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Gingival clefts revisited: Evaluation of the

characteristics that make one more
susceptible to gingival clefts
Dina Stappert,a Robert Geiman,b Zahra Heidari Zadi,a and Mark A. Reynoldsc
Baltimore, Md, Madison, CT

Introduction: Orthodontic space closure after premolar extraction commonly results in the formation of a
gingival cleft, which may contribute to orthodontic relapse and poor periodontal health. The purpose of this study
was to examine clinical parameters that may predispose patients to gingival clefts. Methods: Twenty-nine
patients planned for treatment with premolar extractions (n 5 87) and orthodontic space closure were evaluated
in this prospective study. The clinical measures included width of keratinized buccal gingiva, thickness of buccal
gingiva, thickness of buccal bone, time of space closure, and the occurrence (presence or absence) and severity
(volume) of cleft formation. The association of the clinical measures with gingival cleft formation and severity was
assessed separately for patients according to age group: young adolescent (#13 years of age), adolescent
(14-18 years of age), and adult ($19 years of age). Results: The overall incidence of gingival cleft formation
was 73.2%, with a trend toward greater cleft formation in the young adolescents (79.4%) than in the adolescent
and adult groups (69.2% and 68.2%, respectively). The mean severity of clefts exhibited a significant positive
association with age group—young adolescent (26.6 mm2), adolescent (27.9 mm2), and adult (41.5 mm2).
Buccal bone thickness was significantly correlated with gingival phenotype in the adolescent and adult groups
(r 5 0.42 and r 5 0.52, respectively; both, P \0.05). Rate of space closure was significantly correlated with cleft
formation (r 5 0.71; P \0.001) in the adult group. Conclusions: The formation of gingival clefts is common after
premolar extraction and space closure. Adults with a thinner gingival phenotype were more likely to develop
gingival clefts of greater severity. The rate of space closure was significantly and inversely correlated with cleft
formation in adults, reflecting a greater likelihood of cleft formation with slower space closure. Although various
clinical parameters show a correlation to both severity and incidence of clefts, all patients undergoing
postextraction space closure appear to be at risk and should be monitored. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

remolar extractions are commonly indicated contribute to orthodontic relapse and poor periodontal
during orthodontic therapy to treat tooth health.3 The incidence of gingival cleft formation
size-arch length discrepancies.1 Practice surveys appears to be relatively high, with reported rates ranging
have shown that tooth extractions are performed from 35% to 100% of patients undergoing extractions
in about 10% to 15% of orthodontic patients.2 and orthodontic space closure.4,5 Nevertheless, clinical
Orthodontic space closure, most notably at premolar factors that predispose patients to gingival cleft
extraction sites, is commonly associated with the formation remain unclear.
formation of gingival clefts, or invaginations, that may Two current theories attempt to explain the etiology
of gingival clefts. The first relates cleft formation to the
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, University of Maryland, underlying bony architecture of the extraction site. Loss
Baltimore, MD. of alveolar bone due to trauma, resorption, or both is
Private practice, Madison, CT.
School of Dentistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD. thought to predispose to gingival invagination.3,6
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Araujo and Lindhe,7 for example, documented a
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. reduction in the volume of the dental alveolar ridge,
Address correspondence to: Dina Stappert, University of Maryland, School of
Dentistry, 650 W Baltimore St (3209), Baltimore, MD 21201; e-mail, particularly the buccal aspect, after extraction of
dstappert@umaryland.edu. mandibular premolars. The second explanation
Submitted, September 2017; revised and accepted, January 2018. attributes gingival cleft formation to the transseptal
Ó 2018 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. fiber system, which may be displaced rather than
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2018.01.018 remodeled during tooth movement, resulting in
678 Stappert et al

