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-- AWS contains region -- its regoin specific

--cant extant VPC from onr region to another region
--VPC contain VPC subnet in AZ as vpc subnet
-- AZ contaion one or more VPC subnet
-- cant extent VPC subnet from one AZ to Another AZ
-- one vpc in one region and one vpc subnet in AZ
-- one client can have multiple VPC
another vpc from same AZ can have same Ip ragge


--each subnet must be associated only one route table.

can i attach multiple route table to subnet - no
can i use same route table to multiple subnet -yes

So if you don't specify route table to newly create subnet, what will happen is the
subnet will be associated with the main or default table.

--Once VPC created cant change CIDR blocks (cant scale up or shrink)
-- RFC 1918 -Default is (private IP)
-- /8 -- 24 bit
-- -- 20
-- --16

--Min CIDR block is /28

--Max is /16

initally create /28 (only 16 ip) then if we need to enlarge after 6 month( need to
create new VPC)

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