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book reviews student with some background in high

school chemistry, although a9 the authors

say, "it can he handled, with some per-
severance, even by the student who has
not had the high school course." I t
Editor: W. F. KIEFFER would be worthwhile for general chemistry
College of Woator teachers to consider this text for their use.
Wowler, Ohio DONALD
N m Mezico Slate University
Las Cruces, New Mezieo 88001

Fundamentals of Chemistry mechanisms, wave mechanics, and acids

Frank Brescia, John A~enls, Herbert and bases-hard and soft acids now
appear. Material which is given less Principles of Chemistry:
Meislich, and Amos Tu&, all of the City A Structural Approach
College of the City University of New emphasis is qualitative analysis, metal-
York. 2nd ed. Academic Press, Inc., lurgical processes, and some historical Garth I m , Utah State University,
New York, 1970. xxi + 796 pp. development. Some of the full page Logan. International Textbook Ca.,
Figs. and tables. 18.5 X 26 om. diagrams have been decreased in size.
Important words, phrases, sentences, and
Scranton, Pennsylvenia, 1970. xiii +
$10.95. 713 pp. Figs. and tables. 18.5 X 26
definitions are given in italics and the om. $11.25.
It has been four years since the first paragraph headings are put in the margins.
edition of this book was published and the In the first edition, these items were in This new entry to the field of freshman
See https://pubs.acs.org/sharingguidelines for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

number of pages has been cot from 816 to heavy hlack print. texts is intended far use in general ohem-
796. Even though the new edition has Once again, sample problems are well istry courses for chemistry majors and
slightly larger dimensions, the total explained and set apart from the body of other science or engineering-oriented stu-
amount of reading material is 5 4 % less the text by a different color print. (Sec- dents. A knowledge of high-school chem-
because of the wide margins provided for ond edition-a light green versus s. heavy istry is recommended, but sufficientfunda-
notes in the new edition. In the black print in the first edition.) Mast of mental material is included so that it
Downloaded via on July 4, 2018 at 05:50:58 (UTC).

reviewer's opinion this is a trend in the the extensive list of problem a t the end of could be used by intelligent students with
right direction because many freshman each chapter are different than those in the no chemistry background. Algebra. is, of
chemistry texts are becoming unwieldy first edition and furthermore, the total course, s prerequisite, hut ealculus is not
both in size and words. number and varieties of problems has required.
The order in which material is pre- been greatly increased (about 40% more Professor Lee effectively utilizes his
sented, although essentially the same as problems per chapter). For example the years of teaching and previous writing
the previous edition has undergone some chapter on Atoms and Molecules has the experience as ca-author of the text, "Gen-
rearrangement, i.e., organic chemistry greatest number with 78 different prab- eral Chemistry: Inorganic and Organic,"
now appears in the last third of the text lems; most chapters offer 20-30 different designed for s. less rigorous course (see
rather than the first third. Although new ones and only one chapter (Intermolecular J. CHEM.EDUC.43, 166 (1966)). His new
titles to chapters have been added, such Forces) offers very few with only 8. volume uses an approach which is diflerent
as the Chemistry of Representative Answers are given to all of the numerical and a bit more sophistimted than any
Elements, the Chemistry of the Transition problem. In the reviewers opinion, this high-school program including the Chemi-
Elements, Radiation and Matter, and wide selection of problems is a big help to cal Bond Approach and Chem Study, and
Separation and Purifioation, much of the the busy general chemistry teacher. If should prove interesting and challenging to
material in these chapters appeared in the there is a teacher's manual to accompany bright, well-prepared beginning chemistry
first edition a t different places. An the hook, which gives detailed answers to students. The hook is neatly attract,ive
exception is the chapter on Radiation and all of the questions, it would he of ex- and effectively illustrated by Richard S.
Matter. The treatment of entropy is ceptional value as a time saver. Bird in a two-color format.
enlarged as is the presentation of reaction The hook seem to he aimed at the good Dr. Lee refreshingly takes the historical
approach in describing the development of
some concepts to lend interest and to
-Reviewed in this lssu- provide a basis for an apprecistion of the
scientific method. Topics snd principles
stressed are: the kinetio theory as it
applies to the three states of matter,
atomic structure, bonding, solutions, rates
of reaction, chemical equilibrium, and
electrochemistry. Thermodynamics does
not appear as a. separate study but is
introduced and applied where needed.
The chapter on bonding is, without doubt,
one of the best organized presentations of
introductory molecular orbital theory
presently on the market.
Eight of the chapters contain discussions
of tne elements and their inorganic com-
pounds in t e r m of the principles and are
correlated with atomic and molecular
structure and with the position of the
element in the periodio table. A student
taking a course based on this text would
not likely believe silver chloride to he a
"pale green gas" (J. CHEM.EDUC. 47, 27
(1970)). Organic chemistry is not in-
cluded in the text, but this is not a draw-
back since the chemistry majors would he
taking later courses in that subject.
(Continued on page A 108)

Volume 48, Number 2, Febr'uary 1971 / A107

Experimenlal Physical Chemistry niques. This experiment can he made
book reviews Farrington Daniels, et al., University of
even more powerful by the use of gas-
phase Raman equipment, now available in
Wisconsin, Madison. 7th ed. Mc- many laboratories. Experiment 43, Elec-
The quantitative chapters contain an Grm-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, tron Spin Resonance, another new experi-
abundance of example problems with t,he +
1970. xiii 669pp. Figs. and tables. ment, provides an exercise in the technique
solutions clearly shown, complete with 19.5 X 24.5 om. $9.95. of esr. In addition, major changes have
units, and the answers given to the ap- been m d e in the techniques used in the
propriate number of significant figures. A seventh edition of the original 1929 experiments on Sedimentation Rate, nmr,
Numerous exercises with answers appear "Experimental Physioal Chemist,ry7' by and Rubber Ela-ticiby. Several experi-
within the chapters and additional ex- Daniels, et aI. is now available. On the ments in the Sixth Edition have been
ercises are provided at the end of each s~.ri.,w, the uttl~,r.:2ppe.t~t t , h : t w n d r :t deleted: t,he Victor Meyer molecular
chapter so that a. snpplement,ary problem tla,rw&pinc rrvi-ion <,I 11w +xth I'ni? weight determination, t,he ethanol-acet,ic
hook is unnecessary. t:d11101~. TIP i l l ~ ~ - ~ r i t t i oh~t t. w
- lwcn acid est,erificetion equilibrium, the FIitt,orf
The useful appendix contains s. luoid redrawn in a more modern style. All of method for transference numbers, the
discussion of significant figures, brief t,he references have been rewrit,ten to con- dropping mercury elect,rode and the de-
reviews of the exponential form, the use of form with current style. The majority termination of range and energy of b&
logarithms, straight line equations, and of t,he experimenis retained from t,he Sixt,h particles. A numher of other more classi-
of calculation of the diameter of a sphere Edition cont,ain minor changes intended to cal experiments have been shortened or
that fit,s various crystal holes relative toimprove t,he clarity of discussion or reflect combined. There is a brief sect.ion on the
the diameter of the spheres surrounding advances in technique and instmmenta- use of computers in data processing and
the hole. I t also includes the periodic tion. three proflams including one for m e with
table, four-place logarithms, and answers Important changes are present, too. the experiment on vapor-liquid eqoilih-
to selected exercises. There are five new experiments. Vsouum rium. A short appendix snmmarizing
I n summn-ry, serious consideration Technique, which is an exercise in the use vector not,atian and msnipulations has
should he given to this text by professors of a glass vacuum line, is a ges density- been added.
who favor a, modern, strongly structural molecular weight determination which In spite of the changes, the emphasis of
qproach for science-oriented students. replaces the Victor Meyer method found the Seventh Edition is on fairly clessi~d
Properly used, i t should supply a firm in earlier edit,ians. Experiment 6 is a techniques. The importance of experi-
fonndation for further courses in chem- direct det,erminzt,ion of AH,' for TiCL by ments to biophysical chcmist,ry is not made
istry. For those not teaching such a calorimetrio met,hods; it reqoires glass- clear. The ORD exowiment, makes onlv
oonrse. the volume still would he useful blowing experience and may he fairly passing reference to the helix-mil experi-
hasardoue. Experiment 33 is a det,ermim- ment. Chapter 15, Maoromoleeular
tion of dipole moment., from gas dielectrio Chemistry, includes experiments on vis-
la=orbital theory. constants which uses the heterodyne heat cosity of polymer solut,ions, osmotio
method. Experiment 40, Infrared and pressure, sedimentst,ion rate, and the
ALDERTINE KROHN Ramin Spectra of Triatomic I\lolecnles, t,hermodynamics of rubber elsst,ioity, none
University qf Toledo provides an illustration of the power of of which employs samples of hiologioal
Toledo, Ohio combining the two spectrascopic tech- (Continued on pago A 113)