bunching, pressure on the subjacent bone, and

concomitant invagination of the gingival tissues. This
hypothesis is based, in part, on the clinical occurrence
of reopening of previously closed extraction spaces.8,9
As space closure occurs, tissues on the tension side are
stretched, whereas tissues on the pressure side are
compressed. The pressure side is presumably
responsible for gingival invagination, but the tension
side contributes to the relapse.10,11 Fig 1. Transgingival probing.
Gingival clefts may delay or prevent complete space
closure, and it has been shown that there is decreased and examinations) and screening before enrollment in
interdental bone in sites with gingival invaginations.12 the study. Inclusion criteria included a full permanent
Incomplete space closure, with open contacts, is dentition and a comprehensive orthodontic treatment
associated with an increased likelihood of food plan that included 2 or 4 premolar extractions and space
impaction and gingival trauma.8 Many studies have closure with fixed orthodontic appliances. Exclusion
shown reduced interproximal bone height relative to criteria included periodontitis and systemic conditions.
original alveolar dimensions.10 Consent or assent and HIPAA authorization forms were
An important clinical question is whether it is reviewed with each participant or guardian. All
possible to predict extraction sites at risk for gingival participants provided verbal and written consent.
cleft formation after orthodontic space closure. Gingival Subjects contributed either 2 or 4 premolar extraction
phenotype can be characterized using several soft and sites, and all measurements were performed on the study
hard tissue anatomic parameters, including gingival sites in triplicate. Measurements were averaged to create
thickness, width of keratinized gingiva, alveolar bone a mean score for analysis. This study was approved by
thickness, and osseous architecture.13 Although there the Institutional Review Board at the University of
are different classifications of gingival phenotype, Maryland.
most classifications are based on several common Initial gingival measurements were taken immedi-
clinical and anatomic features.14 A thick gingival ately before and after each tooth extraction. The width
phenotype is characterized by a flat gingival margin, a of the keratinized gingiva was measured with
broad zone of keratinized gingiva, and a thick a Maryland/Moffitt color-coded periodontal probe
underlying bony architecture.13 A thin gingival (Hu-Friedy, Chicago, Ill) (millimeters) from the gingival
phenotype is characterized by a scalloped gingival margin to the mucogingival junction at the midfacial
contour, a thin band of keratinized gingival, and a thin surface. After topical anesthesia with 20% benzocaine,
underlying bony architecture. Importantly, different local infiltration (2% xylocaine and epinephrine,
gingival phenotypes have been shown to respond 1:100,000) was administered on the buccal and lingual
differently to inflammation and injury. When there is or palatal surfaces. After anesthesia, measurements of
chronic inflammation, the gingival phenotype appears gingival thickness were obtained by transgingival
to be predisposed to distinctly different clinical probing using an endodontic probe with a stopper.
outcomes—a thick gingival phenotype tends to develop Measurements were taken with bone sounding on the
periodontal pockets, whereas a thin gingival phenotype direct facial surface before extraction (Fig 1).
tends to undergo recession.15-18 Extractions were completed as atraumatically as
The purpose of this prospective cohort study was to possible to preserve the bony architecture, followed by
examine the association between clinical measures of gentle debridement and irrigation of the extraction
cleft formation and severity after orthodontic space socket with sterile saline solution. After extraction, the
closure of premolar extraction sites related to gingival thickness of the buccal bone was determined using a
phenotype. bone caliper. Buccal bone thickness was measured at
the midfacial surface at the crest of the bone.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Patients needing orthodontic treatment with
Thirty-six participants were recruited from patients premolar extraction were consecutively recruited until
requiring premolar extractions as part of comprehensive enrollment ended. Each subject was treated by 1
orthodontic care at the University of Maryland, School of assigned orthodontist, ensuring consistency of care. All
Dentistry, in Baltimore. All participants had complete orthodontic care was delivered by 4 practitioners.
orthodontic records (models, lateral cephalometric and When space closure was at or near (\2 mm) completion,
panoramic radiographs, intraoral and extraoral photos, the incidence and severity of clefting was measured

November 2018  Vol 154  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Stappert et al 679

Table. Intergroup comparison for formation of

gingival clefts and gingival cleft severity based on age
Young adolescent Adolescent Adult
(#13 y) (14-18 y) ($19 y)
Cleft formation (%) 79.4 69.2 68.2
Cleft severity (mm2) 26.6 27.9 41.5
Frequency of cleft formation did not differ significantly between age
groups (chi-square 5 0.62; not significant). Cleft severity differed
significantly between age groups (Kruskal-Wallis analysis of variance
by ranks (2, n 5 65) 5 7.9; P #0.05).

