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annual report

people need nature to thrive

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05 leadership message
08 the climate of CI
12 priority areas
14 research
16 human dimension
18 partnerships
20 communications
22 government + policy
24 fundraising
26 protected areas
28 financials
In Memoriam: CI lost two individuals who contributed much to the organization. We shall miss them both. 34 donors
Carlos Ponce, who passed away in September 2007, was a Peruvian conservationist
and among the core group who participated in discussions about the founding of CI in
34 individuals
January 1987. For more than 40 years, Carlos was a bright star and inspiration for 40 future of life society
conservation efforts in Latin America. 42 dinner committees
46 foundations
Henri Blaffart was swept away by the flooded Tiendanite River on March 21, 2008, 48 corporations
while traveling in Province Nord, New Caledonia, where he worked with the Kanak 49 governments + multilaterals
communities on management of the Mont Panié reserve. A native of Belgium, 49 other organizations
Blaffart had worked since 2002 on the CI-funded project and formally joined CI in
2006 as project chief at the reserve.
50 board of directors
51 chairman’s council
52 senior leadership

On the cover: Betsileo woman harvesting rice, central Madagascar. CI works with partners in Madagascar
and around the world to ensure human well-being through ecosystem and biodiversity conservation.
We are at a pivotal moment in

CI had many successes in fiscal year 2008 (FY08). Working intensively
with partners across the globe we jointly ensured the protection of
280,000 square kilometers of forests and marine areas. From remote
marine sanctuaries in Indonesia’s Raja Ampat to enormous expanses of
tropical forests in Brazil’s Amazon, these newly established protected

CI’s—and our planet’s—history.

areas afford refuge for countless species of plants and animals. Our team
of conservationists secured a debt-for-nature swap in Costa Rica;
and continued our partnerships with McDonald’s, Wal-Mart, Starbucks
and other corporations that have committed to essential principles of
sustainability. We also actively participated in the U.N. Climate Change

As the world grapples with an

conference in Bali, and encouraged and supported government funding
commitments to stop tropical deforestation, which led to the formulation
of our climate change business strategy and the launch of our
“Lost There, Felt Here” awareness campaign.

economic crisis, we look to new The past year also saw the “Blue Auction” in Monaco, which raised
money through the purchasing of naming rights of new marine species;
the publication of Tim Killeen’s startling “Perfect Storm” paper about the
risks of unchecked development in the Amazon; and the extension by the

leadership to raise us from the

government of Kiribati of the Phoenix Islands protected area to become
the largest marine protected area in the world.

If anything, however, the sense of urgency flowing through the conservation

community has become more acute. Two sobering facts have emerged:

downturn. At CI, we are also

Since 1990, the planet has lost nearly half a million square miles of forest,
an area twice the size of France, and close to one-third of the planet’s
coral reefs have seriously deteriorated.

looking to lead—in an exciting

Recognizing this urgency, CI has just emerged from a careful and lengthy
examination of our mission and strategy, and we have come to some
conclusions that will change the way CI operates.

One idea dominated our thinking during strategic planning: Until

new direction.
societies understand that humanity needs nature, economic development
will increasingly undercut conservation. The result will be accelerated loss
of the services and benefits that nature provides to humankind.

So, human well-being through ecosystem and biodiversity conservation

becomes CI’s retooled mission. CI has always emphasized human welfare
in our work, but it now will be the guiding principle of what we do and
how we interact with partners around the world.
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This has major implications for how we do our work. How do we
demonstrate to the public and to international and national leaders that
sustained human well-being requires healthy ecosystems and that, over
the long term, the loss of nature’s diversity and vitality will exacerbate
the plight of the world’s poor and imperil all communities on Earth?

We will need to work closely with existing partners and expand our
engagements with the institutions and nations that drive unsustainable

We will need to ensure that we have a place at the table with those who
are making enormously important decisions about energy, food security
and development strategies, so that the conservation of biodiversity is
not sacrificed to short-term thinking.

We must convince our partners that it is possible to achieve sustainable

development and improve human well-being only if development is built
upon a foundation of biodiversity and ecosystem conservation.

We are excited and invigorated by this challenge. It is time for all of us

to move the environment off the sidelines and onto the frontlines.

Peter A. Seligmann Russell A. Mittermeier Niels Crone

Chairman and CEO President Chief Operating Officer

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No issue is as important to our
Droughts and water shortages, more intense hurricanes and coastal
storms, increased transmission of diseases, and declining habitats for
plant and animal species are already linked to climate change. Scientists
now agree that the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests
and other natural habitats are largely responsible for these changes.

world in the 21st Century—or

The challenge could not be greater, nor the need for action more urgent.

CI is rising to the challenge. Mitigating the impact of climate change

is our highest priority. Our first strategic plan more than 20 years ago
identified climate change as a major threat to human well-being. For more

to CI’s mission—as global

than a decade, we have been at the forefront of studying the impact of
climate change on the world’s species and natural habitats. We have
helped to focus the world’s attention on the contribution that biodiversity
conservation makes toward mitigating climate change. Deforestation

climate change. Rising levels

accounts for about 20 percent or more of global carbon dioxide
emissions—more than all the world’s cars, trucks and planes combined.
By preserving forests, CI and our partners help to stem global climate
change while securing the fresh water, fertile soils, abundant wildlife and
other benefits that healthy forests provide to local people. With our

of carbon dioxide and other

partners, we have launched groundbreaking initiatives for climate,
community and biodiversity conservation in China, Madagascar, South
Africa, Ecuador and the Philippines.

In January 2008, CI convened a retreat of our top leaders from around

greenhouse gases in the

the world. Chairman and CEO Peter Seligmann challenged the team
to create an even more ambitious strategy. Over the following weeks,
experts from all of CI’s regional programs and technical divisions
developed a business plan to harness nature as a solution to climate

atmosphere are altering

change. Scientists, program directors and communications staff across
CI worked together on a strategy that would appeal to world leaders,
policymakers and investors. The team set an ambitious goal to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions by up to two billion tons per year by
conserving forests and other natural habitat in our priority regions

weather patterns worldwide.

and that would also help millions of people and more than 100,000
threatened species in those areas adapt to the impacts of climate
change. CI’s Board of Directors approved the plan in February, and
members of CI’s Chairman’s Council helped us secure more than
$10 million to begin implementing the plan.

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Over the next three years, we will invest with partners in Brazil, Indonesia,
Guyana, Liberia, South Africa and the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape
to show that ecosystem conservation is an effective strategy to mitigate
climate change and to adapt to its impacts. We will apply our cutting-
edge scientific research to develop innovative strategies that combine
climate, biodiversity and community benefits. We will partner with leaders
in the private sector to mobilize hundreds of millions of dollars to reduce
emissions from deforestation. We will work with government officials in
the United States, Europe and the United Nations to develop a new
policy framework for combating climate change that combines innovations
in energy efficiency and clean energy technologies with financial
incentives for developing nations to preserve their forests, coral reefs
and other natural habitats. We will build the capacity of indigenous
communities, NGOs and government agencies in key countries to
implement this strategy. To achieve these goals, we will communicate
the urgency of climate change and the effectiveness of biodiversity
conservation as a solution to key audiences around the world.

CI’s climate change business plan is an example of the unique impact

that we can have as a global organization to help nations realize the
inherent value of nature to the well-being of their people. We can help
societies harness their biodiversity as an asset for sustainable
development. This is CI’s mission. Helping the world tackle climate
change is one of the most important ways we can pursue it.

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priority areas:
The World of Conservation International
Our conservation success spans more than 40 countries on four continents.
When it comes to determining our priorities, science leads the way. Using
superb field research, we pinpoint specific regions rich in biological value—
where people, plants and animals are desperately in need of conservation
action. Human well-being depends on our ability to preserve biodiversity
and natural resources.

By focusing on areas where each dollar spent will do the most good, we
maximize efficiency and effectiveness. That’s how we’re able to work
across enormous areas, conserve entire ecosystems and link our efforts
together one piece at a time. That’s how we have brought about
protection and improved management of more than 1.2 million square
kilometers (463,000 square miles)—an area large enough to be seen from

• Biodiversity Hotspots: Earth’s biologically richest places, the hotspots

hold especially high numbers of species found nowhere else. Each
hotspot faces extreme threats and has already lost at least 70 percent
of its original natural vegetation.

• High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas: Vast regions of relatively

undisturbed land, wilderness areas are home to high numbers of
species found nowhere else. Each area still claims 70 percent of
original vegetation and has very low human population density.

• Marine Priority Areas: Across the immensity of the seas, these regions
are among the most important for the future of our oceans. Many of
these places extend beyond country boundaries, creating opportunities
for diverse partners to work together to conserve the marine life that is
a crucial resource for people everywhere.

n n n n Biodiversity Hotspots
n n High-Biodiversity Wilderness
n Marine Priority Areas
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Research is the engine that drives CI’s work and With the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival
determines how best to apply our conservation efforts. Commission and other partners, CABS completed global-scale assessments of
all mammals and made the databases available to the general public. The global
CI’s Center for Applied Biodiversity Science (CABS) mammal assessment found that nearly 50 percent of the world’s 390 primate
species are in danger of extinction.
continued its strong tradition of inspiring scientific
research of the highest quality and standards to support In addition, the global amphibian assessment added more than 360 new species
global conservation efforts. During FY08, scientists in to the database. This effort also contributed to refinement of criteria and tools for the
CABS and across CI produced a total of 160 publications, IUCN Red List process, which continues to play an influential role in understanding
including 62 peer-reviewed articles (indexed in the Web species extinction risks globally and in setting conservation priorities.
of Science Internet platform), seven books, 20 book
chapters and eight conference proceedings. The research Research on biodiversity patterns is helping to better understand congruence with
covered biodiversity assessments, ecosystem services, ecosystems services at multiple scales. As a result, CI scientists and partners are
climate change and priority-setting across terrestrial, developing cutting-edge tools for multi-scale assessment of ecosystem services by
marine and freshwater biomes. multiple stakeholders, such as identifying landscape targets for biodiversity protection,
safeguarding watersheds, sequestering carbon and enhancing habitat connectivity.

This science-to-policy linkage was a key factor in securing buy-in from the Inter-
American Development Bank for the CABS publication titled A Perfect Storm in
the Amazon Wilderness, which highlighted challenges and policy options for
integrating biodiversity concerns into the Initiative for Integration of the Regional
Infrastructure of South America. Published in Portuguese, Spanish and English,
“A Perfect Storm” proved that if South America develops in the wrong way, it risks
destroying the region’s rainforests, destroying its rivers and altering regional weather
patterns that are fundamental to the region’s long-term economic prosperity.

CI scientists also made important contributions on climate change adaptation and

mitigation, including major inputs to the 13th Conference of Parties of the U.N.
Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Bali, Indonesia. This included an
analysis of vulnerability of the world’s protected areas to climate change, which
highlighted the need for anticipating predicted impacts in designing national systems.

In this regard, CABS research on species extinction risks and vulnerability of habitats
and ecosystem functions (hydrology and carbon storage) was an important contribution
to the development of Madagascar’s national climate change adaptation strategy. On
climate change mitigation, CABS supported capacity building on the application of
cutting-edge remote sensing and mapping tools for assessment of carbon baselines
to help implement projects that retain standing forests.

CABS also moved forward with CI’s flagship Tropical Ecosystem Assessment and
Monitoring (TEAM) partnership, which is establishing a global network of field stations
to generate near real-time data for long-term monitoring of tropical biodiversity. Online
data became fully operational, and the new protocol for landscape-scale monitoring
was launched.

On the policy front, CABS joined forces with CI’s Center for Conservation and Gov-
ernment to contribute analytical research on ecosystem service values to an ongoing
global assessment by the European Union on the economic cost of biodiversity loss.

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By partnering with local inhabitants and other stakeholders, In September 2007, with the help of CI, the Wai Wai people of Konashen District in
CI strives to empower indigenous and local communities to Guyana created the nation’s first Community Owned Conservation Area. Under
conserve essential resources and strengthen the fundamental regulations passed by the Guyana parliament, the Wai Wai community formally
role of biodiversity conservation in providing sustainable designated their land a protected area and adopted a management plan, developed
with technical and financial support from CI, for the 625,000-hectare (1.5 million-acre)
livelihoods. This is the human dimension of our work, and
tract on the northern border of Brazil’s Pará state.
during FY08, significant results were achieved throughout CI.
April 2008 saw the launching of a book titled Coming Together in a Land of Riches,
Power and Life-Giving Forces. The book focuses on the bi-national peace park
process between Peru and Ecuador with CI and other partners. A group of 127
contributors—86 percent of them indigenous—documented the project.

