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Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136


The relationships between heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn)
levels and the size of six Mediterranean fish species
Mustafa Canli*, Gülüzar Atli
Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Çukurova, 01330 Adana, Turkey

Received 29 March 2001; accepted 15 March 2002

‘‘Capsule’’: Significant relationships between metal concentrations and fish size were negative.

Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the muscle, gill and liver of six fish species (Sparus auratus, Atherina
hepsetus, Mugil cephalus, Trigla cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and Scomberesox saurus) from the northeast Mediterranean Sea were
measured and the relationships between fish size (length and weight) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated by
linear regression analysis. Metal concentrations (as mg/g d.w.) were highest in the liver, except for iron in the gill of Scomberesox
saurus and lowest in the muscle of all the fish species. Highest concentrations of Cd (4.50), Cr (17.1) and Pb (41.2) were measured in
liver tissues of T. cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and A. hepsetus, respectively. The liver of M. cephalus showed strikingly high Cu
concentrations (202.8). The gill of Scomberesox saurus was the only tissue that showed highest (885.5) iron concentrations.
Results of linear regression analysis showed that, except in a few cases, significant relationships between metal concentrations and
fish size were negative. Highly significant (P< 0.001) negative relationships were found between fish length and Cr concentrations in
the liver of A. hepsetus and M. cephalus, and Cr concentrations in the gill of T. cuculus. Cr and Pb concentrations in the liver and
Cu concentrations in all the tissues of Scomberesox saurus also showed very significant (P< 0.001) negative relationships. Negative
relationships found here were discussed. # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Heavy metal; Fish; Length; Weight; Accumulation

1. Introduction Roesijadi and Robinson, 1994; Kalay et al., 1999; Kalay

and Canli, 2000).
Heavy metals like copper, zinc and iron are essential The sizes of marine animals have been shown to play
for fish metabolism while some others such as mercury, an important role in metal contents of tissues. However,
cadmium and lead have no known role in biological this evidence was consistent generally for mercury in
systems. For the normal metabolism of fish, the essen- different groups of marine animals. For example, mussel
tial metals must be taken up from water, food or sedi- (Cossa and Rondeau, 1985), decapod crustacean (Canli
ment. However, similar to the route of essential metals, and Furness, 1993a,b), fish (Barak and Mason, 1990;
non-essential ones are also taken up by fish and accu- Monteiro and Lopes, 1990), marine mammals (Law et
mulate in their tissues. Studies from the field and al., 1991) and seabirds (Furness et al., 1986) in the
laboratory experiments showed that accumulation of marine food-chain showed a positive relationship
heavy metals in a tissue is mainly dependent upon water between mercury levels and animal sizes. This is also an
concentrations of metals and exposure period, although important point for the food-chain as mercury increases
some other environmental factors such as salinity, pH, through the upper level, ending up in the diet of
hardness and temperature play significant roles in metal humans. Nevertheless, this consistent relationship
accumulation. Ecological needs, sex, size and molt of between mercury and animal size may not be seen for
marine animals were also found to affect metal accu- other metals because they do not have a consistent and
mulation in their tissues (Heath, 1987; Langston, 1990; strong trend for a relationship with animal sizes (White
Bryan and Langston, 1992; Canli and Furness, 1993b; and Rainbow, 1987; Barak and Mason, 1990; Law et al.,
1991; Canli and Furness, 1993a,b; McCoy et al., 1995;
* Corresponding author. Fax: +90-322-3386070. Nussey et al., 2000; Al-Yousuf et al., 2000). Therefore,
E-mail address: mcanli@mail.cu.edu.tr (M. Canli). it is important to understand better the relationships
0269-7491/03/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0269-7491(02)00194-X
130 M. Canli, G. Atli / Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136

