tor in Sédhiou is agriculture. The primary
The primary ethnic groups are: Mandinka, crops are: millet, corn, rice, sweet pota-
Balantes, Diolas, Fula, Creol, Diahankey, toes, manioc, peanuts, mango, oranges,
and Mancangne. The Mandinka group is cashews, papaya, lettuce, carrots, and
culturally characterised by the presence tomatoes. Despite this variety of food re-
of the Griot, a figure that promotes Afri- sources, the lack of infrastructure preven-
can culture and recounts its historical ts producers from being able to expand
events with the help of a musical instru- their markets.
ment called a Kora. The healthcare system is wholly insuffi-

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cient. In the entire Sedhiou region there of the most widespread diseases in the
is only one hospital with few operating region.
rooms and relatively little specialised per- The illiteracy rate is about 50%, due in no
sonnel. In the rest of the region heath and small part to the lack of roads and tran-
first aid centres are disconnected from sportation and to the low affordability of
each other. The healthcare system’s lack secondary schools.
of organisation has a strong impact on The subsoil is characterised by a reddish
child mortality (82%) and life expectan- laterite stone and by alternating layers of
cy (65 years) in the region. Poor hygiene white sand and clay.
is one of the primary causes of illness. The primary forms of art in the region are
Most of the population drinks water from music, dance, and dress making. There
non-purified and hand-constructed wel- are also other minor activities related to
ls, with subsequent problems of dysen- artisan crafts.
tery and related illnesses. Malaria is one
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The lot The lot is partially bordered by some
The project area is located along the rice paddies located at the corner of the
bank of the Casamance River, on predo- road along the river (Rue Corniche), whi-
minantly clay terrain and with a minimal ch connects the riverbank to one of the
slope. The lot is immersed in the the sur- city’s main squares, where the market is
rounding environment and natural land- located. Standing out in the surrounding
scape. It is bordered by the river on one landscape are three large kapok trees
side and the city on the other. (these days somewhat rare in the city)
The surrounding area is in expansion which, according to ancient tradition,
and characterised by the presence of may have mystical meaning.
an unauthorised street market, the city’s From the riverbank it is possible to cross
main market, and various offices, as well the river in a pirogue to reach the main
as by the “Chambre de Métier”, which settlements.
constantly hosts institutional meetings. Not far from the project area, in the mid-
Between the Chambre and the market lay dle of Casamance River, is Devil’s Island,
the ruins of the old colony’s government thus called by colonial explorers becau-
headquarters with annexed blockhouse, se of the mystical events that took place
today in a state of neglect. During colo- there. In fact, the island was once a place
nial occupation the city of Sedhiou was of spiritual retreat.
the capital of Casamance.
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THE PROJECT The three primary areas must perform the
following functions:
The “Peace Pavilion” project in the city of - Exhibition. An area will be dedicated to
Sedhiou aims to be a reference point for hosting permanent or temporary artistic
raising awareness among local and inter- works that share the pavilion’s values and
national communities, a space in which objectives. The pieces may be of any kind
to promote and foster peace, a structure and any size.
that is contemplative and multifunctio- - Contemplation. To remember and pay
nal, capable of providing the region with respect to the victims there must be an
an identity through the values of memory area dedicated to prayer and contempla-
and solidarity. tion. People of all genders, cultures, and
The challenge is to design an architecture religions must be able to use the area, al-
that commemorates the countless lives lowing everyone to meditate according to
lost in Africa’s wars and that gives material their own religious and cultural customs.
shape to the significance of peace, with - Spreading Awareness. This area must
respect for the environment and for local house an exhibit that retraces and teaches
traditions. Contestants will have to convey the history of the conflicts, helping people
this theme through a unique and striking to understand the causes through photo-
design that also integrates itself within the graphs and documents which are perma-
context, creating a structure that is desti- nently on display, as well as through mee-
ned to become a symbol of memory for tings and seminars.
the entire continent, capable of bringing
humility and awareness to the landscape, The construction materials available on
both culturally and thematically. site or in the nearby area are: clay bricks
(measuring on average 20x40x15cm),
The architecture will need to respect the cement bricks (measuring on average
following characteristics: 20x40x15cm), sheet metal, straw, irregular
laterite stones, shells, sand, wood beams,
- Maximum area of the floor plan - 300 wood planks, clay, palm leaves, and bam-
square meters; boo (limited availability). These materials
- Maximum height allowed - 7 meters; can be imported from abroad or from large
- Have three primary areas dedicated to urban centres, with a subsequent increase
exhibition, contemplation, and spreading in construction costs. The cost of the basic
awareness; materials is provided in the attachments.