Also in April, the Indigenous People and Climate Change Workshop at the U.N.
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues was held, bringing together more than 120
participants from around the world to focus on building awareness and strategies for
mitigation and adaptation to climate change for indigenous peoples.

CI-Brazil continues to work with the Kayapó people of southeastern Brazil to protect
their 11-million-hectare (25-million-acre) homeland. Located in the Brazilian Amazon’s
most deforested sector, the Kayapó lands form the largest single protected tract of
tropical forest in the world. CI provides training and equipment to facilitate border sur-
veillance, along with support for small businesses that provide income while conserving
the forests.

Using a novel approach to make conservation attractive to local people, CI has

implemented conservation agreements to protect more than 20,000 square
kilometers (7,700 square miles) by engaging with and benefiting 100 indigenous
communities, local groups and private landowners in 17 countries around the world.

Conservation agreements have increased school attendance in communities in

Cambodia by 25 percent, provided wages for conservation jobs such as patrolling
and reforestation to more than a dozen communities in 10 countries, offered more
than 100 scholarships to children in the Solomon Islands, helped rebuild communities
devastated by the Sichuan earthquake in China and improved the respiratory health
of more than 200 families in the highlands of Peru by reducing fuel wood
consumption and supplying energy-efficient stoves.

Conservation agreements are attractive to the donor community, as endowments

have been secured for the Sovi Basin in Fiji and Tetepare in the Solomon Islands,
through the support of FIJI Water and AusAid, respectively. Working with government
agencies and landowners in Fiji, CI has helped pilot a conservation approach in which
landowners have cancelled a timber concession in Sovi Basin—the largest remaining
area of intact forest in the country—and created a protected area instead.

Approximately 4,000 people in six villages now receive support for socioeconomic
development, including a student scholarship program. Recognizing the importance
of the project, FIJI Water has granted $2.25 million in endowment funds to provide
support in perpetuity.

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All of CI’s partners, including NGOs and governments at all CI helped leading brands create company-wide environmental strategies and launch
levels, demonstrate leadership to achieve conservation groundbreaking initiatives to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss. These efforts
outcomes. Our corporate partners stepped up in FY08 to are led by CI’s Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB) and involve all
address environmental sustainability as a business priority. of CI’s field and headquarters divisions.

A new phase in CI’s decade-long partnership with Starbucks Coffee Company takes
conservation beyond coffee farms into surrounding landscapes to address climate
change. A five-year commitment begins with an initial investment of $7.5 million, most
of which will support projects in Mexico and Indonesia. We will help coffee growers
apply good conservation practices on their farms and protect surrounding forests.
Preserving forests keeps CO2 on the ground, so we will help coffee farmers become
carbon farmers and earn income by reducing emissions. The forests provide water,
prevent erosion and help buffer the coffee farms from droughts, hurricanes and other
impacts of climate change. Starbucks also nearly doubled its investment in CI’s Verde
Ventures fund, which provides financing to coffee growers in El Salvador, Guatemala,
Mexico, Peru and Indonesia.

Marriott International announced a new company-wide commitment to the

environment, developed with CI. Marriott will lead the hotel industry in reducing
CO2 emissions through energy efficiency, a commitment to green buildings and
incentives to green its $10 billion supply chain. To offset remaining CO2 emissions,
Marriott will fund the protection of 405,000 hectares (1.4 million acres) of rainforest in
the Brazilian state of Amazonas—one of the first examples of a company taking steps
toward becoming carbon neutral by helping preserve forests. Marriott is inviting its
customers and suppliers to join the program.

FIJI Water worked with CI to go beyond carbon neutral, making a commitment to

reduce and offset 120 percent of the annual greenhouse gas emissions generated by
its product life cycle. CI has a longstanding commitment to the nation of Fiji, where we
have worked for more than a decade to help landowners find economic alternatives to
logging. CI advised FIJI Water on its carbon footprint and recommended adoption of a
portfolio of actions, including energy efficiency, reduction in packaging, investment in
renewable sources of energy and high-quality forest carbon investments. CI and FIJI
Water began by helping protect more than 20,000 hectares (50,000 acres) in Fiji’s Sovi
Basin—the CO2 saved is equivalent to keeping two million cars off the road for a year.

In consultation with CI, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. launched Love, Earth® jewelry, which
allows customers to trace the path of their jewelry purchases from mine to market.
CI and Wal-Mart worked with jewelry manufacturers and mining companies to develop
environmental and social standards. Love, Earth® customers can go online and trace
the gold, silver and diamonds in their jewelry to mines or recycled sources that
conform to the standards. As the world’s biggest jewelry retailer, Wal-Mart’s program
will help to reduce the environmental and social impact of mining worldwide. Wal-Mart
underscored its commitment to sustainability by working with CI and the Brazilian
state of Amapa to fund the Amapa National Forest, which provides fresh water to
500,000 people, prevents CO2 emissions and preserves the Amazon’s biodiversity.

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In 2008, CI re-imagined Conservation.org to make CI’s In the year since the relaunch, new visitors are up 20 percent, and our repeat traffic is
work more accessible to the millions who gather up 67 percent. With the Web site’s richer content and a more interactive experience
information on the Web. The revamped Web site serves as to enjoy, our users are spending roughly five-and-a-half minutes on the site—almost a
the gateway for all CI programs and regions. Innovations full minute longer than they did a year ago.
include the online “Stop the Clock on Species Extinctions”
CI has pushed hard to increase the number, and ensure the continuing quality, of our
campaign, expanded video content (featuring CI partners photographic and visual resources. In May 2008, CI expanded and formalized our
and supporters, including Al Gore and Pearl Jam), a partnership with the International League of Conservation Photographers, so that we
personal carbon calculator and the launch of a climate may draw easily on the best photographers in the world.
change campaign featuring a Harrison Ford public service
announcement that appeared worldwide. CI scientist Timothy J. Killeen’s report, A Perfect Storm in the Amazon Wilderness,
was released as part of a coordinated effort to showcase the challenges facing
protection of the Amazon.

A series of expeditions to the Bird’s Head Seascape of Indonesia led to the

discovery of a new species of walking shark. Our Strategic Marketing and Global
Communications (SM+GC) division took our scientists’ good work and delivered a
massive promotional campaign resulting in funds for the region and the designation of
new protected areas by the Indonesian government.

As part of our vision to catalyze a new global conservation ethic and raise CI’s
brand awareness among a general consumer audience, we created new corporate
partnerships. Led by CI’s Center for Environmental Leadership in Business, SM+GC
formed marketing alliances with international corporations, including the following:

• Starbucks has renewed its relationship with CI to include marketing

communications and leveraging CI’s brand to show its commitment to
sustainable coffee production and the preservation of forests.
• McDonald’s is partnering with CI in new ways, including a panda
Happy Meal, an endangered animal Happy Meal in Europe and potential
collaboration on the Great Turtle Race in 2009.

Finally, we designed a multifaceted launch for CI’s climate change business strategy,
called “Lost There, Felt Here.” The campaign is designed to shift the debate and
planning on global warming to increase awareness of the fact that 20 percent of the
world’s greenhouse gases are released by the razing and burning of tropical forests.
CI Board of Directors Vice Chair Harrison Ford served as spokesman for the
campaign, which drove new traffic to our Web site. Visitors were able to “Protect an
Acre” for $15, calculate their own carbon footprint and to navigate forests and
climate issues around the world through an interactive map.

Of course, the aggressive outreach of CI communication and media staff, and the
in-depth, in-country marketing knowledge of our international team expanded the
scope of the “Lost There, Felt Here” campaign immeasurably, and represents a
new dimension for CI’s worldwide brand.

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Since the U.N. Conference in Bali on Climate Change, Many governments have announced major commitments to help reduce tropical
CI has been working with governments and multilateral deforestation. CI’s Center for Conservation and Government (CCG) mapped out
organizations to further build on momentum and the pledges announcing funding to combat climate change by both countries and
opportunities. Governments decided in Bali to encourage multilaterals. Almost all funds that have been announced are intended to be chan-
neled through multilaterals, and CCG’s Public Funding department has been working
actions to reduce emissions from deforestation and
across the organization to promote the diverse set of financial mechanisms that it
degradation now, and agreed to consider how to reward has to offer to multilaterals and bilaterals to achieve results on a significant scale.
those countries who take immediate action. This is a key
decision and, with this encouragement, tropical-forest Among the many commitments, a few stood out: The World Bank launched its
governments can feel confident that their efforts to act Forest Carbon Partnership Facility, totaling $160 million USD in commitments;
now will not go unrecognized. Norway announced a deforestation fund on the order of $560 million USD per year;
the United Kingdom announced the $1.2 billion USD Environmental Transformation
Fund; and Germany announced $780 million USD over the next five years.

CI is well positioned to partner with governments and funding agencies on these new
deforestation initiatives, and CCG has been working steadily over the past year to
expand the dialogue. A number of high-level meetings took place in Europe with the
governments of Germany, France, Norway, the United Kingdom and in Japan. CI’s
vision on priority areas for investment based on sound science provides an excellent
base for discussion and helps governments set priorities. CI recognizes the excellent
global leadership of these governments in making bold commitments to biodiversity
conservation and climate change.

In addition, CCG continues to work with the World Bank on developing the Forest
Carbon Partnership Fund and other climate funds, and to ensure that several key
high-biodiversity countries are able to participate and benefit accordingly.

On the U.S. government side, there has been much activity in our work on Capitol
Hill. After a coalition including CI spent a year opposing proposed cuts of up to 50
percent in USAID’s international budget for biodiversity conservation, the House
and Senate both produced the highest budget recommendations ever for these
programs: $175 million and $195 million, respectively.

This led to a reversal in the Bush Administration’s plans to significantly reduce or

close conservation and natural resource management programs in some of the
world’s countries richest in biodiversity, such as Madagascar, Mexico and Brazil.
We also managed to intervene with key congressional offices to block last-minute
amendments in both the House and Senate to reduce or eliminate 2008 funding for
the Global Environment Facility.

U.S. government support for the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) gained considerable
momentum in the past months and now includes a financial commitment of
approximately $32 million over the next five years. The CTI is an effort to promote
planning and support for large-scale marine conservation in the world’s most
biodiverse marine region. With important support from WWF, the Nature Conservancy
and CI, the CTI is being led by six country governments: Indonesia, the Philippines,
Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Solomon Islands.

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In FY08, CI crossed the $1 billion threshold of our CI is deeply grateful for the support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation—our
$1.2 billion Future for Life Campaign. As we approach largest institutional donor—whose long-term funding, including $79 million in FY08,
the finish line, we thank our contributors and has enabled CI to increase our strategic partnerships, expand the scientific inquiry
encourage continued support. that underpins our efforts and build our own and our partners’ institutional capacity.

In just this past year, from one generous individual, CI received $10 million—nearly
half of the $21 million needed to launch our innovative new climate change business
plan. The Walton Family Foundation renewed support for CI’s Seascape initiative,
approving two grants for more than $26 million over three years.

CI and our partners in the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) signed several
agreements for significant new support for this highly successful global program.To date,
the program has provided grants to CI regional programs and more than 1,300 partners.
Together, these partners have pioneered new and diverse alliances, enabled more than
10 million hectares (24.7 million acres) of new protected areas and influenced policy in
favor of people and nature in many countries. The new agreements are with the World
Bank ($20 million in new support from the Global Environment Facility) and with the
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation ($12 million in additional support).

In FY08, CI’s special events raised $3.6 million. Our trademark fundraising events in
Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and New York City got raves from those attending. We
also expanded to new cities—Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Las Vegas, Nevada. Nearly
2,000 guests learned about CI and global conservation issues.

Perhaps our most innovative event ever took place on September 20, 2007, in
Monaco: the “Blue Auction,” held in the historic Musée Oceanographique de Monaco,
cosponsored by the Monaco-Asia Society under the patronage of HSH Prince Albert II,
and conducted by Christie’s International. Auctioned off for a total of more than $2
million were the naming rights to 10 species discovered by a CI survey in the Bird’s
Head Seascape, along with two non-species lots.

On the public funding side, CI, in partnership with WWF and The Nature Conservancy,
secured a five-year, $32 million grant from USAID for the Coral Triangle. (The grant will
be split among the three organizations and others.) This is the largest single USAID
investment in marine conservation.

CI continued its record of successful corporate partnerships in FY08. In addition to

Starbucks and FIJI Water, the Wrigley Company Foundation has committed to
implement CI’s first initiative to weave conservation practices into the everyday lives of
people around the world by working to inform the public about practical solutions to
global and local conservation problems.