between animal size and concentrations of both essen- Statistical analysis of data was carried out using SPSS
tial and non-essential metals. Fish of northeast Medi- statistical package programs. Data used here were plot-
terranean Sea have not been examined to our ted on graphs to see their distributions. Data showed
knowledge on the relationships between tissue metal mostly normal distribution or close to normal distribu-
concentrations and fish size. Thus, the aim of this tion and therefore, no transformation was done for sta-
study is to determine heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, tistical analyses. The linear regression analyses were
Zn) levels in muscle, gill and liver tissues of six fish applied to data to compare the relationships between
species (Sparus auratus, Atherina hepsetus, Mugil size and heavy metal concentrations in the tissues. The
cephalus, Trigla cuculus, Sardina pilchardus, and Scom- same tissues from the fishes were also compared by one-
beresox saurus) from the northeast Mediterranean Sea way ANOVA.
and to investigate the relationships between fish size
(length and weight) and metal concentrations in the
tissues. 3. Results

Table 1 shows numbers of fishes sampled, length and

2. Materials and methods weight ranges and their relationships. Table 2 shows
mean metal concentrations in the tissues of fishes and
The gilthead Sparus auratus, sand smelt A. hepsetus, their standard deviations.
grey mullet M. cephalus, red gurnard T. cuculus, sardine Highest cadmium concentrations were found in the
Sardina pilchardus and saury pike Scomberesox saurus liver of red gurnard, while lowest cadmium concentra-
used in this study were sampled by local fisherman from tions were always found in muscle tissues of the fishes.
the northeast Mediterranean Sea (Karataş, 36 320 N 35 Lead concentrations in the tissues were much higher
10 E; Turkey). The fishes were purchased from the local than the concentrations of cadmium, especially in the
fisherman in the same day of capture and brought to the liver and gill. Highest copper concentrations were in
laboratory on ice immediately and then frozen at 25  C the liver followed by the gill and the muscle. However,
until dissection. Total fish length and weight were mea- there were big differences in liver copper concentrations
sured to the nearest millimetre and gram before dissec- between M. cephalus and the other fishes. Chromium
tion and the gill, liver and muscle tissues were dissected concentrations between the fishes also varied and the
using clean equipment. Tissues of two fish (three fish in gills of Scoberesox sauratus and A. hepsetus and the liver
smaller sizes) of the same size were pooled in a petri of Sardina pilchardus showed the highest levels. Iron
dish. After the dissection, the tissues were put into an concentrations of the tissues also showed a great varia-
oven to dry set to 90  C. After the tissues reached con- tion among the fishes. For example, gill iron concentra-
stant weights in the oven they were transferred into tions between Sparus auratus and Scoberesox sauratus
digestion flasks. Perchloric acid (4 ml) and 8 ml nitric were enormously different. Zinc concentrations in the
acid (Merck) were added and then the digestion flasks tissues of fishes, however, did not vary as much as
were put on a hot plate set to 120  C (gradually the other metals.
increased). The digestion flasks were kept on the hot- Tables 3–8 show the relationships between metal
plate until all the tissues were dissolved. The digests concentrations and fish size. The relationship between
were diluted with distilled water appropriately in the metal levels and weight were also carried out and the
range of standards that were prepared from stock stan- significances of data were exactly the same except a few
dard solution of the metals (Merck). Metal concentra- cases and only these were indicated in the tables.
tions were measured using a Perkin Elmer AS 3100
flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer and metal Table 1
concentration in a tissue was presented as mg metal/g Size ranges and the relationships between weight (W) and total length
dry weight. (L) of the fishes gilthead Sparus auratus (SA), sand smelt Atherina
Accuracy of the atomic absorption spectro- hepsetus (AH), grey mullet Mugil cephalus (MC), red gurnard Trigla
cuculus (TC), sardine Sardina pilchardus (SP) and saury pike Scom-
photometer and validity of the processes were tested
beresox saurus (SS) caught from the northeast Mediterrenean Sea
with a reference material (TORT 1 lobster hepatopan-
creas, National Research Council, Canada). The values Fish n L. ranges W. ranges Equationa R value
of the reference material were 26.3  2.1 (24.9  3.0), SA 16 18.0–32.7 95.1–674.5 Y=16.58+0.026X 0.98
2.4  0.6 (3.0  1.1), 439  22 (465  32), 186  11 (173  AH 12 14.2–26.1 18.2–113.0 Y=13.16+0.109X 0.98
9.2), 10.4  2.0 (12.1  3.1) and 177 10 (184  9.2) for MC 20 15.0–36.2 25.5–411.6 Y=16.95+0.050X 0.96
Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb and Zn, respectively. The values of TC 18 13.2–21.5 19.1–92.0 Y=11.81+0.111X 0.97
SP 17 11.0–19.2 14.4–74.4 Y=11.23+0.116X 0.95
present measurements were given in parentheses. Mean
SS 21 18.3–28.1 31.8–87.8 Y=13.87+0.164X 0.95
values and standard deviations of reference material
measured in this study were within 10% the ranges. a
Y is total fish length (cm) and X is total fish weight (g).
M. Canli, G. Atli / Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136 131

