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c Progressivism- Domestic affairs, people are supportive and see it as

c Graduated Personal Income Tax- the bigger the salary, the more tax,
farmers needed help form the gov¶t
c Muckrakers- exposed what is wrong, raking/stirring up muck so it rises
and everyone can see it
c McClure¶s- magazine, pays journalist in advance; research better
c Ida Tarbell- writer that hones in on standard oil co.
c Lincoln Steffens- wrote ³Shame of the Cities´ about corruption
c Frank Norris- wrote The Octopus about railroad abuses
c Upton Sinclair- wrote The Jungle about meat packing plants
c Triangle Shirtwaist Company
c Louis Brandeis Brief- President Wilson¶s attorney
c Direct Primary- determines who the candidates for the party are, the
people decide; competition to get name on ballad
c Initiative- people put names on petitions that goes to the state legislature
which votes 4 the proposed law; voters are now on record so in the next
election people know who they are
c Referendum- people sign petitions, voters get to vote directly, taken out of
hands of state legislature
c Recall- voters don¶t have to wait 4 years to get rid
c Australian Ballot- aka Secret Ballad; practice of going into the polls without
anyone seeing
c 17th Amendment- direct election of U.S. Senators (elected by state
c Commission System- person appointed the commissioner/ expert of the
city gov¶ts, not elected but works better for people
c City Manager System- less democratic but usually works out in the
peoples favor, appoint a city manager to run cities finance
c Robert LaFollette- took on the Boss¶ and was successful in defeating them
and taking the political stand out of their hands, more people then Boss¶
c 19th Amendment- guarantees women¶s right to vote
c ³Trustbuster´- TR, makes distinctions between good trusts/monopolies
and bad trusts
c Northern Securities Company- railroad co. in Northwest, J.P. Morgan
c Coal Miners Strike- about 5 months, 150,000 coalminers in N.E Penn,
hospitals schools houses, etc loose heat; TR not happy and wants to
make an arbitration which the owners don¶t want to do, TR threatens to
send in troops to run factories. The coalminers agree to arbitration:
workday goes from 10 hrs to 9 and a pay raise of 10%
c Hepburn Act- gives the Interstate Commerce Commission privilege to set
a maximum rate that they cant go over
c Mann-Elkins Act- allows ICC to change rate
c Pure Food and Drug Act- requires accurate labeling of ingredients and
also prevents false advertising with such products
c Meat Inspection Act- gov¶t authority to regulate meat packing industry only
if interstate commerce is involved
c Payne-Aldrich Tariff- some products end up with higher and others with
lower tariffs
c Underwood Tariff- lowers tariff to 26% which is the lowest in 50 years
c Clayton- Anti Trust Act- 1. Co.¶s may not buy stock in other co.¶s; 2. Co.¶s
may not forbid customers to competing with competitors; 3. Member of
board of directors may not hold the same position in another co. All 3
apply — practices tend to make monopoly
c Federal Trade Commission- to give more flexibility when dealing with
monopolies power to order co.¶s to stop unfair practices; is involved only if
federal jurisdiction (interstate commerce) is an issue
c Federal Reserve Act- Ê 4 some banks didn¶t have enough
money in banks; all the people who don¶t get their money out lose it.
4 —4  combination of both sides: country divided into 12 federal
reserve districts each set up with its own federal reserve bank that people
run and a 7 member federal reserve board (President appoints) in which
the head FED has 2nd most power in country
c Monetary Policy-
c 16th Amendment-graduated income tax
c W.C.T.U- Women¶s Christian Temperance Union
c Francis Willard- one founder of WCTU, begged saloons to stop selling
c 18th Amendment- banned the manufacture, sale, and transportation of
c Newlands Act- authorized the federal gov¶t to collect money from the sale
of public lands in western states and then use these funds for the
development of irrigation projects
c White House Conservation Conference- nation governors go to White
c W.E.B. Dubois-
c Joseph Cannon-
c New Nationalism- TR; campaigned for stronger control of trusts, woman
suffrage and programs of social welfare
c New Freedom- Wilson; favored small enterprise, entrepreneurship and the
free functioning of unregulated and un-monopolized markets
c Bull Moose Party- Progressive Party, TR 3rd part candidate
c ³Square Deal´- 1. Control of corporations 2. Consumer protection 3.
Conservation of natural resources
c Bureau of Corporations- formed which was authorized to probe business
engaged in interstate commerce; highly useful in helping to break the
stranglehold of monopoly and in clearing the road for the era of ³trust
c Standard Oil Company- Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the
STO stating it violated the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890
c The Federal Farm Loan Act- made loans available to farmers at low rates
of interest
c The Warehouse Act- authorized loans on the security of staple crops
c The LaFolette Seamen¶s Act- benefited sailors by requiring decent
treatment and a living wage on American ships; crippling of U.S. merchant
c The Adamson Act- established an 8 hour work day for all employers on
trains in interstate commerce
c The Carey Act- distributed federal land to the states on the condition that it
be irrigated and settled
c Sierra Club- founded in 1892, dedicated itself to preserving the wilderness
of the western landscape
c Aldrich-Vreeland Act- authorized national banks to issue emergency
currency backed by various kinds of collateral

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