CI’s online fundraising efforts took off in FY08, breaking the $1 million mark for the first
time, and included launching the “Lost There, Felt Here” campaign featuring CI Board
Vice Chair Harrison Ford. The generosity of our donors makes our work possible, and the
success of the Future for Life Campaign is due to our Board of Directors’ and Chairman’s
Council members’ financial gifts, but also to their contributions of time and energy.

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In 2008, CI continued working with national governments For example, CI-Bolivia supported the establishment of the largest Municipal
and local stakeholders not only to establish new protected Protected Area in the region—“Pampas del Rio Yacuma”—with 616,453 hectares
areas but also to strengthen their capacity to efficiently (1.54 million acres) and provided technical assistance to the municipalities around
manage existing protected area networks. During FY08, Madidi and Pilon Lajas protected areas (Ixiamas and San Buenaventura) to
complete their municipal development plans.
CI and its partners supported the creation of more than 90
terrestrial and marine protected areas, which jointly cover In Peru, CI supported research, conservation and sustainable management activities
an area of 280,000 square kilometers (108,000 square miles), in the Rodal Tahuamanu Conservation Concession, protecting it from agricultural and
roughly the size of the state of Nevada. timber activities and providing key habitat for threatened species such as the Goeldi’s
monkey (Callimico goeldii), the mahogany tree (Swietenia macrophylla) and the harpy
eagle (Harpia harpyja).

In Cambodia, CI and its partners worked toward the protection of globally threatened
species found only in the 402,000 hectares (993,000 acres) of Central Cardamoms
Protected Forest, the largest contiguous track of evergreen forest in Indochina.
There, local communities are receiving incentives to improve their agricultural systems,
health and education, while protecting the last known populations in the world of
species such as the Asian dragonfish (Scleropages formosus) and the Siamese
crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis). Recently, the government of Cambodia requested
CI’s assistance to establish and manage the Tonle Sap Freshwater Sanctuary. This
sanctuary contains approximately 270 fish species and many other freshwater species,
including globally threatened otters, turtles, waterbirds and crocodiles, and represents
the lifeblood for fisheries production of a large proportion of the Cambodian population.

In the Philippines, CI supported the expansion and management of the Penablanca

Protected Landscape and Seascape, home to thousands of animals and plant
species, notably the Critically Endangered Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi).
The Penablanca protected area represents today the largest block of forest under
conservation management in the Philippines and provides clean water for communities
near and far.

CI-Guyana recently completed the boundary delineation for the proposed Kanuku
Mountains Protected Area and submitted it to the government of Guyana for
approval. The process used for the delineation was groundbreaking and involved full
participation from the 18 communities that live in and use the mountains, as well as
government agencies and other stakeholders. The final delineated area is 611,000
hectares (1.5 million acres) and is agreed to by all involved in the process.

In FY08, CI and our partners helped create four new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)
in marine priority regions. The highlight of the year was the expansion of the Phoenix
Islands Protected Area in Kiribati to more than 41 million hectares (101.3 million
acres), making it the largest MPA in the world and protecting both important shallow
reefs and deep sea waters. In the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape, new MPAs in
FY08 included an important mangrove area protected in El Morro, Ecuador, and an
artisanal fishing community marine area in Tarcoles, Costa Rica. In Brazil, the
Cassurubá Marine Extractive Reserve became the latest MPA on Abrolhos Bank
to provide benefits to local communities.

C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 2 7
CI strives to exercise the highest level of stewardship
over donor contributions and wishes to extend its deepest
appreciation to our donors for their continued support
and generosity during FY08.

C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 2 9
“Philanthropy is almost the

CI wishes to express our deepest appreciation to our donors,

CI invested more than $135 million in conservation in FY08, Assessment Tool, which facilitates access to accurate, timely
who through their continued support and generosity allowed us reflecting 15 percent growth over last year’s level of $118 million. conservation information to support critical business decisions and
only virtue which is sufficiently to raise $233 million in FY08, despite the challenging economic
environment. This represents a 32 percent increase over FY07
This growth was targeted, with support services falling slightly
as a percentage of total expenses and with the majority of the
better inform these industries about the impact of their
prospective and current business projects and practices.
appreciated by mankind.” levels and is the highest revenue reported in our history. additional funding going to direct program support. In FY08,
CI invested 84 percent of each dollar spent in programmatic The Center for Conservation and Government (CCG) has actively
– Henry David Thoreau Several significant foundation and multilateral gifts received services. engaged key government partners, including KfW Bankengruppe,
during the year provided crucial resources to support CI’s core AFD (l’Agence Française de Développement) and the Saudi
programmatic efforts throughout the world’s biodiversity hotspots In keeping with our goal of promoting sustainable conservation government. CCG seeks to impact policy to ensure that
CI continues to strive to make every donor dollar and high-biodiversity wilderness areas. The gifts also provided practices, CI invests a considerable portion of its resources in grants conservation is balanced with its partners’ respective development
count. We take pride in again receiving the top rating seed funding for our important new initiatives to protect human to local partner organizations that have the largest stake in and goals, economic interests and political realities.
from Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent well-being by ensuring that the biodiversity and ecosystems on are best positioned to protect their resources. In FY08, CI invested
charity evaluator. Charity Navigator states: “We are which we depend are healthy and enduring. almost $42 million, or 31 percent of total expenses, to support our During FY08, CI’s Strategic Marketing + Global Communications
partners in the field. team launched the “Lost There, Felt Here” campaign to increase
proud to announce Conservation International has CI received continued support in 2008 from the Gordon and awareness of the profound impact that deforestation has on climate
earned our second consecutive 4-star rating for its Betty Moore Foundation for our regional programs and CBCs. Our Conservation Funding Division, regional programs and change. In addition, the team worked closely with CELB to develop
ability to effectively manage and grow its finances. In addition, the foundation provided support and collaboration CBCs in the Neotropics, Africa and Madagascar and Asia Pacific and implement programs with Starbucks, McDonald’s and
Only 16 percent of charities we’ve rated have received in developing the new strategic vision that we will begin to regions represent the core of our program delivery, with these DreamWorks Animation.
implement in 2009. The Global Environment Facility through the programs accounting for 64 percent of our spending in FY08.
at least two consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating World Bank renewed its support for the Critical Ecosystem These programs supported the creation of 78 new terrestrial
that Conservation International outperforms most Net Assets
Partnership Fund with a commitment of $20 million over five protected areas and 14 new protected marine areas, as well as
charities in America in its efforts to operate in the years. And, in addition to its ongoing support for our seascapes the improvement of management practices in 334,000 hectares Despite challenging economic conditions that resulted in
most fiscally responsible way possible.” program, the Walton Family Foundation provided a multi-year (825,000 acres) of protected areas and 32,000 square kilometers substantial investment losses in FY08, CI closed the year with
grant of more than $40 million to support new strategic initiatives, (82,880 square miles) of indigenous territories. These programs are a modest $631,000 unrestricted operating surplus that will be
including climate change mitigation and ecosystem services the bedrock of our efforts to conserve the terrestrial, marine and added to our reserves.
programs. CI was also fortunate to receive a $10 million gift freshwater ecosystems that humanity relies on for survival.
from an individual to support the launch of our ambitious As a result of the significant, multi-year commitments described
climate change strategy that employs nature as a solution Ten percent of our operating expenses supported the Center above, CI’s temporarily restricted net assets, which represent
to climate change. for Applied Biodiversity Science. CABS develops tools for the funds earmarked for specific conservation programs to be
scientific community to assess the status of and protect Earth’s implemented in future years, increased by almost $102 million.
biodiversity and to ensure that conservation action is based on
sound, reliable and verifiable science. In FY08, CABS played a During the year, CI received contributions totaling $51,000 to
leadership role in developing CI’s climate change strategy, as well its endowment fund, bringing the total endowment to just over
as our ecosystem services program, which addresses such issues $13.1 million. Earnings from this endowment are used to fund
as availability of clean water, pollination of crops, soil fertility, disease environmental education and training, field programs and
regulation, ecotourism and carbon sequestration—which links general operations.
human well-being to the health of the environment.
While we enter FY09 with considerable restricted resources to
While representing a relatively small percentage of our operating support our core programs, we continue to strive to build our
budget, the Center for Environmental Leadership in Business (CELB) unrestricted reserves to provide us with flexible funding
leverages its relationships with the private sector to promote “green” necessary to respond to urgent needs.
business practices in industries. Among other successes in FY08,
CELB launched the Integrated Biodiversity

C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 3 1
statement of activities
For the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2008 and 2007, in Thousands

2008 2007


FY08 Revenue of $232.9 Million
Grants and contributions
Individuals $6,570 $18,935 $- $25,505 $23,202 Governments,
Corporations 1,592 22,663 - 24,255 9,448 NGOs and
Investments and
Foundations 6,928 138,078 51 145,057 85,681 15%
Other Income 1%
U.S. Government - 7,229 - 7,229 7,207 Individuals 11%
Non-U.S. Government - 1,207 - 1,207 28,827 Foundations
NGO/Multilaterals 19 27,253 - 27,272 11,243 63%

Investment income 563 (1,307) - (744) 8,176

Licensing agreements, product sales and other income 1,095 2,057 - 3,152 2,823 Corporations 10%
Net assets released from donor restrictions 119,128 (119,128) - - -

Total Revenue 135,895 96,987 51 232,933 176,607

Expenses FY08 Total Expenses of $135.3 Million

Program services
Neotropics 40,389 - - 40,389 33,303 Conservation Funding Division
Operations 3%
Africa and Madagascar 17,147 - - 17,147 12,601 Asia Pacific 19%
Asia Pacific 25,189 - - 25,189 24,199
Center for Applied Biodiversity
Conservation Funding Division Operations 4,075 - - 4,075 4,418 Africa and Science 10%
Center for Applied Biodiversity Science 13,135 - - 13,135 11,964 Madagascar
Government and
Center for Environmental Leadership in Business 4,701 - - 4,701 4,593 Corporate Engagement 5%

Center for Conservation and Government 2,775 - - 2,775 2,027 Communication and
Awareness 4%
Communication and Awareness 6,115 - - 6,115 5,828 Neotropics 30%

Operations 10%
Total program services 113,526 - - 113,526 98,933
Development 6 %

Supporting services
Operations 13,909 - - 13,909 13,179
Development 7,829 - - 7,829 5,972
Total supporting services 21,738 - - 21,738 19,151

Total Expenses 135,264 - - 135,264 118,084

Changes in net assets before nonoperating activity 631 96,987 51 97,669 58,523

Nonoperating activity
Gain (loss) on foreign currency translation - 4,899 - 4,899 1,967