Table 2
Mean concentrations (mg metal/g d.w.) of metals and standard deviations in the tissues of the gilthead Sparus auratus (SA), sand smelt Atherina
hepsetus (AH), grey mullet Mugil cephalus (MC), red gurnard Trigla cuculus (TC), sardine Sardina pilchardus (SP) and saury pike Scomberesox
saurus (SS) caught from the northeast Mediterranean Seaa

Fish Tissue Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

SA Muscle 0.370.11 1.24 0.46 2.840.43 19.607.84 5.54 0.74 26.667.62

AH 0.370.08 2.21 1.09 4.000.56 78.4036.84 6.12 1.25 24.345.30
MC 0.660.08 1.56 0.30 4.411.67 38.7118.28 5.32 2.33 37.396.88
TC 0.790.17 2.42 0.47 2.190.83 30.6810.20 4.27 1.03 24.896.46
SP 0.550.08 2.22 0.54 4.170.58 39.608.62 5.57 1.03 34.588.64
SS 0.450.06 1.70 0.42 2.340.45 29.8216.24 2.98 0.03 16.482.83

SA Liver 0.960.24 1.66 0.33 33.3716.24 256.50108.8 8.87 2.13 76.4717.41

AH 1.170.78 3.69 2.77 54.1735.38 393.22171.4 41.24 46.27 70.1824.87
MC 1.640.91 4.58 3.45 202.80265.8 370.43252.7 12.59 5.80 110.0334.58
TC 4.502.25 8.77 4.69 26.098.14 582.37208.9 23.01 10.87 108.6432.18
SP 2.991.31 17.169.57 29.2613.19 225.4751.49 39.43 17.91 73.2219.84
SS 1.720.93 5.01 2.10 18.186.96 407.08144.9 17.54 7.89 68.9914.95

SA Gill 1.790.44 3.31 0.71 5.020.83 152.9162.33 13.31 2.87 63.109.10

AH 1.850.57 14.746.00 14.643.64 793.73411.1 12.37 4.76 85.5111.36
MC 2.080.44 4.85 1.41 13.487.34 275.6771.28 8.95 3.07 71.2114.24
TC 2.250.93 10.284.69 10.925.96 499.05339.9 12.81 4.74 89.3655.98
SP 1.560.21 7.58 1.01 8.991.49 227.4232.46 8.99 2.48 101.8511.97
SS 2.550.71 14.629.42 11.012.05 885.49514.3 16.25 4.52 80.8211.17
Metal concentrations among the tissues from different fishes were compared statistically using one-way ANOVA. All comparisons were statis-
tically significant at P<0.01.

