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Orellana 1

Amilcar Orellana

Ms Montes

United States History

22 January 2018

Topic A: Question II

GPO: Communicating Ideas.

What we know about the Italian Renaissance?

The Italian Renaissance was around xv and xvi centuries ago this happened all across

Europe But most focus in Italy the renaissance are Humanism Secularism.

Humanism it is the study of humanity for examples are literature, grammar and art

Secularism the principle of separation of the state from religion institution

Individualis a social theory favoring freedom of action on state control.

The racism there are still a lot of places in the world where social and cultural exclusion

still happens, as well as racism. People lose their self-esteem and isolate themselves. It does not

seem as bad as poverty or wars, but in reality millions of people suffer racism around the world.

Racism can take many forms, such as gender or cultural, social or sexual racism and so on.

HIV is one of the biggest epidemics in third world countries. There are more than 40 million

people living with AIDS, and 65% of them are women. And the statistics are alarming: 90% of

children infected with HIV and 60% of women live in Africa, in the sub Saharan region.

In our century, the effects of pollution on our environment and our human bodies are enormous.

We destroy our environment day by day, which affects our health and our lifestyle.
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Unfortunately, people do not realize how bad it is, and how these toxic chemicals harm. The air

we breathe and the water we drink threaten our lives. Pollution is everywhere, and everyone who

lives on this planet is affected.

I am sure the United State can help the international tension if United state work together

with other countries but including the poor countries for example the globalization it is a

Example ok I think the rich countries help the poor countries do not have tension

I think the other countries if would have the same value the United State they can be better.

I think with the Renaissance values can use for make new ways can we use for fix and create

solutions for the international tension equal like was in vx and vxi centuries ago

Because with need change our think for find new solutions benefits we have for the

Human being to modify the image they had of the world and of himself.

The Renaissance (reborn) was given by the hand of three pillars, the Printing on the one hand,

the movement called Humanism and the birth of a new social class, the Bourgeoisie. Printing

was the cornerstone of the changes because until 1453, the Church, with absolute power for 1000

Years, had a monopoly of duplication of books, a manual task, slow and therefore very

expensive. Only clerics could duplicate books since they were the only ones who wrote Latin and

Greek, in a world where 90% were illiterate. The Church decided that and when to duplicate.

The Greek and Roman classics were forbidden because the Church considered that from pagan

worlds nothing good could come out. This Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Archimedes, Pythagoras,

Solon, Ptolemy, Socrates, Horace, Virgil, Julius Caesar were unknown in Europe, only some of

them were translated by Arabs and Jews, where the Inquisition had no access. The Printing

Office flooded Europe not only with the Greco-Roman classics but also with criticism of the
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Church by Luther and Calvin. These caused on the one hand a philosophical movement called

Humanism and on the other hand unleashed the Protestant Reformation, the biggest schism of

the Catholic Church that begins to lose power. Even Humanism the axis of life was God and the

other life. God was the beginning and the end of all things, of all questions (that is why it was not

investigated) but Humanism changes the axis, displacing God, not in his belief, but in the

importance of Life. Man, his daily problems, Reason and Nature are the basis of Humanism, this

causes the greatest philosophical, political, economic and religious movement, The Renaissance

(rebirth) that originates in Florence, Italy and then expands throughout Europe. It is not

accidental that it occurred in Italy, since since the 12th century Italy monopolized trade between

Europe, Asia and Africa. The Italian ports, Pisa, Genoa, Sicily, Naples were enriched by this

trade, while the cities of the interior, such as Bologna, Milan and Florence, were enriched by the

Manufacture and the Bank, Florence becomes the European capital of the loan of money. A new
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Works Cited

“AP European History.” ​TomRichey.net​, www.tomrichey.net/euro.

“EcuRed.” ​EcuRed,​ www.ecured.cu/.

Van Helden, Albert. “Galileo.” Encyclopedia Britannica,

www.britannica.com/biography/Galileo-Galilei​. Accessed 12 January 2018.

Hart, Diane. History Alive!: Pursuing American Ideals. Teachers' Curriculum Institute 2, Inc,


Brooks, David. “Huntington’s Clash Revisited.” ​The New York Times,​

www.nytimes.com/2011/03/04/opinion/04brooks.html​. Accessed 17 January 2018

Montes, M. “Introduction to the Renaissance”. History. 1 January 2018, Ambassador School

of Global Leadership, Los Angeles, CA. School Lecture.

Plumb, J.H. ​The Italian Renaissance​. ​Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987.

“Tesis, Documentos, Publicaciones y Recursos Educativos.” ​Tesis, Documentos, Publicaciones y

Recursos Educativos.​, www.monografias.com/.

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