- Have a room dedicated to storage/study; For the cost of materials not included on
- Be committed to operating in an affor- the list, one can refer to their average cost
dable and sustainable way; on the international market.
- Favour the use of natural materials obtai-
ned from the surrounding areas and the All of the documentation necessary for the
potential reuse of scrap material; development of the project is available in
- Incorporate the reuse and preservation the ‘download’ section of the website. All
of water resources; of the images are Copyright protected
- Optimise the building’s acoustics to fa- and can be used exclusively within the
vour the creation of quiet and contempla- scope of this competition.
tive spaces;
- Not exceed €15,000 in cost of materials
(see attachments);
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The objective of this contest is to crea- Registration
te a symbolic structure commemorating Early Registration
the victims of the African wars, one that Open: 18th January 2019
can spread awareness among local and Close: 11st February 2019 (h 23.59 GMT)
international communities, creating a
commemorative and educational space, Normal Registration
with respect for the environment and for Open: 12nd February 2019
local traditions. The architecture must be Close: 4th March 2019 (h 23.59 GMT)
capable of promoting the culture of pe-
ace. Late Registration
The winning project will be donated to Open: 5th March 2019
the Balouo Salo Non-Profit Organisation, Close: 31st March 2019 (h 23.59 GMT)
which will share it with consultants from
the sector, with the communities, and Submission deadline :
with Sedhiou’s institutions in an effort 18 April 2019 (h 23.59 GMT)
to evaluate the feasibility of its realisa-
tion through a workshop, a cooperative Jury Summoning : 25-28 April 2019
project in collaboration with organisa- Results announcement: 4 May 2019
tions, institutions, and NPOs, or even by
ministerial decision. The Organisation Note:
can choose whether or not adopt the The distinction between “early”, “normal”,
entire project or just part of it, reserving or “late” registration has no bearing on
the right to involve the winners during the submission deadline.
its construction and to make changes
that respond to certain prerequisites of
financial and technological feasibility, as
well as of integration within the surroun- REGISTRATION
ding context according to socio-anthro-
pological parameters. The organisation The registration fee varies depending on
also reserves the option to transfer the the team’s registration period, as indica-
project to another site in order to facilita- ted below:
te the building process.
In the event that the winning project Early registration - 60€/team
does not fulfil the above prerequisites, Normal registration - 90€/team
the organisation reserves the right to Late registration - 120€/team
adopt another winning project, properly
communicating and justifying their deci- How to apply:
sion to the respective teams and to the The registration process is as follows:
jury. • visit www.kairalooro.com;
The competition is organised in order • go to the competition’s registration
to contribute financially to the humani- area;
tarian activities of the Balouo Salo orga- • fill in the required fields to complete
nisation. All proceeds from the competi- your team’s registration and pay the re-
tion will be donated to said organisation. quired amount via credit card, debit card,
or PayPal;
• at the end of the registration process
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the first member of the team will recei- book, in magazines, and in exhibitions
ve a confirmation e-mail with the team Certificate
code to be used for participating in the
competition and the link to which the fi- 20 FINALISTS
nal design must be uploaded prior to the Publication in the competition’s official
established deadline. book, in magazines, and in exhibitions
Check your “spam” folder in the event
that the e-mail is not received. All awarded teams will be presented
We recommend completing the sub- with an official certificate from the com-
mission process comfortably in advance petition.
of the deadline. All awarded projects will be published in
the competition’s official book and on
its website, transmitted to architectural
websites and other architectural contex-
PRIZES ts, and displayed at architectural events.
The projects may also be published in
1st PRIZE national and international architecture
€4,000 for reimbursement of costs magazines.
Internship at the Kengo Kuma & Associa- N.B. The methods in which the awards
tes studio in Tokyo will be distributed are specified in the
Construction of design conditions.
Publication in the competition’s official
book, in magazines, and in exhibitions
2nd PRIZE Participants will have to submit the fol-
€1,000 for reimbursement of costs lowing materials:
Publication in the competition’s official
book, in magazines, and in exhibitions • one A1 format (841 x 594mm) page in
Certificate pdf format, maximum file size of 15 mb,
in English, horizontal orientation.
3rd PRIZE The page must illustrate:
€500 for reimbursement of costs a. project idea;
Publication in the competition’s official b. graphic diagrams (floor plans, sections,
book, in magazines, and in exhibitions perspective drawings), in a scale and
Certificate of a type that adequately describe the
2 HONORABLE MENTIONS c. 3D views (renderings, sketches, or pho-
selected by Kengo Kuma & Balouo Salo tos of a model);
€ 150
Publication in the competition’s official File name: A1_TeamID
book, in magazines, and in exhibitions (ex. If the group’s “Team ID” is 123456, the
Certificate file must be named: A1_123456).