Table 3
The relationships between heavy metal concentrations and total fish lengths and weights (only P values are given in paranthesis) in the tissues of the
gilthead Sparus auratusa

Tissue Data Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

Muscle DF 14 14 13 14 14 14
Equation Y=0.41+ Y=2.14+ Y=3.16+ Y=12.55+0.31X Y=5.40+0.01X Y=37.387+
(0.01)X (0.04)X (0.01)X (0.475)X
R value 0.065 0.406 0.154 0.186 0.041 0.292
P value NSb (NS) NS (NS) NS (NS) NS (NS) NS (NS) NS (NS)

Liver DF 14 14 14 14 14 14
Equation Y=1.09+ Y=2.22+ Y=2.63+1.36X Y=611.8+ Y=14.79+ Y=35.039+1.834X
(0.01)X (0.02)X (15.72)X (0.26)X
R value 0.112 0.353 0.392 0.676 0.574 0.493
P value NS (NS) NS (NS) NS (NS) ** (***) * (*) NS (NS)

Gill DF 14 14 14 14 14 14
Equation Y=1.48+0.01X Y=2.04+0.05X Y=5.00+8.47X Y=327.2+ Y=10.91+0.10X Y=70.12+
(7.71)X (0.31)X
R value 0.143 0.372 0.005 0.579 0.173 0.160
P value NS (NS) NS (NS) NS (NS) * (*) NS (NS) NS (NS)
In the equations, Y is metal concentration (mg/g d.w.) and X is total fish length (cm). Asterisks indicate significant results.
NS, not significant, P >0.05.
* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.
*** P <0.001.

Significant negative relationships were found between between length and cadmium levels in the liver
fish length (and weight) and iron levels in the gill (P < 0.01), chromium levels in the muscle (P < 0.05) and
(P < 0.05), liver (P < 0.001), and lead level in the in the liver (P < 0.001), copper levels in the muscle
liver (P < 0.05) of Sparus auratus (Table 3). The tissues (P < 0.05) and in the gill (P < 0.05), iron and lead levels
of A. hepsetus also showed negative relationships in the muscle (P < 0.05) and zinc levels in the liver
132 M. Canli, G. Atli / Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136

Table 4
The relationships between heavy metal concentrations and fish length and weight in the tissues the sand smelt Atherina hepsetusa

Tissue Data Cadmium Choromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

Muscle DF 10 10 10 10 10 10
Equation Y=0.37+3.21X Y=6.45+ Y=6.12+ Y=230.77+ Y=10.76+ Y=41.18+
(0.20)X (0.10)X (7.26)X (0.22)X (0.80)X
R value 0.014 0.643 0.631 0.684 0.614 0.525
P value NSb * * * * NS

Liver DF 10 10 10 10 10 10
Equation Y=5.09+ Y=18.44+ Y=141.58+ Y=850.33+ Y=75.62+ Y=186.87+
(0.19)X (0.70)X (4.17)X (21.78)X (1.64)X (5.56)X
R value 0.830 0.879 0.409 0.441 0.123 0.776
P value ** *** NS NS NS **

Gill DF 10 10 10 10 10 10
Equation Y=1.02+0.04X Y=22.02+ Y=28.74+ Y=2096.90+ Y=23.43+ Y=112.94+
(0.35)X (0.67)X (62.11)X (0.53)X (1.31)X
R value 0.247 0.201 0.641 0.524 0.385 0.399
P value NS NS * NS NS NS
In the equations, Y is metal concentration (mg/g d.w.) and X is total fish length (cm). Asterisks indicate significant results.
NS, not significant, P >0.05.
* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.
*** P <0.001.

Table 5
The relationships between heavy metalconcentrations and fish length and weight in the tissues the grey mullet Mugil cephalusa

Tissue Data Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

Muscle DF 18 18 17 18 18 18
Equation Y=0.84+ Y=1.71+ Y=3.94+0.02X Y=32.84+0.24X Y=6.50+ Y=42.20+
(0.01)X (0.01)X (0.05)X (0.20)X
R value 0.525 0.128 0.065 0.081 0.127 0.175
P value * NSb NS NS NS NS

Liver DF 18 18 18 18 18 18
Equation Y=3.97+ Y=14.28+ Y=218.58+ Y=984.36+ Y=28.16+ Y=154.63+
(0.10)X (0.40)X (0.66)X (25.53)X (0.65)X (1.86)X
R value 0.643 0.706 0.015 0.610 0.675 0.324
P value ** *** NS ** ** NS

