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Module 3


 Free-time activities

A Fill in: play, watching, send, going, snowboarding, reading, listens, surfs and hangs out.

1 My friends and I ................................. board 5 I hate it when my sister ...........................

games every Saturday afternoon. It’s lots of to loud music.
fun! 6 I don’t like .............................. DVD’s but
2 She ........................... with her friends at the I like ................................. to the cinema.
mall after school. 7 Teenagers .................................. a lot of
3 I like .................................................. books. text messages every day.
4 Mike ............................... the Net to find any 8 His favourite season is winter because
useful information for school projects. he loves ............................... .

 Daily routines

B Choose the correct answer.

1 I get/go up at eight o’clock every morning. 5 My dad goes/walks the dog in the park.
2 My younger sister writes/does her 6 I go/get to bed early.
homework in the afternoon. 7 I wash/brush my teeth every day.
3 Mary has/makes milk and toast for 8 Rita has/does a shower every morning.
4 Mike plays/goes tennis every Sunday

G Complete each pair with one of the verbs: get, have, work, do, make and walk.

1 A: They use the poison of the snakes to ...................... medicine.

B: Try to ...................... friends with your classmates at school.

2 A: You should ...................... your dog every afternoon. It’s good for him.
B: I always ...................... to school.

3 A: What time do you ...................... up in the morning?

B: ...................... ready! It’s time for school!

4 A: We often ...................... projects in our History class.

B: Try to ...................... your best.

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Module 3
5 A: I ..................... shifts in my job so sometimes I start at 9 am and sometimes I start at 2 pm.
B: Please don’t ...................... late tonight. We should go for dinner at your brother’s house.

6 A: What time do you usually ...................... breakfast?

B: We always ...................... fun when we play football.

H Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.

live/exist campus/dorm
1 Do dinosaurs still ………….……….? 7 I live on ……………………. .
No, they don’t. I don’t live at home.
2 Where do you …………….……….? 8 How many students are in your
On a farm. …………………….?

mammals/reptiles kind/fantastic
3 …………………………. are cold-blooded 9 I love my teacher. She’s very
animals so they live in warm places. ……………………… .
4 Dolphins, giraffes and lions are all 10 What a ……………………. experience!
…………………………. .
leader/owner 11 Firefighters do a very …………………….
5 James is the ……………………. of the job.
hotel, not Sam. 12 The venom of some snakes is
6 We have two dogs, Spot and Rex. Spot is ……………………. .
the ……………………. .

B Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple.

1 Janet .................................. (hang out) with 5 ..................................... (he/play)

her friends at the mall after school. football every day?
2 Tom and Martha usually .............................. 6 Every Saturday night, Sandra .................
(surf) the Net in the evenings. (watch) a DVD before she ....................
3 ............................................. (you/go) to (go) to bed.
the cinema on Sundays? 7 Which one ........................... (he/prefer),
4 He ....................................... (not/eat) meat. the blue or the red?
He prefers fish and vegetables. 8 They ........................................ (not/like)
cats. They have three dogs.

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Module 3
C Put the words in the right order.

1 never/They/for/late/are/school 4 She/to/gym/goes/the/often
.................................................................... ................................................................
2 Does/send/text/he/messages? 5 sometimes/go/on/the/They/to/cinema/
.................................................................... Sundays
3 sleep/usually/don’t/I/late ................................................................
.................................................................... 6 Jake/walks/to/never/school

D Underline the correct word.

1 Tom doesn’t work on/at Sundays. 4 Her birthday is on/in 20th January.
2 He always walks his dog in/at the morning. 5 I have an English lesson at/in 5 o’clock.
3 Sue likes visiting her grandparents at/in the 6 Our exams are on/in May.

E Fill in have to, has to, don’t have to, doesn’t have to, as in the example.

eg. A waiter has to be polite. ( ) 4 You ...................................... eat it all. ( )

5 Josh ......................................... learn
1 Steve ......................................... show an
tightrope walking to become a trapeze
ID card at the entrance of the university. ( )
artist. ( )
2 Tommy ............................................... study
6 Martha ......................................... wear a
Maths to become an English teacher. ( )
uniform at work. ( )
3 They ............................................. work late
on Mondays. ( )

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Module 3

G Underline the correct word.

1 Sheila walks quickly/quick. 6 He speaks German well/good.

2 Tom plays the guitar bad/badly. 7 Our marks are highly/high.
3 My grandpa speaks very polite/politely. 8 We live in a quietly/quiet little
4 They had a terribly/terrible accident. neighbourhood.
5 You are a careful/carefully driver.

Read the text and choose the best answer, A, B, C or D.

The Life of a Cowboy!

What gets you up in the morning? Your alarm clock? Your noisy little sister? For Daniel Miller
on Padlock Ranch in Montana, it’s the love for his job that gets him up at 4 am every morning to
start his day as a cowboy.
Every day, Daniel eats a breakfast of eggs and toast and washes it down with black coffee.
He feeds his dog, then he goes across the fields to the cattle on his horse. He feeds the cows and
then does all the other chores around the ranch for the rest of the day. There’s always a lot to fix
and clean and it takes a long time to finish them all!
Daniel doesn’t have much free time and as the nearest neighbour lives 10 miles away, he
spends most of his time with the horses. He often talks to them and takes them down to the river.
Cowboying is a tiring job that never ends so it isn’t a job for everyone, but Daniel is very happy
with his way of life. He usually relaxes in the evening with an interesting book and watches the sun
go down – a perfect end to a hard day’s work.

1 What makes Daniel get up in the 3 What does Daniel do for most of the
morning? day?
A his sister A He cooks meals.
B the noise of the cattle B He does chores.
C his alarm clock C He feeds animals.
D his job D He stays indoors.

2 What animals does Daniel work with? 4 What does Daniel do to relax?
A horses A visits his neighbours
B cows B reads in the evening
C horses and cows C goes to the river
D cows and dogs
D talks to the horse

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