5 SPECIAL MENTIONS • one statement (only text), A4 paper size,

Publication in the competition’s official English language, word or pdf format. In-

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cluding images in the statement is not meters:
The statement must provide a brief de- 1) Architectural quality
scription of the: Quality of the architectural composition.
a. Design idea (maximum 4,000 cha- Interpretation of the theme with respect
racters, not including spaces) to the the environmental and cultural
b. Use of materials (maximum 1,000 context. The project must demonstrate
characters, not including spaces) a sensitive approach to the developing
c. Construction process (maximum area.
1,000 characters, not including spaces)
d. Summary estimate of costs (maxi- 2) Construction materials and technolo-
mum 500 characters, not including spa- gy
ces) Use of natural materials and local resour-
ces for architectural application. Simplifi-
File name: A4_TeamID cation of the construction process.
(ex. If the group’s “Team ID” is 123456, the
file must be named: A4_123456). 3) Contextualisation
The architecture must integrate with the
• one cover page, pdf format, minimum urban, environmental, and cultural land-
size 1920x1080 pixel, 300dpi, horizontal scape, reinterpreting constructive tradi-
orientation, maximum file size 15 mb. tions from a modern perspective.
The cover must show an image that is
representative of the project (rendering, Prior to being evaluated by the jury, the
sketch, diagram, etc.) as it will become participating projects will be pre-se-
the project’s icon for exhibits and publi- lected by a scientific committee based
cations. on the assessment criteria, adherence to
the prerequisites of the competition, the
File name: Cover_TeamID techno-financial feasibility of the project,
(ex. If the group’s “Team ID” is 123456, the expository clarity, integration within the
file must be named: Cover_123456). context, and the architectural quality of
the design.
The text in the materials must be conci- The assignment of special mentions will
se and written exclusively in English. The be given to those projects that are not
materials must not contain names or re- among the top three chosen, that are
ferences to the designers. It is mandatory among those which ave been pre-se-
that the “team ID” appear in the name of lected, and that receive the highest
the file as described above. All material number of mentions from the jury. The
must be sent in the formats indicated. honourable mentions will be assigned
Materials received in formats other than by the president of the jury, who is ap-
those specified will be disqualified, as pointed by the organisation and also a
indicated in the reasons for disqualifica- member of the jury itself.

For the entire duration of the competi-
The projects will be assessed by a jury, tion, up until the deadline for the sub-
which will consider the following para- mission of materials, as specified in the