Changes in Net Assets $631 $101,886 $51 $102,568 $60,490

Net assets at beginning of year 14,898 197,423 13,049 225,370 164,880

Changes in net assets 631 101,886 51 102,568 60,490

Net Assets at End of Year $15,529 $299,309 $13,100 $327,938 $225,370

C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 3 3
Douglas and Nancy Abbey Brad and Colleen Bell Skip Brittenham and Heather Thomas Maggie Cook Chris Ellis
Patrice Auld
Jane and Jeffrey Gale
Audrey Abbott William Belzer Brittenham Aaron Cooksey David Ellison Alex Galiano
Jacob and Ruth Anne Abraham Bill and Laurie Benenson Carolyn S. Brody Lee Cooper Dana and Bob Emery Mary C. Gallo
Jeffrey and Rona Abramson Jessica and Jim Benjamin Jen Brokaw and Allen Fry Lee and Toby Cooperman Alfred and Gail Engelberg Glenn Gallop
John and Andrea Adams Tod and Susan Bennett Meredith and Tom Brokaw Michael and Anne Cooperman Nora Ephron and Nick Pileggi John Galloway
Catherine Adler John Bent Nina Brown de Clercq George Corbin and Antonia E. Valentine Laura Epstein Joanna Gardner
Robert Aiken Andy and Louise Bergman Barbara Brown Claire Corcoran and Will Murphy Catherine Evans Lee and Kathryn Gardner
David Ailion Laurie Bernhard Mrs. W.L. Lyons Brown Jamie Fellner and Rick Cotton Jodie Evans and Max Palevsky Karen Garrett and Pete Garfinkel
Michael Ailion Helen and Harold Bernstein Richard and Sally Browning J. William Cowart Charles and Chase Ewald Michael and Mary Gellert
George and Joyce Albers-Schonberg Joshua and Lisa Bernstein William and Andrea Broyles Patricia Cox John and Darin Eydenberg Peter R. Gent
David Alberswernth and Carol Ridder Tom and Andi Bernstein Mike Brzozowski Richard and Kristin Crane Richard and Shannon Fairbanks William Gibbons
HSH Prince Albert II Charles J. Betlach Lori Bucciero William Cranwell Missy Falcey Mark Giesen and Greta Huizenga
Jean Aldwell Catherine Bettcher Frederick and Jane Buckner Neil Crespi Evan Fales Herbert and Kitty Glantz
Gregory Alexander and Jennifer Chiu Megan and Don Beyer Matthew and Kay Bucksbaum Niels and Michelle Crone Lisa Famolare and George Middendorf George and Mary Glass
Dean and Vicki Allen Ethan Binder Timothy and Della Budell Paula and James Crown Philip Farese Peter and Denise Glassman
Geoffrey Allen Dan E. Binkley, Ph.D. John and Laura Burke Billy and Zibby Cummings Huda and Samia Farouki Jesse Glick
Herbert A. Allen Robin Bitner Clifford Burnstein and Sabra Turnbull Mark Cunningham and Judy Klein Clotilde and Vince Farrell, Jr. Linda Gochfeld
Patricia Alper-Cohn and David Cohn Inez Black Robert and Susan Buys Joan Daeschler Suzanne Farver Charles and Doe Godchaux
Roger C. Altman and Jurate Kazickas Simon Blake-Wilson Brett and Leslie Byers Lucio and Marta Dalla Gasperina James and Richelle Fatheree Gabriel Goffma
James and Aundrea Amine Gordon Bland Tom Byers and Michele Mandell Mr. Ian M. Damon Killeen and Joseph Faughnan Diana Meehan and Gary Goldberg
Following is a listing of Cort Anastasio Carol Blaney and John Sun Wendy and G. Steven Carballo Sophie F. Danforth Susan Fawcett Duncan and Pamela Goldie-Morrison
Patrice Auld, together with her husband Kevin and their three
CI’s Emerald Circle, a Keith and Peggy Anderson
Michael and Lisa Anderson
Jerry and Laurie Blann
Frank Blethen
Paul Carnes
Jonathan and Mildred Carr
Anthony Daniel
Henry and Lorraine Darley
Kirsten Feldman and Hugh Frater
Mark and Marcie Feldman
Dorian S. Goldman and Marvin Israelow
Lisa and Douglas Goldman daughters, has been a tireless champion for Conservation
remarkable community of Mickie and Gibson Anderson
Patricia Anderson
Brent Blue
Neil Bluhm
Charles Carson
Stephen and Patti Carson
Patricia and David Davidson
Ed and Leslie Davies
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
David and Jaimie Field
Jennifer and Lisa Goldman
Victoria and Lloyd Goldman
International since the early 1990s. Though a long-time
individuals who gave Philip O. Anderson Samuel and Diane Bodman Christopher Carter Paul L. Davies, III Irwin and Helgard Field Gary Goldring supporter of CI events around the country, she is best known
Virginia Anderson Peter Boerma John and Pat Carver George and Anita Davis Marie and Joseph Field Jim and Andi Gordon for her energy and vision behind our first Seattle event in 1997.
$1,000 or more in FY08 Daniel Andrade James Bohart and Holly Smith Mary Cashman Martha H. Davis Samira Fink Sam Gores She has co-chaired every highly successful Seattle Dinner
(July 1, 2007–June 30, 2008) Peter and Jean Andresen
Clayton and Jane Ellen Andrews
Mary and David Boies
Scott and Donya Bommer
Stephen Cassell
William Cattin
Lincoln and Alice Day
Wendy and Philip Day
Gary Finkel and Marcia Allen
Andrew Fippinger and Betsy Ware
Tom and Holly Gores
Stone Gossard and Liz Weber
since then, and her leadership in the Northwest and personal
to protect life on Earth. Coleman and Alison Andrews Gina Bond Jessica and Henry Catto Praveen and Catherine Dayalu Sam and Leah Fischer Nichole Gould philanthropy have leveraged substantial community support.
David and Diane Andrews Libby Borden John and Theresa Cederholm Hans and Kristi de Grys David and Marianna Fisher Philip Graff and Janet Lerman-Graff Patrice’s relationship-building and generous willingness to
We are also grateful to David Angel and Jana Clark Cristina Bordes Cory Chew Mary De Voe Donald and Doris Fisher Tom Grahame and Jan Kern open up her home for events have helped CI acquire countless
the many donors who Barry and Jo Ariko
Anthony Arnhold
Kyung Choi Bordes and Peter Bordes
Stephanie Bordes
Adam Chiamulon
James and Nancy Chiamulon
Shira DeGrood
Wyatt and Tandy Dickerson
John and Laura Fisher
Lester and Gwen Fisher
David Gray
John J. and Frances F. Gray
long-term friends for global conservation.
have made generous Clarisse and Henry Arnhold Stephen Bordes Jennifer Chin Charley and Sheila Dickey Randi and Bob Fisher Susan Graybill
Patrice is one of the original Chairman’s Council members
Michele Arnhold* Edward Borella Stephanie Choate Chris Diehl and Saskia Schott David Fite and Danita Lowes Fite Jeremy and Yvonne Green
contributions but wish to Paul Arnhold Caryn Borg-Breen Jeffrey Chodorow Barry Diller Joe and Stacey Fitting Jim and Laurie Green and currently serves as the Vice Chair for Membership.
She and Kevin also have been important supporters of the
remain anonymous. Luiz and Gabriele Arnhold-Simoes
Peter and Marilyn Ashkin
Pieter Borkent
Virgil and Laurie Boss
Anthony Chua
Citi Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
William H. Disher
Eric Dobkin
Kathy and Michael Fitzgerald
Simon Flannery
Judson and Joyce Green
Myrna and Stephen Greenberg Center for Conservation and Government to help CI influence

Kenneth A. and Patricia S. August Barbara Bosson Elena Citkowitz and Joseph Hoffman Mary and Robert Dodge Jody Fleischer James and Marritje Greene
Patrice and Kevin Auld Edward and Betty Bottler Wayne and Deborah Citrin John and Ann Doerr Katie Flint Brian and Myra Greenspun
international environmental policy and strengthen foreign
Scott and Mary Kay Ausenhus Lisa Bowen Susan and Jeffery Clark William Donnell Sue and Robert Flint Raymond Grieselhuber governments’ capacities for conservation.
Harry Austin Walter Bowen Mr. and Mrs. John J. Clarke Jeanne Donovan Fisher Eileen Foley Kristine Griffin
Donna and David Ayerst Ian and Hannah Bowles Elizabeth Coe Jean and Les Douglas John Forbes Nicholas Griffin She credits her family’s travel with CI-Sojourns to South
Michelle Babcock John and Shannon Bowman Branden Cohen Mr. and Mrs. William Draper, III Harrison Ford Gerald and Lyn Grinstein America and Africa as transforming experiences in their
Monika Bacardi David Bradley Dan Cohen and Leah Keith Priscilla Duffield Theodore J. Forstmann Rita Grolitzer commitment to the environment. “We learned firsthand why
Suzanne Badenhoop and Guy Lampard David Bradley and Melanie Gregurina Jeffrey Cohen Dave Dumanis Deborah Forte and Peter Stone Laura and Vernon Groves
Neal Baer and Gerrie Smith Janice Lee Braly Kimberly Cohen Wilson E. Durham, Jr. Foundation Source Peter Gulick
CI is so successful,” says Patrice. “They are inclusive of
Carla Baird and David Crane Emily B. Bramhall Peter and Brooke Cohen Laurel Durst and Ed Strong David Fournier Geoffrey and Sarah Gund everyone—scientists, governments and businesses. They
Hank Bannister Jonathan Brandt Steven and Alexandra Cohen Donna and Bill Eacho Flossie Fowlkes Llura and Gordon Gund understand that all voices must be heard when coming up
Caroline Barrett Ramna Brandt and Herve Rodriguez Amy Colbert Sylvia A. Earle, Ph.D. Henry Frank Marc Gunther and Karen Schneider with long-term solutions. Conservation International sees the
Mark Barron and Ruthann Petroff Marty and Kay Brantley Denis Coleman Peter and Gillian Early Loren Frank Max and Helen Gurvich
John and Barbara Bartman Charles Breckinridge Lewis W. Coleman EarthShare Charles and Kathleen Frazee Jennifer and Michael Guthrie
big picture better than any other organization, but never loses
Julien Basch Marilyn and Darrell Brett William Coleman R. Bruce Easter and Cynthia Foubion Linda and Peter Fredo Tom Haas sight of all the important partners on the ground.”
Pam and Daniel Baty Cynthia and Steven Brill George Colettis and Marina Livanos Walter and Vera Eberstadt Gary and Donna Freedman Candace I. Haber
Terrence Bean Brian and Leslie Brille Ann Colley Toni Eddy Wendy Freida Charles Haffner
Anson and Debra Beard Daniel Brimm Mark Collins Mark and Ann Edlen Ann and Thomas L. Friedman Gil Hagan and Anne Wade
James and Veronica Beard Elena Brineman Stephen and Pippa Colvin Joel and Anne Ehrenkranz Nancy and Paul Frisch Robert Haines
Veronica and Anson H. Beard Patrick Briody Rita and Robert Colwell Danny Eidson Joy Gaddy and Robert Rowe Leah Hair
Eric Becker Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden John D. Constable Gail and Richard Elden Yves and Monique Gaden Julie and Parker Hall
C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 3 5
Margaret Hamburg and Peter Brown Wendy Jackson Andy and Betsy Lack Gary and Cydney Mandel Morgan Stanley Charitable Spending
Andrew and Leslie Nicholls
Andrew Payne
Dorothy Hamilton Bruce and Gretchen Jacobsen Kenneth Lady Norman Marck and Linda Lichter Accounts Program Stuart and Adele Paynter
Benjamin and Ruth Hammett Nina Jacobson Alexandra Lamm Richard and Susan Marcus Eli Morgan and Jill Schreck Maureen and Phillip Peckman
John and Katie Hansen Karny Jacoby Paul Lampert Bernard and Chris Marden Wendy Morgan Margery Perdue
Whitney Hansen Daina Jaras Cindy Landon James Marden Diane Morris Philip and Joanna Perry
Renee Harbers Peter and Joyce Jobson Haakon Bjornar Larsen and Erin Larsen Sallie and Andrew Maron Jenna and Michael Morton Richard and Lisa Perry
Scott Harbers H. Fisk Johnson, Ph.D. Gary and Laura Lauder Jacquie Mars Colin and Martha Moseley Kim Peters
Joan and George Hardie Jeff and Jody Johnson Richard and Katherine Lautch Dan and Karen Marsh Scott and Jennifer Mosier Mr. Roger J. Petersen
Porter Hardy Matthew Johnson John Lavely Dan Martin Sandra J. Moss Karine Pezzani
Benjamin Harnett Peter and Juliet Johnson Warren Lavey and Holly Rosencranz Jim and Nancy Martin Charles Mostov and Dori Mostov Beth Pfeiffer
Donald Harris Ralph and Bonnie Johnson Christopher and Ruth Lawler Redge and Carole Martin Harvey Motulsky and Lisa Norton John and Amy Phelan
Jessie Harris J. Tyler and Melanie Johnston Earle and Ellen Layman Morrison Mast Michael Moxness and Deborah Echt Joy Phoenix
Joan Harris Robert Jonas and Margaret Bullitt-Jonas William and Nancy Lazar Roderic B. Mast Douglas Muder and Deborah Bodeau Stobie Piel
John and Lynne Harris Chris Jones and Kira-Anne Sorensen Michael and Laura Lazarus Terrill Mast Sharad Mudhol Jim and Gaye Pigott
Stephanie and John Harris Karen Jones Belina L. Lazzar Marjorie Matheson Duncan Murdoch and Wai Ling Chan Robert and Veronique Pittman
Anne and Bill Harrison James E. Jordan Norman and Lyn Lear Rex Maughan Jim and Heather Murren Philip and Jennifer Platek
Judy Hart Steve Juelsgaard Diane A. Ledder and Rick Barongi Robert and Katherine Maxfield Mary Kathryn and Alex Navab John and Jen Pleasants
Pamela Harting Derry and Charlene Kabcenell Greg and Dana Lee Mary and Kenneth May John and Cheryl Neal Stanley and Gloria Plesent
Jane Hartley and Ralph Schlosstein Steven Kadish Geoffrey Leigh Thom and Maureen Mayer Alexander Nein Charles and Eleanor Pollnow
Charlene Harvey Tom Kaplan Eric and Jennifer Lemelson Bruce and Jolene McCaw Gregory and Laurie Nelson Anne Powell
Richard Hastings David Kastanis Maureen Lemire Mary Kay McCaw Merlin and Janet Nelson Richard Powell
Mrs. Beverly Hattersley Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg Florence J. Lemle and Ronald D. Saypol Susan McClatchy Network for Good Rajesh Prabhakar “I’ve been in the ‘green’ community for a long time,” says
Terry and Leanna Hauck Richard Kauffman Jeff Lesk and Sara Mark Lesk Hugh P. McCormick William and Gloria Newton Paul and Joanne Prager Andrew Nicholls, and he and his wife Leslie live by those
James N. Hauslein Ric and Suzanne Kayne Gerald Levey Jani and William McCormick Alexandra and John Nichols John Pratt
Ryan Hawes Robert Kellogg Richard H. Levi Dennis McDaniel Courtney Nichols Karen Price
principles every day. “We buy shade-grown, CI-approved
Ann-Eve Hazen Kathy Kemper and James Valentine Ellen and Richard Levine Kathryn McDonnell Sara Nichols and Frank Arentowicz W. James and Marjorie Price Starbucks coffee,” he adds, mentioning just one example.
Patricia Healy* Don and Diane Kendall Kathleen Lewis Dennis McEvoy and Kim Worsencroft Andrew and Leslie Nicholls Glenn and Lisa Prickett
Helen Marie Hedlund Deborah L. Kern Michelle Liem Samuel McFarland Barbara and Donald Niemann John and Lisa Pritzker When the couple was looking for an international conservation
Jeanette Heinz Piya Khanna Kenneth and Jane Light Mike and Gaelynn McGavick Ann Nitze Nicholas J. and Susan Pritzker group to support in 2003, Andrew investigated CI and,
William Heisel William and Lynn Kilbourne Rob and Kali Lindner J.B. McIntosh Carol and George Nobori Deborah and Stephen Quazzo intrigued, contacted the Emerald Circle program to find
Steven Heller Paul and Kathleen Kimball Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz Martin McIntyre Keith Norbutt Paul and Wendy Raether
Skip and Connie Helm Michael and Jena King Benjamin Lipton Sonnet and Ian McKinnon Stuart Norton Mitchell Rales and Emily Wei out more. He was introduced to Glenn Prickett, CI senior
Kimberly Henney Paula and Dan Kinney Robert Litwak and Liz Liptak Dan and Susan McKnight Tom Nowak Deborah Ratner and Michael Salzberg vice president and executive director of the Center for
Skip and Meg Herman Karen Kistenmacher Peter and Karen Locke Donna C. and Thomas F. McLarty, III Dara and Timothy O’Hara Mr. Joseph Ravitch and Ms. Lisa Wolfe Environmental Leadership in Business, who filled him in
Diane Herndon Heather Klaehn Jan and Elizabeth Lodal Charles P. McQuaid John Ohly Chris Redlich on CI’s programs and provided a firsthand account of CI’s
Cynthia Hicks Jane and Charles Klein Mark Long Diana and Christelle Mead-Siohan Benjamin Olewine, IV Sarah Johnson Redlich
Carol Hillman John Klein and Maria Pastoor Finn Torgrimsen Longinotto Monica Mehta Claudia and Francisco Oliveira Frederick Reimers
groundbreaking efforts helping corporations “go green.”
Henry Hillman Thomas and Tricia Klein-Boland Inigo and Francesca Lopez de la Osa Richard Melsheimer Nicholas Olmsted James Reinert
Mrs. Reuben Hills (Ingrid) John and Karen Klopp Susan Loucks Bonnie Menes Kahn Dave Olsen and Anita Braker Allison Reitman Impressed, Andrew and Leslie joined the Emerald Circle,
Dorothy S. Hines Doug and Camille Klunder Thomas E. Lovejoy Ben Metcalf Henrik Olsen Stewart and Lynda Rae Resnick became monthly contributors and continued learning. CI’s