Gill DF 18 18 18 18 18 18
Equation Y=1.84+0.01X Y=3.88+0.04X Y=16.75+ Y=416.99+ Y=4.25+0.20X Y=32.68+1.60X
(0.14)X (5.88)X
R value 0.134 0.172 0.112 0.498 0.385 0.679
P value NS NS NS * (**) NS (*) ** *
In the equations, Y is metal concentration (mg/g d.w.) and X is total fish length (cm). Asterisks indicate significant results.
NS, not significant, P >0.05.
* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.
*** P <0.001.

(P < 0.01) (Table 4). In M. cephalus, there was positive in chromium levels of the liver (P < 0.001), in iron levels
relationship between zinc levels in the gill and length of the liver (P < 0.01) and gill (P < 0.05) and in lead
(P < 0.001). Similarly, lead levels in the gill also showed levels of the liver (P < 0.01). The gill and liver tissues of
a positive relationship (P < 0.05) with weight but not Trigla cuculus also showed negative relationships
with length (P > 0.05). All the other significant relation- between length and metal levels except zinc, while mus-
ships were negative (Table 5). These were found in cad- cle tissue did not show any significant relationship
mium levels of the muscle (P < 0.05) and liver (P < 0.01), (Table 6). The muscle and liver tissues of Sardina
M. Canli, G. Atli / Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136 133

Table 6
The relationships between heavy metal concentrations and fish length and weight in the tissues the red gurnard Trigla cuculusa

Tissue Data Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

Muscle DF 15 15 15 15 15 15
Equation Y=0.74+0.03X Y=2.97+ Y=3.72+ Y=28.34+0.16X Y=6.17+ Y=31.40+
(0.03)X (0.09)X (0.11)X (0.38)X
R value 0.047 0.163 0.260 0.038 0.264 0.141
P value NSb NS NS NS NS NS

Liver DF 15 15 15 15 15 15
Equation Y=15.35+ Y=25.52+ Y=56.02+ Y=1545.85+ Y=75.83+ Y=195.64+
(0.63)X (0.97)X (1.77)X (55.79)X (3.08)X (5.13)X
R value 0.703 0.514 0.527 0.691 0.708 0.385
P value ** * * ** ** NS

Gill DF 15 15 15 15 15 15
Equation Y=6.61+ Y=34.35+ Y=34.35+ Y=2035.41+ Y=35.07+ Y=252.80+
(0.25)X (1.39)X (1.36)X (89.15)X (1.29)X (9.43)X
R value 0.690 0.792 0.571 0.667 0.704 0.423
P value ** *** * ** ** NS
In the equations, Y is metal concentration (mg/g d.w.) and X is total fish length (cm). Asterisks indicate significant results.
NS, not significant, P >0.05.
* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.
*** P <0.001.

Table 7
The relationships between heavy metal concentrations and fish length and weight in the tissues the sardine Sardina pilchardusa

Tissue Data Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

Muscle DF 15 15 15 15 15 15
Equation Y=0.73+ Y=3.45+ Y=3.59+0.03X Y=26.05+0.82X Y=3.66+0.12X Y=42.56+
(0.01)X (0.08)X (0.48)X
R value 0.306 0.320 0.141 0.219 0.259 0.128
P value NSb NS NS NS NS NS

Liver DF 12 12 12 12 12 12
Equation Y=4.07+ Y=39.02+ Y=24.32+0.29X Y=22.90+12.00X Y=46.87+ Y=32.78+2.40X
(0.06)X (1.29)X (0.44)X
R value 0.108 0.299 0.049 0.575 0.054 0.267
P value NS NS NS * NS NS

