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les disjoncteur - the circuit breaker

les tueurs - the killers

d�guis� - disguised
tout y est - everything is there
de haine - hate
fasciste - fascist
Mince - slim
le tiroir - the drawer
la preuve - the evidence
d�truite - destroyed
sept ans de malheur - 7 years bad luck
il �tait salement amoch� - he was badly hurt
la d�flagration - blast
�a va mieux maintenant - it is better now
inconsciente - unconscious
la ris�e du monde - the laughing stock of the world
le mouchoir- the tissue
l'�toffe - the cloth
un indice - a clue
aucune- any
nounours - teddy bear
tiens donc - here then
voisine - neighbor
la farine - flour
d�chir�e - torn
agrandissement - extension
les �gouts - the sewers
pots - pots
un lutin - leprechaun
un y�ti renfrogn� - a scowling/grumpy/scathed yeti
une fouine- a weasel
ch�timent - punishment
cingl�e - crazy
a lou� - has rented (he/she)
mon peuple - my people
la mallette - the briefcase
le moyen �ge - the middle ages

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