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ESL Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan (with descriptors) Rev. 8-20-18

Grade Level / Subject Area (Discipline) Teacher Candidate Name Date of Lesson
9th Grade ElS Ronald Pinto 11/14/18

Common Core State Standards and/or State of Michigan GLCEs and/or HSCEs (InTASC 1 - Learner Development)
Vocabulary Practice
Important Concepts (InTASC 4 - Concent Knowledge)
acceleration, centripetal force, gravity, Law of Universal Gravitation, mass, Newton's 1st Law, Newton's 2nd
non-contact force (at a distance), weight
Learning Outcomes (InTASC 1 – Learner Development)
Students will be able to:
● Define the word
● Give an example of the word
● Draw an example the word
Assessment Summary (InTASC 6 - Assessment)
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS: As the students go through the words, the teacher will ask the students if they have ever seen an example
of the word in their life.

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: At the end of the lesson, the students will take a matching quiz that will use all the vocab words learned
Prerequisite Relationships to New Learning (InTASC 4 -Content Knowledge)
● Gravity Knowledge

Flexibility and Responsiveness to Students’ Learning Needs (InTASC 2 - Learning Differences)

Describe how the lesson will be adjusted for:
1. Students who do not have the prerequisite relationships which are essential to the understanding of new concepts to be taught
will work through the text very slowly and be shown what to highlight.
2. Students who show evidence of lack of understanding during the lesson will work through the text slowly with other students
3. Students who understand or master the lesson concepts more quickly than expected will help struggling students.
Instructional Procedures (InTASC 2 – Learning Differences / InTASC 6 – Assessment / InTASC 7 – Planning for Instruction / INTASC 8
– Teacher Input)

Assessing Prior Knowledge (Anticipatory Set)

I will ask the students how they have been over the past week and how their class has been going. I will then ask the students what they
can tell me about gravity and forces.

Direct Instruction ( “I” Learning Phase)

We will then begin to go over the vocabulary words that I have selected for the students. These words/concepts should be vocabulary
that the students have already used or will be using. A list of words will be given to the students and we will begin to go word for word.
The students will then rate how well they know they word out of four, four being they completely understand the word and one meaning
they do not understand the word at all. If the student can define the word and give a good example, then that student will only have to
rewrite the word and definition. If the student cannot give a clear definition of the word then the student will write the word, definition,
example of the word and a picture. This will be done using a Vocabulary Square that the students will have to recreate in their
notebooks. I will do the first word for them to model how I would like it done.

Interaction (Guided Practice - “We” and “With You” Learning Phase)

Next the students will continue to work on the vocab words and if they do not understand the word then I will explain the concept to
them. The students can use their cell phones to look up examples of the words. Once this is finished the students should have a couple
pages of definitions and examples of the vocab words.
Closure ( “By You Learning Phase)
Then a short matching quiz will be given to both students to assess how much of content that they learned. Once the quiz is done, I will
see if they have any questions on their science homework or general questions about what is going on in their class

Independent Practice (Optional)


Lesson Timeline - Summary of Instruction (InTASC 8 – Planning for Instruction)

Start of the Lesson Mid-Lesson Activities End of Lesson Activities
● Assess Prior Knowledge on words ● Vocab Squares ● Quiz
● start going through words ● Homework Questions

Texts, Materials, and Supplies (InTASC 8 Planning for Instruction)

List all texts, materials, student supplies, etc.

Additional Information Required by Individual Course Instructor: Specialized Pedagogy

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