Gill DF 15 15 15 15 15 15
Equation Y=1.84+ Y=8.15+ Y=16.09+ Y=297.68+ Y=21.50+ Y=113.62+
(0.02)X (0.03)X (0.43)X (4.25)X (0.76)X (0.71)X
R value 0.189 0.078 0.663 0.301 0.700 0.137
P value NS NS ** NS ** (*) NS
In the equations, Y is metal concentration (mg/g d.w.) and X is total fish length (cm). Asterisks indicate significant results.
NS, not significant.
* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.

pilchardus did not show any significant relationship zinc (P < 0.05) levels in the liver and copper (P < 0.001),
(P > 0.05) between metal levels and size, except iron in lead (P < 0.01) and zinc (P < 0.05) levels in the gill.
the liver, whereas in the gill there were significant nega-
tive relationships between length and copper (P < 0.01)
and lead levels (P < 0.01) (Table 7). The tissues of 4. Discussion
Scomberesox saurus showed significant negative rela-
tionships between length and copper and iron levels in Mean concentrations of both essential and non-
the muscle (P < 0.01), cadmium (P < 0.01), chromium essential metals in the gill, liver and muscle of each fish
(P < 0.001), copper (P < 0.001), lead (P < 0.001) and species showed great variations. Statistical comparisons
134 M. Canli, G. Atli / Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136

Table 8
The relationships between heavy metal concentrations and fish length and weight in the tissues saury pike Scomberesox saurusa

Tissue Data Cadmium Chromium Copper Iron Lead Zinc

Muscle DF 19 19 19 19 19 19
Equation Y=0.48+ Y=2.71+ Y=4.84+ Y=111.72+ Y=2.99+ Y=23.71+
(0.01)X (0.04)X (0.10)X (3.34)X (6.57)X (0.30)X
R value 0.070 0.313 0.725 0.658 0.079 0.334
P value NSb NS *** ** NS NS

Liver DF 19 19 19 19 19 19
Equation Y=6.43+ Y=16.43+ Y=57.70+ Y=829.34+ Y=65.86+ Y=123.02+
(0.19)X (0.47)X (1.61)X (17.21)X (1.97)X (2.20)X
R value 0.660 0.710 0.742 0.380 0.799 0.472
P value ** *** *** NS *** *

Gill DF 19 19 19 19 19 19
Equation Y=3.99+ Y=8.39+0.25X Y=22.69+ Y=86.25+32.56X Y=35.94+ Y=120.41+
(0.06)X (0.48)X (0.80)X (1.61)X
R value 0.266 0.086 0.743 0.203 0.569 0.463
P value NS NS *** NS ** *
In the equations, Y is metal concentration (mg/g d.w.) and X is total fish length (cm). Asterisks indicate significant results.
NS, not significant, P >0.05.
* P <0.05.
** P <0.01.
*** P <0.001.