analysis. A total of 82 premolar extraction sites were

evaluated for cleft formation and cleft severity.
The overall incidence of gingival cleft formation was
73.2% (n 5 60), with a similar frequency of cleft
formation in the maxillary and mandibular extraction
sites (72.9% vs 73.5%, respectively). Soft tissue
measurements ranged from 0 to 1 mm in the mesiodistal
dimension, 0 to 9 mm in the buccolingual dimension,
and 0 to 7 mm in the incisal-gingival dimension. Clefts
developing at maxillary and mandibular extraction sites
were similar in average severity (31.4 and 29.8 mm2,
respectively). The number of extraction sites (2 vs 4)
Fig 2. A, Occlusal and B, buccal views of gingival cleft. contributed by subjects had no association with the
using the coding system of Reichert et al.19 Soft tissue occurrence and severity of clefts (r 5 0.06 and
measurements were taken in 3 planes: mesiodistal r 5 0.08, respectively).
(x-axis dimension), buccolingual (y-axis dimension), Clefts formed in 79.4%, 69.2%, and 68.2% of
and incisal-gingival (z-axis dimension); the degree of subjects in the young adolescent, adolescent, and adult
clefting was determined by volumetric measurement groups, respectively. Although the percentage of
(Fig 2). subjects with clefts had a modest inverse relationship
The following variables were categorized for analysis: with age group, this association was not significant.
age—young adolescent (#13 years), adolescent The mean severity of clefts, however, exhibited a
(14-18 years), and adult ($19 years); and gingival significant positive association with age group. The
phenotype (thickness)—thin (#2.5 mm) and thick mean severity values of clefts were 26.6, 27.9, and
(.2.5 mm).14 41.5 mm2 in the young adolescent, adolescent, and
adult groups, respectively (Table).
Statistical analysis
Buccal bone thickness was significantly and
positively correlated with gingival phenotype in the
The association of clinical parameters with the adolescent and adult groups (r 5 0.42 and r 5 0.52,
formation and severity (volume) of clefts was assessed respectively; both, P \0.05); however, no association
separately in the age groups using the nonparametric was observed in the young adolescent group.
Spearman rank correlation. Statistical significance was The width of buccal keratinized gingiva, gingival
set at P #0.05. phenotype, and bone thickness showed no associations
with cleft formation or cleft severity in the age groups.
RESULTS The rate of space closure was significantly and
Twenty-nine of the 36 subjects completed the study. positively correlated with cleft formation (r 5 0.71;
Two patientts underwent extractions under sedation, P \0.001) in the adult group, reflecting a greater
which precluded clinical evaluation; 5 subjects failed likelihood of cleft formation with slower space closure.
to complete treatment or did not come for the No association was observed between rate of space
follow-up evaluation. Four subjects were planned for closure and cleft formation in the young adolescent
treatment with extraction of 3 premolars; consequently, and adolescent groups. Rate of space closure had no
data on the third premolar were not included in the association with cleft severity in the age groups.