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calender, participants may ask for clari- with the registration deadlines on the
fications by sending an e-mail to info@ calender. In this case we recommend
kairalooro.com, within the time frame changing the project leader.
established by the official calender. 9. The sum of each cash award in-
The organisation will answer contestan- cludes transaction fees and taxes and
ts’ questions and publish them in the does not vary according to the number
“FAQ” section of the competition’s web- of team members. It will be paid to the
site. The answers will be published in En- team’s representative and is intended as
glish. Questions similar to those already a reimbursement for the costs of partici-
present in the FAQ will not receive an pation in the competition.
answer. 10. The award in the form of an in-
ternship is to be given to a maximum of
three members of the same team, pro-
RULES perly enrolled in the competition at the
time of registration. The duration and
1. Participants must respect the de- period of the internship depends on the
adlines and methods indicated in this studio’s availability, must be comple-
announcement, as well as all of the in- ted within one year from the end of the
structions regarding the materials to be competition, and must take place within
submitted. dates established by the host studio, the
2. Participants can be students, gra- contact information of which will be pro-
duates, and freelance professionals; it is vided. Travel costs are to be paid by the
not necessary to be an expert in archi- winner. The prize cannot be transferred
tectural disciplines or to be on a profes- to an individual that was not a member
sional registry. of the project’s team.
3. Participants can organise themsel- 11. The decisions of the jury and of the
ves into teams or individually. scientific committee are incontestable.
4. If participating as a team, with a 12. Participants are prohibited from
maximum of 5 members, at least one of disseminating material related to their
the members must be between the ages submissions prior to the publication of
of 18 and 35 (at the time of registration). the winners.
For the winning projects, the organisa- 13. Participants are aware of the hu-
tion will request documentation that manitarian goals of the initiative and that
verifies the prerequisites, under penalty their registration fee will go entirely to
that the prize be annulled. the Balouo Salo Association in the form
5. In the case of individual participa- of a donation.
tion, the contestant must be between 14. In the event of non-compliance
the ages of 18 and 35 (at the time of regi- with the established rules, the partici-
stration). pant and his or her team will be automa-
6. There are no restrictions for mem- tically disqualified from the competition
bers of any team regarding provenance without the possibility of having their re-
from different countries, cities, or univer- gistration fee returned.
sities. 15. The authorship of each project will
7. Paying the registration fee allows be attributed in equal measure to each
for the submission of just one project. of the team members.
8. It is possible to submit more than 16. Under no circumstances will the
one project by paying more than one re- registration fee be reimbursed.
gistration fee, determined in accordance 17. It is not possible to modify the

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composition of the team after having bute the project (even for marketing and
completed registration. publicity purposes), perform editorial re-
18. By participating, all contestants visions, create new works based on this
agree to the rules, terms, and conditions one, as well as grant sub-licenses of the
of the competition. project or portions of it to third parties,
in any way, form, or technology without
limitations on time or location.
b. The subsequent realisation of the win-
REASONS FOR ning project will be entrusted to volun-
DISQUALIFICATION teers from the Organisation or to third
parties deemed fit, notifying the winners
a. Materials that include text in a langua-
ge other than English.
b. Materials that include names or refe- c. The winning designers are expected
rences to the designers. The team ID is to cooperate with the Organisation in
to be used as the team’s indicative refe- the event that further documentation is
rence. required for exhibits and/or publications.
c. File names that do not adhere to the d. In the event of construction, the Orga-
format specified in the announcement. nisation reserves the right to make chan-
(see “materials”) ges to the project in order to improve
d. Incomplete materials or materials that its feasibility and affordability. In no way
do not adhere to the specifications pro- does the eventual construction of the
vided in the announcement. (see “mate- winning project represent an obligation
rials”) on the part of the Organisation towards
e. Materials received within time frames the winning team or towards third par-
or via methods other than those speci- ties.
fied in the announcement. (see “calen- e. The Organisation reserves the right to
der”) use all submitted projects for exhibits or
f. The team does not include at least one publications.
member between the ages of 18 and 35 f. The submitted projects must be new
at the time of registration.
and original and be the intellectual pro-
i. Any participant disseminates material
duct of the participants themselves. Par-
related to his or her team’s submission
ticipants are prohibited from submitting
prior to the selection of the winners.
projects that do not correspond with the-
se characteristics, therefore relieving the
Balouo Salo Organisation of any respon-
NOTES AND CONDITIONS sibility in the event that the submitted
materials are not the intellectual product
a. The winning project is considered a of the individual or of the team and that
donation to the Balouo Salo Internatio- he, she, or they do not, therefore, have
nal Organisation, which therefore ac- unlimited rights to the project, including
quires a perpetual and exclusive license, that of submitting it to the competition
with international, permanent, unlimited, according to the established rules.
and irrevocable validity, to use, execute, g. All necessary and available material for
adapt, modify, publish through any me- the competition can be found at www.
dia outlet, exhibit, reproduce, and distri- kairalooro.com, regardless of whether or
not one has registered in the competi-
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tion. or false personal information.
h. The competition’s organisation reser- n. If the number of projects submitted
ves the right to change dates or other exceeds 500, a pre-selection may take
details exclusively for the purpose of place.
ensuring a better execution of the com- o. By enrolling in the competition, par-
petition, providing advance notice and ticipants accept the terms and rules of
communication through all of the com- participation.
munication channels it has access to.
i. The Balouo Salo Organisation is not re-
sponsible for any malfunctions, technical
difficulties, or failure to receive materials.
In an effort to avoid overburdening the
system, participants are invited to com-
plete the registration process and to
upload their projects comfortably in ad-
vance of the deadline and to notify the
organisers of any potential technical is-
j. The processing of participants’ personal
information, performed both manually
and via computer, is only within the sco-
pe of participation in the competition,
in compliance with applicable laws in-
cluding Legislative Decree 196/03 and
ss.mm. on the part of the Balouo Salo Or-
ganisation, which will process the infor-
mation as sole Data Controller. Providing
personal information is optional, but a
refusal to do so will result in the impossi-
bility of participating in the competition.
k. This competition is in no way a pri-
ze-based contest pursuant to art. 6 of
D.P.R. 430/2001.
l. Participants are responsible for the
truthfulness and accuracy of the perso-
nal information they have provided, and
the organiser assumes no responsibility
for inaccurate or false information. Re-
gardless, the organiser, with respect for
privacy laws, reserves the right to verify
the data provided, requesting a copy of
the personal identification card used at
the time of registration.
m. The Balouo Salo Organisation is not
responsible in the event that a partici-
pant or participants provide inaccurate
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Kengo Kuma Agostino Ghirardelli

