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Consent to Publish

Se「ies Title:

Cultural PsychoIogγ of Education

TitIe of Book/VoIume/Confe「ence: The Emergence of Self in蘭ucational Contexts. Theo「eticai and

empi「icaI expIorations

蘭itor(S) name(S): G. Marsico &し. Tateo

Title of Contribution: Teacher participation in the constitution of the educational seif

Autho「(S) fuIl name(S): Cicero Ramon Cunha de 」esus; Marilena Ristum

Corresponding Author’s name, add「ess, a楕Iiation and e-mail: Cfcero Ramon Cunha de Jesus. Rua

Engenheiro Afonso Oliva, 560, Conjunto V, BIoco B. Apart. 201. Federa健o, Parque S5o Braz. Cep:

40230-370. universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA); ramOn10gia@hotmail.com.

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〆乙種..貌納鍋..姦招左…多   之誓.ふみ.鏡鍛.好...

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