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680 Stappert et al

DISCUSSION resulting in bunching, pressure on the subjacent

The overall incidence of gingival cleft formation in bone, and concomitant invagination of the gingival
this study was 73.2%, ranging from 79.4% in the young tissues.
adolescent group to 68.2% in the adult group. This rate The collagenous nature of connective tissue and its
of cleft formation was intermediate to rates previously adherence to the underlying mucoperiosteum are the
reported: from 35%5 to 100%.4 In this study, maxillary primary determinants of the firmness of the attached
sites had a nonsignificantly higher percentage of clefts gingiva. The thick network of closely packed collagen
than did mandibular sites, consistent with several earlier fibers helps to resist loading and withstand compressive
studies. An apparent greater propensity for maxillary and shear forces.34 If gingival compression and
sites to develop clefts has been attributed to denser bunching during tooth movement contribute to gingival
mandibular than maxillary bone, with a resulting slower invagination, then the width of attached keratinized
tooth movement.20,21 In this study, rate of space closure gingiva should be correlated with cleft formation.35 In
was significantly and positively correlated with cleft this study, however, the width of keratinized gingiva,
formation in the adult group, reflecting a lesser which contains the attached keratinized gingiva,
likelihood of cleft formation with faster space closure. exhibited no association with cleft formation or cleft
However, rate of space closure was not associated with severity in any age group. In contrast, however, gingival
cleft formation in the younger age groups; this may thickness had a negative association with gingival
explain observations that are consistent with those invagination and severity of cleft formation in the adult
across studies with respect to cleft formation.4,5,22 group; patients with a thin gingival phenotype had a
One postulated explanation for the development of greater predisposition for clefting than did those with
gingival clefts is loss of underlying hard tissue support a thick phenotype. A similar but nonsignificant
after extractions. In addition to the potential for alveolar correlation emerged between gingival thickness and
bone dehiscence or bone loss secondary to surgical cleft formation in the adult group. Collectively, these
trauma, extractions are characteristically associated findings suggest that gingival phenotype is a
with progressive alveolar ridge resorption resulting in a predisposing factor in cleft formation and severity,
reduction of ridge volume.23 The decrease in alveolar because of the positive relationship between gingival
ridge volume is most commonly attributable to thickness and alveolar bone volume, an association
resorption of the buccal bone plate.24 The rate of also seen in our adult group.
resorption of the alveolar ridge is most rapid in the initial When we considered the rate of space closure,
healing after the extraction.25 Available evidence 2 considerations appeared to be important in relation
suggests that the risk of gingival cleft formation is to the potential for cleft formation. First, by closing
greatest when orthodontic space closure beins late after the extraction space faster, there is less time for bone
tooth extractions and remodeling of the alveolar remodeling and loss of alveolar ridge volume and,
ridge.6,22 therefore, a potentially smaller risk for gingival cleft
A thin buccal bone phenotype (#1 mm thick) is formation. However, with faster space closure, the
considered a risk factor for bone resorption, since gingival fiber complex might not have time to
bundle bone appears to be the first bone to be reorganize. Teeth typically move faster in younger
resorbed.26 The thinner the buccal wall, the greater patients than inolder patients, and it was thought that
the proportion of bundle bone.27,28 The buccal bone the younger the patient, the less likely the risk for
plate experiences more resorption because it is gingival cleft formation. In this study, however, the
generally thinner than the lingual plate. Several recent frequency of cleft formation had a nonsignificant
studies examining the effect of ridge preservation after difference between age groups, with cleft frequencies
extractions, using guided bone regeneration or bone highest in the young adolescent group and lowest in
replacement grafts before orthodontic space closure, the adult group. In contrast, the severity of cleft
have reported reductions in the incidence of gingival formation showed a consistent significant positive
invagination.29-33 In our study, no association was relationship with age group, with the most severe clefts
found between crestal buccal bone thickness and in the adult group and the least severe in the young
development of gingival clefts. Space closure begun adolescent group. The young adolescent group had the
immediately after extraction may have contributed to smallest mean cleft severity, especially in contrast to
a reduction in the occurrence in gingival invagination. the adult group (26.6 vs 41.5 mm2, respectively). It is
Another hypothesis for the development of gingival unclear whether orthodontic techniques designed to
clefts is that the transseptal fiber system may be dis- accelerate tooth movement, such as corticotomies,
placed rather than remodeled during tooth movement, micro-osteoperforation, vibration methods, lasers, or

November 2018  Vol 154  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Stappert et al 681

piezosurgery, may influence the risk of gingival cleft cleft formation and severity. We found that the rate
formation. of space closure was significantly and inversely
There is limited research regarding the prevention of correlated with cleft formation in adults, reflecting a
gingival clefts. The inverse correlation observed in this greater likelihood of cleft formation with slower space
study between rate of closure and cleft formation in closure. These results suggest that clinicians need to be
adults suggests that decreasing the time it takes to close cautious when predicting the long-term stability of
the extraction site may reduce the risk of gingival cleft orthodontic treatment involving premolar extractions.
formation. This interpretation, however, must be made In particular, they should inform patients about the
cautiously, given the observational nature of the data possibility of relapse and unfavorable treatment
and the modest strength of the association. Several outcomes. All patients, especially adults, undergoing
recent studies examining the effect of ridge preservation postextraction space closure should be monitored for
after extractions, using guided bone regeneration or the development of gingival clefts. Multivariate models
bone replacement grafts, before orthodontic space are likely to be necessary for the clinical prediction of
closure have reported reductions in the incidence of cleft formation.
gingival invagination.29-33 Tiefengraber et al30
performed socket preservation procedures in a study ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with a split-mouth design. Gingival cleft formation
The first author thanks the American Association of
was compared between premolar extraction sites
Orthodontists Foundation for the grant (Orthodontic
(control) and premolar extraction sites covered with a
Faculty Development Fellowship Award: T. M. Graber
nonresorbable barrier membrane (experimental).
Teaching Fellowship Award). We thank Robert Williams
Gingival clefts of varying size were seen at all
for proofreading the manuscript.
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November 2018  Vol 154  Issue 5 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

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