A108 / Journal of Chemical Educafion

tion to the Schrodinger equation, the lation has permitted some revision and the
book reviews particle in a potential well, atomic orhi- addition of some references. The most
recent references me from 1968. Six
tals, and molecular orbital theory for sim-
interest or empha~izesthe biological im- ple molecules. The second half of the Frenchmen (including the editor who
portance of these techniques. The kinetics hook is devoted to the theory of wnjw wrote four chapters) have contributed the
experiments are very traditional and do gated orgenic molecules. These are nine chapters. They write with authority
not reflect recent advances in the field. treated in considerable detail a t the level and draw on their extensive experience in
There are no experiments on enzyme of Hiickel theory. Particular emphasis is evaluating the literature. The coverage is
kinetics, fast kinetics, fluorescence decay, placed on the use of nonbonding r orbitals wide although no hook of this size could
and no experiments which emphasize and on the interpretation of the reactivi- he exhaustive. It has a European flavor
the dependence of reaction cross-section ties of conjugated molecules. Although which is natural. About 1600 references
on energy. Most serious, perhaps, is the the author uses Hiickel theory almost ex- are included, doubtlessly some of them
lack of emphasis on the use of the digital clusively, he takes pains to point out the duplicates.
computer, which is one of the most im- rather artificial nature of the approxima-
portant techniques a student of physical tion. For example, he shows what a wide Probably the most useful chapter is the
chemistry can learn. The Seventh Edition variety of values for the semiempirical last one, Application and Techniques, 92
contains only a. short description of the resonance integral are obtained by fitting pages long, by Serpinet. In it, laboratory
procedures are given for eleven types of
use of computers plus three programs. various spectroscopic and thermochemical samples. Thus this book is not as com-
There is no experiment in which the use of data. A few p q e s are devoted to men- plete in this type of practical information
s. computer is neeessav to interpret the tioning various methods for improving on
as Burchfield and Storrs ("Biochemicd
data, such as Fourier spectroscopy or an Hiickel theory. Applications of Gas Chromatography,"
X-ray experiment in which interrstomic Unfortunately, the hook contains many Academic, 1962). Rather it is more
distances are obtained from intensity incorrect and misleading statements. A nearly comparable to the book edited by
data. few examples may he mentioned here. Ettre and Zlatkis ("The Practice of Gas
In all seven editions of "Experimental On p. 7 the author states that a free part,i- Chromatography," Interscience, 1967).
Physical Chemistry'' the authors have cle cannot be at rest, but must have non- An over-ridine consideration in the com-
stated in the Preface, "The imperative is sero momentum; in fact there is no reason pariwn of t h I W~D h m~k l : i i that b:ttrp i~
not used. Procedures are described hot to exclude the solution for zero momen- abut LOO pngri longer and vu.1.i :xl>out515
orders are not given. The student studies tum. The table of hydrogenic wave less.
the experiment first and then plans his functions on p. 37 will certainly leave a
work-a method which develops both his student with the impression that the real Indeed, any book of less than 400 pages
power and his interest.'' Indeed, the 2p. and 2p, wave functions are to be asso- which costs $30 had better he a very good
reader will not find an instruction such as ciated with the values +1 and - 1 of the one. Unhappily Tranchant does not
"Turn Stopcock B." He will find "Stop- magnetic quantum number m. Later on measure up. The paper in this book is of
cock B is turned." Procedures are given the author does say that this is not really poor quality except for thirty pages near
as a detailed set of "suggestions" in the true, hut without ever indicating any re- the beginning, which for some reason are
passive voice. The tone of the procedural lationship between the quantum numbers printed on a better quality. The refer-
instructions, however, is inescapably and angular momentum. The list of ences at the end of each chapter are
imperative, and this provides a focus for orbitals for homonuclear diatomic mole- arranged differently in each chapter and
my major criticism of this hook. "Experi- cules on p. 90 makes the same error as none of them is very logical. This is
mental Physioal Chemistry" is not a text many freshman texts in placing the 2pr especially unfortunate since there is no
which encourages a. student to be creative orbital lower in energy than the Zp,. The overall author index, and the subject
in the development of experiments. I t is normal order is the reverse, as shown, for index is poor. A short section on the
not a text which awakens or stimulates example, by the ground states of C2 and literature of gas chromatography is not
scientific curiosity. I t cannot, therefore, Nn+. On p. 6 3 the author refers to the as well done as that by Ettre.
be recommended ss 8. text for use in courses self-consistent field method as giving the
in which these things are important oom- "most complete and accurate calcula- The hook contains needless duplica.tion
ponents. As a reference it will he valuable, tions!' This is far from true. The Born- of which the following is typicd In
and it may be snitable for 8. course with a Oppenheimer approximation is mentioned Chapter N, Apparatus, it says; "In order
heavy emphasis on experimental tech- on p. 68, hut no student would grasp the to make & so-called 'traditional' column,
nique. nature of this very important concept tubes of stainless steel, copper, glass, or
The flavor of the Seventh Edition of from the description given. Another dis- plastic material may be used. The rea-
"Experimental Physicd Chemistry" ~s appointing feature of the hook is the lack sons for chdosing a particular material are
essentially the flavor of the Sixth Edition. of any references in the text. This is only dealt with in Chapter V." The relevant
I suspect that it is just this flavor which slightly remedied by a page of suggested one-half page in Chapter V, Columns,
has caused Rome undergraduates to find further readings at the end of the book. begins with "Columns may he prepared
chemistry less ~alatable. In fairness I In summary, the book is a fairly good from stainless steel (soft), copper, alumi-
must add that I am not familiar with anv introduction to Huckel theory for conju- num, or glass (silver and plastic materials
other laboratory text in physical ohemistr; gated organic molecules. On the other are seldom used)!' There is no need to
which provides m o h relief from this heavy hand, this reviewer cannot recommend it repeat this type of information, hut since
taste. as s text for an introductory course in the editor took time in Chapter IV to note
quantum theory as the student would get this cross-reference, he should have at
J. S. KITTELRERGERtoo many wrong i d e a shout the funda- least seen to it that the sentences were
Amherst College mentals. consistent.
A mherst, Massachusetts 01002
S. J. STRICKLER Most of the useful information in this
Quantum Chemistry: Elementary Univwsitz, of Colorado book, like the tables and procedures, are
Principles and Methods Boulder also included in Ettre's book which would
make a less expensive reference work.
N . V. Rirgs, University of New England, For individual student use, McNair and
Armidale, New South Wales, Australia.
Maemillan Co., New York, 1969. ix + Practical Manual of Gas
Banelli's book ("Basic Gas Chromatog-
raphy;' Varian Aerograph, 1969) also
243 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 24 cm.
Edited by Jean T~anchant,Laboratoire contams much valuable practical informa-
$8.95. tion at alower price ($5).
Central des Poudres, Paris. American
The author of this introductory text is Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New
an organic chemist, and the treatment is
particularly aimed at the needs of a he-
York, 1969. xix + 387 pp. Figs. and JAMES M. MILLER
Drew University
tables. 16 X 23 om. $30.
ginning organic student. This is perhaps Madison, N. J.
the strong point of the book. I t starts This book is the Erst English translation
with the standard topics: an introduc- of the second French edition. The trans- (Continued on page A 116)