Alan and Berte Hirschfield Karl and Luisa Knapp Marilyn Loveless George Meyer and Maria Semple Nels and Kristen Olson John and Kitty Resor monthly contributors provide a reliable stream of income
George and Karen Hixon Bill and Anne Kneisel Derek Lovley Kirstin and Carl Meyer Randall and A. Omel Stanley Resor for conservation, and the regular connection keeps them
Victor Hoernig Hans Henrik Knoop Linda and Barry Lowitz Rebecca Meyer Cynthia O’Neal Story Clark Resor and William B. Resor
Marisa and Thomas Hormel Gail Koff Cynthia and Dan W. Lufkin Thomas Meyer Gilman and Marge Ordway Anders G. J. Rhodin and Carol Conroy engaged. Andrew cites CI’s Rapid Assessment Program as an
Diana Horvat Karyn Kohl Andrew Luk Bethany and Robert Millard Douglas Orr Jeri and Greg Rice example of the kind of science-based, in-country, pragmatic
George and Monica Hosfield Kathryn Kohl David and Kristin Luntz Jeffrey Miller Judith and David Osgood Marie Ridder work he is proud to support. The couple also appreciates the
Bruce and Carol Hosford Philip and Cathy Korsant Randolph and Nicole Luskey Peter Miller and Sally Hoffman Miller Charles Otto Steven Ridenhour regular updates and sense of relationship the Emerald Circle
Elizabeth Howitt Katie Kotkins Bradford Lyerla and Marilyn Wyse-Lyerla Steven Miller Phyllis and Dave Oxman Nancy Morgan Ritter
Carrie Howrylak Skip and Jackie Kotkins Robin Lynch Eric and Catherine Milos Patricia Hedlund Oxman and Jana Robbins
Manush Hristov Richard Kramer Michael Lynne Helen Mirra Stephen A. Oxman Rich and Nancy Robbins
Hans and Jayne Hufschmid Henry and Marie-Josée Kravis Bruce MacDonald Brooke Siebel Mitchell and Tyler Mitchell C.W. Eliot Paine Lee Robert and Rick Flory As Andrew puts it, “We like to pick a few organizations
Ernest and Jane Hughes Robert Kravis and Lindsey Lucibella Marion and Erick Mack Kristine Mize-Spansky Christopher Paine Jeanne and Sanford Robertson and stick with them.” CI is deeply grateful. It’s that kind of
Peter and Heidi Huizenga Connie Kremmerer Laurance and Margaret MacKallor Peter H. Model Susan and Dexter Paine Laird Robertson and Val Muraoka approach that helps CI plan effectively for the conservation
Katie and Will Hunckler Martin Kretzmann Robert MacLachlan James and Amanda Moffat Ward and Mary Paine David Rockefeller challenges ahead.
Hundert Family Tom and Stacy Kuhn Lynn and Eva Maddox Richard Moffitt Andrew and Patricia Panelli Larry and Wendy Rockefeller
David Hung Bud and Mary Kupperheimer John and Desiree Magney Steven and Paige Molder P. William and Julie Parish Marshall and Sheri Rockwell
Jim and Maggie Hunt Karen Kurrasch Michael and Tia Mahaffy Paul G. Montgomery Jonathan and Vivian Parker Jim and Jennifer Rogers
Charlie Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Kurtz Vincent and Anne Mai Betty and Gordon Moore, Ph.D. James and Kathleen Patton Jeremy and Maria Roschelle
Thomas and Judy Hyde Michael and Sheila Kurzman Jane and Jonathan Malarkey Kris and Kenneth Moore Charles Paul Mordecai and Debbie Rosen
Chris and Donna Ishii James Kushlan Darlene Malik Steve Moore and Kathleen Justice-Moore Greg Paulk Terry and Tori Rosen
Livia Jackson Christiane Laakmann Milton and Tamar Maltz Christopher Morace Arne Paulson Paul Rosenbaum
C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 3 7
Dr. David Rosenberg and Ken and Judy Siebel Michael Sussman C. Elizabeth Wagner Ralph and Margaret Youngblood
Dr. Jessica Lattman Linda and Martin Siecke Susan Suwinski Fred and Martha Wales Richard and Lisa Zabel John Swift
Andrew Rosenthal Jacki and Cyrill Siewert Doris Swanson Christopher and Helen Walker Alejandro Zaffaroni
Jack Rosenthal and Holly Russell Steven Silverstein Steven Swartzman Doug and Maggie Walker David and Barbara Zalaznick
Jamie Rosenthal Wolf Adele and John Simmons John and Kirsten Swift Joy and Ellis Wallenberg Daniel Zantzinger
Doris Roskin Jeffrey Simoneau Michael and Sharon Talbert Anne and S. Barton Walton John and Melissa Zapp
Ambassador and Mrs. Dennis Ross Mark Singer Dr. and Mrs. Lee Talbot Rob and Melani Walton Helen and Leonard Zax
Robert Rotella Martin and Deena Singer Enki Tan and Cherie Nursalim Aaron Wang Patrick Zetzman
Rosemarie C. Rotella Richard and Lori Singer Michael Tan Nancy Ward Fischer Daniel Ziff
The T. Rowe Price Program for Kathy Sloane Sarika Tandon Justin Ward and Anne Carver Tamsen Ann Ziff
Charitable Giving Patrick and Erin Sloane Amelia Tate Sandy and Patsy Warner Karen Ziffer and Jack Sobel
Stan and Louise Rowe Myles Slosberg and Diane Krane Alison Taylor Christine Wasserstein and Dan Rattiner Gilda Zillinger
Patricia Rowell Deborah and Robert Slotpole Dan and Trellan Taylor Susan Wasserstein and George Sard Andrew L. Zimet
Miles and Nancy Rubin Albert and Shirley Small William and Mary Lee Tennant Joan Wasylik Richard and Audrey Zinman
Lewis and Rachel Rudin James H. Small Lars Theill and Donna Caruso Karen E. Watson Diederik Zwager
Frederick Rudolph Polly Smail Eric Thirer Denton and Lori Watumull Bryan and June Zwan
Andrew Sabin Michelle Smith Jim and Elaine Tholen Justin Wee
John and Shelby Saer Orin C. Smith Edward and Millicent Thomas Alan and Barbara Weeden
Jane and Morley Safer Ben and Radiah Smith-Donald R. and Shirley Thomas Ad Wehlburg * Deceased
Agnes Safford Greta and Dick Smolowe William Thomas Michael Weinstein
Jill Sakol Snow Damon Sneed Ranin Thome Davis and Elizabeth Weinstock
Michael and Sonja Saltman Margot Snowdon and Yves Desgouttes Wm. Laney Thornton Sandra K. Welter “There are many fascinating opportunities for people to
Kim Samuel-Johnson Andrew Snyder Ray and Amy Thurston Steve Werber get involved,” states John Swift, both of Conservation
Victoria and Roger Sant Angel Soderberg Reed and Virginia Tibbetts Ann West
April and Mark Sapsford Stephen and Nina Solarz Grady Tibboel Wayne Westerman
International (CI) and the larger effort to protect the planet’s
Maurice and Helene Saragoussi Albert Solheim Jane Timken Corwith White species, indigenous cultures and landscapes. He personally
Hershel and Susan Sarbin Gordon Sondland and Katherine Durant Vivian Tineo Michael White supports and cites CI’s quality projects in South Africa, New
Valerie Sarofim Robert Soros Sharon Tjian Sarah White Guinea, Madagascar, Botswana and the evolving carbon
Soumya Sastry Molly Sparling Gail and Edward Tomberg John Whitehead
Muneer Satter and Kristen Hertel Sandra and Clay Spears Mark and Susan Torrance Aimee Whitman
project in Liberia as examples of the opportunities that
Amol and Karen Saxena Imagene and Gerry Spence Paul F. Torrence Colleen Whyte abound.
Mary and Patrick Scanlan Robert and Susan Spencer Robert Torres Robert Whyte
Arielle Schechter Bette Sprague Brent Townshend and Michéle Lamarre Anna Wiancko-Chasman In 1982, while volunteering in Papua New Guinea,
Peter Schechter and Rosa Puech Jeffrey and Sarah Stafford Georgene and John Tozzi Rachel Wildman “I gazed out over the unbroken canopy of a pristine rainforest
Bill Schneider Lisa Stambler Jason Trachewsky Michele Willens and David Corvo and felt awe and wonder at being part of an ecosystem so
Mina Schnitzer Stamper Family Judson Traphagen Edward and Lisa Williams
Elaine Schoening Sylvia and Donald Stanat Andrew and HeeSun Trees Jeffrey Wilschke
vital to life on Earth.” Upon returning to the states, he met
Ron Schrager and Wendy Hart Fred and Alice Stanback Amy Troutman John Wilschke and Deborah Christiaan Peter Seligmann and became involved with the newly formed
Al and Jo Schreck Charles and Heather Stanier Turtle Brotherhood Edward and Barbara Wilson CI. And he’s been an active supporter ever since.
Tom and Miriam Schulman Anthony Stayner and Elizabeth Cross Jordan and Tracy Twist Elisabeth Wineberg

