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Learning Theory

The Learning Theory behind collaborative technologies is based on the continual transitional stage of digital learning that is influenced by the interactions
with others. The theory of mobile learning and the use of digital technology as an ability to share and exchange ideas and create and build upon work in real-
time. Social constructive learning is present throughout these activities. The constructive learning is active, constructive, authentic co-operative and
intentional. This socially constructed learning creates a learning platform that is dynamic and collaborative. A number of different ICT tools were used to
maximise exposure to a number of different learning platforms. Breakdown of constructive learning examples during this lesson is listed below:
 Active constructivism – occurs when the students gather information using the QR codes. This type of learning is defined as the manipulation of information
resulting in greater understanding.
 Constructive constructivism – occurs when the students use their prior knowledge from Lesson 1 and apply it in Lesson 2 to create a book on Book Creator. Past
experiences are integrated with prior knowledge and reflected upon.
 Authentic constructivism – situated real world learning occurs when the students plant the beans and observe and measure their growth progress throughout the
three week period.
 Co-operative constructivism – viewing Books created as a class is a natural social act. This allows for a greater meaning and depth of understanding of the digital
learning experience.
 Intentional constructivism – when students have the opportunity to articulate their goals as part of meaningful learning occurs when students are asked to take and
collate photos and information as part of their vision of unique book.

ICT Tools – rationale for using these forms of technology

QR Codes
 Eliminate the frustration of long web addresses. QR codes direct students to a specific article that would otherwise may require a combination or case sensitive
letters and numbers.
 Take students directly to a designated website that avoids using search engines that might bring students to the wrong website. This direct exposure approach
limits the exposure to similar sites that may not be age appropriate.
 Saves time waiting for each student to type in long web addresses. This results in all students being on task and reviewing the correct website in seconds.
 QR codes are easy to generate for the lesson.
 QR are an exciting way for students to learn.

Book Creator
 Book Creator is a versatile publishing tool that creates multi-touch books with text, photos, videos, audio and hyperlinks. Book Creator allow teachers to create
their own templates for students to complete, students are able to document their own student journals, and the “export to video” share function allows for
collaborative learning.
 Book Creator is also very simple and students can use this app independently. A simple demonstration is all that is required.
 iPad’s “Universal design for Learning” seamlessly ties with the innate ability for young students to pick up and try digital technology.

Pexels and Pixabay

 Allows students to find images and photos that can be used for free without attribution. Students do not understand the concept of copyright at a young age.
 Photos can also be edited by cropping, annotating and adding filters.

Pic Collage
 Is intuitive (similar to Book Creator) that they are able to use independently.
 Easily shared with other class members.
 Easily pared with QR codes and other digital technology tools to enhance the images chosen by students using PicCollage.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 1 Year Level: 1 Objective 1: Assessment Rubric is Introduction: Scsa

Lesson 1 Students create specific research used to mark  Educator introduces the topic as students sit on the mat –
People use science notes based on the life cycle of a students note – if “Good morning students, today we will be conducting our https://k10outline.scsa.w
Activities in their daily lives, bean using QR codes for access to they were able to a.edu.au/home/teaching/
own experiment, making observations and researching the
including when specific websites. gather relevant curriculum-
1. Planting life cycle of a bean.”
caring for information using browser/science-v8
bean  Ask leading questions to ascertain students’ knowledge on
their environment the digital
and living things – technology available the subject – “Has anyone ever planted a seed or watched a Youtube – Bean Time
Science plant grow?” Lapse
2. Dress up
corner –
Educator also take  Play bean time lapse YouTube video.
(ACSHE022) observation notes https://www.youtube.co
farmers  Discuss the video and answer any questions that have arisen.
on where the m/watch?v=w77zPAtVTuI
market  Students will be placed in four groups and will participate in
students needed
assistance, had a four activity rotation. Expected duration at each station QR Stuff
3. General difficulties or need would be 25-30 mins. An EA would assist in the planting of
Construction Capabilities: to review. bean sprouts and the dress-up and construction station https://www.storyjumper.
station – would be independent play/learning. Photos to be taken of com/book/index/2090327
using Lego  ICT 8/The-Life-Cycle-of-a-
each group at each station.
block  Ethical Bean-Plant#page/8
 Educator will conduct the IT component of the lesson whilst
Behaviour simultaneously observing all other areas of the class.
create a https://www.gardenguide
 Person and s.com/12480264-what-
Social Body do-bean-plants-need-to-
4. Using Competence  Educator sits the group at a group desk with iPads. grow.html
QR stuff  Educator demonstrates how to use the QR reader and
students Cross Curriculum accesses the reference sites. iPads – enough for every
research Priorities  Teacher has previously created QR codes, laminated and student in the group
the life numbered (to avoid confusion of repeating the same QR
cycle of a Camera – educator use
bean - ICT  Sustainability reference) these codes ready for scanning by students
 Educator then runs step by step the process as a group
assessing ability as the lesson progresses. (Note that some
children will need hand on hand assistance, while others will
require spoken assistance only.)
 Each website is child friendly and has relevant information.
 Educator monitors and assists as required – using verbal and
gestural prompts.
 Students take notes using guided prompts on the board
independently – students are encouraged to “have a go.”
 When the time expires, the Educator signals all student (bell)
and instructs pack up and rotation to next station.
 Note: Students are to have a fruit break after the
completion of two stations.