Kengo Kuma & Associates SBGA
Tokyo, Paris, Bejing Milano

Diana Lopez Caramazana Urko Sanchez

UN Habitat Urko Sanchez Archtiects
Nairobi Nairobi, Madrid

Jean Paul Sebuhayi Uwase Noella Nibakuze

Mass Design Group Mass Design Group
Kigali Kigali
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Toshiki Hirano Sebastiano D’Urso
University of Tokyo (Scientic Committee)
Tokyo University of Catania

Raoul Vecchio Moussa Souane

(Scientic Committee) (Scientic Committee)
Balouo Salo CCAI
Catania, Sedhiou Sedhiou

www.kairalooro.com | www.balouosalo.com Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2019 Edition - 17

SUPPORTED PROJECT in Tanaff, a well with a solar-powered
pump and a water purification system
All registration fees and proceeds from in the village of Sanoufily, and the con-
the competition will be donated to the struction of a dam/bridge in the Tanaff
Balouo Salo Association, a non-profit or- valley to combat the phenomenon of
ganisation established with the goal of saltwater intrusion that has devastated
solving environmental and social emer- the rice paddies and contaminated the
gencies and improving living conditions groundwater, causing health issues and
in impoverished communities in develo- food shortages for thousands of people.
ping countries, with a particular focus on For more information on Balouo Salo
safeguarding the environment, health, please visit www.balouosalo.com.
and culture. It is a volunteer and humani-
tarian association, founded on the princi-
ple of equality, with the ultimate objecti- For more information about the project
ve of creating self-sufficiency. “A bridge for Life” visit the website www.
Among the projects that it supports are balouosalo.com .
the creation of an educational centre
www.kairalooro.com | www.balouosalo.com Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2019 Edition - 18
Winning project of the last edition

KAIRA LOORO “architecture for peace”. It is not simply

the “creation” of architecture, but is rather
Kaira Looro are words in the Mandinga a state of being, an approach focused on
language. The Mandinka are the largest the creation of an inclusive and cohesive
ethnic group in the project area. Their environment in which peace reigns. Kaira
traditions date back centuries and are Looro is the connection to a culture, to a
characterised by a relationship with spiri- spirituality and exploration of inwardness,
tuality that focuses on the search for God. that is to be respectfully and humbly ma-
“Kaira Looro” means “to build peace” or terialised into architecture.

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www.kairalooro.com | www.balouosalo.com Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2019 Edition - 20


www.kairalooro.com | www.balouosalo.com Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2019 Edition - 21

Organized by Association Balouo Salo
to support humanitarian projects

www.kairalooro.com | www.balouosalo.com Kaira Looro Architecture Competition 2019 Edition - 22

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