A1 12 / Journal of Chemical Education

valence electrons in the calculation. The
book reviews present book is the first textbook to
in this field make this book valuable to
research chemists. The hook should b e
present the theory and methodology of long on the shelf of every quantum chem-
approximate SCF-MO theory for all ist.
Approximate Molecular Orbital Theory valence electrons.
John A. Popre, Carnegie-Mellon Uni- The authon begin their presentation YUHKANGPAN
versity; and David L. Bewidge, City with a brief discussion on quantum Boston College
University of New York. McGraw- mechanical background; then follows a Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167
Hill Book Company, New York, 1970. description of self-consistent field molec- Radiation Protection and Senriliration
viii 214 pp. Figs. and tables. 15 X ular orbital theory. The energy expres-
sion for a dosed-shell configuration, the Edited by Harold Morosm, Sloan - Ket-
23.5 om. $10.
Hsrtree-Fock equations for molecular tering Institute for Cancer Research,
Although r electron molecular orbital orbitals and LCAO molecular orbitals for Rye, New York, and Maxello Quintili-
theory is quite successful in elucidating closed-shell and open-shell systems me m i , Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome.
many chemical and physical properties of discussed. Hydrogen fluoride has been Barnes and Noble, Inc., New York, 1960.
planar conjugated molecules, many at-
tempts to calculate those of nonplanar
used as an example to illustrate the LCAO- xvi + 524 pp. Figs. and tables.
SCF method. After presenting these 19 X 27 cm. $25.
molecules with the r electron molecular backgrounds of SCF MO theory, then
orbital methods were also considerably approximate molecular orbital thwries are This volume contains the proceedings of
successful. However, ss Dewar points introduced. The development of CNDO the Second International Symposium on
out (see Dewar's "The Molecular Orbital and INDO methods is stressed. The pro- Radiosemitivity and Radioprotective
Theory of Organic Chemistry") r electron cedures of these methods are presented in a Drugs held a t the Istituo Superiore di
MO theory is still of limited chemical quite extensive manner. NDDO method Sanita, Rome, Italy, May, 1969. The
value; it cannot even be applied to reac- is also described. In the last chapter of mog.orraph is conqwsed d ;r~esrchrcsdt.i
tions of conjugated molecules since transi- this book, CNDO and INDO methods are obtained . i r m the fird nlreting, which was
tion states do not normally have the sym-
metry necessary far the r electron MO
u l ~ geumerrie~,
amdied to calculate and intemret molec-~~

eleetnmic rharge dlrribu-

held I U 1964. and corn~risc;tivr review leo-
tures, and 68 invitedAandcontributed pa-
approximation to he applicable, nor can it Lids, rIe(.tron-PP~IImtd I I I I V I P L inter-
II.~~~ pers representing the work of 162 scien-
be applied to many problems concerning avtions, lwlear q,ilt and nrlrlear spin tists from 20 countries. The hook is writ-
the behavior of nonconjugated molecules, interactions, etc. Listings of computer ten in English.
such as conformational equilibria and programs for the actual carrying out of the Authors of individual papers and reviews
steric hindrance. Furthermore, the suc- calculations are included in the appendix. have prepared them well; an introduction
cess of nonplanar molecular calculations Throuahout the book, the nresent* to the subject, experimental section (refer-
was restricted to very limited series of tions a< clear and easy to follo'w. This enced), results and discussion of the results
molecules. Therefore, one of the main book contains the best discussion of this in terms of related researoh efforts are p r e
features of recent semiempirical quantum growing field I have ever seen. It is not sented in each section. The five review
chemical calculations is the growing in- only an excellent textbook for students hut articles serve to provide the reader s
terest in extensions and modilicrttions of also a useful reference for research workers. broader view of this vast area. of research
the r electron MO theory to include all The authors' insights on various problems (Continued m page A 118)