William Schultz Joe and Diane Steinberg U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Andrew and Christine Winston “What I love about CI,” he adds, “is the different partnerships
Virginia Schwab Davis and Murray Davis Diane Steingart United Way of New York City Brent and Robin Winters that unite people and conservation.” With the urgent
The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving James Stejskal United Way of Silicon Valley Phyllis Wise
Doug Schwartz Christina Stephens United Way of Stamford Robert Wivchar challenges ahead, Swift has expanded his giving, both current
Paul Schwartz Thomas and Barbara Stephenson United Way of Tri-State (United eWay) Adam Wolfensohn and planned, so that he and his wife and their three children
Tony Schwartz Bruce and Judith Stern Maria Uy Jim and Elaine Wolfensohn can continue to “leverage CI’s expertise to benefit local
Margaret Scott Chad Stern Alex Vadas and Kristen Vadas Deborah Wolfman cultures and the environment in a harmonious way.”
Walter and Jeanne Sedgwick Michael Stern Gary and Vicki Van Heuvelen Mitchell Wood
Darren Seirer and Dominique Schultz Scott and Nicola Stern Angela Van Wright Jonathan Woodbridge
Peter Seligmann and Lee Rhodes Karen Sternal Rich and Susan Vander Veen Jeffrey and Constance Woodman
John Seward Alexander and Barbara Stevenson Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program William and Denise Wozencraft
Noah Shachtman Andrew and Pamela Stevenson Julie VanSciver Ellen and Joseph Wright
Eugene and Anna Lee Shamoon Logan Stockwell Marilynn Vernon H.S. Wright, III and Katherine Janeway
Barbara Shane Brad and Katherine Stoffer Mark and Teri Vershel Brad and Lucy Wurtz
Bob Shaye Clare Stone Stephen and Kajal Vicinelli Christy Wyckoff
Joseph Shen William Strong Susan and Gaetano Vicinelli David J. Wyse
Brett and Kate Shevack Joanne Stroud Nicole Vogel Mark Yeager
Eileen Shields-West Cindy Stroum Peter Vogt David Yoder
Stanley and Sydney Shuman Sinduchajana Sulistyo Richard Voss Morrie and Phyllis Yohai
William and Fay Shutzer John Sunder Larry and Elizabeth Vranka Jeff Yonover
Frank Siciliano and Abby Notterman Ane Susanto-Brown and Aaron Brown Emily V. Wade Christian and Lisa Young
C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 3 9
Jacob and Ruth Anne Abraham Diane J. Nielsen

future of life society

Naidine J. Adams Larson Benjamin Olewine, IV
Gregory Alexander and Jennifer Chiu A. H. Osborn*
Andrea and Michael Banks Nature Fund Bob Paolini
Kristin Barker Philip and Joanna Perry
Estate of Miriam Dee Barlow* and Mike and Katie Place
Richard Patrick Varnes Glenn and Lisa Prickett
Steven K. Beckendorf Mary Jo Schumacher
Stewards for tomorrow: Robert A. Behrstock Peter Seligmann
William H. Bell* John and Maritess Simpson
These dedicated people William R. Belzer Roberta Smith
are providing for the Earth’s Laurie Bernhard
Jeff Blankman
Timothy H. Statler
Michael W. Steinberg
future, as well as their own, Lydie Boyer Steven Stocker
Daniel J. Brimm, Ph.D. Karen B. Strier and Thomas F. J. Martin
by including CI in their Tom Byers and Michele Mandell Pike H. Sullivan
estate plans. We sincerely James W. Cabot
John and Theresa Cederholm
Dale* and Doris Swanson
John F. Swift
appreciate the foresight and In Memory of Cy and Shirley Coben Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Todd
Curtis J. Comeau Paul F. Torrence
commitment of these Dwight and Rachel Crandell Dirk and Barbara Van Meurs Family Trust
individuals and the 72 John S. Cullison and Diana M. Kissil
Lyle R. Danielson
Susan and Gaetano Vicinelli
E. Jean Werts
members of CI’s Future of Fred T. Darvill, Jr. Catherine C. Wilcock
Diane W. Davidson Terry A. Woodford-Thomas
Life Society who wish to Thomas J. DeMarco Jim Wylie*

remain anonymous. Don Dietz

Dick Dijkman
Mrs. Marvin H. Zindler

Edward I. Dolnick
Wilson E. and Angeleke Durham *Deceased
To learn what you can do Susanne Durling
Frances Duvall
today to make a real Peter M. Elias and Mary L. Williams
difference for the future of Jill Elisofon
Randolph H. and Carol R. Femmer
life on Earth, contact us at James Fentress
Jane Finley
800.406.2306 or at Carol R. Foss
giftplanning@conservation.org. Susan A. Frank
Daphne Gemmill

Peter R. Gent
Susan H. Gilliland
Ghita D. Ginberg
Mrs. Reynolds K. Girdler
Alan Glennon
Donna and Michael Griffith
Julie and Parker Hall
Frank J. Harmon
Gordon B. Hattersley, Jr.
Charles J. Hedlund*
Jerry P. Hickey
Livia Jackson
Jessica Jenkins
Gary and Kay Jones
Kira Kilmer
Claudia Kopkowski
Holly A. Kuusinen
Belina L. Lazzar
Jim and Nancy Martin
Mimi McMillen
Ann Najarian
C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 4 1
CI’s fundraising events are unique affairs that help bring

Jackson Hole Dinner Anne Solbraekke • Dr. Jared Diamond and Marie Cohen • Barry Diller

dinner committees
Mark Feldman • Harrison Ford • Jane and Jeff Gale • Marilyn and Jeffrey
together deeply committed conservationists and those who Featured Speaker Katzenberg • George Meyer and Maria Semple • Lynda and Stewart Resnick
Nancy Morgan Ritter • Kirsten and John Swift
James D. Wolfensohn
would like to learn more about the environmental challenges
Co-Chairs Committee
and opportunities facing our planet. Our events are our most Jane Ellen and Clayton Andrews • Laurie and Virgil Boss • Heather Thomas Marcia Allen and Gary Finkel • Patrice and Kevin Auld • Brooke and Tyler
Mitchell • Sara Nichols • Chris Paine • Jen Siebel • Judi and Bruce Stern
important way of broadening our network of supporters Brittenham and Skip Brittenham • Mark Feldman • Anne and William B.
Harrison, Jr. • Jurate Kazickas and Roger Altman • Story Clark Resor and Victoria Tennant
because we do not use expensive and wasteful mass Bill Resor • Amy and Ray Thurston

mailings to expand our donor base. Committee Portland Dinner

Andrea and Bill Broyles • Missy Falcey • Nancy Frisch • Maggie and Jim Hunt
Kitty and John Resor • Margot Snowdon and Yves Desgouttes • Terry Tempest Co-Chairs
Williams and Brooke Williams Nancy Frisch • Jeanette Heinz • Jani McCormick • Laura Rose-Lewis
In FY 2008, CI held five major fundraising dinners. Thanks Mina Schnitzer
to the generous support, outreach and dedication of our Seattle Dinner Committee
committee members, these events raised $3.6 million to Featured Speakers
Anne and Mario Bisio • Douglas Bouland and Peter Wallmark • Kay and Marty
Brantley • Betsy Cramer and Greg Kubicek • Denise and Brian Doherty
benefit CI’s critical work. We are grateful for their leadership, Russell A. Mittermeier and Art Wolfe Mary and George Glass • Carrie and Bob Groves • Lisa and MacGregor Hall
Kiki Hillman • Mary and Greg Hinckley • Karen Hinsdale and Michael Preisz
involvement and enthusiasm for CI. Co-Chairs Monica and George Hosfield • Wendy Wells Jackson • Juliet and Peter
Patrice Auld • Stone Gossard • Michele and Steven Heller • Carol and Bruce Johnson • Deneen and Ray King • Paula and Dan Kinney • Kathleen Lewis
Hosford • Orin Smith • Julie Blackwell Stamstad Alix Meier and Tom Goodman • Sally and Peter Miller • Trudi and Richard
Morrison • Angela Polin • Lorraine and Emanuel Rose • Courtney and Blake
Singer • Lori Singer • Kaycee and Tom Wiita • Dara and Andy Wilk
Washington, D.C. Dinner Susan Winkler
Featured Speaker
New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg New York 11th Annual Dinner
Co-Chairs Featured Speaker
Carolyn Brody • Meredith and Tom Brokaw • Jessica and Henry Catto Jeffrey Immelt
Sydney McNiff Ferguson • Ann and Tom Friedman • Cathy and Walter

Isaacson • Elaine and Jim Wolfensohn Co-Chair
Mary Kathryn Navab
Dinner Committee
Paige Bishop • M. Diane Bodman • E. Patrick Coady • Laurel Colless and Honorary Co-Chairs
Clockwise from top left: Pekka Lintu • Harriett Crosby • Tandy and Wyatt Dickerson • Shamim Jawad Roger Altman and Jurate Kazickas • Henry Arnhold • Meredith Brokaw
Kathy Kemper and Jim Valentine • Finn Torgrimsen Longinotto • Tom Lovejoy Paula and Jim Crown • Barry Diller • Harrison Ford • Anne and William B.
Co-chair Carolyn Brody and Bill Hart at CI’s 2007 Nancy and Jim Martin • Eden and Jerry Rafshoon • Betty Ann and John Harrison, Jr. • Bethany Millard • Veronique Pittman • Davis Weinstock and
Washington, D.C. dinner Tanner • Elaine and Jim Tholen • U.S. Representative Tom Udall and Jill Udall Elizabeth Hawes • Ellen Wright • Marjorie Yang • Ann Ziff
© Gayle Krugoff

Melissa Seligmann and Paul Arnhold, members
of the New York After-party Committee
Los Angeles 12th Annual Dinner Kathleen Allaire • Patrice and Kevin Auld • Ashleigh Banfield and Howard
© Patrick McMullan Company
Gould • Veronica and Anson H. Beard • Debra and Anson M. Beard, Jr.
Featured Speaker Diana and Dick Beattie • Jessica and Jim Benjamin • Mary and David Boies
Fisk Johnson, Margot Snowdon and Yves Desgouttes Frans Lanting Libby Borden • Cynthia and Steven Brill • Leslie and Brian Brille • Tom Brokaw
at CI’s 2007 Jackson Hole dinner Kyung Choi and Peter Bordes • Ann Colley • Kirsten Feldman and Hugh Frater
© JTS Photography Co-Chairs Theodore L. Forstmann • Jane and Jeff Gale • Victoria and Lloyd Goldman
Heather Thomas Brittenham and Skip Brittenham • Lew Coleman and

C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 4 3
recognition cont’d.
Myrna and Steve Greenberg • Sarah and Geoffrey Gund • Jennifer
and Michael Guthrie • Renee Harbers • Cathy Hardwick • Jane Hartley
and Ralph Schlosstein • James N. Hauslein • Mrs. Charles J. Hedlund • Marisa
and Tom Hormel • James E. Jordan • Luisa Knapp • Cathy and Philip Korsant
Marie-Josée and Henry Kravis • Stacy and Thomas Kuhn • Karen Kurrasch
Jessica Lattman and David Rosenberg • Ellen and Richard Levine • Jennifer
and Marc Lipschultz • Finn Torgrimsen Longinotto • Cynthia and Dan Lufkin
Tia Mahaffey • Chris and Bernie Marden • Kit and Peter Meyer • Robert B.
Millard • Marcos de Moraes • Alex Navab • Dara and Timothy O’Hara
Trina and Mike Overlock • Robert Pittman • Dee Poon • Nicholas J. Pritzker
Andrew Sabin • Melissa Siebel • Kathy Sloane • Diane and Joseph Steinberg
Virginia Tracy • Judson Traphagen • Joe Wright • Lisa and Richard Zabel
Daniel Ziff

New York After-party

Paul Arnhold • Lizzy Auld • Megan Auld • CeCe Barfield • Byrdie Bell
Kathryn Bohannon • Sarah Brokaw • Lindsay Feldman • Jennifer Guthrie
Monica Mehta • Mary Kathryn Navab • Bo Pittman • Dee Poon • Andy Russell
Jessica Siebel • Melissa Siebel • Erin Sloane • Patrick Sloane • Melissa
Seligmann • Judson Traphagen


