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Pascal HealthBench™ User Guide:

Improvement – Debriefer Plus

About this Document
Welcome to Pascal HealthBench™

This document is designed to help you navigate HealthBench to access and manage
your debriefing process. It can be used on it’s own or as a supplement to the other
Safety Culture Program documents available. This guide is a tactical guide, and not
designed to explain how to debrief, but rather how to access and manage the
Debriefer Plus. For further information regarding each report and what it contains,
please visit our online help section accessible when logged in to your HealthBench
user account.


I. Debriefer Plus Overview

“What is the Debriefer Plus?”

II. Debriefer Plus For Users with One Work Setting

“I have access to one work setting and have been instructed to debrief my area.
Where do I start?”

III. Debriefer Plus for Users with Access to Multiple Work


“I have access to multiple work settings and am responsible for managing the
debriefer process for those work settings”
Debrief Meeting Agenda
Congratulations! You have completed the survey administration phase. Now the fun
begins. It’s time to start closing the loop on the survey administration and begin to
take action on the data. There’s a lot of data to digest and it’s easy to get
overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data.

The Debrief Meeting Agenda provides a starting point for conversations with the
front line people who responded to the survey.

The meeting agenda is a two page, guided discussion form that is pre-populated
with some of the least positive item scores and the most positive item scores for a
given work setting. The agenda is specific to each work setting and helps act as a
guide to begin to close the loop on the survey administration and encourage
improvement focused conversation grounded in the data from the survey.
The second page of the form guides the group to determine an actionable step they
can commit to taking and a specific date by which they will have taken action.

Debriefer Plus
The Debriefer Plus itself is a tool for managing your culture survey debriefing
process. To navigate to the Debriefer Plus, click “Culture Survey” as shown below.

From the Culture Survey Landing page, click either the “Improvement” tab, as
displayed in the image below.
Please note that your landing page may differ slightly from the above image
depending on your user account access. All users with access to the Debriefer Plus
will have the “Improvement” tab on their screen.

Debriefer Plus Landing Page

The Debriefer Plus Landing page will look like the below image for a system level
Users with access to only one work setting have a very streamlined version of the
Debriefer Plus. Any additional information that would only serve to make managing
a debriefing process more difficult for the end user has been removed.

For such a user, the Debriefer Plus Landing page will look like this:

To begin, click “Schedule Meeting”. You may also download the meeting agenda
without scheduling a meeting in the system by clicking “Download debriefing
agenda as PDF” below the Schedule Meeting button.

You will be taken to a screen where you are asked to enter the Meeting Description
and the date on which the meeting will take place.
Once you have named the meeting and set a date, click “Save”. You can now
download the meeting agenda from this screen by clicking the blue “Meeting
Agenda” in the middle of the page. The items on the first page of the agenda will
match what is written on the screen.

As the meeting is held, a scribe is identified to take notes on the second page of the
agenda, for entry into HealthBench after the meeting has been completed. Once this
has occurred, log back into HealthBench and navigate to the Improvement tab as
outlined at the beginning of this document, and click “Enter Meeting Results”.
On this screen, enter the notes that were written during the meeting, the name and
email address of the person responsible for follow up, the date by which follow up
will be completed, and the name and email address of the external leader
supporting the actions and click “Save”.

If there were multiple outcomes from this meeting and you would like to be able to
track them separately, click “Add another result” in the upper right hand corner of
the form, and a new form will open.
STEP 3: Once the date by which follow up should be completed has come, log back
in to HealthBench and navigate to the Debriefer Plus following the instructions at
the beginning of this document.

Click on “Complete Follow-up Form” as displayed above.

Respond to all the follow up questions and click “Save”

Now your Debriefer Plus screen will display as shown below, showing that each step
in the Debriefer Plus process has been completed. To schedule another meeting for
your work setting, simply click “Add Another Meeting” in the upper right hand
corner of the screen.
If you are responsible for the debriefing process for multiple work settings, an
entire facility or your entire system, you will have additional views that are not
available to a user with access to a single work setting. The additional views give
you the ability to monitor the percentage of work settings that have completed
steps 1, 2 and 3, as well as to download details from the meetings that have

As with the reporting features, a user with access to multiple work settings or
facilities can control what data is included in the Debriefer Plus landing scree
Explaining the Debriefer Plus Landing Page
On the Debriefer Plus landing page, you will find a section that displays the
debriefing status for all work settings to which you have access (who has completed
steps 1, 2 and 3. This is shown both in list form, and as a pie chart to the right.

You can download the status at any time by clicking the “Download Status” button.

In the same area, you can “Download All Agendas” which will download debriefer
forms for all work settings to which you have access, or download a “Blank Debriefer
Form” which will download the second page of the debriefer discussion form to use
during your meetings.

Other pieces to note on this landing screen are the “Common Agenda Items”

The common agenda items section displays the items that most commonly appear
on the debriefer forms for your work settings. This means that these items are
consistently low scoring items across your work settings.
The top selected items for your work settings will be populated based on the items
that are selected during the debriefing meetings and entered into HealthBench with
the results. If you would like to see the work settings that selected that item, and
review the action items they decided on, click the item you would like to review in
this list.

Once in the section that lists the meetings, you can click into any result, or
download the meeting results into an excel spreadsheet by clicking “Download
Meeting Details”.
Adding a New Meeting
To add a new meeting from this view, simply click the “Add Meeting” button in the
upper right hand corner.

A screen will pop up asking you to add details regarding the work setting you would
like to schedule a meeting for.

From the drop down lists, select the information and click “Create Meeting”. Once
you have done this, follow the steps and screen shots in Section II, managing the
debriefer with access to one work setting.

Now you are ready to work with the Debriefer Plus. If you have any questions as you
use this guide, please email support@pascalmetrics.com.

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