A1 16 / Journal of Chemicol Education

John Dalton and the Atomic Theory book that is deserving of a wide circu-
book reviews Elizabeth C. Patterson, Albertus Magnus
which encompasses the fields of organic College, New Haven, Connecticut. RALPHE. OESPER
chemistry, radiation research, and molec- Doubleday and Ca., Inc., Garden City, University of Cincinnati
ular hiology. These articles precede the
main or ti on of the monograph which deals
New York, 1970. X + 348 pp. 15 X Cineinnati, Ohio, 46S81
22 cm. Hardbound, $6.95; softbound,
with mare specific research topics. The $1.95. Otto Hahn-Eine Bilddokumentalion
editors have organized the contributions in
a systematic fashion and have included a E m t Bhinger, Heinz Moos Verlt~g,
subject and author index. Participants The 10-page Bibliography of hooks and Hartnagelstrasse 11. 8032 Grafeling
in the symposium sre also organized on the papers by and about Dalton and his vor M"nchen, West Germany, 1969.
basis of countrv in the beginning
- - of the vol- scwmplishments published in English 108 pp. 137 illustrations. 22 X 24
ume. (items in other languages have not been cm. DM 18 (= approx. $5).
Topid reviewed involve the molecular included) give an indication that this
mechenisms of cellular radio-sensitization is not a. neglected topic. However the Otto Hahn (1879-19681, outstanding
and protection, the repsir of DNA and the author's text reveds clearly that she has German nuclear chemist, was best known
mode of action of these compounds, di& resd and digested thii previous literature for his discovery (with the collaboration
cussion of clinical investigations of halo- snd used it well in constructing her very of F. Strassmann) of the fission of uranium
genated pyrimidine analogs and radiosensi- readable and interesting hook. The more atoms when bomberded with neutrons.
tization and the protection of biological than forty illustrations add significantly. He had no part in the subsequent misuse
of his fundamental discovery and it was
svstems from ionizina - radiation by sulfur - Furthemiore the issuance of a cheap
reported, though erroneously, that he had
containing compounds and those not wn- paperback edition was a wise move and
taining this element (hypaxic agents and should aid in bringing this text into many seriously considered wmmitting suicide
autonomic amines). Papers are classified libraries and private collections. If a when informed of the dropping of the atom
biologically with 8 wnsidering molecular library is to wntain only one hook on bombs an Hiroshima. and Nagasaki.
processes, 27 involved with protection and Dalton and his theory the vohtme under Numerous other successes had come to
sensitization in single cells and 17 with review should he chosen; larger wllections him and he rightfully received many
multicellulm systems, 10 wnsidering the should expand their holdings by adding honors including the Nobel and the Enrico
biochemistry and pha~mawlogyof protec- this most recent book. Fermi Prizes. He was known throughout
tive and sensitizing compounds, and 4 in- John Ddton (1776-1844) pioneer phys- the world of the physical sciences; he
volved with clinicel investigations. While icd chemist and meteorologist, who is visited with and corresponded with many
most of these topics have been previously best known as "the father of the modern of the world's leading scientists. He was
reviewed in a number of texts and journals atomic theory" was largely self-educated trained under Ilutherford, lectured a t
owing to the rapid growth of information, and spent most of his life as a teacher of Cornell, and risked his position during the
this volume is timely, interesting to read, mathematics and science in small schools Hitler regime through his efforts on behalf
and informative. Unfortunately, it is al- or as a private instructor. For many of the Jews. He lived to he slmost 90
years he faithfully recorded weather data and was active almost to the end. He
ready one year old.
This monograph should he included in and left approximately 200,000 such was a useful public servant and 8. true
chemically and biologically oriented li- measurements. He was interested in the friend of mankind. Hahnium has been sug-
braries serving research interests in free physical behavior of gases and his law of gested as the name for element 105.
radical processes (in vitro and in viva), radi- partial pressures is an important wn- These feats and interests are reflected
ation research, cellular biology and hio- trihution. He devised a. series of picto- in and add much to the interest and value
chemistry, c a n m therapy, and drugs. In graphic representations of the various of the hook under review here.
addition to its obvious usefulness in re- atomic species hut this was soon sup- A review of Hahn's "Scientific Auto-
search, this work can serve as an idea biography" (translated and edited by
planted by the Berselian system which is Willy Ley) appeared in THIS JOURNAL, 44,
source for a multitude of chemically and still in use. He depmted from the ancient
biologically oriented senior thesis problems A611 (1967). The. present hook con-
notions by insisting that each atomic stitutes a. kind of supplement and presents
and may be utilized es a reference far infor- species wa? characterized by an "atomic
mation to he incorporated into the free weight" and so quantified reactions. His an objective rather than a subjective pic-
radical chemistry section of undergraduate ture of Hahn and his work. T h e attrac-
insistence on the weight aspects brought
and graduate organic (and especially or- him into conflict with such men as Davy, tiveness of this handsome though inex-
gan-biochemistry) courses and for out- pensive volume resides in the wealth of its
Berzelius, Berthollet, and Gay-Lussac, illustrations. Hitherto unpublished pho-
side lecture reading awignments. All pa- who accepted volnme relat,ionships as of
pers and reviews are referenced. Al- tographs of Hahn with prominent scien-
prime importance. tists, facsimiles of letters, diary pages,
though much of this volume is probably Dalton was not a polished speaker,
too advanced for the average undergradu- telegrams, notebooks, etc., make this
he had a poor pltatform manner but hook a joy to look at. These pictures
ate student, superior students in chemistry nonetheless was frequently invited to
could conceivably gain muoh from reading deliver courses of lectures. He published provide an insight into the career and life
selected papers and reviews. A knowl- of this famous man that cennot he gotten
only one book of consequence, namely his otherwise. The author has obviously
edge of organic and biochemistry is a pre- "A New Sydem of Chemical Philosophy"
reauisite to thorouehlv understanding this spent much time in the search for material
(Volume 1, 1808, Volume 2, 1810). and the selection of the items from the
vofume. A biology major with no o%snic Practically all of his worthwhile work had
chemical background would find most of immense mass of available items could
been published by the time he was 35 not have been easy. The German text
this work virtually impossible to under- though he lived to he 68. Like his elder
stand except in a. very qualitative sense. is not difficult to follow. However the
brother Jonathan, Dalton suffered from pictures are the thing here and should
In light, of the previous suggestions, this color blindness, a. defect that is still known
reviewer recommends the purchase of this interest even those chemists and physicists
as daltonism. Though he certainly would
monograph by undergraduate chemistry who have little command of the German
have disapproved, he was given a state language. Unfortunately there are errors
libraries. Such a purchase would he funeral, a n d a t least 40,000 viewed his
worthwhile if lecture material for organic- that could have been avoided hv more
remains, though his eyes had been re-
major and, in particular, organic courses moved in 8. vain attempt to discover the
designed for students entering the hiologi- reason for his colorhlindness.
cal sscienoes or other areas were abstracted The author is well known in history of
from it and subsequently, reading assign- collections.
science circles. She has published ex-
ments were made. cellent work and is a good teacher. She RALPHE. OESPER
DONALD T. WITIAK has taken the existing literature on University of Cincinnati
College of Pharmacy Dalton as a foundation, and.has added Cincinnati, Ohio 45819
The Ohio State University the fruits of her own investigations and
Columbus, Ohio 43810 after five years of work has produced a (Continued on page A 180)

A1 18 / Journal of Chernicol Education

stitnte an excellent way of preparing for a demonstration aspects of inorganic, an*
book reviews senior comprehensive examination for the lytical! physical, and organic chemistry.
chemistry major, i t heing understood that Each ~llustretiveand typical experiment
the general questions "cover the water- will be accompanied by a concise and well
front," hut that the specific questions me thought out statement of the principles
H. A f . Ra~icn. "Heidelherger Tawhen- only illustrative (dt.lthoughthe student underlying the experiments that have been
bucher, Band 53." Springer-Verlag, should he able to answer almost all of selected with the benefit, of trials and ex-
Inc., New York, 1969. viii X 123 pp. them). periences. The subject matter will deal
$2.4.5. This hook, too, might serve the teacher with chemistry as taught at, the high school
hoth as a source of examinabion questions, and junior college levels though much of
This hook (in German) contains approxi- and also as n check list of both the ma- the material is fitting for same senior col-
mately 1OOO "practice questions," and terials and the concepts which he should lege and perhaps grad~uatework, where
aordd he suitRble as a review for a gradu- he teaching. chemistq enters the picbnre a%a minor
g a preliminary
ate dodent ~ r e ~ x r i nfor subject. An estimate of the time re-
examination in biochemistry. Selecfrd quired for each exercise is a handy featwe
questions muld Relve for undergraduates St. Lawrence Universit?~ and the line diagrams lure most nsefol.
or medical students. Canton, N . Y . Ample references to the literature are
Most of the questions take the form of a given, though a3 might he expected Qer-
dialogl~e-i.e., the statement of n qnes- Sinnbild der Chemie
man murces predominate.
tion, and then x comment on the presumed Herbert 1V. Franke. Bitsilius Presse. The experiments are graded ss to diffi-
answer, or, in some cases, a hint. I n this Basel, 1966. 148 pp. Figs. and plates: culty and range from fairly simple to
way, the questions serve to cause the 58Sfr. ($13.50). rather sophisticated procedures. Some
st~tdentto think more deeply, or to search are designed for individunl work, others
for additional information. This is not R. This volume may prove oseful for its for groups of varying sizes, and experi-
hook for n quick review; i t takes time to 69 magnificent plates of models of mole- ments suitable for demonstrntion purposes
rend the questions, and m w h mmo ttme cules and crystrtls, all full or half-page, to lecture classes are also included. Many
to reflect on them, hot in the opinion of and many of them in color. of the exercises are qnant,it,ative and the
this reviewer it is certainly worth-while Although the text ia in German, sample cdculntions serve to illustrate the
to do so. captions of the plates and fignres are proper modes of keeping a laboratory
The int,roduction states that the ques- given in English and Preneh a s well. The notebook.
tions are hased on Karlaon ("Introduction fact that the extended descriptions of the Volume I deals with general laws, water,
to Modern Biochemistry") and M%hler plates are collected a t the hack of the air. and the snlfor emon: Volume I1 con-
and Kordes ("Biologied Chemi~tly"),hnt hook is an inconvenience. Whnt is tinues with the <alo&s, the nitrogen
the coverage is much hroader than that, worse is that the descriptions are not as gronp (N, P, As), and closes with the
including, among other things, osmotic informative as they should he; someone carbon group (C, Si, Ge) and boron.
pressnre, kinetics and catalysis, free familiar with the subject would probnhly Various preparation procedures are given
energy, and various aspects of physiology. be required to describe the salient featut'es and also andyticd exercises and synthetic
Some of the qnestions are very general to a uovice. However, the hook does procedures. The voh~mes give ample
(Whnt do yon know ahout osmotic pres- constitute a handy collection of pictures, evidence of meticulous care and testify as
snre, end the laws governing it?), and and the plates are beautifully printed. to the great amount of time spent on
some are very specific (Give three color There are also some 30 pages of text on these exercises hoth in the laboratory and
reactions of tryptophan). I n general, the structure of atoms and molecules, a t the writing desk. German-reading
however, the coverage is broader hut less covering both methods of determining chemistry teachers should have these
detailed than that found in such assem- structure, and the methods of representing volumes available; they will he vnloahle
blages of questions as Moshach's "Bio- structure which are exemplified in the aids when working up new or special
rhemistry Review." All of the important plates. The coverage is hoth experi- laboratory courses, lecture demunslrz-
topics in biochemistry seem to be covered; mental and philosophicd, and includes the tians, and particulaly whm giving extra
indeed, there is considerable dnplicat,ion historical development of the field. assignments to the extr*gifted students.
and overlap of the questions. Again, the text would hardly serve to
The reviewer recommends that the introduce the subject to a beginner, hut, it RALPHE . OESPER
teacher select those questions which he does oonstitote an interesting refresher University of Cincinnati
deems worthy of emphasis, rather than course for one who has already studied the Cincinnati, Ohio 45281
m~igningthe hook as a whole. The seri- material.
011s student, however, may regard i t as a Introduction to Quantum Concepts
challenge to know all the answers. PETEROP:SPRR in Spectroscopy
One further possihle use of the book St. Lawrence University
Canton, Arm York W . G . Laidlaw, Universit,y of Cnlgnry,
might he a? x somee of examination ques- Calgary, Canads. MeGmw-Hill Book
tions, or of inspiration for examination
questions. Experimentelle Schulchemie Co., Ino., New York, 1970. xix +240
pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 om.
Chemie fiir ~ediziner-~bungrfragen
Franz Rukatsch and Wolfgang Gldckner, $9.95.
Mnnich (editors) with a. staff of 14 co-
H. M . R a u m "Heidelherger Taschen- workers. Aulis Verlag Deubner & Co This hook is designed for n first. eonrse
hiicher, Band 32.'' Springer-Verlag, Kiiln (Cologne) West Germany. Band in quantum mechanics to he taught a t the
Inc., New York, 1969. viii +64 pp. I, Anorgenische Chemie I (Nicht- sophomore or junior level. I t is, hy design,
much less rigorous bhsn the texts eom-
$1.95. metdle) prepared by Erieh Iladtr,
Stuttgart; Hugo Kdrperth, Wien (Vi- monly used for seniors and first-year
This is a companion volume to the enna), Austria; and Roderich Seheer, graduate students. Prinoiples of qimn-
"BiachemistrJ~-Pmctice Questions" re-
viewed ahove. I t covers the entire range
Berlin. 1969. viii + 202 pp. Line tom mechanics are developed in the early
chapters and then applied to a variety
drawingii. 17 X 23 em. DM 36 ( =
of chemistry-inorganic, organic, physi- approx. $9.8). Band 11, Anorgan- of spectroscopic problems. Knowledge of
cal, and analytical, with additional ques- ische Chemie (Niehtmetalle 11) pre- calculus and diffcrentinl equations is riot a
tions on chemical procedures and chemical pared by Wolfgang Gldckner, Munich; prerequisite, slthongh the student will
apparatus. Herrnann Klie, Bremen; and Roderich have to evsluat,e n few derivatives in order
To an American reviewer with experi-
ence in medical schools, the hook seems
Schecr. Berlin. 1970. ix + 229 pp. to cover the entire book. Among the
bet,ter features of t,his hook are the eleven
Diagrams. 17 X 23 em. D M 40 (=
wrongly titled; one hardly ever enconn- approx. $11). dry-lab projeots scattered throughout the
lers a medical stndent with anything like text. Each project cansistii of eight to
the knowledge of chemistry required t,o These are the opening volumes of a twelve connected problems and enough
answer all of these questions, or even most projected 6-volnme series t h a t within the
of them. The hook would, however, con- next few years will cover the laboratory or (Continued on page A 122)