C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT |4 5
The 564 Foundation William C. and Gloria A. Newton Donor The Edward E. Hills Fund Milton Meyer Foundation Andrew Sabin Family Foundation
Abramson Family Foundation Advised Fund of The Community Norman Hirschfield Foundation Moccasin Lake Foundation The Safer Fund of the New York
Agua Fund, Inc. Foundation of Jackson Hole Charles M. Holmes Foundation The Leo Model Foundation Community Trust
Altman Kazickas Foundation The Community Foundation Sonoma County Thomas D. Hormel Trust Moellenhoff Family Fund The San Francisco Foundation
Maurice Amado Foundation The Constable Foundation Horne Family Charitable Foundation Inc. The Molder Family Foundation Santa Fe Art Foundation
American Conservation Association, Inc. The Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Hosford Family Foundation Monaco-Asia Society Sarah Spencer Foundation
Peggy and Keith Anderson Family Foundation Foundation The Huizenga Foundation The Moore Charitable Foundation The Satter Foundation
The Angel Family Foundation, Inc. Dewoskin/Roskin Foundation The Hunckler Family Foundation Moore Family Foundation Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan Family
Arnhold Foundation The Diller-Von Furstenberg Family The Hyde Family Foundation Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Foundation
Aspen Community Foundation Foundation I & G Charitable Foundation John & Cherie Morris Family Foundation Schechter Foundation
Atlantic Philanthropies The Dillon Fund I Do Foundation Norman M. Morris Foundation, Inc. Schlosstein-Hartley Family Foundation
The Atticus Trust The Dobkin Family Foundation The IAC Foundation, Inc. Mostyn Foundation Inc. The Seattle Foundation
The Auld Foundation The Edward and Rose Donnell Foundation H.W. Irwin & D.C.H. Irwin Foundation The MRB Foundation Shared Earth Foundation
Austin Community Foundation The Anne R. Dow Family Foundation Inc. Jewish Communal Fund MSST Foundation The Peter Jay Sharp Foundation
Harry G. and Pauline M. Austin Foundation Eacho Family Foundation Jewish Community Endowment Fund Mulago Foundation The Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Baltimore Community Foundation Earth Friends Wildlife Foundation The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington The Murren Family Foundation Albert & Lillian Small Foundation
The Cecile & Fred Bartman Foundation The Eberstadt-Kuffner Fund, Inc. Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Smith Barney Charitable Trust, Inc.
The Bear Gulch Foundation Educational Foundation of America Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation National Philanthropic Trust The Orin Smith Family Foundation
Bell Family Foundation Ehrenkranz Family Foundation Mike and Laura Kaplan Advised Fund at National Science Foundation The Space Tech and Research
Beneficia Foundation Emwiga Foundation Aspen Community Foundation Otto Fund of the New Hampshire Foundation, Inc.
The Frances and Benjamin Benenson The Engelberg Foundation The Marilyn and Jeffrey Katzenberg Charitable Foundation - Piscataqua Charles Spear Charitable Trust
Foundation Enterprise Foundation Foundation Region Joseph and Diane Steinberg 1992
Benificus Foundation Entertainment Industry Foundation Kayne Foundation The New York Community Trust Charitable Trust
Harold P. Bernstein Foundation Trust The Armand G. Erpf Fund Kirby Family Foundation The New York Mercantile Exchange The Stephens Charitable Foundation
Betlach Family Foundation Fair Share Foundation The Charles & Jane Klein Family Fund Charitable Foundation Stephenson Foundation
Joanne Stroud Bilby Foundation Feldman Frater Family Foundation, Inc. The Kneisel Foundation John D. and Alexandra C. Nichols Family Stewart Foundation
H.M. Bitner Charitable Trust The William H.G. Fitzgerald Family Jerry & Terri Kohl Family Foundation Foundation The Joanne Herbert Stroud Foundation
Blaney - Sun Family Gift Fund of the Foundation Kotkins Charitable Trust The Norcliffe Foundation The Summit Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust Richard N. and Carol C. Flint Fund of KPW Family Foundation The Eric and Joan Norgaard The Suwinski Family Foundation
blue moon fund The Minneapolis Foundation Marie-Josee & Henry R. Kravis Foundation Charitable Trust The Swift Foundation
Bodman Family Foundation Fondation Ensemble Lack Family Fund Norwottock Charitable Trust The Stroum Family Foundation
Carolyn S. Brody Family Foundation Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación The Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation Oak Foundation U.S.A. Flora L. Thornton Foundation
Brokaw Family Foundation de la Naturaleza, A.C. Lakeside Foundation Oakdale Foundation, Inc. The Laney Thornton Foundation
Ann Bucksbaum Revocable Trust Foundation for the Carolinas Michael & Cindy Landon Foundation, Inc. The Offield Family Foundation Jane M. Timken Foundation
Virginia Wellington Cabot Foundation The Four Friends Foundation The Lawrence Foundation Orange County Community Foundation The Tinker Foundation, Inc.
California Community Foundation The Henry J. Fox Trust Leader’s Quest Foundation Gilman Ordway 2005 Charitable Lead Trust The Mark Torrance Foundation
Carbonfund.org Foundation Ann & Thomas L. Friedman Charitable Fund The Leading Travel Companies of the World Stephen A. & Patricia H. Oxman Family John R. and Georgene M. Tozzi
Carson Family Foundation Fundación Biodiversidad Conservation Foundation Foundation Foundation
Harold K.L. Castle Foundation The David E. Gallo Foundation Lear Family Foundation The David and Lucile Packard The Tsunami Foundation
Walter J. Cattin Trust The David Geffen Foundation Leblang Charitable Foundation Foundation Ueberroth Family Foundation

Catto Charitable Foundation Michael E. Gellert Trust Diane A. Ledder Charitable Trust Paine Family Trust United Nations Foundation
The Cedars Foundation, Inc. Gershman Foundation Legacy Fund Panaphil Foundation Gaetano & Susan Vicinelli Charitable
Centennial Foundation Herbert & Kitty Glantz Charitable Foundation Betty R. Lindner Foundation Biba & Jon Parker Foundation Gift Fund
Charities Aid Foundation Glenstone Foundation Live Oak Foundation Paulson Charitable Foundation Vogt Family Foundation
The Warren G. Lavey Family Charitable The Goldman Environmental Foundation Living Springs Foundation The Peters Family Art Foundation Wallace Genetic Foundation
Funds A, B, and C of the Merrill Lynch Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation Lorelei Foundation Inc. Nora Ephron and Nicholas Pileggi The Walton Family Foundation, Inc.
Community Charitable Fund of The Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund Lowitz Foundation Foundation Weeden Foundation
Chicago Community Foundation The Goldring Family Foundation Luskey Family Foundation Pisces Foundation White Flag Foundation
Cinco Hermanos Fund Greater Houston Community Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur The Pittman Family Foundation The Whitehead Foundation
The Cohen Family Foundation, Inc. Green Family Charitable Fund Foundation Prairie Foundation Wiancko Charitable Foundation
Cohen Family Fund of the Community Greenspun Family Foundation The Milton & Tamar Maltz Family Foundation The Prentice Foundation, Inc. Wolfensohn Family Foundation
Foundation for Southeastern Michigan The Geoffrey Gund Foundation The Marden Family Foundation Princeton Area Community Foundation Jeff and Connie Woodman Foundation
The Manny & Ruthy Cohen Foundation, Inc. The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation Bernard A. & Chris Marden Foundation The John and Lisa Pritzker Family Fund Woodward Fund U/A FSW
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen The Marc Haas Foundation Marin Community Foundation Pritzker Foundation The J.Q. Worthington Foundation
Foundation, Inc. Hamill Family Foundation Margot Marsh Biodiversity Foundation The Raether 1985 Charitable Trust Wyco Fund
Community Development Fund Suriname John & Katie Hansen Family Foundation Marshall & Sheri Rockwell Foundation Reisinger Family Fund Morrie R. Yohai Foundation
The Community Foundation for the Susan and Richard Hare Family Foundation McCall MacBain Foundation The Resnick Family Foundation The Zaffaroni Foundation
National Capital Region The Irving Harris Foundation The Robert & Bethany Millard Charitable The Grace Jones Richardson Trust Barbara and David Zalaznick Foundation
Community Foundation of Collier County Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc. Foundation Jeanne and Sanford Robertson Fund Bill and Ann Ziff Foundation
Heller Family Foundation The Miller Family Endowment The Rosenthal Family Foundation Bryan J. and June B. Zwan Foundation
The Nancy Ruth Fund
C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 4 7

other organizations
38th Floor Productions, Inc. Deneys Reitz Attorneys Matter Group LLC / Xeko Shell International Limited

governments + multilaterals
L’Agence Française de Développement A Rocha
The ADM Capital Foundation Dickstein Shapiro LLP McDonald’s Company (Japan) Ltd. Shotokan Karate Center II Asian Development Bank The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
Alcoa Foundation Discovery Communications, Inc. McDonald’s Corporation Sidley Austin LLP British High Commission American Museum of Natural History
Allen & Company, Inc. Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund McLarty Companies Siemens Corporation Corporación Andina de Fomento Arizona State University
Alnor Oil Company, Inc. Dominion Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP Corporaciónes Autonomas Regionales and BirdLife International
American Express Giving Program Don Beyer Volvo Microsoft Corporation Smuggler, Inc. Departments of Colombia California Institute for Energy and Environment
American Forest and Paper Association DreamWorks Animation SKG The Mill Group Inc. Solarz Associates European Commission CARE-Bolivia
Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings, Inc. DROGA5, LLC Monness, Crespi, Hardt & Co. Inc. Sotheby’s International Realty, Inc. Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial Cleveland Zoological Society
Atmosphere BBDO Dumosa Investments Monsanto Company Starbucks Coffee Company Global Environment Facility Columbia University
Aveda Corporation Duro Bag Manufacturing Company Moondog Edit, Inc. Sustainable Forestry Management Ltd. Government of Australia Detroit Zoological Society
Avon Products, Inc. eBay Inc. Moore Capital Management, LLC T & T Data Solutions Government of Colombia ECOFONDO-Ecuador
Avpro, Inc. econscious Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP TBWA Chiat/Day, Inc. Government of Finland Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogota
Bailey Merrill a Professional Corporation Edgewater Management, Inc. Morgan Stanley Charitable Spending Thermoplan AG Government of Japan Environment Agency
Bank of America Corporation EnCana Cares (USA) Foundation Accounts Program Tiff Advisory Services Government of the Netherlands European Association of Zoos and Aquaria
Barrera, Siqueiros y Torres Landa, S.C. Entercom Communications Corp. Morrison & Foerster LLP Toyota Motor Corporation Government of Norway The FEEM SERVIZI
BBDO Environmental Resources Management N M Ventures, LLC Twentieth Century Fox Government of Samoa Forest Trends
Bear Brook Design, Inc. Envision Design, PLLC N9NE Group United Airlines Government of Wallis and Futuna Free the Bears Fund Inc.
Bethaso Corporation Excel Translations Inc. Natexis Bleichroeder, Inc. United Airlines Foundation Inter-American Development Bank The Great Ape Trust of Iowa
BG Group PLC Field Guides Incorporated National Financial Services, LLC United Talent Agency, Inc. International Finance Corporation Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association
Bicent Power LLC FIJI Water Foundation Nau, Inc. United Technologies Corporation International Fund for Agricultural Development Houston Zoo, Inc.
Black Entertainment Television Final Cut NAVTEQ VeeV Spirits LLC International Tropical Timber Organization International Association of Bear Research
Blue Ridge Capital, LLC First Interstate Bank The New York Times Vibrant Table Catering & Events KfW Bankengruppe and Management
Blue Ridge Real Estate, LLC Foodworks Incorporated New-Com, Inc. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Lhasa Environment Protection Bureau International Center For Journalists
Blu Skye Sustainability Gaiam Newmont Mining Corporation The Walt Disney Company Multilateral Investment Fund The Edith B. and Lee V. Jacobs Fund No. 2
Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP General Growth Properties, Inc. News Corporation Warner Bros. Entertainment Group National Institute for Health Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival
BP PLC Genesys Conferencing Inc. Office Depot Weyerhaeuser Company National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Lijiang Water Environment Center
British High Commission glassybaby, LLC Paradigm White & Case LLP Overseas Private Investment Corporation National Geographic Society
Brunton Global Impact Paramount Pictures Group Whitehouse Post Productions, Inc. State Environmental Protection Administration of China National Philanthropic Trust
Bug Editorial, Inc. Gold Reserve Inc. Pearl Jam Touring, Inc. WhiteWave Foods Company Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation The Nature Conservancy
Bunge Ltd. Goldman Sachs & Co. Peckman Outdoor Media LLC William Morris Agency U.S. Agency for International Development New England Aquarium
Burson-Marsteller Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund Peter Gillham’s Natural Vitality Winona Corporation U.S. Department of Energy North England Zoological Society (EAZA)
Cargill, Inc. The Greenspun Corporation Pinheiro Neto Advogados Woodham International LTD U.S. Department of State Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
Cargo Cosmetics Corp. Guthy-Renker Corporation Pinnacle West Capital Corporation Yahoo! Inc. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Population Reference Bureau
Carlsmith Ball LLP Harney & Sons Tea Corp. Platinum Equity LLC United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification- Porgera Joint Ventures
Carlson Companies HBO Podell Schwartz Schechter & Banfield, LLP Global Mechanism The Puffin School
Cashman CAT Hess Corporation Preferred Freezer Services United Nations Development Programme Rainforest Alliance
Catalyst Ltd. High Country Linen Service Premier Packaging United Nations Educational Scientific and Seeds of Change
Chevron Corporation Hollywood Amoeba, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Cultural Organization Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
Chukar Cherry Company, Inc. HSBC Philanthropic Programs Radical.media, Inc. United Nations Environment Programme Teton County, Wyoming
Citi Foundation REM Eyewear/Hundert Family Rentrak Corporation United Nations World Tourism Organization Town of Jackson, Wyoming