 Once all groups have completed each station, students pack
away and meet on the mat for review. Pack away includes:
iPads recharging, loose Lego away in the container and
construction moved to a safe area where they will be safe,
dress up corner to be reset and tidy. EA will be charged with
tidying up and placement of planted seeds. Students will be
expected to water and observe their seeds throughout the
coming weeks.
 Educator will replay the time lapse YouTube video – explain
that this is what will happen with the students’ experiment.
 Students are asked to relay any facts that they have learnt
from the activities/what they enjoyed.
 Students excused for recess.
LESSON other
Curriculum OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
LINKS (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 2 Year level: 1 Objective 1: Assessment Rubric – Introduction

Lesson 2 Students ability to create a assessing the  Introduction to Lesson 2 – “Good morning students, Scsa
Recreate texts book based on research and different tools the Remember when we planted our beans and
imaginatively using photos using digital students use to investigated how our bean plants will grow? Today https://k10outline.scsa.w
Activities drawing, writing, technology as a publishing create their book. a.edu.au/home/teaching/
we will be using the information we gathered and
1. Reading performance and forum. curriculum-
station – digital forms of Educator compares creating our own book to share with classmates.” browser/english-v8
specific text on communication – week 1 notes and  Educator explains the activity for each station.
plant and how English book to see the links  Split students into four groups for the four activity Pexels
they grow of information rotations – duration 25-30mins. These activities are
(texts relating (ACELT1586) self-led. https://www.pexels.com/
to the topic)
 EA monitors children finding and downloading photos
Create short Pixabay
2. Investigation from the QR codes placed on the table. The EA
imaginative and
table – informative texts should focus on keeping students on task as https://pixabay.com/
students use that show emerging emphasis should be on a self-led activity for
different tools use of observation. EA is to take photos of students Book Creator
to investigate appropriate text stru throughout the completion of the four tasks.
parts of plants QR Stuff – will be of
cture, sentence-  Educator leads the Book Creator station whilst
level grammar, word Pexels and Pixabay
observing all other areas of the classroom.
3. Children choice, spelling,
take and find punctuation and iPads – enough for every
photos online appropriate student in the group
 Educator introduces Book Creator and instructs on
of multimodal
beans/plants elements, for how they will be using this digital technology to Notes – students notes
example illustrations create their own book. from last week.
4. Students use and diagrams –  Educator walks students through the process of
the English making a book. Answering questions as required. Camera – Educator use
information  Educator leaves students to work independently
they have (ACELY1661) offering assistance where needed.
found during
week 1 to  Student focus should be on using previously
create a book General researched information and pictures from last week
using the app Capabilities: and combining it with pictures from the internet.
Book Creator  When the time expires, the Educator signals all student (bell)
 ICT and instructs pack up and rotation to next station.
 Literacy
 Critical and  Note: Students are to have a fruit break after the
Creative completion of two stations.
 Personal and
 Once all groups have completed each station, students pack
away and meet on the mat for review. Pack away includes:
iPads recharging, books put away and reading area to be
reset and tidy. EA to monitor investigation table pack away
to make sure all materials are gently placed away.
 Educator shows the class some of the books created during
this lesson.
 Educator reviews the lesson with the students asking about
what they liked, learnt and found difficult in today’s lesson.
Educator concludes lesson by measuring how the seedlings
have grown and request information from students as to
why/why not seedlings have grown/not survived.
LESSON other
Australian OBJECTIVE (what & how) EXPERIENCES
Curriculum (Introduction, Body and Conclusion)

Week 3 Year Level: 1 Objective 1: Educator assesses Introduction Scsa

Lesson 3 Students are able create and the relevance to  Introduction to Lesson 3 – “Good morning students, today
Exploration of individual artwork using topic, creativity and we will be creating artwork as a visual representation of https://k10outline.scsa.w
techniques and technology digital technology what we have observed and researched. Today will be a lot a.edu.au/home/teaching/
Activities art processes, use – educator takes curriculum-browser/the-
of fun reflecting and creating something we can hang in the
1. Construction table such as mixed observational notes arts/visual-arts2#year-1-
media, during activity. classroom for all of us to share with classmates and syllabus
2. Drawing/writing colour mixing parents.”
activities – with or drawing -  “Today’s activities is all about art and how it links in with iPads – enough for every
prompts Art nature.” – Light table - students are able to see the textures, student in the group
colours and physical characteristics of natural materials to be
3. Light table – (ACAVAM107) Pic Collage – app
inspired and replicate in their artwork. Drawing Station –
different natural
students are able to create their own natural environment.
material Camera – Educator use
General Construction table – students can construct anything using
4. Students create Capabilities: natural materials.
pic collages - with  Educator explains the activity for each station.
the photos captured  ICT  Split students into four groups for the four activity rotations
throughout the  Critical – duration 20 mins. These activities are self-led.
previous two weeks and  EA to take photos of each group as they progress through
Creative the stations. Also to assist keeping students on task.
 Educator introduces PicCollage to students at the desk –
“Today we will be using PicCollage to create a unique picture
collage using the photos and pictures you have gathered and
teachers have taken over the past two weeks.”
 Educator leaves students to work independently and makes
observation notes – PicCollage is user friendly and students
should be able to use this app independently.
 Educator and EA walk around class offering assistance and
prompting students where required. When the time
expires, the Educator signals all student (bell) and instructs
pack up and rotation to next station.
 Note: Students are to have a fruit break after the
completion of two stations.

 Once all groups have completed each station, students pack
away and meet on the mat for review. Pack away includes:
iPads recharging, drawing/writing table away and
construction area to be reset and tidy. EA to monitor light
table pack away to make sure all materials are gently placed
 Educator shows the class some of the pic collages created
during this lesson.
 Educator reviews the lesson with the students asking about
what they liked, learnt and found difficult in today’s lesson.
Educator concludes lesson by measuring how the seedlings
have grown and request information from students as to
why/why not seedlings have grown/not survived.
 Students to take home their seedlings at the end of the day.

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