A120 / lournol o f Chemical Education

book reviews mechaniw text in an undergraduate ehem-
istry crmicnlum.
A few minor changes in the nomencla-
ture have also been introduced.
Bmodoin College Collage o j Woosler
dennriptive m.ztorinl to make x very good Brunswick, Maine li'ooster, Ohio
*elf-study exercise.
The fiwt chapter provides some of t,he Handbook of Organomelallic
histo~ionl basis for q m n t n m theory, de- NMR Spectroscopy in
Organic Chemistry Compounds
scribes generalized spectroscopic experi-
m e ~ t sand applies the Schriidinger equa- Edited by N o h m Hagiham, Osaka Uni-
lion to the one dimensional particle-in-a B. I . Ionin and B. A . Ershou, Lensovet
Institute of Technology, Leningrad. versity, Makoto firnarla, Kyoto Uni-
hox. Footnotes and references which versity, and Rokwa Okawam, Osaka
should he useful for the more serious Translated by C. Nigel Turlon and
Tatiana I . Turton. Plenum Press, University. W. A. Benjamin, Inc.,
sttldent are used generonsly in this chapter
New York, 1970. x + 382 pp. Figs. New York, 1968. xviii +1044 pp.
(nnd not,, ,mfort,lnately, in the rest of the 16 X 23.: cm. $45.
hook). Although the Schriidinger e q w - and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $25.
tion is derived in an illnminntinp fashion, This hook has been tmnslated into This volume is intended to he a general
discussions of such ftrndnmentals as the English from the original Rnssinn edition reference book of t,he organo-metallic
uncertainty principle and prapesties of the (1967). I t consists of six chapters (Fun- compound7 of both noutransition and
wave function seem to he intended lo damentals, Chemical Shifts, Spin-Spin transition metith. Fundamental data,
develop problem solving ability (in the Coupling, Analysis of Complex Nuclear such as physical properties, soluhilily,
plopin sense) rather then understanding. Magnetic Resonance Spectra, NMR Spec- reactivity, uses, methods of preparation,
The second chapter applies principles to tra and the Struct,ure of Orgnaic Mole- and references, are given for 1700 eom-
simple systems ineloding the harmonic cules, Applicationof NMRSpectrosoopy in pounds. Each section is int~.oducedby a
oseillntor, rigid rotor, hydrogen atom, and Various Fields of Organic Chemistry) and short discussion of the generel properties
moleculnr orhitnls of diatomic molecnles. s n appendix. There is au wpendix, a of t,he compounds in the gl.oup.
There is very little rigor in the treatments brief Index, and numerous referenoes, of Pa1.t I1 is a. glossary of terms wed in
of the harmorlie oseillatov mrd rigid rotor. which 90 to 95% refer to jourllals pub- orgnnometallic chemistry.
Many solrllions are obtained by sleight-of- lished in the English language. Each compound is listed by it* strnc-
hand wilh few referencm to assist the The apparent purpose of the book is the tural formula and then indexed by name.
interesled student. Tho scctian on molec- presentation of the fundamentals of nmr J A N IB.
ldar orhitals will be very nseful for under- with the minimum requirement of mathe- College of lIrousler
eraduates a t this level. matical and physical bnckgromd on the Wonnier, Ohm
part of the reader.
The place of this hook in the nmr litera-
ture is not clear. The books by Becker Thermal Analysis. Volume 1,
energies associated with various degrees s n d Bovey are mare appropriate as text Inrtrumentation, Organic Materials,
of freedom are clearly described and the hooks, since each of these contsins more and Polymers. Volume 2, Inorganic
section on nmr will supplement the work examples of spectra and bebter collections Materials and Physical Chemistry
in many orgmiic chemistry ooourses. of nmr data. Jaekman and Sternhill give Edited by Robert F . Schwenker, Jr.,
The discussion of tlm~sitions in the a better s u n e y of the avdilahle literature Johnson and Johnson, hlilltown, N. J.,
following ohnpter builds on the separation data, t,hough their theory is less complete. mid P a d D. Cam, University of Akron,
of variables and wave functions treated Ionin and Frshov have x tendency to Ohio. Academic Press, Inc., New York,
ea~lierand introduces the time-dependent assume that the reader's background is 1969. Vol. 1, xxiii + 706 +
11 pp.
Schriidinger eqnation in 3 very clear man-
more complete than that of a neophite.
Far example, there is no clear definition of
Vol. 2, xxiii 803 +I1 pp. Figs. and
tables. 16.5 X 23.6 cm. 819.50 each
Low resolution m ~ d high resolution magnetically eqnivalent and nonequivalent volume.
spectra are nnalysed in the final chapter. nuclei, though tthi concept h one of the
Many good problems are presented in mare difficult to grasp. This book consists of the offset repro-
this chapter and the slndent is given ample Usually, after a. osreful rereading of a. ductions of the manuscripts presented at,
opportunity to derive molecular constants section, the information that is essential the Second International Conference on
from spectroscopic data. can he found. However, the emphasis, Thermal Analysis held a t Holy Cross
While it is certainly easy, and perhaps which is so useful for the student, is miss- College, Worcester, Mass., on August
common, to offer a course in quantum ing. 1&23, 1968. Of the 95 papers included
mechanics that is rigorous to the point In view of the high price ($25) and the in the two volumes, 27 w e in Advances
of heing uninteresting t o the undergrsd- lack of s. uniaue contribution to the field in Instmmentation, 17 in Organic Mate-
nate, to same the present work may err on of nmr, the reviewer does not recommend rials, Including Polymers, 19 in Inorganic
the side of heing so nonrigarans that it this book for the organic chemist'? lihrary. Materials and Metallurgy, 15 in Physical
lacks credibility. A smnll amount of Chemistry, 6 in Minerals, and 11 in Ap-
hlaokhoard wo1.k on the part of the in- JOHN D. REINHEIMER plied Sciences. Included in the Ap-
structor could minimize this shortcoming. The College of Wooater pendixes are Recommendations for Re-
For instance, the vnrixtional treatment Woasler, Ohio 44691 porting of Thermal Analysis, Recom-
could hnve been done in terms which would mendations for Nomenclature in Thermal
have permitted considerntion of AB spin Analysis, and A Report from the Commit-
systems in nmr and a more meaningful Dictionary of Organic Compounds, tee on Standardization, International
disewsion of heterommlear diatomic mole- Sixth Supplement, 1970 Confederation for Thermal Anslysia.
coles. The hook is relatively free nf errors. Edited by J. B. Thornson. 4th ed. While some of the papers leave much to
The student mav be eonfnsed bv the dabs Oxford University Press, New York, be desired from an experimental and
1970. 280 pp. 26.8 X 20 om. $29. theoretical viewpoint, this book is vdusble
as a reference work in the field of thermal
This sixth supplement generally follows analysis. At the price of the two com-
sve in error and a n nnconventional sign is the pattern of the earlier work, but focuses bined volumes, the book will probably he
used for the centrifugal distortion con- on papers published in 1969 and makes purchased ms,inly through libraries.
stant. corrections to the fifth supplement. A
This hook shodd provide the basis for 8. formula. index of all new compounds and W. W. WENDLANDT
good sophomore qunntnm mechanics corrected formulas are innovations in this University of Houston
course. However, I do not feel that i t volume. A more c o m ~ l e t eformula index Houston, Tez. 77004
makes ntfficient use of college mathe- of the main work and ;he Mth supplement
maties to stand as the only qnantum is also being prepared. (Continued on page A 188)