Claesen Limited Partnership Hungry Man, Inc. Resource Energy Co., Inc. The World Bank U.S. Trust Company of New York
Classic Party Rentals, Inc. Ike Kligerman Barkley Architects Revolution Studios University of Copenhagen
Coach, Inc. Imperial Tobacco Group PLC Ricoh Company, Ltd. University of Vermont
Columbia Sportswear Company Innovation Asset Group, Inc. Rio Tinto PLC Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Commercial Realty Group Intel Corporation Rivet, Inc. Webster Trust Company
Commonwealth Financial Network International Paper Company Roll Giving WildAid, Inc.
Concur Technologies, Inc. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Ropes & Gray LLP Wildlife Alliance, Inc.
Condo 1, Inc. Jeri Rice Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines World Wildlife Fund
Conservation Biology Institute JPMorgan Chase & Co. SagaCity Media Inc. Zoological Society of London
Continental Grain Company Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund Sagatiba
Cornerstone Advisors, Inc. Kerry Group SalesForce.com Foundation
Credit Suisse Kimberly-Clark Foundation Samuel Son and Co. Limited
Cruise Lines International Association, Inc. Korn/Ferry International Save Your World, LLC
CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems LBP Manufacturing, Inc. SC Johnson
Cut & Run Lehman Brothers SC Johnson Fund, Inc.
Dade Behring, Inc. Liberty Vegetable Oil Company The Schafer Company LLC
Daiwa Securities Group Inc. Linemark Printing, Inc. Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt, P.C.
Damon Sneed Photography Mailers Haven LLC SeaWorld & Busch Gardens
Dare Foods Limited, Canada Mario’s Conservation Fund
David C. Spackman, Inc. Marriott International, Inc. See Designs, LLC
Deloitte Mars, Incorporated Shadowbox Pictures Inc.
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chairman’s council
board of directors
CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Jared Diamond, Ph.D. Her Majesty Queen Noor CHAIRPERSON Sydney McNiff Ferguson Frans Lanting Wm. Laney Thornton
Professor, Geography and Physiology Conservationist Washington, D.C. Santa Cruz, CA San Francisco, CA
OFFICER Los Angeles, CA Diane Morris
Claire Perry, Ph.D. San Francisco, CA Elizabeth Fisher Jeffrey Lesk Judson Traphagen
Peter A. Seligmann David Ellison Curator of American Art at San Francisco, CA Washington, D.C. New York, NY
Conservation International President Cantor Arts Center
Arlington, VA Skydance Productions Stanford University
MEMBERS Damaris Ford Finn Longinotto Ellen and Joseph Wright
Santa Monica, CA Stanford, CA
Jupiter, FL Washington, D.C. New York, NY
CHAIRMAN OF THE André Esteves Stewart A. Resnick John Alexander
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Director Chairman of the Board
Sheffield, MA Jane Gale Thomas E. Lovejoy Bradford Wurtz
BTG-Banking + Trading Group Roll International Corporation
Las Vegas, NV McLean, VA Portola Valley, CA
Robert J. Fisher São Paulo, Brazil Los Angeles, CA
Director Faisal K. Al-Hasher
Gap, Inc. Ann Friedman Story Clark Resor Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Cori Glaser George Meyer and Maria Semple Darlene Ziebell
San Francisco, CA Teacher Consultant Seattle, WA Seattle, WA Hoffman Estates, IL
Bethesda, MD Story Clark, Conservation Consulting
Wilson, WY Patrice Auld
VICE CHAIRS Seattle, WA Howard Gould Jenna Morton
Jeff Gale
Gale Force Studios Kenneth F. Siebel New York, NY Las Vegas, NV
Meredith Auld Brokaw Las Vegas, NV Chairman
Sybilla Balkanski
List as of June 2008
Conservationist Private Wealth Partners, LLC
Woodside, CA Renee Harbers Mary Kathryn Navab
New York, NY Larkspur, CA
Judson Green Medina, WA New York, NY
President and CEO
Lewis W. Coleman NAVTEQ Corporation Orin Smith Charles J. Betlach II
President Chicago, IL Chief Executive Officer (retired) San Diego, CA Jane Hartley Trina Overlock
DreamWorks Animation SKG Starbucks Coffee Company New York, NY Greenwich, CT
Glendale, CA Seattle, WA
Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D. Peter and Kyung Bordes
Senior Scientist James N. Hauslein Maureen Peckman
Mark L. Feldman John Swift New York, NY
Nuclear Threat Initiative/Global Health
President and CEO Conservationist Hobe Sound, FL Las Vegas, NV
L & L Manufacturing and Security Initiative Cayucos, CA
Los Angeles, CA Washington, DC Mark Breier
Dr. Enki Tan Los Altos Hills, CA Ann-Eve Hazen Sarah Johnson Redlich and
Harrison Ford William B. Harrison, Jr. Executive Chairman Tiburon, CA Christopher Redlich
Former Chairman of the Board
Actor GITI Tire Co. Ltd. Cynthia Brill Hillsborough, CA
Los Angeles, CA and CEO Singapore
JPMorgan Chase and Company New York, NY Michele and Steve Heller
Nicholas J. Pritzker New York, NY Ray R. Thurston Seattle, WA Anders Rhodin and Carol Conroy
Vice Chairman Chief Executive Officer Carolyn Brody Lunenburg, MA
Global Hyatt Corporation H. Fisk Johnson, Ph.D. Edgewood, LLC Carol and Bruce Hosford
Chairman of the Board
Washington, D.C.
Chicago, IL Jackson, WY Seattle, WA Nancy Morgan Ritter
and CEO
SC Johnson & Son, Inc. Megaron Txucarramae Dan Cohen Los Angeles, CA
BOARD MEMBERS Racine, WI Kayapó Grand Chief and New York, NY Greg James
Director, Colider Regional Renton, WA Rosemarie Rotella
Henry H. Arnhold President S.K.I. Khama FUNAI Administration Kirkland, WA
Republic of Botswana Colider, Brazil
Suzie Coleman
Chairman of the Board Katherine Janeway
Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder
Gaborone, Botswana Ross, CA
Holdings, Inc. Rob Walton Seattle, WA Kim Samuel-Johnson
Federico R. Lopez Chairman of the Board Toronto, Canada
New York, NY
President and CEO
Ann Colley
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Jeffrey L. Johnson
First Gen Corporation New York, NY
Skip Brittenham Bentonville, AR
Chicago, IL James H. Small
Manila, Philippines
Senior Partner
Ziffren, Brittenham, Branca, Fischer, Tamsen Ann Ziff Nini de Berger Washington, D.C.
Gordon Moore, Ph.D. Ziff Brothers Investments James Jordan
Gilbert-Lurie, Stiffelman, Cook,
Co-Founder and
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Johnson, Lande, & Wolf LLP New York, NY New York, NY Lars Theill and Donna Caruso
Chairman of the Board Emeritus
Los Angeles, CA Malibu, CA
Intel Corporation William de Recat
Woodside, CA Orinda, CA
Paula Hannaway Crown
Kris Moore List as of June 2008
Henry Crown and Company
Chicago, IL Conservationist
Los Altos Hills, CA

C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 5 1
senior leadership
CHAIRMAN’S OFFICE Barbara DiPietro Justin Ward Ricardo Hernández Luis Suárez
Vice President and Controller, Finance Vice President, Business Practices, Director, Selva Maya Corridor Executive Director, Ecuador
Peter A. Seligmann Center for Environmental Leadership (Chiapas), Mexico
Chairman of the Board and Sergio Furman in Business Jatna Supriatna, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer Vice President, Development David Hess Regional Vice President and
Karen Ziffer Vice President, East and Southeast Executive Director, Indonesia
Russell A. Mittermeier, Ph.D. Joy Gaddy Senior Vice President, Strategy Asia Division
President Vice President, Human Resources and Resources Romeo Trono
Yasushi Hibi Executive Director, Philippines
Niels Crone Claude Gascon, Ph.D. Country Director, Center for
Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice President, Programs FIELD LEADERSHIP Conservation and Government, Willem Udenhout
and Science Japan Executive Director, Suriname
Fabio Arjona
HEADQUARTERS LEADERSHIP Olivier Langrand Executive Director, Colombia Chris Margules, Ph.D. Lu Zhi, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President, Center for Executive Director, Indonesia Country Director, China
Keith Alger, Ph.D. Conservation and Government Bruce Beehler, Ph.D. Pacific Division
Vice President, Human Dimensions, Vice President, Development and Science,
Center for Applied Biodiversity Science Roderic Mast Indo-Pacific Division François Martel
Vice President, Sojourns, Resources Executive Director, Pacific Islands List as of September 2008
Leeanne Alonso, Ph.D. Carlos Bouchardet Program
Vice President, Rapid Assessment Roger McManus Vice President, Brazil Center for
Program, Center for Applied Biodiversity Vice President, Marine Programs Biodiversity Conservation Patrick Mehlman
Science Regional Director, Central Africa
Jennifer Morris Leo Braack
Sandy Andelman, Ph.D. Vice President and Managing Director, Director, Southern Africa Wilderness Alexander Peal
Vice President, TEAM Initiative, Center Global Conservation Fund and Verde Country Director, Liberia
for Applied Biodiversity Science Ventures, Conservation Funding Division Seng Bunra
Country Director, Cambodia Modi Pontio
Mohamed Bakarr, Ph.D. Glenn Prickett Program Manager, Papua
Senior Vice President and Executive Senior Vice President and Executive Mauricio Cervantes New Guinea
Director, Center for Applied Biodiversity Director, Center for Environmental Director, Northwest Mexico Program
Science Leadership in Business Léon Rajaobelina
David Emmett Vice President, Madagascar Center
Frederick Boltz, Ph.D. Amelia Smith Regional Director, Indo-Burma for Biodiversity Conservation
Vice President, Conservation Strategies, Senior Vice President and
Programs and Science General Counsel Luis Espinel Manuel Ramírez
Acting Director, Peru Senior Director, Southern
Laura Bowling Jorgen Thomsen Mesoamerica
Senior Vice President, Strategic Senior Vice President and Executive Lisa Famolare
Marketing and Global Communications Director, Conservation Funding Division Vice President, Strategic Projects, Carlos Manuel Rodríguez
Guyana and Suriname Vice President and Director, Mexico
Thomas Brooks, Ph.D. Kristen Walker-Painemilla and Central America Division
Vice President, Conservation Priorities Vice President and Executive Director, Ana Liz Flores
and Responses, Center for Applied Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Executive Director, Venezuela Carlos Rodríguez
Biodiversity Science Program Initiative, Center for Director, Highlands of Mexico and
Conservation and Government Eduardo Forno Guatemala
Michelle Brydges Executive Director, Bolivia
Vice President, Information Technology Beth Wallace José Maria da Silva, Ph.D.
Vice President, Digital Marketing, Sarah Frazee Vice President, South America Division
Roberto Cavalcanti, Ph.D. Strategic Marketing and Global Director, Southern Africa Hotspots
Senior Vice President, Learning and Communications David Singh, Ph.D.
Knowledge, Programs and Science Frank Hawkins, Ph.D. Executive Director, Guyana
Vice President, Africa and Madagascar
C I | 2 0 0 8 A N N U A L R E PORT | 5 3
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Go to www.conservation.org/give or contact us at: © CRISTINA MITTERMEIER* PAGES 24-25
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2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500 © STAFFAN WIDSTRAND*
Arlington, VA 22202 PAGE 2
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PAGES 18-19

CI’s Annual Report is published for supporters of Conservation

International. A U.S.-based, international organization, CI is a
nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the
Internal Revenue Code. All contributions are tax deductible to
the full extent of the law.

© 2008 Conservation International

CI believes that the Earth’s natural heritage
must be maintained if future generations are to
thrive spiritually, culturally and economically.
Our mission is to conserve the Earth’s living
heritage—our global biodiversity—and to
demonstrate that human societies are able to
live harmoniously with nature. www.conservation.org

2011 Crystal Drive, Suite 500

Arlington, VA 22202 USA 800.406.2306

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