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Hannah Ritsch Personal Statement-Edited to Omit Specific Program

I want to be a dietitian because of the focus on preventative health and the many different roles
a dietitian can play. I transferred from UW-Lacrosse to UW-Stout after my freshman year of college.
Changing from a pre-medicine track to a dietetics track. I had an ah-ha moment after shadowing many
medical doctors. I discovered I was interested in the counseling that occurred inside a clinic and the
lifestyle changes that clients can take to better their health rather than the many available medications
and surgeries. I appreciate that as a registered dietitian I will be able to use my skills in a clinical,
community, or foodservice setting. Having the freedom to explore many different areas of the profession
is something that drew me to dietetics.

One of the traits that has fueled my success is my ability to embrace a challenge. Transferring
schools can be a challenge. However, I joined the Stout Student Dietetics Association my first semester
and developed friendships and a professional network that will follow me throughout my career. I also
worked collaboratively with my DPD director to build a course sequence plan. This planning and
researching of course offerings is allowing me to graduate in four years and with honors. This initiative
and collaboration with those around me, to fuel all of our success, is the reason I know I would
successfully complete a dietetic internship

Last spring I shadowed an outpatient dietitian two days a week. One opportunity I embraced
during my time there was preparing for clients coming in the following day. The dietitian would say,
“okay we have a gastroparesis patient Thursday”. It was my project to go home and research the disease
state and different diet suggestions that could be made for the client, such as using liquid meals, and
bring these ideas to the appointment. I also had the opportunity to provide counseling and education on
carbohydrate counting to Type 2 diabetes patients. It was nerve racking to put myself in that professional
role. But I am so grateful that my field experience preceptor allowed me this opportunity. It gave me
confidence interacting with clients from all backgrounds. It also taught me that it is impossible to
prepare for every question a practitioner may be asked. By having a depth of knowledge and
experience I was able to think on my feet and respond appropriately.

My ability and desire to work hard and embrace challenges is helped by my organizational skills
and leadership. I have always been able to prioritize. This is demonstrated by my ability to maintain a 4.0
grade point average, complete 320 hours of field experience, maintain an office job, and participate in
the Stout Student Dietetic Association as a blog editor. My leadership skills were tested when I worked as
a dietetic team intern the past two summers at Camp Wabi, a wellness camp for overweight and obese
youth. I was responsible for teaching a cooking lesson on making homemade pizzas. My organizational
and leadership skills are my biggest strengths. Because I am highly organized and live by the schedule in
my daily planner, an abrupt change is sometimes difficult for me. I know that recognizing this weakness
and adapting helps my counseling skills and interactions with other clients and professionals. It is
important that we all practice adaptability so that we can encourage good team work.

. I completed the majority of my field experience through the Mayo Clinic Health System, both in
their outpatient dietetics, and their community work with Camp Wabi. I learned the benefit of having a
large health care system that works in multiple areas, and have seen the collaboration that occurs
through all departments. I look forward to experiencing this again in my internship and learning from
many professionals in different specialties that all utilize the same health care system.
The year of the dietetic internship is one of the most challenging. The unique opportunities this
internship offers, will provide learning experiences not offered through other internships. The fast paced
world of clinical dietetics is a perfect fit for my personality and work ethic. I also value the relationships
clinical dietitians have with other health professionals, this collaboration in health care is what inspires
me most and getting to work as part of an interdisciplinary team will further my learning in ways I have
not experienced in school.

My dedication and experience will be recognized this spring when I achieve my short term goal
of graduating with honors and obtaining a dietetic internship. In the next year, I hope to devote more
time to volunteering with community focused organizations. That focus on helping individuals in our own
back yard. I also will determine which area of dietetics I want to start my career as a registered dietitian
in, the preceptors and rotations throughout the internship will allow me to find my perfect fit. Gaining a
variety of experiences will allow me to one day complete my long term goal of owning my own
nutritional counseling business, where I can provide tailored counseling with a focus on preventative
health and a healthy lifestyle.

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