A122 / Journol o f Chemical Educofion

course in physical methods if the teacher down" and reveal themselves much more
book reviews does not object to the heavy use of bio- plainly than they do in composing mate-
logical or pharmaceutical materials in the rial that is destined for publication. The
Practical Pharmaceutical experimental procedures which are de- let.ters included in the present volume
Chemistry. Second Edition-Part 2 scribed. The book is also to he recom- follow this pattern; a wide v a r i e t , ~of
mended ss a good first-choice place to topics is included and the human side
A. H. Beckett, University of London, look for information on a wide variety of of these men is exposed. Herein lies the
and J. B. Stenlake, University of physical methods. charm of this book. I t is recommended
Strathclyde, Glasgow. 2nd ed. Uni- for purchase especially by school lihraries.
versity of London Athlone Press,
London, 1970. 425 pp. Figs. and R r m H E. OI:SPER
tables. 16 X 25.2 cm. $12.50. Cnivcrsity of Cfncfnnati
Cinrinnnti. Ohio L 5 B P 1
The phrase "Second Edition-Part
Two" of the title is a result of the rather
complete revision of the first edition Die Beriihmten Erthder,
which has led to the inolusiou of muoh Phyriker und lngenieure
new material and to the production of the
revision in two aeparate parts. This Louis Leprince Ringuet, Ocolc Poly-
second o m t is desienrd to cover the Partners in Science: Letters of James technique, Paris, editor, assisted by s
needs of the advanced student. Wan and Joseph Black staff of 80 scholars from various
This book wonld serve as a suitable text countries, and an Introduction by
for s. comse in instrumental techniques or Edited with Introduction and Notes by
Erie Robinson, University of Man- Reinhold Mannkopj, Glittingen Uni-
as a useful reference book for either the chester, England, and Douglas McKie. versity. Aulis V e h g Deubner & Co.
student or the graduate chemist who Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Kiiln (Cologne) West Germany, 1968.
wants an introduction to a, variet,y of 1970. xvi + 502 pp. Illustrations. 476 pages of text plus 160 pages of
techniques. The topics covered include illust,rat,ions. 22.5 X 31.0 om. DM
molecular weight determinations, polarim-
14.5 X 22 em. $12.50.
98 + postage ( - hpprox. $27.50)
etry, refraotometry, viscosit,y, surface This volume contains the texts of 260 in toto.
tension, particle size analysis, chroma- letters, mostly written t o or received by
tography (column, paper, thin layer, and three eminent Scattiah leaders in science, This exceptionally fine quaai-history of
gas), measurement of emf and pH, engineering, and university teaching. physics and its technical and industrial
eanductimetric titrations, polarography, So much has been published about the developments is based on the 1946 French
emission and absorption spectra, speetro- lives and caseem of James Watt (1736- work "Inventews Cekbres" (published in
fluorimetry, infrared, nmr and mass 1819) and Joseph Black (1728-1799) that 1946 by Mazenod], but thoroughly re-
spectre, and radioohemicd techniques. there is no need of repetition here. The vised and brought almost up-to-date far
The coverage of most of these tnpics third member of the trio was John Rohison the present German edition. The essays
includes some theoretical background, (1739-1805) who like Watt was Black's stem from French, Germm, Italian,
instrumentation, and specific experiments. student., and who not only succeeded the English, and American authors and have
This type of presentation is particularly latter hut after Black's death edited and been put into easily read German. These
useful to t,he chemist who is not an expert published his lectures (1803) under the writers include Nobel Lnnrextes and in
in any or all of t,hese fields b r ~who
t hss an title "Elements of Chemistry." Watt and many caqes the biographers are equal to
occasional need to use some of them. Robison were close friends. I n addition or superior to their snhjects with respect
This hook is to he vecammended as n to the letters noted ahove, the present to ability and popnlnr esteem. The
handy one volume desk reference for volume contains some letters to and from material has been divided into twenty
srrch s. chemist. He will usually he able other persons because they shed additional main subjects, each intrad~xed hy an
to jrtdge for himself, after reading the light on matters of then current interest.. enlightening and comprehensive essay.
approprint,e seotians of this hook, whether The letters extend from Janoary 10, 1768, The account extends'from the earliest era
n given technique will be useful to him to March 1, 1815; they have been obtained to space exploration hut ends prior to the
for solving the problem a t hand. The from a number of sources. Some have actual landings on and return from the
specific experiments described will often been published previously, others appear moon.
serve as models for the experiments here in print for the first time. Part 2 Much of the account is clothed in the
required in one's own research. The of the book is made up of about 50 pages guise of brief but adequate biographical
references a t the end of each section will devoted to a notebook kept by Wntt and essays, somewhst reminiscent of Brigge's
provide the reader with additional in- recording his experiments on heat. This "Das Buch der grossen Chemiker" or
formation when needed. Some experts will appeal particularly to specialists. Farber's "Great Chemists." The selec-
in the arexs covered by this book might Since the letters were all written before tion of whom to include or to omit in
not be satisfied with the coverage afforded fhe typewriter age, their transcription such volumes is always a thorny problem,
their areas, hot this hook, of course, does must surely have been no easy task. Some and in the present instance 109 persons
not plwport to be s definitive treatment were copied from the original manuscript have been chosen. Some of them are not
on each topic. On thc other hand it does copy, but others were available only from familiar to chemical readeta. The chem-
provide n good intvodnetian to each copies made by means of Watt's copying ists who have been singled out me those
topie and will usually provide all the machine, an emly representative of a who have been active in the border zones,
information t,he reader needs to know in device that now can he fonnd in most i.e., physical chemis1.a or ohernical phys-
order to otilise a new technique. business offices. Metienlous credit in icists. In all oases, these individunls
Wit,h regard to some techniques, smh given to the source in each imtance. have been the subject of hiographical
as molea~larweight determinations, t,he The editors exhihit their competence by brestment and full page likenesses of most
methods described in this hook (e.g., the notes they have supplied in which they are included. These pictures alone are
freesing point. depression) are likely to be clarify points that may puzzle many worth the mice of the hook. The hat, ~~~ ~

