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- Purpose (aim)
The main purpose of this report is to provide a few (compare three) options in
purchasing a company car (what to purchase)
for company X (who purchase) and to recommend the most suitable and best car for

To compare brands ..... and to recommend .....

- Situation
Analysis of the problem/situation, client's profile.

- Overview
What you'll cover in this report
The report will present ..... and then, it will follow by .....

Discussion (Why/How)
- Why did you select these criteria and not others?
- Why did you disqualify others?

There are endless choices of well make sports shoes available in the market but
we have selected the best three models that are able
to meet Mr Brown's needs. The 3 choices models to be reviewed are Adidas, Adaba
and Nike.

Although XXX is also a good make for running, the price of this model exceeds Mr
Brown's budget by 80%.


Conclusion/Summary (Category)
After reviewing X company in the options above, we came to a conclusion that
1. The best price differed by brand X is the closest to Mr Brown's budget even
though it exceeds by 20%.

- Which one to recommend and the reason?
- 2 to 3 sentences.

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