revealed that metal concentrations were significantly swimming activity. Kalay et al. (1999) indicated that
different in each tissue from different fish species. Pre- tissue metal concentrations of M. cephalus did not differ
vious data from the same study area also showed that significantly among different stations in the Mediterra-
different fish species contained strikingly different metal nean Sea. They also related this to its active swimming
levels in their tissues (Kalay et al., 1999). This may be behavior. Another interesting result was the high lead
related to the differences in ecological needs, swimming concentrations in the liver, especially of A. hepsetus (41
behaviors and the metabolic activities among different mg/g) and Sardina pilchardus (39 mg/g). This may be
fish species. The differences in metal concentrations of related to their feeding behavior. Sardina pilchardus are
the tissues might be as a result of their capacity to filter-feeding fish that filter particles in surface waters
induce metal-binding proteins such as metallothioneins. with their gill rakers and active in swimming, while A.
The present data showed that metal concentrations in hepsetus are carnivorous fish that will feed particularly
the liver and gill were highest in all the fishes. It is well on mollusk and crustaceans which are known to accu-
known that large amount of metallothionein induction mulate high levels of heavy metals in their body (Heath,
occurs in liver tissue of fishes. The adsorption of metals 1987; Roesijadi and Robinson, 1994).
on to gill surface could also be an important influence in This study mainly aimed to investigate relationships
total metal levels of the gill (Heath, 1987; Canli and between heavy metal concentrations in a tissue and fish
Furness, 1993a,b; Roesijadi and Robinson, 1994). length and weight. Results showed that there were
Concentrations of heavy metals in tissues of fishes negative relationships between fish sizes and metal levels
from different regions also showed great variations. in most cases. The data showed that the positive rela-
Metal concentrations of the tissues in the present tionships were found only between zinc and lead levels
study were higher than in fish caught from oceans or in the gill of M. cephalus and size. The results of com-
seas that were not highly contaminated (Medina et al., parisons between metal concentrations and the two size
1986; Serra et al., 1993; Doganoc, 1995; Quazi et al., parameters showed the same trend in all fish species
1995). However, studies from Turkish waters also except a few cases (Tables 3–8).
showed high concentrations in tissues of fishes (Uysal The negative relationships between heavy metal levels
and Tuncer, 1982; Gey, 1985; Kalay et al., 1999). The in the tissues and fish sizes were generally supported in
liver of M. cephalus showed enormously high (203 mg/g) the literature. Nussey et al. (2000) showed that accu-
copper concentrations. This value is much higher when mulation of metals (Cr, Mn, Ni, and Pb) decreased with
compared to copper concentrations in the liver of the an increase in the length of fish Labeo umbratus. Metal
other five fish species. High copper concentrations of M. (Zn, Cu and Mn) accumulation in tissues of fish
cephalus were also found in previous studies (Medina et (Lethrinidae) captured from the Arabian Gulf was
al., 1986; Kalay et al., 1999) and this was related to its affected by the sex (Al-Yousuf et al., 2000). They found
M. Canli, G. Atli / Environmental Pollution 121 (2003) 129–136 135

that the average metal concentrations in tissues of be affected by the presence of heavy metals in water and
female fish were higher than those in male fish, indicat- especially the early life stages such as hatching time,
ing the differences in metabolic activities of the two larval development and juvenile growth as they are
sexes. Widianarko et al. (2000) investigated the rela- more sensitive than the mature stages. Although both
tionship between metal (Pb, Zn, Cu) concentration and essential and non-essential metals may retard fish
fish (Poecilia reticulata) size and found that there was a development, some metals like mercury seems to be
significant decline in lead concentrations with the more effective than the others. For example, Friedmann
increase in size, whereas concentrations of copper and et al. (1996) showed that even low levels of dietary
zinc did not depend on body weight. They indicated mercury inhibited growth of juvenile walleye Stizostedion
that body concentrations of copper and zinc are regu- vitreum. Weis and Weis (1989) also indicated that both
lated and maintained at a certain concentration. Liang essential and non-essential metals could alter embryonic
et al. (1999) studied metal (Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni) development of fish embryos causing retardation of nor-
concentrations in various polycultured fish species and mal development, disability of organs or mortality.
found that metals in fish viscera were negatively corre- Studies on fish development are generally carried out in
lated (except Zn in viscera of common carp). It has been laboratory conditions with excess levels of metal expo-
suggested that metal metabolism in fish played an sures. However, fish growth and its relationship with
important role in metal accumulation in fish viscera. metal concentration in the aquatic environment should
Similarly, cadmium levels in stone loach (Noemacheilus also be monitored occasionally in the field to better
barbatulus) were found to be reached to a steady state in understand the effects of metals on fish development and
fish of 2 years old or more, but not younger fish, the current situation of population dynamics.
whereas there was no relationship with fish size and lead
concentrations (Douben, 1989).
It is well known that one of the most important fac- Acknowledgements
tors that play a significant role in heavy metal accumu-
lation in marine animals is the metabolic activity This study was supported (FEF.2000.22) by the
(Heath, 1987; Langston, 1990; Roesijadi and Robinson, Research Fund of Çukurova University (Turkey).
1994). It is also known that the metabolic activity of a
young individual is normally higher than that of an
older individual. Thus, metal accumulation was shown References
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