supplsnt,ed in the futnre by mass spectra readers. The Index is excellent and pro- 80 pages are given over to useful charts
and gel permeetion chromatography. vides a good guide through the pnges. and compilations.
One of the few shortcomings of this book I n t,he introductory chapter of his This hook is filled with valuable in-
is lack of coverage of gel permeation "Grosse Manner" (1910), Wilhelm Ost- formation, presented in a most readable
chromatography (the only mention of wald discusses the value and importance way. I t is manufactured in a n out-
Sephadedex is under thin-layer chromatog- of collections of letters when evaluating standing fashion
raphy). However, the hook is generally the accomplishments and the l i v a of RALPHE. O E ~ P E R
up-to-date: much recent work is included. scientists. I n these the men are far more Unlversittj of Cincinnati
This hook, although designed for open in expressing their opinions of their Cincinnati, Ohio, &,5@?1
pharmeceutical chemistry, osn be recom- contemporaries and the gestating or
mended its a suitable text for a, chemistry currenttheories; they often "let their hair (Continued on page A 188)

A126 / Journal o f Chemical Education

Chapter I1 is more specific and more tions using polynomial techniques are
book reviews satisfying to the reader. Three modes of worked out in detail. Low pass, high p a s ,
analysis are presented: analysis by least band pass, differentiating and integrating
Spectral Analysis: Methods and squares, analysis by weighting functions, filters a1.e discussed, including both the
Techniques and analysis hy orthogonal (Fourier) amplitude and phnse transfer charac-
ex~snsion. The section on analvsis bv teristim of some of these filters.
Edited hy James A . Blackburn, Uni-
versity of Weterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, As Chapters I, 11, 111 set the grormd-
Canada. M ~ r c e l Dekker, Ine., New work, Chapters IV-VIII develop applica-
York, 1970. xi + 289 pp. Figs. and
equations, and some smatterings of matrix
algebra. The l e a 4 squares analysis is
tions over several field of study: p ~ ~ l s e
height analysis (IV), biological applica-
tables. 16 X 23.5 em. 815.7.5. tions (V), activation analysis (VI), mass
broken into two subsections, the first.
"Spectral Analysis" is best described covering t,he case where t,he reference set is spectroscopy (VII), and gamma. ray
as a collection of essays on some important complete, and the second covering the case spectroscopy (VIII). While different
sweets of linear anzlysis and numerical where the reference set is incomplete. readers will be attracted to dimerent snb-
filtering, and some applications of these The section on weighting functions ex- iects., each indeed advances the discussion
sobieets. This book should serve as a amines some weighted least squares tech- of the early chapters and pioves informa-
fair introduction to spectral analysis for niques, and in an example, questions their tive. Chapter IV provides the most,
the novice, and might serve as s, handy usefulness. With s. brief comment noting detail, and in fact includes both theoretiral
reference and (less SO)& bibliogmphy for that best fit, in the least squares sense, of discussion and details of the computer
the mare experienced reader. Most im- a finite series to a continuous function is prognm designed to implement the
portant,, in theory and practical example, the finite Fourier expansion of the fonc- analysis. The chapter on neutron active,
"Spectral Analysis" is interdisciplinary. tion, the author brings the reader into tion analysis inelodes a discussion on
The first three of the eight chapters are Fourier (in particular, sisoidal) analysis. linear programming and the simplex
devoted to developing a conceptual hasis The relationship of the Fourier coefficient method. The chapter on mass spectros-
for spectral analysis. The notion of a matrix to the least squares coefficient copy provides t,he render wit,h n solid
spectrum is operat,ionally defined in terms matrix is noted, and the orthogonality of working example of the least s q ~ ~ ~ ~ e s
of periodicities in the aut,ocorrelstion of the Fourier coefficients is demonstrated. technique.
stochastic processes. This is, in principle, Finally, the hlichelson interferometer is In summary, most parts of this book are
a fine approach, but this reviewer found chosen aq s. practical example of Fomier well done, but same parts are dissatisfying.
that in addition to a glaring editorial error, Transform spectroscopy. The role of orthogonality in the trans-
the text in Chapter I was often beset with Chapter 111 is an excellent presentation mission of information is not a t all dis-
n lack of both mathemat,ical and intuitive of some of the more modern problem of cussed: therefore. the use of matrices in
depth. For example, while the concept "the smoothing, interpolation and ext.rap-
of stationarity is well developed, ergodicity olation of data!' Quantization errom,
as an explicit srthject is ignored. I n f o c sampling requirements and concepts of
niation, trnnsfer functions, sampling and numerical filters are treated well and in concepts are not stressed well enough. In
aliasing are rather well developed in some detail. Filter design is especially addition, the bibliographies should be
Chapter I, nnd further developed in well covered; several examples of gen- much stronger. The material of Chapter
Chapters I1 and 111. erating carefully controlled transfer func-
(Continued on oaoe A 1.70)

A 128 / Journal o f Chemical Education

book reviews
11, for instance, has been covered differ- oceanography. Of these hooks, only
ently and in greeter depth by other Horne is specifically directed toward the
authors, and certainly the reader could chemistry of seawater, and its greater
benefit, by reference to them. Finally, detail, more profuse illustrations and reli-
while Chapter 111 contains perhaps some ance uoon ndvnneed chemical cconeeots
of the best mst,erid in t,he book, its ref-
erences are not, in general, widely avail-
able, and the bibliography of Chapter 111
ignores entirely the recent works of Gold, advanced graduate courses which presume
Rader, Stockholm, etc., on digital filter extensive chemical background, Martin is
design in the complexZ-plane. most appropriately an introductory text
or asoorce book for the non-specialist.
CHARLES T. FOSKBTT Although he expressly intends to present
Digilab, Inc. facts rather than theories, Dr. Martin
2.77 Pulnam Aue. succeeds in combining the two in s highly
Cambridge, Mass. 02139 satisfactory balance. IIe also presents
concise discussions of many particularly
Marina Chemistry, Volume 2: Theory important problems which will serve t o
and Applications stimulate student* and which delineate
those area3 where future work is most
Dean F . Martin. Universitv of South likely to effect changes in our present
Florida, ~ a m ~ aMarcel
.' ~ k k k e r Ine.,
, hypotheses.
New York, 1970. xi + 451 pp. Figs. This book is printed by offset process
and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. 89.50. from typewritten masters, and as n result,
contains substantially less me.terial than
This volume provides 8. sequel to the one would normally expect in n 4.50-page
author's earlier work, "Marine Chemistry, work. Although this is partially compen-
Volume 1: Analytical Methods." It is sated for by the author's terse style, eom-
primarily intended as a text for an intro- pared to a letterprens edition, the cost,
ductorv course in marine ehemistrv a t ($9.50) appears disproportionately high.
Nonspecialists in marine chemistry
whose fields relate to chemical processes
in the sea, will find this book a vabtable
essentislly an expanded course syllabus source and reference work on their shelves.
rather than a reference work, and the Its greatest value, however, will be as R.
reader's first impression may be that it is text in the introductory roorses toward
overly brief. The author presents his which i t is s~eeificsllvdirected. Here it
material in capsule form, however, which will fill a lon&tanding gap in the literature
enables him to provide a surprisingly and meet an important need.
broad coverage of up-to-date material.
His topics range from some of the most
recent idean concerning the structure and
properties of water itself to hypotheses of
seawater genesis, nutrient cycles, and the
extraction of mineral resources and drugs
from the sea. Each chapter is aceom-
panied by a brief summary, explanatory
notes which often include interesting
background information, and a. list of New Volumes in Continuing Series
selected references. I n every case, the The jollowing lilles are /hose of uolunres
references include a t leest one recently i n ronlinuing series. Mang ql lhese
published work with an ext,ensive bibliog- swim are ,fmniliarlo readem who ore hesl
raphy. Though primarily intended as a servrrl b y prompt a,moimcewenl qf lhe
textbook, this combination of highly can- nppearnnee ql the ncw lilles. Yhr policv
densed text and selected bibliography ,!f T H I S J O U R N A L will br lo puhlish
will make the book very useful as a ref- ltdl rcuietus on/?, oj innugi~ralvo1,imes
erence work for non-specialists who need i n now series.
a ready source of basic information can-
cerning the chemistry of seawater, but
who neither need nor seek s n exhaustive
The book fills a pap in the chemical Physical Chemistry: A n Advanced
Treatise. Volume 10, Solid State
Edited by Wilhelm Jost, University of
but "treats the subject in m~ch"gre& Gottingen, Germany. Academic Press
detail and presumes s suhstsntially greater
fi~miliilritywith chemiealprinciples. Weyl
Inc., New York, 1970. xix +
pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm.
("Oceanography," John Wiley & Sons, 938.
1970) is a much more comprehensive work
inclnding discussions of marine geology Contributors: L. W . Bsrr; Richard H.
and physical oceanography as well as Bnbe; G. Ertl; H. Gerischer; P. Hsasen;
marine chemistry, and while certain M . Krthlweit; F. A. Krsger; A. D. Le-
aspects of seawater chemistry are treated Claire; A. B. Lidiard; Otfried Xfadelnng;
in depth compa.m.bl.ble to that offered by Hiroshi Sato; J. H. Sharp; M. Smith;
Martin, sohstsntislly fewer topics are Alarich Weiss; Helmut Witte.
discussed. Finally, Turekim ("Oceans," (Continued on page A1%)

A 130 / Journal o f Chemical Education

Current Topics in Radiation Research. Cmtributors: A. R. Battershy; E.
book reviews Volume 6 Bogin; K. Bloch; A. F. Brodie; B. Z.
Csvari; J . W. Cornforth; R. H. Cornforth;
Orgo& Chemistry. Volume 14, Car- Edited by Michael Ebert and Alma U. Glaor; L. J. Goad; F. W. Hemming; T.
boxylic Orlho Acid Derivatives: Prep- Howard, Christie Hospital and Holt Higssbi; V. K d m ; P. Karlson; C. R.
aration and Synthetic Applications Iladinm Institute, Withington, Man- Krishns. Murt,i; E . Marques; R. A. Illor-
chester, England. American Elsevier ton; P. Phillips; G. Papjak; B. Revsin; H.
Rohcrt H . De Wolfe, University of Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1070. Rudney; 0. Wiss; S. Yamamoto.
Cnlifomix, Santa Bnrbam. Edited by
Alfred T.Biomr/uist, Cornell University,
xi + 412 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X
23 cm. $9.75. Surfactant Science Series.
Ithaca, N. Y. Academic Press, Inc., Volume 3, Surfactant Biodegradation
Piew Yurk, 1970. ix + 557 pp. Figs. Contributors: Robert Schiller; Ernest C.
mrd tables. 16 X 23.5 em. $25. Pollsrd; John R. K . Savage; A. N. Raubh; Robert D . Swisher, h~lanssntaCa., St.
The Alkaloids. Volume 12
D. K. Bcwley; Patricia J . Lindop; George Louis. Marcel llekker, Inc., New York,
Wiernik and Mary Plant. +
1970. nxiii 496 pp. Figs. and tables.
Edilod by R. H. F. Mnnske, UniRoysl 16 X 23.5 cm. $33.50.
Physical Chemistry: An Advanced
Limited Ilesearch Laborxlory, Gnelph,
Treatise. Volume 5, Valency
Ontario, Cxuads. Academic Press, Inc. Chemistry and Physics of Carbon.
New Yark, 1070. riv 637 pp. Figs. Edited by Henry Ellring, University of Volume 6
and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. 829. Utah, Salt Lake City. Academic Press,
Contribz~tols: E . CI. C. Clarke; L. H.
Inc., New York, 1970. six +732 pp. Edited by Philip I,. Walker, Jr., Penn-
sylvanin State University, University
Keith; I<.H. F. Xlxnske; 8. W. Pelletier; Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 em. $20.
Park. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York,
F. Sanbavg; J. E. Saxton; Frank L. Contributors: C. A. Coulson; T. hl. 1070. x + 354 pp. Figs. and tables.
Warren. D n m ~Wdt,er
; A. Harrison; Juergen Hinee; 16 X 23.5 cm. $23.50.
Advancer in Chromatography. Sheng Hsien Lin; Herbert IT. Hyman; Cmt~ibutors: N. N. Avgul; A. V
Volume 9 Taro Kiharn; Kenneth S. Pitaer; H. L. Kiselev; D. E . Kline; Jacques Maire;
Sahlin; Harrison Shrill; E . Teller. Jacques MOring; B. R . Puri; R. E. Taylor.
Edited by J . Cnloin Giddings, University
oi Ulnh, Salt Lake Ciiy, and Roy A . Biochemical Society Symposia.
I<elier, Stxto University oi New York at Number 29, Natural Substances The Determination of Organic Peroxides
F~.edonia. AIxrcel Ilekker, Inc., New Formed Biologically from
York, lOi0. xiv + 358 pp. Figs. and Mevalonic Acid R. M . Johnson, Borough Polytechnic,
London, and I . W. Siddiqi, St. Mary's
t:tbles. 16 X 23.5 cm. $18.75.
Edited hy T. W. Goodwin,University of Hospit,al, London. Volume 4 of "Mono-
(bnl~ibutors:Joseph Bomst,ein; E . Cer- Liverpool, Livwpoal, United Kingdom. g r a p h ~in Organic Functional Group
mi; W. 11. Cooke; S t ~ m r tP. Cram; G. Academic P r e s ~ ,Inc., New York, 1970. Analysis." Pergamon Press, Inc., New
(ihrrsini; Charles Hishtn; Irwin Horn- ix + 186 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X York, 1970. ix + 119 pp. Figs. and
slein; Phillip Issenberg; I?. P. W. Scott. 25.5 em. 55s. tables. 16 X 21.5 om. $6.75.

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